1. #22461
    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    They never were realy an alliance race to begin with lol.

    Some alliances in a war for their own benefit and left shortly afther. A few high elves stayed.. ,but you cant realy say that they are part of the alliance persee. More like temporarily.

    Holding on old warcraft 2 lore isnt helping...
    Don't kid yourself - read the lines and between them. Everything the alliance is built on, it's behaviour, tendencies are because of the elf and human collaboration.. Whether Quel'thalas was all into the alliance or not, the humans' civilization, characteristics of all the things the alliance stands for, including its nobility are very much in the high elves and in the lore are mostly taught to the humans by the high elves, who in turn are from the Kaldorei.

    They are basically "better" or perfect Humans, they are the ideal of the alliance, and very much played a part alongside humans in everything. You don't get more alliance core than elves and humans in this universe. Even after TBC, when most blood elves were part of the horde, the race remains.

    The Nightborne is the embodiment of the best of the kaldorei civilization, coming down from the conceit of the invasion period of the pre-sundering era, embracing the original kaldorei nobility that the Highborne and Kaldorei from noble to commoner embodied. We see this in Thalyssra and the Nightborne - all of this is the same strain that pervades the alliance.

    Your blood elves and Nightborne are basically idealised and better humans on the horde - how the freck do you think that makes sense or is good for the alliance? Blizzard intentionally pedalled on the humanisation of the elves adn the better version of humanity they brought, because they felt this would make the horde or part of the horde more relatable and attractive.

    It worked, but I think it was more because the models were hot, but still it did influence as many alliance minded elf fans switched.

    So to think the high elves weren't really alliance is being either stupid, blind or stubborn - as if the tenure of their membership is what is been talked about here.

    As mace says, you don't give the opposite faction better humans and expect the original faction to not be affected.. and then when it's pointed out you choose to ignore everything it means and play "plausible deniability" - yeh..right.. I'm not buying.

    don't expect the alliance to grow and heal when half of it is flourishing on the horde, remove the bulk of what is on the horde and put it back on the alliance.. let the alliance be the full alliance, let the horde be the horde. And watch things equalise. The horde doesn't need the kaldorei civilization and/or the Thalassians too, those are alliance, it doesn't need tons of blood elves and Nightborne, it just needs them to remain playable, and that can happen with a remnant amount. Just like the void elves and kaldorei currently are, a remnant - this is what the Nightborne and blood elves should be.

    It's just insane, the horde has all their races and the two best alliance races, with the best of those races on it. What ridiculous favouritism that is unwarranted.. then you wonder why the Horde grossly out numbers the alliance, and no one wants to play in the alliance.. open your eyes. Say no to voluntary blindness, stupidity and ignorance.

    Last edited by Aucald; 2020-12-06 at 03:38 PM. Reason: Received Infraction

  2. #22462
    wow page 1151.. so you didn't like the arc the story took with WC3, you didn't like blood elves, you didn't like them joining the Horde, that's fine

    but grow up at last,sometimes things dont' turn out how you wanted them to, this is getting ridiculous, if only all the time and effort spent discussion the fucking elves was spent into something more constructive...

  3. #22463
    Quote Originally Posted by Tanaria View Post
    Oh well...your not getting Silvermoon or Suramar, and most certainly not Blood Elves and Nightborne. They are on the better faction, safe from being servants of Human overlords.
    You seem to be forgetting it's much easier for the blood elves and Nightborne to swing back to the alliance in the majority. You don't need far fetched stories and strenuous unbleivable circumstances that people 20 years after the fact still don't buy.

    It will feel natural and right and they will fit in easily to the cheers of both the alliance and the core horde fans.

    If blizzard could make much harder decisions like taking elves over to the horde, what makes you think they'll struggle to replace most of what they took back on the alliance especially now the alliance is the one that desperately needs their elves (who are greatly desired) back?????? They are fully aware they only need the blood elf and Nightborne models playable on the horde, and I think you are aware too. The horde doesn't need Silvermoon, Quel'thalas, Suramar nor tons of Thalassians and all the Nightborne.

