1. #201
    Legendary! Obelisk Kai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andromedes View Post
    Then stop quoting him all the time as his word is holy when he changes his mind and also admits, that he is no lore guy.

    You disagree with what he said and you try and find examples to show he didn't mean what he said, but you cannot discount what he said.

    He MAY change his mind but I find that extremely unlikely.

    The key point with your argument is that you are trying to paint him as unfamiliar with the topic at hand, as the developer caught out by Falstad was, and if that is the case then what Ion said doesn't hold much water.

    But this is not a matter of lore. Ion is the game director and this matters for two reasons.

    Firstly, until he or his successor or another dev in a position to do so retcons or contradicts what he has said, then what he said stands. Blood Elves are High Elves.

    Secondly, as the game director Ion would have been responsible for vetting and selecting the candidates for the allied races. That High Elves did not come under consideration is inconceivable, he mentioned them himself in an interview from 2014 discussing future sub races alongside Mag'har Orcs.

    When Jessie Cox asked the question in other words, this is someone who will have had to carefully weigh the pros and cons of each Allied race candidate before choosing those who would be selected and those who would not. Someone on top of his brief.

    This is why Void Elves are so telling.

    Had they not been selected, and High Elves not been selected, the conclusion would have been drawn that High Elves were still a potential Allied race. The campaign for them would have continued.

    Void Elves on the other hand are, as many have pointed out, been created from almost nothing. The logical conclusion is that High Elves were considered and Blizzard rejected them on the grounds that they were already playable as a Horde race. But given the demand for thalassian elves from the Alliance and the upcoming story emphasis on the Old Gods and the Void in the near future, Blizzard decided to introduce an allied race using a long asked for model but with a theme connected to future content rather than past content.

    As it stands, the word of a game dev should be treated as holy writ until proven otherwise. Because if you expand your logic to everything, then nothing a developer says can ever be believed. The fact you don't like the answer is not a good enough reason to say he is wrong.

  2. #202
    Alliance High Elves will sadly never happen

  3. #203
    Quote Originally Posted by Obelisk Kai View Post
    I think there was a time High Elves could have been introduced to WoW without a problem. But that was Classic. In so many ways the story and most players have moved too far on now.

    So I hope that helps you better understand my rationale.
    Most of the arguments against Alliance High Elfs are bogus.

    More than that....ALL of the arguments ever raised against the prospect of Alliance High Elfs were and are bogus. Simple truth is that Blizzard didn't want to add High Elfs and tried to justify a decision that didn't need to be justified.

    Numbers? Could always be tweaked or ignored. Blizzard could always use the "we didn't count High Elfs outside Silvermoon" or " there were more than three ships which escaped and they went to Stormwind" or whatever.

    Models? For all that certain players can't get the idea that races aren't limited to one model, I don't see that argument being raised against straight backed Orcs, KulTiran humans or Void Elfs.

    Too similar to Blood Elfs wouldn't stop High Elfs being written differently. Noone objected that Blood Elfs and Forsaken changed huge parts if their culture and outlook over a few years but for some reason, High Elfs couldn't do the same.

    There was never any reason not to give Alliance High Elfs except Blizzard didn't want to and anything and everything they said to try and justify that decision was...pitting it bluntly...false or, at best, a justification for a decision. Justifications rendered pointless by Allied Races

    I understood that and I could live with it. I didn't care what race the Alliance got. I had my Blood Elf Warlock and that kept me happy.

    But Allied Races has destroyed any and all arguments against Alliance High Elfs permanently. There is no argument against them that cannot be laughed off the stage. We can't even state Alliance players simply want a pretty model because they have it and they still want High Elfs.

    If the issue is that they are too similar to Blood Elfs then change them. Have them use a human or Night Elf model. Give them a Roman feel like I suggested or something else. Give them the Darkfallen as a way to bump up their numbers and add story and differentiation. Make them druids and shamans instead of mages and paladins. Give them different racials and mounts and armour.

