1. #22261
    Quote Originally Posted by Ardenaso View Post
    I hope it ends up badly. I still prefer Quel'thalas and especially Silvermoon to remain Horde. Whether Alleria or Vereesa has good intentions, the majority still sees them as mere human stooges. Given the anti-Alliance propaganda in just the Bazaar alone, the Silver Covenant are all wanted terrorists who betrayed their own people and the Void Elves to them are monsters whose existence are affront to their Sunwell. And Alleria is a fallen hero who joined the enemy of the state. To them at least. Especially when you have Rommath as one of the core leaders
    Alleria 100% has good intentions and she is 100% right.

    The Horde has dragged the blood elves in not one but two consecutive world wars, in which countless elves were needlessly butchered. Garrosh literally sent thousands of young elves into suicide missions in Pandaria. Theron even acknowledged that Garrosh got his bell through the sheer blood of his people.

    The blood elves joined the Horde to defeat the Scourge, and the Scourge has been defeated. They remain in the Horde purely for gameplay reasons. The Purge of Dalaran happened purely for gameplay reasons, and even then Theron was already negotiating with Varian to rejoin the Alliance.

    And who can forget how Sylvanas Windrunner shamelessly blackmailed the Sin'dorei at the start of WotLK and completely ignored their pleas to not go to Northrend?

    As Alleria is 100% right and Quel'Thalas does not belong in the Horde, it is not a surprise that many in Sin'dorei society would find her ideals inspiring. Alleria is not the first who fought to bring Quel'Thalas back into the fold, but she holds influence and recognition to a degree that Vereesa and Auric simply CANNOT compare. Alleria Windrunner is a war hero, a legend, so when a war hero says "Quel'Thalas should leave the Horde", then it's just normal that many would start to rethink their current allegiance to the Horde.

    Regardless, Alleria does not wish to harm Quel'Thalas in any way. She disagrees with the current government, but she still genuinely loves her homeland and seeks to protect it her own way. Trust me, if Alleria wanted Quel'Thalas destroyed, she would've already done it in BfA.
    Last edited by Varodoc; 2020-11-28 at 07:42 PM.

  2. #22262
    Quote Originally Posted by Mungho View Post
    The problem is the poster I replied to(as well as others) obviously wants it to be a success, ignoring all the problems it would cause.
    I mean sure, like you can see some people are biased to the idea of Silvermoon returning to the alliance and use the idea of a Battle for Silvermoon as a way to get there. but personally, I do think the idea of a "civil war" in Quel'thalas by itself would be awesome to explore, even if the alliance doesn't get the city.

    So that's the thing, look at the merit of the idea itself and put aside others people's biases for a bit, and I truly think a Battle for Silvermoon would be a great way to finally pay off almost 15 years of set up of a divided Thalassian people that has only increased on the last few years with the Ren'dorei entering the picture.

  3. #22263
    Anyone who thinks Silvermoon will ever be an Alliance welcoming capital in the WoW MMO is delusional IMO. It's just not going to happen. Blizzard would have to give tit for tat and make an Alliance capital welcoming of the Horde, and that's just as ridiculous. Capitals being destroyed is more likely than capitals ever welcoming the opposite faction.
    Last edited by Kyriani; 2020-11-29 at 04:11 AM.

  4. #22264
    I don't care about Silvermoon the city, it's a stupid, decrepit left-over from 2007. Sure it might be nostalgic (it is), but it's buggy and broken. Refer to any "Silvermoon Parkour Challenge" video if you don't believe me.

    However, it makes 100% sense that many within Silvermoon would reject the current government to follow Alleria's ideals. It is only natural that such a thing would happen, as I thoroughly explained.

    Blizzard will NEVER update Silvermoon, as they'd have to rebuild it from scratch in the EK world map. That doesn't mean they can't make a few instanced scenarios in there, however. They already did with the Nightborne recruitment scenario.

  5. #22265
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
    Anyone who think Silvermoon will ever be an Alliance welcoming capital in the WoW MMO is delusional IMO. It's just not going to happen. Blizzard would have to give tit for tat and make an Alliance capital welcoming of the Horde, and that's just as ridiculous. Capitals being destroyed is more likely than capitals ever welcoming the opposite faction.
    Yeah, I have to agree with that 100%.