    If the alliance could lose the majority of the high elves and the majority of the night elves and their homes, civilization and capitals, what makes you think the horde, to which elven stuff is really superfluous can't afford to lose them and replace them with Troll cities and Orc cities and Goblin ones, wth just a skeleton remnant of blood elves and Nightborne around to continue to allow model access to face it, the majority of blood elf players (3/4 or at least half by my reckoning) who really couldn't care less whether Silvermoon stands with the horde in the lore or not.

    I applaud your Tanriasity for stating it will never happen, you know as well as others do, that is just wishful thinking. The alliance lost one of it's core races to the horde when blizzard decided to build the horde, surely even you can see they'll have no issue restoring them back to the alliance and doing more if they need to.
    @ravenmoon - he honestly thinks that blizzard aren't aware of the tiny super vocal minority of horde elf fans stalking the forum boards jumping on any alliance suggestion about elves returning to the alliance or getting better. They aren't that blind, they know all the account data, , they know full well most of the players will cheer this on both factions, - only some of the horde elf fan base would get sour, because some of them will switch back to the alliance. I bet Tanaria and Rhlor would be one of those who switch back.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyanu View Post
    wow page 1151.. so you didn't like the arc the story took with WC3, you didn't like blood elves, you didn't like them joining the Horde, that's fine

    but grow up at last,sometimes things dont' turn out how you wanted them to, this is getting ridiculous, if only all the time and effort spent discussion the fucking elves was spent into something more constructive...
    And realise that they can change and not remain how you would like them too either, do not fail to forget it goes both ways.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by elbleuet View Post

    Yeah that's why the Alliance got your blood elves because they're totally not an Alliance race lol!
    They should have given us High orcs instead.
    This hard me roflmao. If they listen to their own shit long enough, they start actually believing it. It's sad. I expected people like him to not waste time arguing the obvious, but instead argue on the "the validity or necessity of such a refocus" or "the impact it would have on the fans who really like Silvermoon on the horde" far more genuine and honest points, but instead he goes for the a totally rubbish argument like "they were never an alliance race to begin with" or "they don't belong on the alliance" - I mean who're they kidding? Themselves obviously.

  4. #22464
    Quote Originally Posted by Ardenaso View Post
    Stromgarde, Gilneas, and Quel'thalas left the Alliance of Lordaeron after WC2, and Alterac was kicked out

    the only ones who haven't re-pledged to the Grand Alliance are Quel'thalas and Alterac. I want Alterac to be Horde
    Whiles that might be a nice kick for the upside down "au contraire" lovers of this world, what really do the horde or alliance gain by more alliance things going horde?

    We are not talking about the horde capturing the lands and buildings and rebuilding stuff for their own races, we are talking about more alliance cultures going horde, further homogenising, when the opposite should be happening.

    Instead most of the blood elves and Nightborne should be rejoining the alliance, imo as High elves and as Night elves (healed by the Arcan'dor - or at least unplayable Nightborne models - yes you heard me, I'm not advocating for Nightborne models to be playable, I'd rather the majority of the Nightborne turn into night elves and that accelerate or contribute to them returning to neutrality or joining the alliance).

    This way we get the alliance more unified and distinctly separate from the horde, rather than basically have the alliance and half the horde pretty much being alliance, with the real horde distinctiveness only being a fraction of the horde -

    I think Warcraft really has lost what's special and distinctive about it's factions since the alliance went over in the form of the blood elves. This may have been necessary at first (It really wasn't, they could have used another race, something else to be pretty and attractive), but it no longer is necessary. And it certainly no longer requires such a prominent alliance elven presence on the horde - you mean the best alliance cities and lands of both the High elves AND the night elves - the core origin lore city for the Darnassians and the kingdom of the High elves on the horde? With such a majority ? Having all the horde races and the two best alliance elf races as well in their glory? Really? Is that necessary?

    And you want more human stuff on their? Fair enough, you might like the twisting and mixing up of themes, the homogenisation or just love seeing things in the wrong places just to simply mind fuck, I can get that, but you are aware this actually just fucks things up right? It doesn't heal, help or anything like that.