    But it is time to stop this debate. I am sick and tired of the call for Alliance High Elfs. Its been 14 years now.....it's time. Long past time. We get this same debate several times a year and it is getting old.

    I have my Blood Elf and I am happy with it.
    I would prefer exclusive models but that isn't possible anymore.

    Giving the Alliance High Elves...even if they use the same model....won't change that. It would be better if Blizzard put in a bit of work to change them somehow...the drift away from the arcane and the Light for example....but all I want right now is for this debate to NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN.

    Give the Alliance their High Elfs. End the debate. I'm sick of it. Give us Grimtotem Tauren or another Goblin cartel to keep the numbers equal but just get it done.
    Last edited by KyrtF; 2018-03-11 at 08:52 PM.

  4. #204
    Quote Originally Posted by EbaumsTipster View Post
    So it's Blizzards fault that you're retarded?

    And yeah, its Blizzards fault that People still want High Elves. Because they show them to us over and over again as one of the most prominent Alliance races.

    Even Alleria Windrunner, the Poster Child for the Void Elves, still looks like a High Elf. Blizz could have ended the whole High Elf demand years ago if they simply hadn't pushed them so much into the Spotlight of the alliance Stories while at the same time make the Night elves absolutely unappealing. I mean, why would I want to play a Night Elf instead of a High Elf? High Elves have much more story, they are more prominent as members of the Alliance, they get shit down, like in the Purge of Dalaran or the Island of the Thunder King. Night Elves on the other hand are over and over just shown as weaklings, with their Mages being portrayed as absolutely incompetent.

  5. #205
    Quote Originally Posted by Krothare View Post
    If you are worried about keeping playerbases stable then Alliance is going to need High Elves. Everything we've seen so far tells me BfA is going to fucking bury Alliance.
    According to what? Zandalari are trolls, they people will play them -- especially since they are the main race of BfA -- but if you think they are going to make a huge presence then you are sadly mistaken. Trolls have always been one of the least played races and I do not see this changing just because they stand upright and are the focus of the expansion's leveling content.

    Or are you talking about the story? It's too soon to tell the story, but that's irrelevant, lol. People are not likely to faction change/reroll over the story. Most people, sadly, don't give half a shit about the story one way or another. I'm not among that crowd, but nothing I've seen directly has implied Alliance is going to have the worst story content ever compared to Horde, just that the Horde is slightly better... IE nothing that hasn't already been the case for every expansion since WotLK.

    Void elves alone are going to tip the balance in Alliance's favor. High elves -- even if they for some ludicrous reason replaced void elves instead of adding to them -- would obliterate the balance entirely. No need to repeat what I've already posted.

    PS: I apologize if I am mistakenly assuming your points here, but since you failed to specify I have to work with what I'm being given.

  6. #206
    Quote Originally Posted by Yzak View Post
    So you call someone else retarded; regardless if they're part of this thread or not, but the moment it's used against you, you cry fowl. Classy as always M-Ra.

    And by prominent I suppose you mean the random, no name, filler NPC's you occasionally see traipsing around? Yes.. so prominent.

    For all we know with BfA Blizz will be putting the final nail in the coffin of this topic; and hopefully they do, as the corpse of this topic has been abused and molested enough.
    If Ion Hazzikostas feels offended by my comment he is free to report me.

    And I guess you are more of a newby? Into the game since WoD or Legion I guess? Because High Elves were arround since Classic on Alliance side and since Wotlk, the Silver Covenant had their prominent appereances. They had certainly more spotlight and a stronger representation than the Night Elves. And this is my problem. Blizz is plotting all the time with the High Elves, even in Suramar they are around, and then suddenly acts like they can't understand why people want them when they get constantly shoved into Alliance Players Face. Its like, imagine if Goblins were not playable, but all the time there and getting all the cool storylines and Blizzard refuses to implement them for the Horde for some weak excuse. Would certainly piss people off.

