it depends, im sure thing all colors in existence to everyone here seems reduldant but the main point here is how this also affect "equal" races.
Like dark iron and normal dwarves still have different set of color differeence, in skin and hair, same for other allied races, if void elves don't have skin difference, at least let he hair color be different.
So, you want void elves to essentially be 2 playable races? cause that is the thing, if you give then everything they will be blood elves and void elves
there must be a difference, and of course will be arbitrary, everything is.
their hair grow tentacles dude, do you see tentacles in their bodies? no, but you see in the hair, meaning the hair act different, you can hide your void energy in the skin, but it will show in the hair, so it does make sense
Alleria also is a different case, she ate a dark naaru, she didn't undergo the same ritual the other did, you are using double standarts here.
Lore argument don't hold much ground anymore, so you can't keep using that as defining factory, yes it is a arbitrary distinction to set then apart, like they have done with all allied races, orcs and maghar have different haircolors and hairstyles, same for dark iron and the others, i can't fathom why void elves are better than everyone else to receive a better treatment and become 2 races in one.
And it make totally sense in a lore and design kind of way to make lighter colors to be exclusive to blood elves, since their relationship with the light and the sunwell, and make darker colors exclusive to Void elves. due to their void mutation, this way everyone feels unique in their own game and fantasy, while sharing the same shenanigans of high elves.
Like rly, you guys got the skin color, isn't that enough to rp HE anyway? talked so much about consensus but nothing will be ok until they got everything? a He isn't a HE until they got the legolas hair?
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and those are the forsaken leaders
this is the current green orcs leader
so please stop saying just because your leader look one way your race have to too.