    - - - Updated - - -

    The way I'd do it:

    Blood Elves:
    Most of Quel'thalas gives up on the horde, it's just not them, never was, the atrocities of Teldrassil (while Darnassians werne't like) were just to barbaric, and Sylvanas again - added to that, Alleria actually appealed to many, and the high elf has been the heart of these people for ages, and a high elf leader has risen to try to unite their people.

    It seems easy. They re-embrace their original identity as High elves stating that the period of mourning and the title of sin'dorei has officially come to an end, it's time to heal and restore.

    not all agree, there is still a portion, maybe 20% who are still enraged, angry, and hate the alliance, or rather don't really care for what being a high elf stands for. Like Lorash, vengeanec , hatred consume htem, or power, a few of these have foudn freindships and loyalty on the horde their high elven nobility forbids them from giving up. These are blood elves who were often posted to horde missions. however in an ensuing power for contorl of hte sunwell which the remnant blood elves lose, they are changed - blood elves now get a cool cracked eye option which players can take on. All blood elf NPCs have this, well the vast majority of those that remained blood elves, but some still have the usual blodo elf cusotmisations as they weren't around when this happens.

    Blodo elf players can choose all the cusotmisations available.

    Nightborne have been getting on quite well with Val'sharah kaldorei druids and priests, together they worked on restoring the Cathedral of Elune, with Kaldorei priests working in tandem. Many Darnassian Highborne have also been visiting Suramar a lot, with even some Darnassians wanting to return to their original city, even though it flies the horde banner.

    The Nightborne notice that horde aligned blood elves are mean, insulting and very uncivilised to anyone that looks Night elves, not jsut the Darnassian aligned Highborne and night elven priestesses, but the neutral Val'sharah ones, the neutral Moonguard.. it's not all blood elves ofc, but a large number.

    The Nightborne definitely have had a lot of problems with horde membership after Teldrassil, many refused point blank to aid the horde during BFA, which is why so few Nightborne were involved in any campaigns - it was barbaric and certainly not what they stood for, and whiles others had to honour their obligations, most were utterly turned off , finidng much more kinship and like mindedness in their Highborne kin from western Kalimdor, the human and high elven wizards of Dalaran, the ancient Eredar draenei, the curious and intelligent gnomes, and the bold void elves.

    When the Arcan'dor's effects started restoring original kaldorei features in some accelerated instances in some Nightborne, it was clearly noticed how blood elf attitudes completely changed with their appearances.

    Suramar decided that it had no obligations to the horde, counting it's contributions during BFA fulfilled and at the bottom line would rather be independent than party to this. With friendship overtures from the alliance, especially the kaldorei Highborne and many of the priesthood of Elune, Suramar chose to align itself with the alliance.

    Now some felt them weak, that the alliance was stagnant and weak, and that the brutal strength of the horde would be vital to recapture the glory of the Night elf empire, a few had made friendships with blood elves who weren't returning to the alliance.. these chose to remain loyal to the horde to further its causes. A few nightborne felt that the horde needed their reasoning and wisdom to prevent it from going crazy again, and stayed to ensure that.

    Suramar cast off the horde banners, but declared it would be open to all who ever helped it. So while the Nightborne now work with the alliance mostly, it is down to their individuals. No one was necessarily cast out of the city, it's just that, most horde aligned Nightborne spend time with the horde on its campaigns and most of the shal'dorei on the city are very friendly to the alliance races in addition to the blood elves. The problem was that some of the hardcore blood elves had a hard time with shal'dorei who had become kaldorei - but that's their problem.


    That's how i'd write it.. Silvermoon gone alliance, Suramar more neutral than anything friendlier with alliance races and all Thalassians, and if most went alliance then it was easy to follow.