    With Ogres, they at least stopped really promoting them after classic. But High Elves are everywhere since Wotlk. And this is my main issue. They never intended to have High Elves for alliance? Okay. Then why not instead promoting the Elves the Alliance gets? Why not having the Night Elves being the alliance representatives in Dalaran and the Argent Tournament back in Wotlk, why not them in the Purge of Dalaran and Isles of Thunder, having them being more prominent in the Thas'dorah Quest, only Night Elves on Alliance side in Suramar and finally having Tyrande and maybe Maiev being the Alliance representatives on the Vindicaar? It would have solved this problem before it came up.

    But stop acting that people demanding High Elves comes out of nowhere. They get certainly some of the most spotlight in the alliance, certainly more than Night Elves and Gnomes get, in my opinion even more than the Dwarfes and the Worgen. So answer yourself why the hell people would want an Alliance Place that was there since Classic and that gets so much spotlight to be playable. I mean, fuck, even Alleria Windrunner gets represented as a High Elf, not a Void Elf. So how are we supposed to even want Void Elves when even their Leader is one? With Lightforged, we had have at least NPCs of the Army of the Light representing them.

  7. #207
    Quote Originally Posted by KyrtF View Post
    I've even offered a suggestion....the Silver Covenant are seen as radicals holding onto the old ways while the rest move to nature. To embrace their Night Elf heritage. So....Roman style culture. No Paladins. No Priests. No Mages. And Warlocks and Death Knights arise from the San'layn, the Darkfallen who are returning home...to the High Elfs.
    I agree with a lot of your suggestions, but I think emphasizing Warlocks and Death Knights would not fit in with the Silver Covenant. Part of the reason they remained separate is because of the Blood Elf willingness to accept this kind of thing.

    It would also be a turn off to give them the Night Elf model. It could certainly be a new model, but it would need to still look like a high elf. But so far allied races are reskins (basically subraces). So I don't think new models are even on the table. They could certainly have new standing poses and even all new animations, which would make them feel completely different. I'm not sure new animations are needed, as that might be too much work, but even a new idle stance would go a long way toward making them different.

  8. #208
    I actually really like the mixture between wildhammer Dwarf aesthetic and the High Elf nature.

    I honestly approve. It's either this, or fucking mechagnomes. I'll take this.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by The Stormbringer View Post
    I admit, I actually really like the painted elf look from WC2. Runes, rangers, runestones, and sleek ships. Elves were quick and deadly, and not all about arcane mastery, but knowledge and skill borne from long lifespans and countless hours of practice. Bring that feel, and I'll support High Elves.
    Fuck yes! 100% this. ^^
    There is absolutely no basis for individual rights to firearms or self defense under any contextual interpretation of the second amendment of the United States Constitution. It defines clearly a militia of which is regulated of the people and arms, for the expressed purpose of protection of the free state. Unwillingness to take in even the most basic and whole context of these laws is exactly the road to anarchy.

  9. #209
    Quote Originally Posted by Obelisk Kai View Post
    By your own standards, Defias Brotherhood Humans are a realistic choice.
    As a side note, I actually think the Defias Brotherhood joining the Horde would work well. And people would love it. It would make for great story. They certainly hate the Alliance and feel utterly betrayed and abandoned.

  10. #210
    Quote Originally Posted by Emode View Post
    Their back story is that they were forced to watch glam-rock music videos 24/7 until they were saved by the alliance?
    Still sounds like a better backstory the what the Void Elves have.

  11. #211
    Quote Originally Posted by Obelisk Kai View Post
    I don't want to deny the Alliance High Elves for the sake of it. But I genuinely feel that Blood Elves and High Elves are the same thing, that this is one of the very few fantasy universes (the only one I am aware of) where High Elves fight on the same side on Orcs. I found that idea, of Orcs and High Elves being on the same side against Humans, astonishing in it's originality.

    So I see it as a diminishing. Give High Elves to the Alliance, and that special conception of what High Elves is in Warcraft is undercut. Suddenly the High Elves aren't original anymore. They are the same as in any other fantasy franchise. And the Blood Elves become just another group of nasty elves fighting alongside the Orcs.