    Though I have to say, I would have loved a Warfront: Eversong if only for have resulted in an updated zone; felt like the perfect opportunity, alas, it has passed.

    Just imagining Silvermoon updated to have Suramar's quality makes me sigh. So beautiful!

  6. #22266
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    I don't care about Silvermoon the city, it's a stupid, decrepit left-over from 2007. Sure it might be nostalgic (it is), but it's buggy and broken. Refer to any "Silvermoon Parkour Challenge" video if you don't believe me.

    However, it makes 100% sense that many within Silvermoon would reject the current government to follow Alleria's ideals. It is only natural that such a thing would happen, as I thoroughly explained.

    Blizzard will NEVER update Silvermoon, as they'd have to rebuild it from scratch in the EK world map. That doesn't mean they can't make a few instanced scenarios in there, however. They already did with the Nightborne recruitment scenario.
    I might've been too harsh, I apologize. With the Horde narratively destroyed by the writers, I worry about Blizzard giving pieces of it to the Alliance, no matter how unlikely it seems. Considering the state the Horde is in now, I'd imagine many BE would like to leave the Horde.
    Wait, if a Blood Elf joined the Alliance, would they automatically become a High Elf?

  7. #22267
    Quote Originally Posted by MyWholeLifeIsThunder View Post
    Yeah, I have to agree with that 100%.

    Though I have to say, I would have loved a Warfront: Eversong if only for have resulted in an updated zone; felt like the perfect opportunity, alas, it has passed.

    Just imagining Silvermoon updated to have Suramar's quality makes me sigh. So beautiful!
    I agree. I would have loved an Eversong warfront, if only to update Silvermoon/Eversong Woods/Ghostlands into flyable areas. And by virtue of doing this, flight could be enabled in the Draenei starting zones, which need no extra work since the Exodar is self contained and all the Draenei starting areas are complete from every angle.

  8. #22268
    Quote Originally Posted by Mungho View Post
    I might've been too harsh, I apologize. With the Horde narratively destroyed by the writers, I worry about Blizzard giving pieces of it to the Alliance, no matter how unlikely it seems. Considering the state the Horde is in now, I'd imagine many BE would like to leave the Horde.
    Wait, if a Blood Elf joined the Alliance, would they automatically become a High Elf?
    Oh I wasn't offended, I was just surprised you were going on a tangent on how Silvermoon will not become an Alliance capital.

    I'm pretty sure that everyone realizes Silvermoon and Exodar will never be updated, and the fact they did not become fly zones in Cataclysm was the obvious red flag. Still, that doesn't mean they can't be the location of some instanced story scenarios.

  9. #22269
    The Lightbringer Ardenaso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    Alleria 100% has good intentions and she is 100% right.

    The Horde has dragged the blood elves in not one but two consecutive world wars, in which countless elves were needlessly butchered. Garrosh literally sent thousands of young elves into suicide missions in Pandaria. Theron even acknowledged that Garrosh got his bell through the sheer blood of his people.

    The blood elves joined the Horde to defeat the Scourge, and the Scourge has been defeated. They remain in the Horde purely for gameplay reasons. The Purge of Dalaran happened purely for gameplay reasons, and even then Theron was already negotiating with Varian to rejoin the Alliance.

    And who can forget how Sylvanas Windrunner shamelessly blackmailed the Sin'dorei at the start of WotLK and completely ignored their pleas to not go to Northrend?

    As Alleria is 100% right and Quel'Thalas does not belong in the Horde, it is not a surprise that many in Sin'dorei society would find her ideals inspiring. Alleria is not the first who fought to bring Quel'Thalas back into the fold, but she holds influence and recognition to a degree that Vereesa and Auric simply CANNOT compare. Alleria Windrunner is a war hero, a legend, so when a war hero says "Quel'Thalas should leave the Horde", then it's just normal that many would start to rethink their current allegiance to the Horde.

