Oh wow they almost appear greenish with the rest of the glow effects! noice!
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It's really crazy how good they fit, and that's what I LOVE of all the freedom new customization give us. A BE with these eyes? Has that arcane mage vibe, but on a VE, they read completely different. Awesome.
But that's the thing: worgen will always look like worgen when they're engaging with the content that requires them to fight something. Or when they're engaging in their all-fours "mount" run. That's why when a Horde meets a worgen, 9/10 they'll see a wolf-man. Or wolf-woman.
No. It doesn't. An upright orc still looks like an orc. And again, there is leagues of differences between making a character walk upright, and making a hunched, zombified human become an upright blood elf.You can't say the general silhouette is the same when unbent Orc literally changes the entire silhouette.
And I never did. I never, ever did that. The only thing I'm arguing against is this idea that forsaken player characters should be able to choose if they want to look like a zombified, hunched human or a pale-skinned upright blood elf.If Human can include a diverse range that includes Worgen and giant Kul Tiran, then there's no reason why you should be arguing against a Forsaken Elf allied race.
The forsaken player is, considering the playable race is comprised of humans who died in Lordaeron.'Forsaken' does not apply to any singular race and does not adhere to any singular 'visual identity'. The terminology we use is simply a catchall for a Human(based) Undead variation, yet at no point is it exclusive to Humans.
So you're okay with the idea that Blizzard could one day implement human customization that makes them look exactly like a draenei? Or a tauren look like a goblin? Or a gnome look like a void elf? And again: unbent orcs are still orcs, and worgen cannot be anything but worgen during combat.No matter how we look at this, Unbent Orcs and Worgen are exapmples of Blizzard providing racial options that break visual identity. This is a FACT.
And the fact that worgens can change into human form outside combat and automatically turn back into worgen when they enter combat is irrelevant, unless you're going to try to make a claim that "blood-elf forsaken players" automatically and immediately turn back into human forsaken when they enter combat.And both Worgens have the ability to break that silhouette. Your argument is 'Well only in some content' which doesn't actually address the issue here of having a race that is designed specifically to break its visual identity.
And I will keep repeating as long as people insist on avoiding my actual argument and insist on arguing with the idea that multiple races share silhouettes, which has nothing to do with my argument.Repeat it as much as you want.
Come on, dude. This is not semantics. There are leagues of differences between saying "the full nation" and "part of the nation's navy". That's like saying you've seen the whole interior of a house when you've only seen the inside of the garage. Or that you've drunk the entire bottle when all you've done is take a sip from a shot glass.Ehh, now you're arguing semantics. For someone who is dedicated to facts and lore, you sure are keen at dodging the facts that matter in order to argue the difference between 'Kul Tiran Nation' and 'Kul Tiran Navy'.
If your argument is that races have a FIXED visual identity then your bogus statistic is neither factual or relevant.
Read closely. The entire SiLHOUETTE changes. Your argument implied silhouettes should not be changed, and this is an example of a silhouette changing.No. It doesn't. An upright orc still looks like an orc. And again, there is leagues of differences between making a character walk upright, and making a hunched, zombified human become an upright blood elf.
You can not deny this based on your own subjective opinion. 'Leagues of difference' is not a fact, it is your opinion.
And the advent of Wildhammer and Sand Troll customizations have rendered that argument moot. Lore does not hold any value here if it is not being adhered to. Exiles Reach is Blizzard's solution to this.The forsaken player is, considering the playable race is comprised of humans who died in Lordaeron.
There is a difference in having an opinion, and making a claim that is backed by fallacies. You are doing the latter, and I am pointing out the errors of your argument.So you're okay with the idea that Blizzard could one day implement human customization that makes them look exactly like a draenei? Or a tauren look like a goblin? Or a gnome look like a void elf? And again: unbent orcs are still orcs, and worgen cannot be anything but worgen during combat.
Personally I have been absolutely clear to you where I stand in terms of what Blizzard does. I don't agree with Blood Elves on the Horde, I don't agree with allied races excluding Wildhammers, I don't agree with many many things they do.
But its clear to me that they are blurring the lines of visual identity and of racial lore by opening up customization, and I can see them opening that up even further with more and more options, including proportion changes if their technology supports it. I don't see reason in 'visual identity' playing any part in limiting this.
It matters if you are claiming your argument is based on FIXED visual identities.And the fact that worgens can change into human form outside combat and automatically turn back into worgen when they enter combat is irrelevant, unless you're going to try to make a claim that "blood-elf forsaken players" automatically and immediately turn back into human forsaken when they enter combat.
If the context is answering your initial question of 'How do you KNOW Kul Tirans look like regular (Stormwind) Humans', then no, the context does not have a LEAGUE of difference.Come on, dude. This is not semantics. There are leagues of differences between saying "the full nation" and "part of the nation's navy". That's like saying you've seen the whole interior of a house when you've only seen the inside of the garage. Or that you've drunk the entire bottle when all you've done is take a sip from a shot glass.
