1. #20401
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    that's the corrupt kael, we saved kael and he has blue eyes
    And this is the one I'm talking about? So what's your point exactly?

  2. #20402
    Quote Originally Posted by FossilFree View Post
    And this is the one I'm talking about? So what's your point exactly?
    after we help kael free himself from corruption he has a new look with blue eyes

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Vaedan View Post
    Interesting find. I find it unlikely Kael will identify himself as high elf, since it was him who set up the path of sin'dorei.

    Blue eyes could also mean death related powers. Death knights also have blue eyes...
    he can simply have blue eyes indicating that they are his natural eye color without the influence of any kind of magic

  3. #20403
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    he can simply have blue eyes indicating that they are his natural eye color without the influence of any kind of magic
    Yes, it is of course possible, but it's kind of hard to define what's natural eye color of an elf, since they always have their eyes affected by magic source they draw their power from. It's still beta, so it may not be even his final version, so let's wait.

    My guess is that this color have something to do with death magic which is soaked all over shadowlands. Ysera also got new eyes in Ardenweald.

    Either way, I don't think Kael's eye color will be of any importance for his future story.

  4. #20404
    Bloodsail Admiral Aldo Hawk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vaedan View Post
    Yes, it is of course possible, but it's kind of hard to define what's natural eye color of an elf, since they always have their eyes affected by magic source they draw their power from. It's still beta, so it may not be even his final version, so let's wait.

    My guess is that this color have something to do with death magic which is soaked all over shadowlands. Ysera also got new eyes in Ardenweald.

    Either way, I don't think Kael's eye color will be of any importance for his future story.
    I had the theory of blue being the natural color from quite some time, and the things that made me believe that are that when Blood elves were made playable, the high elves were added with blue eyes, and there was not a direct quote I were able to take from anywhere that said the blue color was there because of arcane magic, and in Vanilla/Classic, before the introduction of Blood elves, the eyes Thalassians had was normal human like eyes. On the other hand, we know very well from various sources that the green eyes were due to the effects of fel radiation, and the golden ones are there for light worshippers who draw the light from the Sunwell as some sort of belief system.

    But I see a problem with Kael'thas' photo and is that he looks like an undead, or, by default, he has been changed, so... I would not take his appearance as some kind of reliable source of 'unbuilt' or 'deconstructed' Thalassian appearance or whatever is implied.

  5. #20405
    Quote Originally Posted by Vaedan View Post
    Yes, it is of course possible, but it's kind of hard to define what's natural eye color of an elf, since they always have their eyes affected by magic source they draw their power from. It's still beta, so it may not be even his final version, so let's wait.

    My guess is that this color have something to do with death magic which is soaked all over shadowlands. Ysera also got new eyes in Ardenweald.

    Either way, I don't think Kael's eye color will be of any importance for his future story.
    I just replied to FossilFree he said that red eye color meant something different from just kael's corruption at the beginning of his story in shadowlands, after we saved kael he stops having corrupt red eyes and has blue eyes

  6. #20406
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    I just replied to FossilFree he said that red eye color meant something different from just kael's corruption at the beginning of his story in shadowlands, after we saved kael he stops having corrupt red eyes and has blue eyes
    Well, yes, your observations are pretty clear. I just wonder if that will have any meaning, but I doubt that.

    I'm pretty curious on Kael's story, he was definitely one of my favorite characters and I was really disappointed in his development in TBC.

  7. #20407
    Brewmaster Isilrien's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aldo Hawk View Post
    ...and in Vanilla/Classic, before the introduction of Blood elves, the eyes Thalassians had was normal human like eyes. ...
    How have High Elf eyes ever been human-like? They do not have black pupils, either in Classic or now.

  8. #20408
    Quote Originally Posted by Isilrien View Post
    How have High Elf eyes ever been human-like? They do not have black pupils, either in Classic or now.

  9. #20409
    Brewmaster Isilrien's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post

  10. #20410
    Quote Originally Posted by Runicknight View Post
    San'layn Blue Eyes actually. In fact once you as a Blood Elf Die. You get Undead Eye Colors. Since Blue Eyes is coming. You can be a San'layn now.
    I remember that a blood prince explained to me that undeath worked differently between a DK and he

  11. #20411
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    I'm bringing this up again because you and the original poster that I responded to never offered an answer. The elf in this picture does not have black pupils, and no high elf has ever had "humanlike eyes" with black pupils. They did not glow, but they are certainly not humanlike. If you'd like to see what I mean in case you didn't play during classic, this particular model appears at about 1:49 and again at 4:10: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1eI5l0nd38 (the video shows all high elven NPCs in classic).

