Wait, void elves are getting light blue hair? I’ll have to grind Dragonwrath out so my elf can turn into a blue dragon!
Wait, void elves are getting light blue hair? I’ll have to grind Dragonwrath out so my elf can turn into a blue dragon!
That's true, but he also lets it be known that there's a lot of people giving feedback on Void Elf options.
This is good because it shows the popularity Void Elves continue as an Allied Race, and we already have admittance from another Blizzard employee that the more popular races get more options
So it looks good for when it comes time for proper Allied Race increased customizations, particularly so for Void Elves! Just like how Blood Elves, and Humans, and Night Elves got many options. BE players are just complaining they didn't get certain specific options, but they still received a lot of options compared to most other races.
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I agree with this, it's not like if there's no Paladin option then it's not a High Elf. That'd be ridiculous for anyone to suggest (as some have in the past).
It'd just be a really cool option, that I argue has precedent albeit not much.
But yeah while a High Elf Paladin would be cool, it's not the make or break it for whether a particular race option is a High Elf. Customization looks confirm that far more immensely.
I'd argue the make or break it classes for High Elves were always Mages, Hunters, and Priests. And thankfully VEs have access to all those and more.
I mean it's good to get acknowledgement the feedback is being read, I'll agree with that. And I don't wanna be negative so we will leave it at that. XD
Still, with what we have seen across the board when it comes to expanded customization, I am hopeful we will get good things for AR's when it's their turn.
Either that, or a complete paradigm shift of what AR even are. Either one works for me.
Yesssss, this is amazing, really dang amazing!! Can't wait to see even more looks for the High Elves of the Alliance
Still want those more regular hair colors ofc (black/white/blonde/brown etc). But people can definitely make non-tentacle-y, non-void-y looking Alliance High Elves through Shadowlands launch VE options.
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I am confident this is the long game, the very long game . Given that a Blizzard Dev said (Ely Canon I think) they have opened up the opportunity to do heritage style quests for all the new increased customization options. For example, one day there'll probably a quest to explain more what it's like to be a Wildhammer Dwarf or something of the sort!
Indeed; while I so support far less class/race restrictions, I also understand some classes are iconic and necessary to certain groups, while other would be cool, but are not a requisite to fulfill their established fantasy. Mage, Hunters and Priests were the meat of the HE fantasy we could agree on from canon, to put Paladins in that same category is simply inaccurate; a cool concept, but ostensibly based on fanon and personal appeal.
But again, if there were VE paladins, you damn right I'd have one! -even tho when in terms of what's more interesting, I'd still say VE/HE shaman-
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Indeed, that's just a very cool way they can expand the concept of Heritage armor within the already established parameters of race; as you can choose your appearance, you can also choose and experience the story of the background behind it; So it's like instead of getting recolors of each Maghar clan, you'd get different quests for different clans. This just opens a lot of possibilities across the board.
Not only it gives us a personalized aesthetic (Such as Wildhammer Dwarf) but it also frames that within a questchain that gives us that background, and their place in the current world. Would be pretty sweet if someday we get a Heritage of the Quel'dorei questline on our Void Elves, where we get to see the aspect of those High Elves that ramained on the alliance and ultimately joined the Void Elves -Serves to contextualize HE options within VE's, while also allowing us to represent that High Elf fantasy we want-
I seriously do not believe that. Void Elves just aren't like High Elves, and the demand will still be there. If anything it makes it more likely, because now that we already have the Blood Elf model, on the Alliance side, it's less of a big deal to give us real High Elves. Because the one point people raised prior to Void Elves was "they're not gonna give the same race to both factions". But they did give a Night Elf variant to the Horde and a Blood Elf variant to the Alliance. So that barrier has been broken down. The rest is a formality. It all depends on how much demand there is for it. The reason we got so far with Void Elves and blue eyes is because you people demanded it. If you keep demanding real High Elves, they will give in eventually, even if it takes another 15 years.
If I play a Void Elf, I want it to be a Void Elf. Pretending a Void Elf with blue eyes or even blonde hair is a High Elf is not doing it for me. My character window will still say Void Elf. My racial is still a void portal. My home is still a void rift. My leader is still a Void Elf (that they have completely ruined lore wise). My mount is still a void chicken and my heritage armor is still all purple. It's just never gonna be enough.
Last edited by kflay; 2020-09-28 at 07:06 AM.
As much as I'd love to see proper High Elf allied race, I think odds are pretty low to make it happen now. If we get more void/old god themed customizations for void elves to separate them from high elves, there might be a chance for high elves. The notion seems to be opposite - Blizz seems to be more interested in adding high elf options to void elves to provide us option to play Alliance high elf. I don't really think there will be a need for high elf allied race while void elves have high elf customizations. Alliance would have two allied races with extremely similar aestetics, basically wasting 2 allied race slots for one race fantasy.
I know this will not please everyone and there will be people still requesting proper high elves, but I suspect most people will eventually go along customized void elf.
