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I mean you're kinda asking for what *you personally" would like. It's not a bad thing, but I am going for it on a more neutral way, what makes more holistic sense based on what's already there.
Hence the Highvale-Wildhammer connection. The whole point is to build from what already exists. It's easier to implement, it's already set up, it's more efficient, it builds from the lore rather than from scratch, and sorry to say, it's the whole point of the issue when we are talking about High Elves, the redheaded stepchild of Alliance races.
I agree, you are asking way too much of Blizzard regarding High Elves, when they have shown how little they care to delve on then, so "So you can play a Void Elf that can look like a High Elf" So if Void Elves get "shamanism" through Tidesages -and since they are a race that WOULD get more expanded upon, lord know the VE need depth- they could easily throw in a reference/NPC of Highvale Elves learning shamanism from the Wildhammer since they have been such close allies, for such a long time.
It adds flavor, texture, and it doesn't require too much effort from the devs. That's my approach on this.
- - - Updated - - -
My approach is simply "Let's give Void Elves something that makes them unique that separate them from other Elves" and "How can that double as High Elf fantasy" and of course "what takes less effort/time for the devs" Because we all know High Elves only get love Kernels.
Hence Shaman:
-No Other Elves can be shaman
-It adds a lot of depth to Void Elven lore as elementalists -specially since they are a band of scholars- plus the Tidesage connection to the Void. I have already say how they could it be simply a Shaman analogue -Elementalist- or even closer to the idea of Shamanism, but Void tainted -as seen through many NPC's- but more willing, like say, Void Elves making contracts with surviving elemental entities from Void collapsed world, the spiritual connection of shaman existing instead through void entitities, etc.
-It also doubles down as High Elf lore, like Highvale learning Shamanism from the Wildhammer.
As I have said, My personal choice for VE would be... paladin, yeh, I do really want a HE paladin. But my point here is I do think Shaman would offer the most to VE -and HE tangentially- as a whole, despite my personal wishes. It would be the most intriguing option both lorewise and class/race combo wise, and easily made to also fit High Elven fantasy.