    Orcs, Trolls, Tauren can't stand elven cities and are rarely there. In open Suramar, you see tons of night elves, high elves, void elves, blood elves, gnomes, and humans - most of these are alliance aligned. You do see some forsaken and goblins, but undeath is found quite detestable amongst all elves, especially highborne/nightborne types and druid/moon priest types. High elves and blood elves were never comfortable with undeath, ever.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyanu View Post
    wow page 1151.. so you didn't like the arc the story took with WC3, you didn't like blood elves, you didn't like them joining the Horde, that's fine

    but grow up at last,sometimes things dont' turn out how you wanted them to, this is getting ridiculous, if only all the time and effort spent discussion the fucking elves was spent into something more constructive...
    I don't think it's the Wc3 story arc people have a problem with, the problem is in TBC the high elven blood elves went horde. and everything they had too. It may have been necessary for a while, but it has long since not being, and should return to the alliance who desperately needs the help.

  5. #22465
    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    They never were realy an alliance race to begin with lol.

    Some alliances in a war for their own benefit and left shortly afther. A few high elves stayed.. ,but you cant realy say that they are part of the alliance persee. More like temporarily.

    Holding on old warcraft 2 lore isnt helping...
    This is cope and historical revisionism beyond belief.

    The HE are historically an Alliance race and any that aligned themselves with the Horde are known as Blood Elves now. I'm tired of this same idiotic argument from Horde stans and I'm not taking it further than this. If you can't understand that then there's no point in replying further anyway.

    The Alliance have been represented in-game by the HE since forever. That link has never been broken. Alliance fans are only asking it to be represented in a playable state. It has never, and will never have anything to do with the Horde, and general Horde insecurity isn't an excuse to not implement it.

  6. #22466
    Quote Originally Posted by ravenmoon View Post
    Whiles that might be a nice kick for the upside down "au contraire" lovers of this world, what really do the horde or alliance gain by more alliance things going horde?

    We are not talking about the horde capturing the lands and buildings and rebuilding stuff for their own races, we are talking about more alliance cultures going horde, further homogenising, when the opposite should be happening.

    Instead most of the blood elves and Nightborne should be rejoining the alliance, imo as High elves and as Night elves (healed by the Arcan'dor - or at least unplayable Nightborne models - yes you heard me, I'm not advocating for Nightborne models to be playable, I'd rather the majority of the Nightborne turn into night elves and that accelerate or contribute to them returning to neutrality or joining the alliance).

    This way we get the alliance more unified and distinctly separate from the horde, rather than basically have the alliance and half the horde pretty much being alliance, with the real horde distinctiveness only being a fraction of the horde -

    I think Warcraft really has lost what's special and distinctive about it's factions since the alliance went over in the form of the blood elves. This may have been necessary at first (It really wasn't, they could have used another race, something else to be pretty and attractive), but it no longer is necessary. And it certainly no longer requires such a prominent alliance elven presence on the horde - you mean the best alliance cities and lands of both the High elves AND the night elves - the core origin lore city for the Darnassians and the kingdom of the High elves on the horde? With such a majority ? Having all the horde races and the two best alliance elf races as well in their glory? Really? Is that necessary?

    And you want more human stuff on their? Fair enough, you might like the twisting and mixing up of themes, the homogenisation or just love seeing things in the wrong places just to simply mind fuck, I can get that, but you are aware this actually just fucks things up right? It doesn't heal, help or anything like that.

    - - - Updated - - -

    The way I'd do it:

    Blood Elves:
    Most of Quel'thalas gives up on the horde, it's just not them, never was, the atrocities of Teldrassil (while Darnassians werne't like) were just to barbaric, and Sylvanas again - added to that, Alleria actually appealed to many, and the high elf has been the heart of these people for ages, and a high elf leader has risen to try to unite their people.

    It seems easy. They re-embrace their original identity as High elves stating that the period of mourning and the title of sin'dorei has officially come to an end, it's time to heal and restore.

    not all agree, there is still a portion, maybe 20% who are still enraged, angry, and hate the alliance, or rather don't really care for what being a high elf stands for. Like Lorash, vengeanec , hatred consume htem, or power, a few of these have foudn freindships and loyalty on the horde their high elven nobility forbids them from giving up. These are blood elves who were often posted to horde missions. however in an ensuing power for contorl of hte sunwell which the remnant blood elves lose, they are changed - blood elves now get a cool cracked eye option which players can take on. All blood elf NPCs have this, well the vast majority of those that remained blood elves, but some still have the usual blodo elf cusotmisations as they weren't around when this happens.