We don't know what we may expect from customizations in the future. There were actually strings for Entropic Embrace customizations, so one day we may see possibility change visuals of our racials too. In that case, void elves will hopefully get non voidy versions of their racials. The same goes for heritage armor - there are hints Blizz is working on heritage armors for subraces, Wildhammer dwarves were specificaly stated, but it does indeed open possibility for high elf heritage on void elves. Aside from that, you have plenty of high elvish transmogs in the game in all armor type variants, so it is already pretty easy dress as proper quel'dorei. As for mount, you don't have to ride voidstrider. If I'm not mistaken, high elves did not really use hawkstriders that often, their signature mount is a horned steed. There is a quel'dorei steed mount from Argent Tournament (requires Silver Covenant reputation on exalted) which is specificaly high elf mount, plus you get blue dragonhawk flying mount after you farm 100 mounts (which is really easy nowadays).If I play a Void Elf, I want it to be a Void Elf. Pretending a Void Elf with blue eyes or even blonde hair is a High Elf is not doing it for me. My character window will still say Void Elf. My racial is still a void portal. My home is still a void rift. My leader is still a Void Elf (that they have completely ruined lore wise). My mount is still a void chicken and my heritage armor is still all purple. It's just never gonna be enough.
if you like to have more high res mount, I think any unicorn mount added since Legion will work just fine.
1) Alleria isn't ruined, she's one of the best Alliance characters by far.
2) That's because the pink-skin void elf is either meant to be a void elf who retains their fair-skin form like Alleria, or a high elf scholar who is studying the Void in Telogrus Rift. So of course a high elf scholar would use the Void.
You can RP your high elf however you want, but that is the base idea of a high elf/pink-skin void elf, and that's not changing. Just like how Classic Humans ALWAYS come from the Kingdom of Stormwind, despite many roleplaying them as Lordaeronians.
People said the same thing for years until Void Elves have happened. For years people said we're never gonna get High Elves because they're not gonna give the same race to both factions. Now that that has happened it has turned to "oh we're not gonna get real High Elves". We're already almost there. Most of the walking has been done. We're almost at the end of the path. You only have to let Blizzard know that you still want them, and they'll eventually give them to the players.
I wish it had gone otherwise, but it does seem that Blizzard intends for us to have our Alliance High Elves via Void Elves. It's not the ideal no, but it's more likely that Blizzard would add more ways to make Void Elves into High Elves than they would add High Elves as an Alliance allied race.
The veneer idea I proposed awhile back is probably the best thing we could hopeful at this point.
I believe there's a better shot of THAT happening than a High Elf allied race at this point.While I don't foresee (or want) Blizzard allowing us to just swap racials around, I would not object to a "veneer" for racials. If they ever add some sort of option to change our displayed racial tag (so the race says High Elf instead of Void Elf), then the "veneer" could change the names, icons and visual effects of the racials while maintaining their functions. For example, if I select the "High Elf" option my race would display as High Elf and the "veneer" on my racials would make them change thus:
Entropic Embrace becomes Arcane Legacy: The visual effect, icon and name change but otherwise it mechanically works exactly the same.
Spatial Rift becomes Arcane Jaunt: The visual effect, icon and name change but otherwise it mechanically works exactly the same.
Preternatural Calm becomes Focused Mind: The icon and name change but otherwise it mechanically works exactly the same.
Ethereal Connection becomes Friend of a Friend: The icon and name change but otherwise it mechanically works exactly the same.
Chill of Night becomes Against the Darkness: The icon and name change but otherwise it mechanically works exactly the same.
Basically the "veneer" and racial tag display change would allow subraces within a given race. The same concept could be applied to other races, such as Wildhammer Dwarves, Sand Trolls, Grimtotem Tauren, Dragonmaw Orcs, etc.
I'll repeat myself. I don't think there was a problem of having two almost same races on both factions (pandaren pretty much make it way more likely). The issue now is to have two almost identical races on the same side. I don't really see it possible for Blizzard to waste their resources on developing new race which can be actually implemented by customizations to existing one. It's the exactly same route Wildhammer dwarves are being implemented as playable variant of dwarves.
There is also difference between requests now and then. Before void elves, we had no thalassian option on Alliance. You just couldn't be high elfor you had to go to extreme measures to play as human/night elf and pretend you are high/half elf or highborne, which was not even close to the point we got at the end of Legion with void elves and now at SL launch, we are closest to high elf fantasy we've ever been. Blizzard actually acknowledged 15 years old request for Alliance high elf and finally allowed us to play one of the Alliance signature races in form of void elves. If you want to be high elf, you have an option now on both faction. I agree it is more complicated on the Alliance, but I'm possitive it will get better in the future.
The only scenario where high elves are possible alongside void elves is when void elves are build heavily upon their void/cultist/old god theme without getting any proper high elf options. In that case, void elves can't fullfil your high elf fantasy and serve more as a dark cultist race so there is a place for original pure high elf archetype. All points Blizz will go different route, adding high elf options to void elves, saving AR spot for some other race (if we ever get another AR in the future).