  12. #20412
    I am Murloc! FlubberPuddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Isilrien View Post
    Seems like they went for 'anime like' eyes.

    That is, wherein the pupil portion is just a darkened color of the overall eye color.

    I think what the others mean when they say 'human like' is that the eyes aren't like those of a Draenei/Blood Elf/Night Elf/Nightborne where you see no distinct areas for an iris and pupil - it's just one solid color.

    Whether Classic demonstrated this well or not, at this point it doesn't really matter since the BFA Sylvanas flashback shows when High Elves were simply "High Elves" they had definitively human eyes.

  13. #20413
    Brewmaster Isilrien's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geisl View Post
    Seems like they went for 'anime like' eyes.

    That is, wherein the pupil portion is just a darkened color of the overall eye color.

    I think what the others mean when they say 'human like' is that the eyes aren't like those of a Draenei/Blood Elf/Night Elf/Nightborne where you see no distinct areas for an iris and pupil - it's just one solid color.

    Whether Classic demonstrated this well or not, at this point it doesn't really matter since the BFA Sylvanas flashback shows when High Elves were simply "High Elves" they had definitively human eyes.
    Fair enough. If you watch the video, you can see that their eyes were not like anime eyes. There are no pupils at all, although there is an iris and a white sclera. Even the blue eyes of the newer high elf model does not have a black pupil, so I think the animated short was artistic choice and not necessarily because Classic was unable to show that they had eyes like humans with black pupils.

  14. #20414

    That's all for the moment...
    Hopefully the wait won't be too long for the new customization options for Allied Races.

    I feel like the blood elves and the worgen are really the losers.

  15. #20415

    PTR up, so changed my Mage into this look! Shadowlands going to be niice.
    World of Warcraft stuff

  16. #20416
    Small character customization update:

    Dwarves got beards and mustaches split in this build! This small change to dwarven facial hair means they got their beard/mustache combinations up from 11 to 110 without a single new asset being added! I hope they do it too for dark iron dwarves, it would raise their facial hair from 7 options to 49 combinations.

  17. #20417
    Quote Originally Posted by Frenchvince View Post

    That's all for the moment...
    Hopefully the wait won't be too long for the new customization options for Allied Races.

    I feel like the blood elves and the worgen are really the losers.
    it's surprising how blood elves only have three hairstyles and three beards

  18. #20418
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    it's surprising how blood elves only have three hairstyles and three beards
    They didn't get much but they got pretty good stuff. The new hairstyles and eye color customizations are pretty good. Will be editing my live one for sure.

    Void elves look good with the new eye colors and skin colors too. Just wish they added the Alleria light blond to it too. Definitely sad to not see new hairstyles for them as well. When i look at Alleria i do wish they had some tattoo options too, to counter balance the jewelry for blood elves.

    Also, dunno what they did with the belf eyes, but the golden eyes look a bit less impressive now, while the green hues look better, imo.
    Last edited by Swnem; 2020-08-12 at 03:10 AM.

  19. #20419
    Quote Originally Posted by Swnem View Post
    They didn't get much but they got pretty good stuff. The new hairstyles and eye color customizations are pretty good. Will be editing my live one for sure.

    Void elves look good with the new eye colors and skin colors too. Just wish they added the Alleria light blond to it too. Definitely sad to not see new hairstyles for them as well. When i look at Alleria i do wish they had some tattoo options too, to counter balance the jewelry for blood elves.

    Also, dunno what they did with the belf eyes, but the golden eyes look a bit less impressive now, while the green hues look better, imo.
    you realize that the only unique options are 3 hairstyles and three beards! Everything else that you name is held by the void elves. I hope at least they give us light tattoos because surely if they give us more options they will be shared with the void elves as well, unless they are light options.

  20. #20420
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    you realize that the only unique options are 3 hairstyles and three beards! Everything else that you name is held by the void elves. I hope at least they give us light tattoos because surely if they give us more options they will be shared with the void elves as well, unless they are light options.
    Seems like jewelry is a female only thing and both have it. My bad.

    I found some short hair styles for male belves i thought were new. I created mine in TBC, so maybe i just missed it when they got added.

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