    Regardless, Alleria does not wish to harm Quel'Thalas in any way. She disagrees with the current government, but she still genuinely loves her homeland and seeks to protect it her own way. Trust me, if Alleria wanted Quel'Thalas destroyed, she would've already done it in BfA.
    I mean yes, but Rommath's propaganda machine wouldn't easily make it possible

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Mungho View Post
    And just what Alliance capital would be given to the Horde for balance?
    not an Alliance capital but to balance the Alliance victories after BFA I do wish for a complete and total reunification of the Forsaken and the Argent Lordaeronians where the Forsaken are fully accepted by them. That means all of Eastweald (Hearthglen, Stratholme, Tyr's Hand, Light's Hope) becomes Horde lands.

    and of course, Alterac lands going back to their rightful owners as well as the Alterac Grasslands (Tarren Mill, Southshore, Durnholde). Alteraci Humans for the Horde

    (we all know Quel'thalas and Silvermoon will never be Alliance)

    I really prefer the Alliance Thalassians to do a Dath'remar and settle in Eldre'thalas, that land is waiting for them for them to restore it and make it their new homeland. With Mordent, Vereesa, and Umbric as advisors to Alleria
    The Alliance gets the Horde's most popular race. The Horde should get the Alliance's most popular race in return. Alteraci Humans for the Horde!

    I make Warcraft 3 Reforged HD custom models and I'm also an HD model reviewer.

  10. #22270
    Quote Originally Posted by Ardenaso View Post
    I mean yes, but Rommath's propaganda machine wouldn't easily make it possible

    - - - Updated - - -

    not an Alliance capital but to balance the Alliance victories after BFA I do wish for a complete and total reunification of the Forsaken and the Argent Lordaeronians where the Forsaken are fully accepted by them. That means all of Eastweald (Hearthglen, Stratholme, Tyr's Hand, Light's Hope) becomes Horde lands.

    and of course, Alterac lands going back to their rightful owners as well as the Alterac Grasslands (Tarren Mill, Southshore, Durnholde). Alteraci Humans for the Horde

    (we all know Quel'thalas and Silvermoon will never be Alliance)

    I really prefer the Alliance Thalassians to do a Dath'remar and settle in Eldre'thalas, that land is waiting for them for them to restore it and make it their new homeland. With Mordent, Vereesa, and Umbric as advisors to Alleria
    We don't know if the Thalassian government still employs propaganda. No, the two priests in the Bazaar are not evidence, because Silvremoon in-game is still stuck in the TBC timeline.

    It's been... what? 6 years? 10 years since TBC? Quel'Thalas has recovered since then, certainly they don't need dirty brainwashing methods anymore.

    I also think that Kael'thas's betrayal hurt the legitimacy of Theron's regime severely. Who appointed Theron as Regent? A mad, traitor prince who went rogue and joined the Legion. Theron's regime will always be stained by Kael'thas' actions, thus it's not unreasonable to believe that many would prefer Alleria on the throne.

    There's also the Void Lords telling Alleria that the throne of Quel'Thalas is rightfully hers. Even they understand that the name "Windrunner" carries authority and influence.
    Last edited by Varodoc; 2020-11-29 at 12:03 PM.

  11. #22271
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
    Black is a natural hair color, and Blood Elves have black hair as an option. Does that mean Void Elves can't have black hair?

    White hair is also a natural hair color, and Blood Elves also have white hair as an option, does that mean Void Elves can't have white hair?

    Blue hair is not a natural hair color (at least not in the human spectrum), yet Blood Elves now have multiple blue hair options. Does that mean Void Elves can't get any new shades of blue hair?

    Purple is also not a natural hair color (at least not in the human spectrum), yet Blood Elves recently got a dark purple hair option. Does that mean Void Elves can't get any new shades of purple hair?
    Firstly, I think void elves should get black and pure white hair options.

    Secondly, your comments about blood elves getting blue / dark purple hair options is moot. As it stands, void elves have access to ALL the blood elf skin options PLUS their own void skin options (that blood elves do not have access to). It's only fair then that blood elves have a wider range of hair color options, ranging from void elf-esque colors such as blue, to natural hair colors that they've always had. It'd be hypocritical to think void elves are entitled to natural hair colors because blood elves got blue (from their DK's, not even from void elves) hair, while at the same time void elves already have all the blood elf skins plus their own unique ones. On top of that, it'd be downright unfair to offer void elves and wider range of options (both skins and potentially hair) than their parent race.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by MyWholeLifeIsThunder View Post
    I mean sure, like you can see some people are biased to the idea of Silvermoon returning to the alliance and use the idea of a Battle for Silvermoon as a way to get there. but personally, I do think the idea of a "civil war" in Quel'thalas by itself would be awesome to explore, even if the alliance doesn't get the city.

