Last edited by Varodoc; 2020-09-03 at 10:12 PM.
Yeh. I don’t think they should get green eyes. Let’s just believe all the blood elves that came over turned into racial void elves and the only normal Thalassians are the high elves that came after.
Presumably no more blood elves have come after the opening events. The ones you see in the Telogrus rift are the last of the blood elves that switched sides hence why you can’t play them.
I don’t mind the sound of that. Racial void elves are former blood elves and the rest are high elves.
Alliance are either void elves or high elves. Horde are either blood elves or high elves. High elves is common to both, but void is exclusive to alliance and blood to horde.
The Alliance gets the Horde's most popular race. The Horde should get the Alliance's most popular race in return. Alteraci Humans for the Horde!
I make Warcraft 3 Reforged HD custom models and I'm also an HD model reviewer.
It depends on what you mean by "totally folded into the void elves". If you mean "all alliance high elves now study the void and have void powers" then no I would not advocate for that. If you mean "they don't all study the void but since they have rallied under Alleria's banner they consider themselves members of the Ren'dorei now" then I'm not sure. Without some sort of catalyst to bring them all together, I'm not sure that all or even most Alliance Allied High Elves would forsake the name Quel'dorei.
As much as I wanted a playable Alliance High Elf with no strings attached, it seems Blizzard has pushed focus away from Allied Races and more towards racial customization and already intends for us to make our Alliance High Elves through Void Elves. In this case I think the best case scenario is that the lore begins to reflect a close association betwixt The Ren'dorei and the Silver Covenant (the only real Quel'dorei military faction that I'm aware of). This would help flesh out Void Elf lore further and lend support to the idea that some High Elves now study the void under Alleria (in additional to the High Elf Wayfarer and Silvermoon Scholar npc's we see in Telogrus).
The really important thing to me is that we see some lore elements in game that actually point this out. I'd like to see those High Elf wayfarers having dialogue that says why they are joining the Void Elves. I'd also like to see a more in depth explanation as to how they are acquiring their powers, even if its just a short blurb that says Alleria and Locus Walker are holding Void 101 classes Tuesdays and Fridays from 3pm-5pm :P
Last edited by Kyriani; 2020-09-04 at 12:23 PM.
well yes, the Alteraci I want is a rogue human kingdom that hates the Alliance so much, probably higher degree to the Blood Elves whose pleas for help against the Scourge was ignored by the Alliance for 5 years and only received that (asspull) Night Elf sabotage
and yeah, now that the Alliance got their fantasy elves - I really feel that I also deserve to have the rugged bandit kingdom in the Horde; after all bandit models in Reforged scream Horde as well
The Alliance gets the Horde's most popular race. The Horde should get the Alliance's most popular race in return. Alteraci Humans for the Horde!
I make Warcraft 3 Reforged HD custom models and I'm also an HD model reviewer.
Yeh, they need that.
Imo, what they need is several high elf options
1. high elves who are actually studying the void, interested, but like Alleria and all others who ewerne't involved in teh original incident with Umbric, maintain their high elven appearance
2. High elves who have rallied to Alleria's cause/banner as high elves partnering with the ren'dorei as high elves, not void elves - they don't study the void, but they work well with those who do. These ones can involve Paladins and others,
3. Lightforged high elves - also involved with Alleria, but partnering under Turalyon as lightforged high elves, basically golden eyes.
I think the Blood Elves have laid claim to the "light" themed Thalassians, so I doubt Blizz would consider a Lightforged High Elf option for the Alliance. Not that I'd object to it mind you, I'm personally of the opinion that more options are better no matter what. But I try to be realistic as well.
At best I think we could see the Ren'dorei and Quel'dorei from the Silver Covenant working together. Even if only a single "Silver Covenant Liason" NPC is added to Telogrus to imply the connection, that would be something. Having transformed void elf npcs and non-transformed new recruit npcs having some banter discussing what happened to Umbric's group would be awesome but probably too much to hope for from Blizzard to devout to a single allied race (even if its the only allied race that desperately needs background development).