    I do get the desire for Alliance High Elves. I understand that for some it is because Warcraft 2 meant a lot to them and they wish to recreate the Alliance as it was from that. For others it's because the trope of a Human, Dwarf and a High Elf on the same side is powerfully alluring.

    But I really, truly feel that playable High Elves aren't worth the cost of what they would mean to Blood Elf players who care about the story for another race players can use, that looks exactly the same as they do, to call themselves High Elves. Or even if the looks were modified, to call themselves High Elves. Or to Void Elves who find themselves being the blue version of the true Alliance thalassian race. Or to the Horde in losing one of our unique selling points as THE place you can come to experience the genuine High Elf fantasy that is common across so many franchises.
    This was everything I was hoping for in this thread, everything just right here. You expressed your core feelings towards something and this holds dear treasure to me. As a game designer we often try to get genuine answers for the feelings that are envoked by game elements. I have to say that I can completely understand you right now to why you do not see a need for High Elves as they to you are already ingame as the Blood Elves. It's when we try to scratch the surface on the entity that are human emotions that we can understand one another and I thank you for this very post.

    I also hope that you might see from another perspective if I may ask. The perspective of an Alliance player(Not me I'm full horde) who believes that the Alliance stands for justice and righteousness and it is something this player(IRL person) aspire to and want to be. We usually try to be a better version of ourselves when we get the chance to and I believe that this is something that make the pro High Elves so passionate about this cause. I would like to have authentic High Elves to be playable for the very same reasons that you described in your post.

    For me High Elves stands for loyalty, justice and overcoming hardships and this is something I want to aspire to and bend my values accordingly so that we can be that character in World of Warcraft. I love the trope that has been created about humans, dwarfs and elves and I can't understand how my hopes and dreams could be any less valuable then someone elses. This is why I also understand now where you are coming from. I think this is what we are trying to discuss, how to make everyone happy about the final outcome of these discussions that clearly hasn't gotten close to being finnished.

    Ofcourse nothing is final until Blizzard say otherwise but there are way to much facts going around in these discussions then necessary. In the end it will not matter which path Blizzard chooses. What will matter is the experience from those choices. Blizzard as well as the pro High Elf community(me included) should listen to your concern because it has pushed this discussion way further than rambling about lore aspect all day long.
    Last edited by mmocfcf20dc9e1; 2018-03-12 at 12:27 AM.

  12. #212
    Quote Originally Posted by therealbowser View Post
    According to what? Zandalari are trolls, they people will play them -- especially since they are the main race of BfA -- but if you think they are going to make a huge presence then you are sadly mistaken. Trolls have always been one of the least played races and I do not see this changing just because they stand upright and are the focus of the expansion's leveling content.

    Or are you talking about the story? It's too soon to tell the story, but that's irrelevant, lol. People are not likely to faction change/reroll over the story. Most people, sadly, don't give half a shit about the story one way or another. I'm not among that crowd, but nothing I've seen directly has implied Alliance is going to have the worst story content ever compared to Horde, just that the Horde is slightly better... IE nothing that hasn't already been the case for every expansion since WotLK.

    Void elves alone are going to tip the balance in Alliance's favor. High elves -- even if they for some ludicrous reason replaced void elves instead of adding to them -- would obliterate the balance entirely. No need to repeat what I've already posted.

    PS: I apologize if I am mistakenly assuming your points here, but since you failed to specify I have to work with what I'm being given.
    It's not just the story (which is bad, and let's face it is going to stay bad based on how Blizzard "develops" Alliance content), it's not just the worse zones, it's not just the Horde getting blatantly superior race options from every conceivable angle, it's all of the above plus what's happening right now to Alliance's PvP/PvE scene.

    Look at how many Alliance guilds have downed Mythic Argus. How many teams have cleared Mythic+ 25 or higher, how many PvP groups have hit 2400+ in Legion. The entire high end scene for Alliance is crumbling down to nothing. Everyone still agrees going into BfA, Horde racials are superior to Alliance for both PvE and PvP, and all the time we hear more and more high to top end Alliance guilds either dying or switching to red in anticipation of BfA, because not only do they have those racials, but they also have the Nightbourne and the dino forms and the better zones and the better blah blah blah.