    So that's the thing, look at the merit of the idea itself and put aside others people's biases for a bit, and I truly think a Battle for Silvermoon would be a great way to finally pay off almost 15 years of set up of a divided Thalassian people that has only increased on the last few years with the Ren'dorei entering the picture.
    Wouldn't be much of a war. The few remaining alliance aligned high elves in combination with the void elves would still be vastly outgunned and outnumbered by the blood elves. Unless of course you were to include the other races of the Alliance / Horde, in which case it wouldn't be a civil war it'd be a faction war.
    Blood elves are our high elves - Chris Metzen

  12. #22272
    I've browsed this thread on and off for while now before i made an account here and i'm curious about the general desires of the people who want High Elves as a playable race (or wanted since it seems to have shifted to giving Void Elves more natural/High Elf customization options).

    I don't particularly care for Elves but from my perspective the Blood Elves already stand in for the "High Elf" fantasy archetype (haughty, graceful, typically either wizards or archers) same way Night Elves stand in for the Wood Elf archetype (in touch with nature, typically druids or archers), Void Elves and Nightborne had their own thematics and visuals that seperated them from their respective core parent race (Void elves and Nightborne both visually and thematically draw from dark elves/drow). Attempts i've seen to give them their own visual identity also seem questionable to me such as giving them a more wood elf look (which night elves already possess) or giving them farstrider stuff like tattoos given that the farstriders are still a part of Blood Elf society and aren't a uniquely silver covenant/high elf thing it seems like a stretch to make that their visual identity)

    Was the "High Elves" (as an archetype) of World of Warcraft being aligned with the Horde instead of the Alliance affect your desire to play a "high elf" and so you want a race of the same archetype on the Alliance? how much Blood Elf customization would you be satisfied with being given to Void Elves and would it matter if the Blood Elf customizations would end up overshadowing the Void Elves own visual/thematic identity (I've even seen suggestions of changing Entropic Embrace to make people more able to pretend their void elves are uncorrupted High Elves which just seems ridiculous to me)

    I've also seen the argument of High Elves "belonging" with the Alliance instead of the Horde, while i can understand this argument perhaps in terms of visuals but Lore-wise the High Elves were never particularly strong allies with the alliance, they only allied with the Empire of Arathor to defeat a mutual foe in the Amani Trolls, Only sent a token force to support the Alliance of Lordaeron in the Second War and only started supporting it in earnest when the Horde threatened Quel'Thalas itself, after the second war they abandoned the Alliance with only High Elves staying being more associated with Dalaran and the Light than the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas.

    The only prominent group of High Elves in the game has been the Silver Covenant who seem more motivated by an opposition to the Sunreavers/Horde moreso than loyalty to the Alliance (and have also only ever been relevant when the Sunreavers are relevant), their leader Vereesa has also nearly left the joined Sylvanas and the Horde in one of the novels and only refused because of her children not any loyalty to the alliance, i'm just not seeing the supposed High Elf loyalty to the Alliance.

    Apologies if any parts of this post came across as confrontational, i know this is a contentious topic. I'm just merely curious as someone who doesn't really have an investment either pro or anti High Elf (since i wouldn't make one even if they were playable either as their own race or as Void Elf customizations).
    Last edited by Imperator4321; 2020-11-30 at 01:21 AM.

  13. #22273
    Quote Originally Posted by Strippling View Post
    Wouldn't be much of a war. The few remaining alliance aligned high elves in combination with the void elves would still be vastly outgunned and outnumbered by the blood elves. Unless of course you were to include the other races of the Alliance / Horde, in which case it wouldn't be a civil war it'd be a faction war.
    I mean it's entirely likely that in a war scenario, both factions would back their members, you know, like proxy wars between superpowers work.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Imperator4321 View Post
    I've browsed this thread on and off for while now before i made an account here and i'm curious about the general desires of the people who want High Elves as a playable race (or wanted since it seems to have shifted to giving Void Elves more natural/High Elf customization options).