    Blodo elf players can choose all the cusotmisations available.

    Nightborne have been getting on quite well with Val'sharah kaldorei druids and priests, together they worked on restoring the Cathedral of Elune, with Kaldorei priests working in tandem. Many Darnassian Highborne have also been visiting Suramar a lot, with even some Darnassians wanting to return to their original city, even though it flies the horde banner.

    The Nightborne notice that horde aligned blood elves are mean, insulting and very uncivilised to anyone that looks Night elves, not jsut the Darnassian aligned Highborne and night elven priestesses, but the neutral Val'sharah ones, the neutral Moonguard.. it's not all blood elves ofc, but a large number.

    The Nightborne definitely have had a lot of problems with horde membership after Teldrassil, many refused point blank to aid the horde during BFA, which is why so few Nightborne were involved in any campaigns - it was barbaric and certainly not what they stood for, and whiles others had to honour their obligations, most were utterly turned off , finidng much more kinship and like mindedness in their Highborne kin from western Kalimdor, the human and high elven wizards of Dalaran, the ancient Eredar draenei, the curious and intelligent gnomes, and the bold void elves.

    When the Arcan'dor's effects started restoring original kaldorei features in some accelerated instances in some Nightborne, it was clearly noticed how blood elf attitudes completely changed with their appearances.

    Suramar decided that it had no obligations to the horde, counting it's contributions during BFA fulfilled and at the bottom line would rather be independent than party to this. With friendship overtures from the alliance, especially the kaldorei Highborne and many of the priesthood of Elune, Suramar chose to align itself with the alliance.

    Now some felt them weak, that the alliance was stagnant and weak, and that the brutal strength of the horde would be vital to recapture the glory of the Night elf empire, a few had made friendships with blood elves who weren't returning to the alliance.. these chose to remain loyal to the horde to further its causes. A few nightborne felt that the horde needed their reasoning and wisdom to prevent it from going crazy again, and stayed to ensure that.

    Suramar cast off the horde banners, but declared it would be open to all who ever helped it. So while the Nightborne now work with the alliance mostly, it is down to their individuals. No one was necessarily cast out of the city, it's just that, most horde aligned Nightborne spend time with the horde on its campaigns and most of the shal'dorei on the city are very friendly to the alliance races in addition to the blood elves. The problem was that some of the hardcore blood elves had a hard time with shal'dorei who had become kaldorei - but that's their problem.


    That's how i'd write it.. Silvermoon gone alliance, Suramar more neutral than anything friendlier with alliance races and all Thalassians, and if most went alliance then it was easy to follow.

    Orcs, Trolls, Tauren can't stand elven cities and are rarely there. In open Suramar, you see tons of night elves, high elves, void elves, blood elves, gnomes, and humans - most of these are alliance aligned. You do see some forsaken and goblins, but undeath is found quite detestable amongst all elves, especially highborne/nightborne types and druid/moon priest types. High elves and blood elves were never comfortable with undeath, ever.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I don't think it's the Wc3 story arc people have a problem with, the problem is in TBC the high elven blood elves went horde. and everything they had too. It may have been necessary for a while, but it has long since not being, and should return to the alliance who desperately needs the help.
    You really should stop doing this Raven, we have no idea what blizzard will do and it is very unlikely they would do as you say, whether you want it or feel it should be.

    It's one thing to identify the problem and even discern the solution for it, it's another thing to start mapping out how it should happen.

    I'll give you this though, currently it is harder to understand why the Nightborne are aligned with the horde given their character, what they claim to stand for, and the type of people they and what most of the horde is. Also no one would be surprised if most of the blood elves return to the alliance, we've been half expecting it for ages, the surprise is actually that it hasn't happened yet. We all know the horde won't lose a playable race, and people are beginning to realise that Silvermoon going alliance doesn't mean losing playable blood elves.

  7. #22467
    Quote Originally Posted by BALLS BALLS BALLS BALLS View Post
    This is cope and historical revisionism beyond belief.

    The HE are historically an Alliance race and any that aligned themselves with the Horde are known as Blood Elves now. I'm tired of this same idiotic argument from Horde stans and I'm not taking it further than this. If you can't understand that then there's no point in replying further anyway.

