Not High Elf news, but seems all the DK hair colors will be freed to all classes! That's just awesome for more options all around, and it interestingly also overlaps more the options between BE and VE, with shades of blue now available to both not only as DK's.
TBH, if I didn't enjoy autumnal aesthetics so much on Blood Elves, I might use blue/silver hair on one of mine.
Indeed, but so far nothing on that, just that BE DK hairs are now available to all classes. Just pointing out there's no a bigger overlap of blue-ish hair in VE/BE.
But I do think that lifting such hair color restrictions for all races bids well to what options we will get when AR get updated.
Where exactly did you see this is for sure happening? Last I saw was players lamenting that they took DK hair colors away from non-DK Night Elves. I mean, I hope you're right, I really do, I just want to see where you saw this is actually going to happen (was it a twitter post or something?).
That's so cool, a sharing of hair colors between blood elves / void elves now please Blizz !![]()
For 3 years I have fought so that void elves could have pink skin tones like Alleria. Now I shall fight so that void elves can have blonde hair options like Alleria. The fight to look like Alleria will never end. We are going after the braids once the blonde hair is available.
French with the link!
I had seen Ion's tweet about it myself but didn't hunt it down to source it; figured it was going to spread since since it came from himself, and here it is!
But yeh, the loosening of aesthetic restrictions is just great, and makes me hopeful for the options AR will get when it comes to them.
Honestly I think we will get lot of hair color options with them overall.
- - - Updated - - -
It's just kinda silly when you can't replicate the fantasy of your faction leader; that was always a huge issue with Sylvanas, and then they went and did it again with her sister Alleria, lol.
So yeah, I do hope we are allowed to get closer to her look soon, and specially, to see her ranger aesthetics adapted to a Void Elf sensibility -or just as, since it still remains an aspect of Thalassian culture barely touched upon- Would be amazing to see more braided hairstyles, tattoos and feather decorations, but imagine so with a void twist -braids with tentacles, void-feathers and shimmering purple to blue tattoos for example-
Awesome TY! Glad to hear that these options will be available regardless of class!
Now just give DKs two more eye color options, bloody red and unholy green, which get distributed to all the other classes too.
I think dark rangers should have some decay visible. Perhaps they could update the old dark ranger models to have exposed bones, etc.
Appreciate your time with friends and family while they're here. Don't wait until they're gone to tell them what they mean to you.
On one hand I don't think hairstyle exclusivity matters much when several races share a lot of hairstyles, but also don't see as a necessity to have BE hairstyles; I also think it is the sort of thing that actually can help solidify a new identity through aesthetics, such as how Alleria looks different from Blood Elves because of her retro-aesthetics -hairstyle, tattoos and decorative feathers)
And perfection would be how Void Elves adopt that aesthetic, in a way that also serves as a High Elf one through options -much like how you can get a Highborne aesthetic on Night Elves with certain choices- Regardless, I do think it would be good for Void Elves to take more of their aesthetics from Alleria, because beside Blood Elven background, that's like the only role model they have to emulate in universe -It's still kinda weird that VE aesthetics, the few we have of them, seems so based on ethereal stuff when there's more of an implication of connection rather than a direct link; like it would have made a lot more sense for Void Elves to base their aesthetics on Alleria on the first place since she saved them-
Overall, I am excited about the possibilities; more Alleria inspired aesthetics can give us that High Elf feel in a way that also makes sense for Void Elves, while VE's can outright also push more into Void territory.
Some mock ups of more HE looks without changing the hairstyle