    I don't particularly care for Elves but from my perspective the Blood Elves already stand in for the "High Elf" fantasy archetype (haughty, graceful, typically either wizards or archers) same way Night Elves stand in for the Wood Elf archetype (in touch with nature, typically druids or archers), Void Elves and Nightborne had their own thematics and visuals that seperated them from their respective core parent race (Void elves and Nightborne both visually and thematically draw from dark elves/drow). Attempts i've seen to give them their own visual identity also seem questionable to me such as giving them a more wood elf look (which night elves already possess) or giving them farstrider stuff like tattoos given that the farstriders are still a part of Blood Elf society and aren't a uniquely silver covenant/high elf thing it seems like a stretch to make that their visual identity)

    Was the "High Elves" (as an archetype) of World of Warcraft being aligned with the Horde instead of the Alliance affect your desire to play a "high elf" and so you want a race of the same archetype on the Alliance? how much Blood Elf customization would you be satisfied with being given to Void Elves and would it matter if the Blood Elf customizations would end up overshadowing the Void Elves own visual/thematic identity (I've even seen suggestions of changing Entropic Embrace to make people more able to pretend their void elves are uncorrupted High Elves which just seems ridiculous to me)

    I've also seen the argument of High Elves "belonging" with the Alliance instead of the Horde, while i can understand this argument perhaps in terms of visuals but Lore-wise the High Elves were never particularly strong allies with the alliance, they only allied with the Empire of Arathor to defeat a mutual foe in the Amani Trolls, Only sent a token force to support the Alliance of Lordaeron in the Second War and only started supporting it in earnest when the Horde threatened Quel'Thalas itself, after the second war they abandoned the Alliance with only High Elves staying being more associated with Dalaran and the Light than the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas.

    The only prominent group of High Elves in the game has been the Silver Covenant who seem more motivated by an opposition to the Sunreavers/Horde moreso than loyalty to the Alliance (and have also only ever been relevant when the Sunreavers are relevant), their leader Vereesa has also nearly left the joined Sylvanas and the Horde in one of the novels and only refused because of her children not any loyalty to the alliance, i'm just not seeing the supposed High Elf loyalty to the Alliance.

    Apologies if any parts of this post came across as confrontational, i know this is a contentious topic. I'm just merely curious as someone who doesn't really have an investment either pro or anti High Elf (since i wouldn't make one even if they were playable either as their own race or as Void Elf customizations).
    I mean short answer I guess it's just that they are part of Warcraft's history, and remain to exist within the world.

    As we all know, most High Elves renamed themselves Blood Elves and ended up in the Horde, but since the first happened, we have known a small fraction of them didn't, and is now in the Alliance, just as High Elves were when introduced into the game.

    It's continuity, and appreciation of it. High Elves exist still, and although now we see them also incarnated as BE and VE, that High Elf "flavor" still exists; the conversation would be much different if High Elves had become extinct and not formed groups like the SC, the Highvale, or being a large population of Dalaran.

    Pretty much every humanoid race in WoW has people that want them to be playable, and in the case of High Elves, they are the oldest race introduced in WoW that is not Playable recognizable as the group they were introduced as -mainly, Alliance aligned-

    Because yeah, the same Elves are technically playable as Blood Elves, but as self evident, that's not the faction they were introduced in; Indeed, "High Elves" has been the only race that has "split" since their introduction, so by any meaningful measure, they aren't fully playable, and won't be until alliance aligned High Elves are made playable in a meaningful way that recognizes that throughline as original members of the Alliance that we still see currently through Alleria, her troops in Outland, the Highvale, and all those scattered High Elves in alliance settlements. The Silver Covenant itself is a continuation of that sentiment, created during WoW, representing those Dalarani Elves against the Sunreaver and Horde influence in their now neutral city.

    Note that, it doesn't have to be as their own race, mind you, but something that addresses that history -which is why Void Elves as they are don't fulfill that niche- Maybe all it would take is for some High Elves to officially join the Void Elves, we cannot deny that the most iconic High Elf is a Void Elf now, so it's a viable path forward for thalassians as a people.

  14. #22274
    Quote Originally Posted by MyWholeLifeIsThunder View Post
    I mean short answer I guess it's just that they are part of Warcraft's history, and remain to exist within the world.

