1. #21781
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by FossilFree View Post
    I think Blood Elves should get San'layn options, it makes more sense. Forsaken should get Alteraci, only undead Alteraci in this case. Basically, tribal-looking options for Forsaken: braids, beards, tattoos, and the like.
    San'layn is interesting only if they go all out on the model. Blood elf with undead skin wont cut it. There is this cool video on the net for a while and the guy did some amazing work. --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrbHc-v1PDE&t=582s
    Now that we have Venthyr in the game it seems those are wow vampires now. I hope we see the San'layn again sometime tho.

    Braids, beards and tattoos are all cool, but they sound more like Viking/Vrykul things to me.
    Last edited by Alanar; 2020-10-28 at 08:49 PM.

  2. #21782
    Yay! Void Elves and Blood Elves are getting the arcane npc eyes!


  3. #21783
    Brewmaster elbleuet's Avatar
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    My High elf will look so cool with this new eye color omg I actually prefer it over the blue one.

    "If you want to play alongside High and Void elves, the Alliance is waiting for you"

  4. #21784
    I am also happy. The violet eyes combined with the violet hair are very aesthetically-pleasing. However I lamented how the eyes lack iris, now that issue has been fixed.

    But let us not forget the extreme opposite. I also want more Corruption options, such as a third, red eye on the forehead, and maybe more tentacle hairstyles. I suspect Blizzard will expand on this fantasy once allied races are properly overhauled.

    Once again I am asking for this:

    Last edited by Varodoc; 2020-10-28 at 09:16 PM.

  5. #21785
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    But let us not forget the extreme opposite. I also want more Corruption options, such as a third, red eye on the forefront, and maybe more tentacle hair. I suspect Blizzard will expand on this fantasy once allied races are properly overhauled.
    I'm not sure we'll ever get red N'zoth eyes just because he's kind of a bad guy and Void Elves are supposed to be in control and using the void responsibly, but I'm not opposed to them! I'd also like to see us get blue-black void eyes that match the heritage wings too!

    As for hair, if Blizzard makes hair tentacles work like the Night Elf hair vines, we could have tentacles on every hairstyle!
    Last edited by Kyriani; 2020-10-28 at 09:21 PM.

  6. #21786
    Very nice indeed
    World of Warcraft stuff

  7. #21787
    Kinda strange, that blood elves are also getting voidy eyes. It's like if Blizzard also gave void elves green eyes. Doesn't really make sense, but okay.

  8. #21788
    Quote Originally Posted by BaumanKing View Post
    Kinda strange, that blood elves are also getting voidy eyes. It's like if Blizzard also gave void elves green eyes. Doesn't really make sense, but okay.
    It'd make sense for Void elves really. After all, there are Sin'dorei scholars in Telogrus Rift.

    However I am quite puzzled that Blood elves have void eyes -- do you happen to have a screenshot of that?

  9. #21789
    purple eyes finally

  10. #21790
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    It'd make sense for Void elves really. After all, there are Sin'dorei scholars in Telogrus Rift.

    However I am quite puzzled that Blood elves have void eyes -- do you happen to have a screenshot of that?
    I am talking about this:


    Those eyes look kinda voidy to me tbh

  11. #21791
    Quote Originally Posted by BaumanKing View Post
    I am talking about this:


    Those eyes look kinda voidy to me tbh
    Alright, I thought you were talking about the original azure eyes that Void elves have. That would be weird, as Blood elves are not mutated at a biological level by the Void.

    Those eyes are meant to be arcane-themed, not void. Vereesa has that eye colour, I believe she's some kind of arcane archer.

  12. #21792
    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    what more meaning than that? there is literally nothing left to make then different with skin being shared, hair color is th only thing "big" that have left" to their work on a difference in thematic, like i said, darker for void elves, lighter for blood elves.
    But see, that's the point where your rudimentary separation of aesthetics falls short, when Blood Elves already have dark and bluish tones. How can you even pretend is "the big thing left" when it's not even so already? BE and VE have already pretty much the same hair color available to both, just a shade away lol.

    Your pettyness is in trying to enforce a dichotomy that's not even reflected in the current options. It's like actually funny.

  13. #21793
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    Vereesa has that eye colour, I believe she's some kind of arcane archer.
    Not anymore. Her eyes are again blue.