The context is the same - We have seen Kul Tiran Navy AND Nation as represented by their Naval army, and they looked like regular Humans. You were not questioning whether they could be diverse you were asking how we know they look THE SAME.
If you can't remember the context of your own argument, then maybe you should consider paying attention to your own words instead of just cherry picking the arguments and shifting your goalpost.
Because I am calling you out and holding you to your words. You have already claimed once to have not asked me to prove my words, and when I called you out on your own hypocrisy you just brushed it off like it didn't matter. Remember who you are replying to and the words you are using
If you use a word like Silhouette, then you should know the definition and know that 'they still look like an Orc!' does not change the fact your initial argument said silhouette specifically. This is especially the case when you have used this terminology specifically to defend some of your other statements regarding 'Visual identity'.
Last edited by Triceron; 2020-10-29 at 04:19 AM.
Yea! With that almost sea-green color from the armor and weapons it kinda makes the eyes seem like they match!Oh wow they almost appear greenish with the rest of the glow effects! noice!
The Alliance gets the Horde's most popular race. The Horde should get the Alliance's most popular race in return. Alteraci Humans for the Horde!
I make Warcraft 3 Reforged HD custom models and I'm also an HD model reviewer.
With a little photoshop, here's what I should look like once Void Elves get black hair:
I really hope we do!!
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Eh that's mostly fanon so far, there's no confirmation as to whether the type of arcane energy affects the eye color one way or the other, but I do agree it would be neat.
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If all we are going to get is some options on VEs, at least make the best of it. Like it does suck HE's will never be their own AR, but what we already have is better than the alternative.
do you think that? first people want the race, they got void elves, then they wanted the skin, now is the hair, do ou seriouslly think its going to stop there when we already saw examples of people wanting the others?
Not rly, you fist set this blue hair color as some sort of parameter and since they share that it goes out of the window when this is just a minor thing in what im saying, you completely ignore the part where this blue hair does not make void elves unique, neither is much pertinent, so they should do more darker and exclusive options to void elves, like real dark hair, not this blue one
And yes, it is a useless discussion, i already made myself clear, i don't think Void elves should get all blood elves customizations, to be essentially two race, epeciall when void elves are not sharing nothing with blood elves either. If you think is fine thats you.
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no, i call you out by tying to use something i cath you doing, you do red hearing all the time, i call you out for that, so its pretty funny that you are accusing me for that, your pedantry about "English teaching" just show that.
ah yes, the argumment of "how you know void elves re no eating a dark naaru on the dailly basis to be like alleria?, thats a fallacyYou don't see red herrings in my posts. You see an argument you cannot refute so you dismiss it by claiming it as a fallacy. There's a difference.
No, you are bringing nonsense, its the prime example of the appeal to ignorance, you are like a walking fallacyThis is a prime example. You cannot refute my arguments so you dismiss them as "unbelievable and nonsensical".
Your nonsense is "how do you know void elvs are not eating a dark naaru" don't try to backpedal the nonsense you are saying.Also, let's put in on record that you just called "unbelievable and nonsensical" my hypothesis that the void elves that are newly transformed are going through a safer method than what the OG void elves went through, a process that is highly likely to be similar to Alleria's, considering Locus Walker is in the Telogrus Rift.
first, your hypothesis is just that, your damn hypotesis, stop making your argument in a false or hypothetical premise, if they are not proven to be made like alleria, they are not like alleria therefore make sense for then to not b like alleria.
lmao, you are chaning goalpoints, you ask me if they are rare or not and i proove to you, do you live in another reality?So I'm making shit up when I say that naaru falling into the void are rare, especially those that fall naturally? Again, is that what you're calling me "making shit up"?
No, you are using double standarts and you have bein called out here not just by me.What you call "double standards" I call you not understanding my argument, either accidentally or willfully. Again, what I'm talking about has nothing to do with two or more races sharing a silhouette, but the race's own visual identity being muddled.
Void elves literally had their own visual identity muddled to comport high elves, they can literally not look like how they should look if they chose, and youa re telling me a forsaken, cannot look like an human or an elf when forsaken was always about then? with their leader being an elf since warcraft3?
Its literally double standarts.
you do not even know wtf you are tlking about, right? you ae going o throw shit on th wall hoping it sticks?Different races having similar silhouettes in nothing affects my argument, since, once again, I'm not talking about different playable races sharing similar silhouettes. Get this through your head.
unless they ate a dark naaru, they didn't. And that is canon until proves otherwise, not the other way aroundThen show me the new void elves did not not "do the same shit" as Alleria. Oh, wait. You can't. Because the process has not been revealed.
You litrally said both things, an in both things you were wrong.Ah, so it's bait-and-switch now? Because your original statement was that "it's a fact that the void elves are not consuming dark naaru", but now you are trying to shift this to a "you said they are the same race".
you sai they were the same race, but keep backpedaling.
until you can prove she does, she didn't, she could not.One, it's not irrelevant, because it's very well possible she could take on void form before that;
even funny comming from someone that entire topic is based on the appeal to ignoreand two, "reductio ad absurdum" does not make you any favors, here.