    The Alliance have been represented in-game by the HE since forever. That link has never been broken. Alliance fans are only asking it to be represented in a playable state. It has never, and will never have anything to do with the Horde, and general Horde insecurity isn't an excuse to not implement it.
    Let's call them out on it, outright lying. It's obvious when you look at the blood elves that this is humanity or higher level humanity, it's what elves represent, and the warcraft story has had humans and elves integral to the evolution of both the humans, the creation and sustaining of the allinace, whether Quel'thalas officially stood or not with the alliance, the elves and the humans have been cut from the same cloth.

    Elves in warcraft are just more advanced humans, the horde is set up to be a group that's very different to this sort of mindset, ideology, nobility, idea of civilziaton that humanity and the elves are entirely built on.

    It's quite obvious elves on the horde are humans and a slice of the alliance on the horde. And the alliance needs that slice back, the horde is too large and convoluted having it's own races and half the core of the alliance dominant on it, no wonder it has so many members.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Mace View Post
    You really should stop doing this Raven, we have no idea what blizzard will do and it is very unlikely they would do as you say, whether you want it or feel it should be.

    It's one thing to identify the problem and even discern the solution for it, it's another thing to start mapping out how it should happen.

    I'll give you this though, currently it is harder to understand why the Nightborne are aligned with the horde given their character, what they claim to stand for, and the type of people they and what most of the horde is. Also no one would be surprised if most of the blood elves return to the alliance, we've been half expecting it for ages, the surprise is actually that it hasn't happened yet. We all know the horde won't lose a playable race, and people are beginning to realise that Silvermoon going alliance doesn't mean losing playable blood elves.
    I can't help it. It's so easy to see, and I get carried away.

  8. #22468
    Quote Originally Posted by Mace View Post
    I'm not accusing you, I remember you supporting Nightborne on the alliance or neutral, (they are still a night elf sub race)

    It's also okay to like the horde and liks elves the way they are on the horde even if I am convinced it really isnt good like this for the game. Sometimes brilliant seeming ideas are really not that great, but when it happens, it happens and we gotta live with it.

    The most Ravenmoon and I can moan about is that it's not optimal for the game and that its hurt the factions, in particular the alliance.

    But blizzard wanted the alliance hurt because they wanted players from it to populate the horde, so they took the best alliance races over and made the horde look like the alliance in part.

    It's a decision that ultimately is neither good nor bad without context. In the context of faction theme and identity it was bad. For the alliance lore it was also bad. But for the player population redistribution, it was very good, and for give the horde an aesthetic race which was helpful in drawing g players, it was very good.

    But what happens now the alliance needs the numbers and the factions are suffering from homogenisation and identity crises and instability?

    Horde has always been multicultural so has the alliance the minute a different race entered, but the current t horde is multi themed because of elves. Elves are the alliance on the horde, and this is certainly not the wc2, Wc3 and WoW classic horde - the original warcraft theme they talk so much about preserving and mai taking by insisting on these two factions, they have destroyed by putting the elves there in such a visible and dominant manner

    - - - Updated - - -

    We are one of the last of the old guard, there from the start who were passionate about the alliance and the night elves, all those who knew the original game have moved on long ago with a few switching horde. A few returned with classic, but not with the same community engaging passion.

    You will have free reign to say all your desires largely unchallenged.. it will be good for you, but echo chambers are not good for anyone, even the people who enjoy them the most.
    I thought you were referring to me because I am arguing with ravenmoon and it all started because he claims that giving the nightborne to the horde was a request from the horde players, when the truth is and you also know that they were players of the horde alliance who wanted to exchange the night elf and blood elf model, ravenmoon was one of them and he was the one who most celebrated this exchange saying that it was fair trade.

    Quote Originally Posted by ravenmoon View Post
    Can it be true? really true? it's the first tangible piece of evidence, i dare not believe it.. if so YES , FANTASTIC YES ... I have LONGED FOR THIS, campaigned for this, switched sides for this.