    Last edited by BaumanKing; 2020-10-28 at 10:05 PM.

  14. #21794
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
    Yay! Void Elves and Blood Elves are getting the arcane npc eyes!
    The new eye color looks amazing on the VE skin tones as well. Like I'm shook the old female HE eye texture would look so good with a bit of glow thrown in.

  15. #21795
    Quote Originally Posted by BaumanKing View Post
    Not anymore. Her eyes are again blue.
    Did they retcon this?

  16. #21796
    Quote Originally Posted by BaumanKing View Post
    I am talking about this:


    Those eyes look kinda voidy to me tbh
    Interestingly, while they look amazing on VE's, those eyes actually have the same texture than the old female HE eyes, but now have a glow overlay that certainly changes the look.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    Did they retcon this?

    I mean it's Hearthstone, it's most certainly AU even when they take stuff from it -also if we get nerdy, we don't know if she would have permanent purple eyes or only when she channels Thori'dal

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by BaumanKing View Post
    Not anymore. Her eyes are again blue.

    Not surprising since the fact EVERY female High Elf NPC got those pink eyes was for sure a bug, but I would love if they actually made a nod to the hearthstone card and gave her the new lavender eyes -which are very pretty-

  17. #21797
    I just hope they eventually give void elves the blood elf hairstyles and hair colors. There’s really no good reason not to with blonde haired Alleria. The same could be said for the void elf exclusive hairstyles (minus tentacles of course)...

  18. #21798
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MyWholeLifeIsThunder View Post
    But see, that's the point where your rudimentary separation of aesthetics falls short, when Blood Elves already have dark and bluish tones. How can you even pretend is "the big thing left" when it's not even so already? BE and VE have already pretty much the same hair color available to both, just a shade away lol.
    they don't have the dark tones void elves haves, and thats why i said they should add more darker and voidish exclusive hair color for void elves, to make up for the lighter colors blood elves have

    Blood elves as far i know only have an almost black hair color and a bit darker blue hair, and thats it, void elves have purple and other darker tones, give then black and other ones and we are good

    Your pettyness is in trying to enforce a dichotomy that's not even reflected in the current options. It's like actually funny.
    Again, if there wasn't people would not being asking those, pettiness to me is asking everything blood elves have using lleria as excuse.

  19. #21799
    Quote Originally Posted by MyWholeLifeIsThunder View Post
    Interestingly, while they look amazing on VE's, those eyes actually have the same texture than the old female HE eyes, but now have a glow overlay that certainly changes the look.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I mean it's Hearthstone, it's most certainly AU even when they take stuff from it -also if we get nerdy, we don't know if she would have permanent purple eyes or only when she channels Thori'dal

    - - - Updated - - -

    Not surprising since the fact EVERY female High Elf NPC got those pink eyes was for sure a bug, but I would love if they actually made a nod to the hearthstone card and gave her the new lavender eyes -which are very pretty-
    Oh, it's Heathstone? I don't play that game, so I wouldn't know.

    Vereesa really is generic, huh? I appreciated the idea that she is a unique arcane archer whose eyes reflect her mastery of the arcane, but it seems like that'd be a little too creative for this loser. The fact that she still doesn't have a unique model 12 years after her introduction in the game is quite telling.

  20. #21800
    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    they don't have the dark tones void elves haves, and thats why i said they should add more darker and voidish exclusive hair color for void elves, to make up for the lighter colors blood elves have

    Blood elves as far i know only have an almost black hair color and a bit darker blue hair, and thats it, void elves have purple and other darker tones, give then black and other ones and we are good
    The point is how flawed your premise is, there's already overlap, how can you enforce separation then? Is just constant goalpost moving. You can't enforce a distinction between Light and Dark hair colors when BOTH RACES already have dark hair colors

    But see here? we have different shades of a dark color. The same is entirely possible with lighter hair colors -for example, the VE hair color goes from grey to almost redder tips. Same thing could be done with a blonde or a brown.

    Again, if there wasn't people would not being asking those, pettiness to me is asking everything blood elves have using lleria as excuse.
    Due if people want more options to fullfill a specific fatnasy they envision -one that's supported by the lore- how is not pettyness denying that just because you don't want to share your toys?

    Is like those HE hardcores that refused the idea of blue eyes for BEs. It's pettyness from either side, and I'm tired to pretend is anything else.

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