    Let's face it, WoW's playerbase ain't what it used to be. The scene for everything is shrinking more and more, but this is happening much quicker on Alliance. BfA is straight up looking like Cata 2.0, only this time I honestly don't know if Alliance will survive that.

    But why am I wasting my breath. This is MMO champ for fucks sakes, probably the biggest group of Horde fanboys outside of Blizzcon, so who cares if Alliance just dies outside of LFR right.

  13. #213
    What a complete abomination of a suggestion and ideas. Holy hell.

  14. #214
    Quote Originally Posted by Yzak View Post

    I see your observation skills are about equal to your rationalization skills. And even then I've been around since early BC, but hey whatev's.
    Oh rly? I'm around since Classic and had full rank 14 and t3 on all 9 classes back then.

    So, yeah. Everyone can play the oldie Hipster.

    And since BE went to the Horde that should have been indicative as to where the lion share of the HE/BE population resides, but again; as I said earlier, this calls into question peoples rationalization skills. Blizz have on several cases stated the HE will not be a thing happening for the Alliance and Ion has even gone so far as to state that the population isn't something they feel they need to represent for the Alliance. Just because you disagree with him, does not make him wrong. The fault lies with each individual convincing themselves that HE would ever be a thing for the Alliance.

    When Blizzard/Ion threw Alliance the hard curve ball that is the Void Elves, that should have been an indicator the HE are not going to happen. Yet it seems this group only wants to set itself up with disappointment.
    Questioning peoples rationalizing skills without proper argumentation or even seeming to understand or read peoples arguments makes you not smart. Its one of this fancy Hipster Lines of People who are larping as intelligent. Kinda like how People where defending Last Jedi by claiming it was "too Intellectual" which sounds fancy but never gets explained.

    And Ion Hazzikostas being an asshole is not an argument. Its obvious that he is argueing, like most players, from a personal bias and out of sheer spite. We know he doesn't likes that people want High Elves without ever understanding or even acknowledging why the desire to get High Elves always stayed a hot topic over the years. His reaction instead is acting like a total prick and giving the Alliance something nobody asked for and no High Elf fan wanted instead of simply giving in or not backing down and simply fixing the root of the High elf desire. Not to forget that he is generally an unfit person to lead the World of Warcraft team as he seems to be too incompetent to lead the World of Warcraft team into creating content of equal quality for both Alliance and Horde and instead seems to lead the game with a heavy Horde bias.

    When Blizzard/Ion threw Alliance the hard curve ball that is the Void Elves, that should have been an indicator the HE are not going to happen. Yet it seems this group only wants to set itself up with disappointment. and its funny how you absolutely can't understand my argument. I mean, I would have been perfectly fine with no High Elves, actually even more happy without the Void Elves and instead getting the Nightborn or alternatively rather Vrykul. I'm just explaining how Blizzard themselves are to blame for the demand of High Elves and how they fucked up.

    Vanilla -> Ogres. BC -> Ogres. WotLK -> Ogres. Cata -> Ogres. MoP -> No ogres (unless I'm forgetting about some). WoD -> Ogres. Legion, no ogres. What break? They may not have been center stage, but they've always been around.
    Yeah, but in most cases these ogres where antagonist and actually we only saw in Vanilla and Cataclysm clans of ogers as members of the Horde. In Sidequests. This is not comparable to the impact the High Elves had to the Alliance story.

    And please define everywhere. Because intermittent pockets of HE here or there does not equal everywhere as you're trying to make them sound.
    Learn to read proberly, I counted where the High Elves got all kinds of spotlight instead of the Night Elves or some other race.