Unless Blizzard decides to go the route they went with alternate types of Druids (Zandalari Loa Druids, Kul Tiran Drust Druids), I don't think we'll see Void Elf Paladins (which is disappointing if only because I think a Paladin with all void-colored spell effects would look amazing!). I'd also expect that non-void-studying Alliance High Elves will remain the in the realm of NPC's, and I am ok with that. I'd just like some in game acknowledgement and lore to flesh out the Void Elf background and how Alliance High Elves fit into that background now.
Last edited by Kyriani; 2020-09-04 at 03:57 PM.
Really, the should. Especially for paladins.
Void Paladins
Night warrior Paladins
Blood paladins
They can also do things like:
Light damage spec skin for shadow for Lightforged blood elves and Draenei
Void healing spec for void elves, forsaken and Mag'har
Star damage speck skin for shadow for Moon Priestesses - night elf and nightborne
Things like that would be great.
I'd be totally down with void themed paladins and expanding the paladin class to fit more racial themes. I don't think paladins are all that integral to high elves though so I'm not sour about losing those, I really like it being the blood elves thing seeing as they were personally reborn in the light and have that whole redemptive story going for them.
I agree on that too, but mainly because the Blood elf is the wider race, it's the main branch of the Thalassians, we should expect more on there, while the void elves is like the void version, sure you can have high elf paladins, but they'd on't need to be a unique identity think, they could be basically human paladins who are just high elves, they don't need glowy golden eyes, just normal eyes. that could be another distinguishing factor.
Void elves have an element all thier own, but they are smaller part of the larger Thalassian narrative which is primarily blood elven. Not to say the high/void elf role can't grow, afterall if you view it as the same race on two factions, then more exposure on either side is more lore on the same race.
Rather than it being about more, maybe it should be about focus. Blood elves have an arcane focus with a more fel, undead, and light branching focus in a new way, Void elves have the arcane focus but with void, shadow weaving in. Almost like an inverse
the only "light forged" Elves the Alliance deserves are the Eluneforged Priestesses of the Moon
The Alliance gets the Horde's most popular race. The Horde should get the Alliance's most popular race in return. Alteraci Humans for the Horde!
I make Warcraft 3 Reforged HD custom models and I'm also an HD model reviewer.
@MyWholeLifeIsThunder Oh hey Tal! Remember before you said you couldn't try the new human male and female hairstyles on the void elf model due to not being in beta? Well they are on the PTR now! So is it possible to work your magic in that regard at this time? And with Kul Tiran hair textures for good measure?
True yup, don't understand how come Blizzard is so stringent on the number of Paladins on Alliance side but so many Shaman options available on Horde side.
Give BEs Druids if it's to exchange 'a unique elf class combo for another', I don't mind. I believe even the newest CM at Blizzard wants Blood Elven Druids lol.
Same with druids. Who in Warcraft are an elven thing from an alliance race. Yet so restricted.
they should Have made special effort for void elves to have druids.
Imo, the Emerald dream needs void protection, and void elf botanists are very interested in studying the void and it’s effect on nature in an effort to protect the world.
they are also curious about emerald dream and because nature needs this protection badly we get void elf and high elf druids. Including cool void coloured Druid form.
- - - Updated - - -
Possible goals could include:
1. ways to prevent void corruption of nature
2. better and safer ways to remove void corrruptuonnin nature.
3. stabilising void entangled nature so it is stable and not dangerous while:
a) finding ways harness void strengthened nature
b) develop new positive effects and benefits both for offensive and restorative purposes.
c) making sure void infused life doesn’t have to be the end of those that can’t be cleansed.
d) ensure sufficient containment of any that can’t be properly controlled and finding new ways to control
e) achieve a symbiosis in void fused life that can work.
to be honest it could open up a whole branch that can marry the two and provide some interesting void elf and Druid lore too. Not to mention void elf night elf relationship via the druids and not just Highborne and priestesses of the night warrior ritual which would also greatly interest the void elves.