    As we all know, most High Elves renamed themselves Blood Elves and ended up in the Horde, but since the first happened, we have known a small fraction of them didn't, and is now in the Alliance, just as High Elves were when introduced into the game.

    It's continuity, and appreciation of it. High Elves exist still, and although now we see them also incarnated as BE and VE, that High Elf "flavor" still exists; the conversation would be much different if High Elves had become extinct and not formed groups like the SC, the Highvale, or being a large population of Dalaran.

    Pretty much every humanoid race in WoW has people that want them to be playable, and in the case of High Elves, they are the oldest race introduced in WoW that is not Playable recognizable as the group they were introduced as -mainly, Alliance aligned-

    Because yeah, the same Elves are technically playable as Blood Elves, but as self evident, that's not the faction they were introduced in; Indeed, "High Elves" has been the only race that has "split" since their introduction, so by any meaningful measure, they aren't fully playable, and won't be until alliance aligned High Elves are made playable in a meaningful way that recognizes that throughline as original members of the Alliance that we still see currently through Alleria, her troops in Outland, the Highvale, and all those scattered High Elves in alliance settlements. The Silver Covenant itself is a continuation of that sentiment, created during WoW, representing those Dalarani Elves against the Sunreaver and Horde influence in their now neutral city.

    Note that, it doesn't have to be as their own race, mind you, but something that addresses that history -which is why Void Elves as they are don't fulfill that niche- Maybe all it would take is for some High Elves to officially join the Void Elves, we cannot deny that the most iconic High Elf is a Void Elf now, so it's a viable path forward for thalassians as a people.
    I can see how frustrating it could be to have Blizzard half committing to the concept, with the High Elf archetype being playable for the Horde but also having high elves appear on the alliance side while not being reflected in their playable options. How the Silver Covenant essentially have no story or conflict of their own and only exist whenever the Sunreavers/Sin'dorei have plot relevance, has Vereesa even done anything since Three Sisters? how do the Silver Covenant feel about the Ren'dorei, these are questions that should be answered since the Silver Covenant have been a (somewhat) significant part of the alliance storylines (particularly Wrath and MoP).
    Last edited by Imperator4321; 2020-11-30 at 06:20 AM.

  15. #22275
    Quote Originally Posted by MyWholeLifeIsThunder View Post
    I mean it's entirely likely that in a war scenario, both factions would back their members, you know, like proxy wars between superpowers work.
    I mean you're not wrong. I just think in that scenario it'd be more accurately defined as a faction war, as opposed to a "civil war". In a "civil war" scenario, the thalassian elves aligned with the alliance would stand absolutely zero chance against their kin on the Horde. They'd simply be outgunned.

    Plus a civil war wouldn't make sense, when A) we have both Vareesa and Alleria who have expressed their views on wanting to be "reunited with their blood elf kin" (a civil war would not help that), and B) we have in game indicators now suggesting that some high elves have joined the Horde's ranks (suggesting that there is less malice between the Horde and Alliance thalassian groups then has previously existed).
    Blood elves are our high elves - Chris Metzen

  16. #22276
    Quote Originally Posted by Strippling View Post
    Firstly, I think void elves should get black and pure white hair options.

    Secondly, your comments about blood elves getting blue / dark purple hair options is moot. As it stands, void elves have access to ALL the blood elf skin options PLUS their own void skin options (that blood elves do not have access to). It's only fair then that blood elves have a wider range of hair color options, ranging from void elf-esque colors such as blue, to natural hair colors that they've always had. It'd be hypocritical to think void elves are entitled to natural hair colors because blood elves got blue (from their DK's, not even from void elves) hair, while at the same time void elves already have all the blood elf skins plus their own unique ones. On top of that, it'd be downright unfair to offer void elves and wider range of options (both skins and potentially hair) than their parent race.
    I'd think it would be more fair if Blood Elves got the Dark Ranger/San'layn NPC skin and eyes as options rather than arbitrarily denying Void Elves any color options in the Human spectrum beyond black and white. I prefer more options for everyone, to gating options for specific races.