    Because if you knew anything of the lore that you claim you do, you'd know that Night Elven society didn't allow/permit the practice of magic until Cataclysm when it was seen as acceptable again. This is when Night Elves got playable mages. So why would they hang around Dalaran? A city of mages.
    Yeah, but think a minute about it. Can you? One minute without I don't know which kind of frustration you have to compensate with bashing the demand of alliance players for High Elves? One Minute. Question yourself, if Blizzards goes out of their way and implement an immense High Elf Presence in the game and even make the Major Faction of the alliance in Dalaran where you saw them all of the time, make them the Alliance representatives in the Argent Tournament and also the faction of the Quel'delar questline, do you think this is a move that will make the players forget about High Elves or make them wanting them more by portraying them as a present faction that equals the Blood Elves in the City?

    I mean, Wotlk was asspull in general, from flying Dalaran to Ashbringer Tirion, so it would have been easy to explain what the Night Elves do there. Simply they there are there to keep an eye on the Mages of Dalaran in the Name of the High Priestess and to try strengthen their influence over the mages of the humans by acting as helping hand or something like this. Anything that pushes the Night Elves and makes them the foils of the Blood Elves.

    As to the Argent tournament, they were mostly comprised of Paladins and Warriors at least in terms of how the faction out there was represented in game so why would NE's be there? The tents seem to carry more mages than anything, but the point has already been covered. Technically they could be warriors so I guess there's that.
    Yeah, but the High Elves were managing the entire Argent Tournament on Alliance side. We had them in daylies as well and yet again they were portrayed as the counterpart to the Blood Elves. Which the Night Elves should be. Because they are our playable Alliance Elf Race.

    You've got a perverse sense of understanding the term "spotlight" if you believe for a moment they were; at ANY moment in the past, the focus of any story before Alleria. And I'm sorry, but Worgen have had more focus than any notion of HE ever.
    Yeah...no. Not really true. They were prominantly present in the Purge of Dalaran, in the Island of the Thunder King, in Siege of Orgrimmar. They were the foils of the Blood Elves all of the time. Instead of the Night Elves, who would have needed this kind of spotlight.

    The Worgen really got no Focus. What have they gotten? Solely a 1-10 questline and then some Genn vs Sylvanas in Legion. Thats all. Nope, Silverpine Forest doesn't count because thats no content the Alliance can experience. You could stop being so disingenuous because if you really never saw High Elves you ever started around Wod and skipped most of Northrend or you only ever played Horde and never did Northrend or the Purge of Dalaran or 5.2

    And no one is saying that this is coming out of no where. I see comprehension is a struggle for you as well. What people are saying however is that considering BE's went to the Horde and now with the introduction of Void Elves, the notion of Blizz ever introducing HE as playable should be on it's way out. It's time to move on.
    And what I'm saying is that the Void Elves are bullshit that we should never have goten in the first place, instead they should have given us Krokuul, the Nightborn or Vrykul, though the fair move would have been to give the Horde Krokuul and the Alliane Nightborn as then both sides would have had an Argus faction and a broken isles faction and that they should have never portrayed High Elves in the Alliance after giving them to the Horde. Instead, they should have pushed the Night Elves stronger as the Alliance Elves. But instead, they made the Night Elves a living joke nobody feels invested for because they are nothing but a punching bag to show off how awesome the Horde is. I mean, in the end Blizz gave the Horde both Elf Races in their best shape. The Nightborn are the Night Elves at their prime and suprior to them in any way and the Blood Elves have all the Lore of the High Elves who were an Alliance race in Warcraft 2. What the Alliance has now are weak and useless Night Elves nobody wants to root for and nobody is invested in and cringy Void Elves that come out of nowhere and don't fit into the Alliance in the slightest. So yeah, Blizzard fucked up and you wonder why People desperately want the only Elves that are connected to the Alliance and can be taken halfway serious to be playable.

    Fuck, if they had given Nightborn to the Alliance nobody would ask for High Elves anymore. The spot would be filled.

    I've already covered this, but just because they exist does not mean they had any spot light.

