Enjoy your High Elves...
If you're Horde of course. AHAHAHA!
EDIT: How is that trolling? I'm literally telling the truth. oml
Last edited by TheFirstOnes; 2020-09-01 at 03:37 PM.
The Alliance gets the Horde's most popular race. The Horde should get the Alliance's most popular race in return. Alteraci Humans for the Horde!
I make Warcraft 3 Reforged HD custom models and I'm also an HD model reviewer.
The Alliance gets the Horde's most popular race. The Horde should get the Alliance's most popular race in return. Alteraci Humans for the Horde!
I make Warcraft 3 Reforged HD custom models and I'm also an HD model reviewer.
I'm enjoying my Alliance High Elves on the PTR and eventually on live once pre-patch hits ^_^
And remember, as Ion Hazsikostas said here:
Blood Elves are pretty much High Elves... Void Elves are also pretty much another flavor of High Elves
It isn't actually, we're still in beta, and just because of this it's something they can alter.
I don't think i'm wrong to say all the high elf crowd and more would be happy with 1 to 3 of the blood elf skin tones (my recommendation is a pale, medium and tanned hue), not the whole colour scheme.
It would be weird if blood/high elf skin tones were more than the unique void elf variations. And if it can be done to skin colour, you can do the same for hair. Don't need all the blood elf hair colours, and non would admittedly be weird, so again 2-3 only, maybe 2 blonde shades and a brown, or 1 blonde, 1 reddish/orange and 1 brown. Then add a lot more hair colour options to void elves like pure silver white/ pitch black, and more purple/blue /nexus like colours + effects
THe idea is while you have options for original high/blood elf tones, they're much more limited compared to what you get with blood elves
blood elves don't have a fel theme! They only used crystals to rebuild their city and after recovering the sunwell they replaced them with mana crystals! the theme of the blood elves is that of redemption is that of light! it is more I would love to see the naaru kiru in silvermoon! the void elves have void the blood elves must have light!
I'm sorry but I think you're wrong here. I believe it is too late simply due to the backlash Blizzard would receive if they walked back on what was told was coming. And make no mistake, there would be significant backlash... kinda like when Maxwell told Fran he loved her and then took it back (<3 The Nanny). It really is too late to take it back at this point, especially since it's been on the ptr for some time now, players have been playing with them, and work has (hopefully) already been started on adding the void elf underwear.
Blizzard is also pushing diversity options. Taking those options away runs contrary to what Blizzard seems to be shooting for.
As for hair colors, nothing has been announced yet so Blizzard can do whatever they like. But once they say "here's the coming Void Elf hair colors and styles" people are going to take that as a "promise" and won't react well to any of those being walked back.
Last edited by Kyriani; 2020-09-01 at 04:45 PM.
Honestly, i'm confused about what they are supposed to be.
They were introduced as Fel elves. They were forceful. They syphoned the light forcibly from a naaru and we can see them killing other life forms to extract their mana in the TBC cinematic. They tapped into fel magics, and thus the green eyes. That was their shtick and to justify them being on the horde.
Since the restoration of the Sunwell, it became nebulous. They become less "feral" and went back to being sunwell oriented, wich is opposite to what they were made as. The theme was diluted.
I'm just proposing some diferentiation by focusing on what made them unique.
Last edited by Swnem; 2020-09-01 at 05:26 PM.
The Warcraft Encyclopedia
the prince's relatively quick acceptance of dire measures (e.g., draining magic from demons) is by no means characteristic of blood elves in general. The blood elves of Outland have by now discovered Kael'thas' agreement with Illidan, and they have for the most part become convinced of its necessity. Most blood elves still live on Azeroth, though. Few of these elves know of Kael'thas' pact with Illidan, and many would be horrified if they discovered it. Draining magic from small mana-bearing vermin is a far cry from draining magic from demons
playable blood elves are not the same ones that serve the legion.
Lady liadrin learned that what they did to the naaru was a bad thing and that their path was now tied to the light!
I think blood elves should have things like this
I don’t get it. I just see a blood elf and a waste of effort because you can get the exact same thing on the horde already.
That holds no interest whatsoever for me. At least the regular void elf offers something different. To me that’s more interesting.
But because of the popularity of the high elf and the lore traditions, I can understand how this would excite some of you.
Trust me, if you played horde or just gave horde a chance, you’d feel no need for the high elf.
But maybe it’s the horde you really hate, not the Thalassian, and being on the alliance makes all the difference.
Which is why I think blizz should really reasses elves and the roles they play in the faction narrative. They really should be a pseudo faction of their own operating in the two faction system but having their own plots that weave into the faction narrative and are as powerful and well visited
Last edited by Beloren; 2020-09-01 at 05:39 PM.
I don’t believe there would be backlash, what you high elders really want is a normal Thalassian skin tone and hair colour.
I think you would be happy with 3 variations of pale peachy skin rather than 20, especially if it also nets you three traditional lighter belf hair colour options.
But maybe that’s just me gushing the high elf community wrongly.
Yeah, it isn't hard coded in live yet but removing customization options even on beta is a difficult thing to do because of backlash. They only have weeks at this point before they go live with the prepatch as well. It is highly improbable for them to have a sudden change of heart.
We don't have to trade skin colors to get hair colors. There's no reason for it. More hair colors will likely come with the allied race customization pass.
And I can tell you there'd be at least one person giving Blizzard hell if they took back any of the skin tones on the ptr currently... ME. And I am fairly confident that I am not alone. Fortunately I don't see it happenings so I am not concerned.