"how do you know my absurd theory isn't true? you can't refute that!1!!
Before she was a high elf, she never claimed or stated she was anything beyond that. That is the proof.A fact? Then show me the official, canon sources that say, in no uncertain terms, that: a) Alleria was not a void elf before she absorbed the dark naaru; and b) Alleria could not take on a void form before she absorbed the dark naaru. Oh, wait. You can't. Because there is none. This is, once again, you literally, undeniably stating your own headcanon as fact.
She never transformed before, she never had those powers before, and it is stated that her metamorphosis
The cinematic show her gaining new power as she absorb the naaru:. During the battle with L'ura he prompted Alleria to use the power of the Void rifts the dark naaru was opening, culminating in her absorbing L'ura's essence and transforming into a Void state.
Locus-walker said is a newfound power, if she could do before, this would not be "new":Death
Cinematic plays.
Alleria siphons whatever remains of L'ura. The void energies surges at Alleria and she collapses. Getting back on her feet, she awakens with the new powers given to her.
the racial article says that:Locus-Walker says: Let's not get ahead of ourselves. We need to test the limits of this newfound power. Come.
Everything state that she only had this power aftrf absorbing the dark naaru, you are the one brining up anedoctal "hypothesis" tryign to shift the focus, using appeal to ignorance, im not going to respond on this anymore, its done, you can live with your world of hypothesis.Alleria Windrunner has a similar form that she gained after draining the dark naaru L'ura, but unlike Entropic Embrace's passive effect, Alleria can transform at will.
they are stated in the game as another race, and they ar until something proves otherwise, is how it worksAgain: show me the official, canon source that states, in no uncertain terms, that the void elves are an actual new race,
you just didn't said they are the same race, you said they are the exact same race:Nope. I absolutely never, ever did that. All I've ever said is that we don't have any confirmation either way.
they never have being staed as a dying race but extinct, they always show as big numbers in evey horde battle, but of course, you ae going to use this dumb argumentHow do you know? Did you count them?
the funny thing is how you do not realize this is applied to you, since you said there was mroe high elves than maghar, did you count then? well at least in SoO alone there is more maghar than all the HE apparitions in the game.
I called Rokhan a loser like last week, as for the others they aren't even worth mentioning.
Of course, the fact that there are a lot of losers in the world doesn't justify nor excuse Vereesa being one.
So Yes, she is a loser, loser, loser, who can't even get a unique model despite being a Windrunner.
I guess Vereesa is one of the few characters that has battled in 5 different capitals (Theramore, Orgrimmar, Suramar, Grim Batol and Dalaran).
Not that bad for a loser![]()
I would like her to get her own, unique model. But she's fine as she is I like her outfit.
"If you want to play alongside High and Void elves, the Alliance is waiting for you"
Again you are not listening I told you about the visual identity, but you clearly have no idea what you are talking about if you dismiss all examples given by multiple posters now.
You can even take druids or demon hunter as examples. But orcs are a enough of an example. It doesnt even matter if its in or out combat by you logic. What you are saying is.. basically an opinion.
Which is fine, but not as facts as you claimed before.
Again on Sylvanas.. stop with the nonsense that she isnt a forsaken. We are not talking about what you play.. how many times do I need to repeat myself? What comes afther is what the whole discussion was about is that players want to look like sylvanas and the second thing what you also ignored is that forsaken never excisted with just lorderean humans. Forsaken in wow is a race and its a erray of differnt undead creatures. Blizzard qualifies them as a race and no one is arguing of what they used to be in life. I understand its a complex thing and maybe confusing for you.
The undead Forsaken[1][2] (or simply the Forsaken or Undead)[3][4] are a race[5][6] and a faction[7][8] of intelligent undead
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It might be little late on that. This idea has been posted many times before, but A simmilar idea that was going around was to combine dark ranger/warden and shadow hunters in one.. never was a huge fan of that since all 3 options are kinda tied to certain races etc.
I rather see Dark ranger be a seperate thing. Vereesa and Alleria dont realy add enough to create their own thing. Vereesa is just a random hunter and alleria is this new thing, but also still feels like a enhanced hunter. Dark ranger coule bring a whole banshee theme with smokey teleports and maybe even some of the new powers to feed the dark ranger vibe. In those 15 years of Sylvanas/Nathanos and her dark rangers I feel like is just more to pull from, but this is just my opinion and not every one will agree ofc.
Last edited by Alanar; 2020-10-30 at 08:32 AM.
No, I said that people WOULD NOT stop suggesting ideas and this is something that *you* have to deal with if you are coming to the MMO-C forums. Telling people to stop suggesting more changes is meaningless.
Your best course of action? Stop coming to these types of threads.
If you don't like the noise of the suggestion threads, then don't go to the suggestion threads. You have your choice. You can't control what everyone else decides to do.
Last edited by Triceron; 2020-10-29 at 04:24 PM.