    For now, hopefully they change this and that notion goes away. /shrug
    By the way, whats the problem you Horde Players have with Alliance Players would like to have High Elves, are popular race with tons of spotlight like I pointed out and you kinda ignored. Because, ya know, I don't see the Spotlight of Night Elves in anything. Yeah, the leveling zones and one scenario, but

  15. #215
    The Nightborn questline even has the High Elves, Night Elves and Blood Elves unite together and they each get dressed down differently, with Arcanist What'sherface even acknowledging the difference in High Elves and Blood Elves.

    I've wanted High Elves on Alliance and Ogres for Horde since Vanilla, get to it Blizzard!!!

  16. #216
    Quote Originally Posted by Traycor View Post
    I agree with a lot of your suggestions, but I think emphasizing Warlocks and Death Knights would not fit in with the Silver Covenant. Part of the reason they remained separate is because of the Blood Elf willingness to accept this kind of thing.
    That would be the point. The Silver Covenant would not be representative of the High Elfs. They would still have Mages and Priests and Paladins. The player faction would not. They'd be turning away from such activities and embracing nature. So..they get druids and shaman and a characterisation that is not necessarily based upon the Silver Covenant.

    Having the High Elf faction accept the Darkfallen might be a stretch, but it would open up the High Elfs to Death Knights and Warlocks, and provide even more differentiation between them and Blood Elfs while also providing a partial excuse to work around any question of numbers. It might be out of character....but just for the Silver Covenant, which would be sidelined here so Blizzard could create a faction free from expectation. In this scenario, the High Elfs...as a group, as a whole...would welcome/accept/tolerate the San'layn even of the Covenant did not.

    As for the new model...I look to Nozdormu and his High Elf form. It looks like a High Elf to me but to be fair, at the minute the model is irrelevant. Blizzard could easily change it...or not...and still get the benefit. But there is no point getting wed to the model on such a discussion.

  17. #217
    I personally do not think High Elves or Silver Covenant should be Warlocks to be honest.

  18. #218
    I don't see the appeal of High Elves but - if that's really what people want - by all means just give the Alliance High Elves already. I like options, and I fully support more of them - and high elves seem like a pretty easy option. I also think it would be a great opportunity to counter them with Undead Elves for the Horde (I mean how stupid is it that to look like the Warchief of the HORDE, you have to play Alliance).


    I'd just like to point out. Reading this forum I constantly see threads complaining about how "boring" the Alliance races are compared to the Horde's. How the Alliance is only getting reskins of existing races compared to the Horde. How little effort is being put into the Alliance compared to the Horde.

    And then? And then I see threads, constantly, asking for races that are literally reskinned existing races. High Elves, Wildhammer, Night Elf Worgen.

    You're doing it to yourselves.

  19. #219
    Quote Originally Posted by Pebble View Post
    I'd just like to point out. Reading this forum I constantly see threads complaining about how "boring" the Alliance races are compared to the Horde's. How the Alliance is only getting reskins of existing races compared to the Horde. How little effort is being put into the Alliance compared to the Horde.

    And then? And then I see threads, constantly, asking for races that are literally reskinned existing races. High Elves, Wildhammer, Night Elf Worgen.

    You're doing it to yourselves.
    Maybe the Alliance Players would prefer races that were not randomly asspulled and are cringy as fuck like the Void Elves.

    Or basically generic Draenei with different Horns like the Draenei. I mean, there isn't even any cultural difference. They are the same cucked as fuck Draenei who stand by and watch how some Half Demon Emo murders their Prime Naaru and Leader. There is nothing that could be done with them, they have no appeal outside of cooler horns. We don't even see anything of their culture or ideology in Argus. Most of the storyline is solely about Velen or Alleria.

  20. #220
    I really like the concepts presented in this thread. Reminds me of the Warrior saga from the Warcraft Legends manga, as they explored the relationship between High Elves and Wildhammer Dwarves somewhat. With Quel'Danil Lodge in the Hinterlands I do think the logical assumption is that there would be some cultural assimilation by both groups.

    I wouldn't be mad if they introduce both High Elves and Wildhammer Dwarves with a surprise Hinterlands revamp.

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