    I do think that Blizzard should share Void Elf hairstyles with Blood Elves, even if they are modified versions, as a sort of recompense for the sharing of skin tones. The hairstyle I use for my character (as seen in my avatar image), is exceedingly popular and I know of several Blood Elf players who'd like to have it. Overall though, I think Blood Elves need more options period. Compared to other core races, Blood Elves really feel like they got shafted.

    I'm not sure how Blizzard intends to handle customization for allied races when their time comes. I would expect them to take the path of least effort and simply have allied races inherit straight up copies or modified versions of options from their parent races wherever possible. Several Void Elf hairstyles are already modified versions of Blood Elf styles so there does seem to be a precedent for that. As far as hair colors go though, I'm hoping that Blizzard doesn't just copy the Blood Elf hair colors to Void Elves. It would add salt to the wound that some Blood Elf players felt after having shared their skin tones, and it would make Void Elves look virtually indistinguishable from Blood Elves. While some players would like that, I would not.

    At the same time, I don't think it unfair for Void Elves to get at least a few natural human hair colors so long as they aren't identical to the options Blood Elves have or as numerous. As I linked earlier, I think these colors would be fine for Void Elves. And even if that's all they got as far as hair colors go, it would do wonders for appeasing not only those seeking the High Elf look, but also those who simply want more variety. Maybe they want to be portray a half elf that joined the Ren'dorei (I'll be shocked if Void Elves don't get the same ear size options that Blood Elves currently have), maybe they just like the way a particular hair color looks with the glowy tentacles. Void Elves should not be stuck with only hair colors within a given spectrum while everyone else gets a wide range of hair colors.

    While this is not as huge a selection of colors as Blood Elves have, it covers the basics while remaining relatively distinct from Blood Elves. Having a single dull beige blonde option that's nothing like any blonde that Blood Elves have isn't an unfair ask in my opinion. It's a somewhat darker version of the blonde option that Humans have and nothing like the variety of blondes that Blood Elves possess. No wide selection of bright platinum or lemon yellow blondes, just one diffused beige option.

    As I mentioned above, I do think that Blood Elves should get the Dark Ranger/San'layn skin and eyes so they can have their own "secondary theme" as some on the official forums like to say. On top of that, I don't think Blizzard should allow Void Elves to inherit the distinctly Silvermoon themed jewelry. If Void Elves get any jewelry options, I feel they should be more in the style and color scheme of their heritage armor, though personally, I'd be fine if they didn't add any jewelry options to Void Elves at all.

    When it comes down to it though, I think that all of the core races that are still lacking, including Blood Elves, need to have their options fleshed out further so as to be as satisfying as the Night Elf and Human options are, before allied races in general, and Void Elves in particular, get anything added to them. Once the core races have a satisfying selection of options, then the allied races can get their turn. And when that happens, the very first allied race that should get focused on is the Nightborne in my opinion. Of all the allied races they need love the most!
    Last edited by Kyriani; 2020-11-30 at 05:01 AM.

  17. #22277
    Quote Originally Posted by Imperator4321 View Post
    I can see how frustrating it could be to have Blizzard half committing to the concept, with the High Elf archetype being playable for the Horde but also having high elves appear on the alliance side while not being reflected in their playable options. How the Silver Covenant essentially have no story or conflict of their own and only exist whenever the Sunreavers/Sin'dorei have plot relevance, has Vereesa even done anything since Three Sisters? how do the Silver Covenant feel about the Ren'dorei, these are questions that should be answered since the Silver Covenant have been a (somewhat) significant part of the alliance storylines (particularly Wrath and MoP).
    Exactly; at the end of the day, due to not being a major playable faction, the Silver Covenant rarely gets any focus, yet still they have repeatedly showed up since WotLK. Like a big part of the request for High Elves on the alliance comes from the game itself continuing to use them as members of the alliance -even when they are never the focus-

    TBH I would like if the SC and the Void Elves started to work together, or even merge. Would be fun to see some previously HE members show up as Void Elves.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Strippling View Post
    I mean you're not wrong. I just think in that scenario it'd be more accurately defined as a faction war, as opposed to a "civil war". In a "civil war" scenario, the thalassian elves aligned with the alliance would stand absolutely zero chance against their kin on the Horde. They'd simply be outgunned.