It's really not the same thing. Void Elves became the gateway for High Elves through customization. There is no easy way to implement High Elves as their own allied race at this point even if Blizzard was inclined to make yet another Thalassian elf allied race, which I just don't see them doing.
I believe that going forward, allied races will be more like the Vulpera, standing as their own thing and not just a spin off of an existing race. If you're taking the fact that we have Void Elves as some sort of indication that means there's a chance for High Elves as an allied race, I'm sorry to say but I think it's the exact opposite. The fact that Void Elves exist all but guarantees we won't get High Elves as their own allied race, and the customizations basically nailed the coffin shut. I'm not saying it's impossible, but the likelihood is so low considering all the above, I personally feel it best to devote my efforts towards making Void Elves able to fulfill the High Elf fantasy as well as they can.
The skin options were a big start. Some typical human hair colors along with a tentacle toggle alone would essentially complete the High Elf look. More hairstyles would just add to the variety. The "veneer" idea I mentioned before would allow Void Elves to completely fulfill the High Elf request, with only the Paladin class being unavailable. And frankly, I don't think the Paladin class is necessary for Alliance High Elves. Would it be a nice thing to have? Sure. Is it necessary to be a High Elf? Absolutely not.
But keep trying to fight for High Elves as an allied race. I wish you the best of luck because I'd play that allied race. I just don't see it actually happening though, so my energies will be devoted to the direction Blizzard seems to be going - Customizations to answer the calls for certain sub-races/splinter groups.
Last edited by Kyriani; 2020-09-28 at 02:54 PM.
Indeed, AR so far had gotten only QoL adjustments, nothing actually new added specifically to them except for recolored eyes. The ostensibly gamechanger normal skins on VE, while great, are a port from the BE's in much the same way Mechagnomes also got a port of Gnome skins.
Allied Races have not gotten anything *new*, which is fine, since I think it says they will get their own pass later -as implied by the devs saying Core Races are the priority for now- tho I can't say how long it will take.
That or *conspiracy hat on* we will be seeing a mayor paradigm shift with what Allied Races even are.
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Just disagree with that; if they ever intended to give High Elves as their own AR, they just wouldn't get VE's so close to HE aesthetics. I do think that speaks volumes of the current design philosophies. Of course someone, in the future, could change their mind about that, but as it is now, I think we see a clear intentionality. If we are seeing most of the HE aesthetics on VE's now, it means they don't plan to add HE's on their own.
And that's up to you, but people have been playing High Elves -or other unavailable races like Wildhammers- for years with whatever is closer in terms of options. So if I have a character with a normal skin color, use a silver covenant hippogryph as mount and the SC tabard, and wears the same armor HE npc's use, holistically they are closer to a HE than a VE contrasted to a name tag and racials.
And that's a personal choice, and if you are willing to wait 15 more years to get that *true* High Elf fantasy, that's just up to you, so good luck.
Also that you say that "Alleria is ruined" kinda just says that whatever deviation from what you consider the right choice is bad. Kinda tells me whatever vision you have of High Elves in your head will never live up to the reality of them.
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ABOUT THAT! The new Mount Drop from Sundancer in Bastion is like literally an up-ressed Quel'dorei Steed
A must have if there was any.
Last edited by MyWholeLifeIsThunder; 2020-09-28 at 07:43 PM.
Most notable customizations added to core races are actually sub-race features (wildhammers, sand trolls, etc). Allied races are kind of sub-races on their own, so I don't expect anything "huge" added on this front, there is little potential among most of AR for this. To be honest, some AR like LF draenei or Highmountain Tauren should also be just customizations since the only difference to their core race are tatoos, horns and color palette, which is exactly what new customizations are covering for other sub-races.
I really hope something will happen. If we will ever see new AR, I believe it should be different in greater way in some to its core race, like Kul Tiran to regular humans.That or *conspiracy hat on* we will be seeing a mayor paradigm shift with what Allied Races even are.
That's definitely a must have for proper high elf look. It complement our options pretty well:ABOUT THAT! The new Mount Drop from Sundancer in Bastion is like literally an up-ressed Quel'dorei Steed
A must have if there was any.
- Wild Dreamrunner: a green unicorn from Dreamweaver paragon cache - not perfect, but still usable for ranger looks
- Pureheart Courser: a light blue unicorn from 100 exalted reputation achievement - actually really great option for high elves, but getting 100 exalted reputation is a heartbreaking grind
- Lucid Nightmare: black/purple unicorn rewarded for hidden and insane puzzle - probably more fitting to void elf fantasy
- Prestigious mounts: rewards for reaching various honor levels, different color variants, equiped with additional armor compared to previous unicorns
that makes pretty good selection of high elven mounts. Great news is these unicorns will learn to fly in Shadowlands. If there is anybody not comfortable with flying unicorns, you have access to two dragonhawk mounts and dragons or hippogryffs will work just fine as well.