    Plus a civil war wouldn't make sense, when A) we have both Vareesa and Alleria who have expressed their views on wanting to be "reunited with their blood elf kin" (a civil war would not help that), and B) we have in game indicators now suggesting that some high elves have joined the Horde's ranks (suggesting that there is less malice between the Horde and Alliance thalassian groups then has previously existed).
    I do think you are thinking the term "Civil War" in a limited sense; basically I mean a conflict where two groups of a same people want to uphold political supremacy of their people, it's different than a war between two different groups of different origins. I mean Civil War in that sense, conflict within the same people.

    Sure Alleria and Vereesa want reunification, but both clearly have expressed it to be under the Alliance, so that would likely lead to open conflict if pursued.

    And if you are referring to blue eyes blood elves, sure, we might interpret that as High Elves rejoining QT, but without confirmation that's just speculation, might as well be BE's that regained, or never had, blue eyes. Either way is speculation, hardly confirmation.

    But what we do know is that a group of Blood Elves got recently exiled for using Void, AKA the Void Elves, so that's a far more evident argument for their division. I do agree that the animosity is not as high as it was after the Purge of Dalaran, but it's clear that both sides think they are on the right here; with Vereesa believing "BE's can be redeemed" and Alleria outright stating she wants them back on the Alliance, so even if some High Elves have returned to QT -which again, speculation, but likely- doesn't reflect a large scale road to reunification under the Horde.

  18. #22278
    The Lightbringer Ardenaso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MyWholeLifeIsThunder View Post
    the animosity is not as high as it was after the Purge of Dalaran, but it's clear that both sides think they are on the right here; with Vereesa believing "BE's can be redeemed" and Alleria outright stating she wants them back on the Alliance, so even if some High Elves have returned to QT -which again, speculation, but likely- doesn't reflect a large scale road to reunification under the Horde.
    ahh yes I do love me Vereesa's state-sponsored redemptions

    The Alliance gets the Horde's most popular race. The Horde should get the Alliance's most popular race in return. Alteraci Humans for the Horde!

    I make Warcraft 3 Reforged HD custom models and I'm also an HD model reviewer.

  19. #22279
    Brewmaster elbleuet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strippling View Post
    Plus a civil war wouldn't make sense, when A) we have both Vareesa and Alleria who have expressed their views on wanting to be "reunited with their blood elf kin" (a civil war would not help that), and B) we have in game indicators now suggesting that some high elves have joined the Horde's ranks (suggesting that there is less malice between the Horde and Alliance thalassian groups then has previously existed).
    Vereesa and Alleria never said that. This is just your headcanon. Alleria, Umbric, and Vereesa all want Silvermoon to be part of the Alliance again.

    And it's now canon that a lot of blood elves, living in Silvermoon, strongly support the Alliance.

    If some High elves have joined the Horde's ranks, some Blood elves have joined the Alliance's ranks too.
    "If you want to play alongside High and Void elves, the Alliance is waiting for you"

  20. #22280
    Quote Originally Posted by Ardenaso View Post
    ahh yes I do love me Vereesa's state-sponsored redemptions

    Dude I literally said "animosity is not as high as it was after the Purge" and you literally post a picture of the Purge.

    What I mean by that is; Vereesa has gone from "murder BE's if they look at you funny" during MoP to "They can ask forgiveness" at the end of Legion.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by elbleuet View Post
    Vereesa and Alleria never said that. This is just your headcanon. Alleria, Umbric, and Vereesa all want Silvermoon to be part of the Alliance again.

    And it's now canon that a lot of blood elves, living in Silvermoon, strongly support the Alliance.

    If some High elves have joined the Horde's ranks, some Blood elves have joined the Alliance's ranks too.
    He's not wrong, but he is definitely removing context as to how the remaining Windrunners want that "reunification"

    Vereesa says "I still believes that Blood Elves can be redeemed" during Three Sisters, and Alleria says "One day Silvermoon will stand again on the side of the Alliance. I know it" On the Embassy during the AR quests. So it does mean that both want reunification, but clearly do so in a context where BE's are not on the Horde.

    And indeed, the new book does confirm that there are Alliance sympathizers in Silvermoon, so it further bolster the idea that a Civil War could be possible.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
    Fun fact, I made the first three! don't know who added the last 2 colors, but I do really like 'em!

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