    Move over night elves (don't really care that much about you any more, you were a placeholder) and welcome the high elves coming home. Although they have a twist to them now that is known as void elves, they have been linked with the alliance. And nightborne with the horde (a fair trade if you ask me) hordies can get some night elf lore they can attach to, and finally we can have access to high elves.

    To be honest i never really liked night elves that much, but we had no choice in vanilla as they wer the only elves available, and since high elves never materialised, (blood elves felt wrong) I kinda adopted them. Remember they were the first elves to show up in the warcraft story, the whole point of night elves is to be a background for the high elves. Blood elves was just a flavor who's horde placement was only there to fix the balance problems back there. This is the true homecoming of the elves.

    The lengths i have gone through for this. EVERY CHARACTER is going to race change to high (void) elf. Every single one.

    YES YES YES YES YES YES .. . what lovely news to come home to.. it surely is far too late to change, anyway, so lets hear it. How excited are you about this?

    very good new blizzard, very good news.
    so you say that the elves are the alliance in the horde, but literally the forsaken are humans from lordaeron and calia menethil is with them. Are you saying that they are not alliance in the horde?

    Blizzard decided to change the horde at this time we don't even have warchief and the players of the horde are grateful to blizzard because in these years at the lore level the only thing we have had is pain, death and civil war. blizzard's commitment to horde players is that they would leave us alone.

    all of us who play wow know that players prefer racial ones! Nerf racial troll and empower the human racial and the players will go to the alliance.

    I want blizzard to give the night elves a beautiful city but I think that wanting to steal the capital of another race is wrong.

    Mod Edit: Don't use giant fonts in this way.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Mace View Post
    You seem to be forgetting it's much easier for the blood elves and Nightborne to swing back to the alliance in the majority. You don't need far fetched stories and strenuous unbleivable circumstances that people 20 years after the fact still don't buy.

    It will feel natural and right and they will fit in easily to the cheers of both the alliance and the core horde fans.

    If blizzard could make much harder decisions like taking elves over to the horde, what makes you think they'll struggle to replace most of what they took back on the alliance especially now the alliance is the one that desperately needs their elves (who are greatly desired) back?????? They are fully aware they only need the blood elf and Nightborne models playable on the horde, and I think you are aware too. The horde doesn't need Silvermoon, Quel'thalas, Suramar nor tons of Thalassians and all the Nightborne.

    If the alliance could lose the majority of the high elves and the majority of the night elves and their homes, civilization and capitals, what makes you think the horde, to which elven stuff is really superfluous can't afford to lose them and replace them with Troll cities and Orc cities and Goblin ones, wth just a skeleton remnant of blood elves and Nightborne around to continue to allow model access to face it, the majority of blood elf players (3/4 or at least half by my reckoning) who really couldn't care less whether Silvermoon stands with the horde in the lore or not.

    I applaud your Tanriasity for stating it will never happen, you know as well as others do, that is just wishful thinking. The alliance lost one of it's core races to the horde when blizzard decided to build the horde, surely even you can see they'll have no issue restoring them back to the alliance and doing more if they need to.
    @ravenmoon - he honestly thinks that blizzard aren't aware of the tiny super vocal minority of horde elf fans stalking the forum boards jumping on any alliance suggestion about elves returning to the alliance or getting better. They aren't that blind, they know all the account data, , they know full well most of the players will cheer this on both factions, - only some of the horde elf fan base would get sour, because some of them will switch back to the alliance. I bet Tanaria and Rhlor would be one of those who switch back.

    - - - Updated - - -

    And realise that they can change and not remain how you would like them too either, do not fail to forget it goes both ways.

    - - - Updated - - -

    This hard me roflmao. If they listen to their own shit long enough, they start actually believing it. It's sad. I expected people like him to not waste time arguing the obvious, but instead argue on the "the validity or necessity of such a refocus" or "the impact it would have on the fans who really like Silvermoon on the horde" far more genuine and honest points, but instead he goes for the a totally rubbish argument like "they were never an alliance race to begin with" or "they don't belong on the alliance" - I mean who're they kidding? Themselves obviously.
    The alliance already has elves, the alliance even managed to have playable elves that look identical to the most played race of the horde.
    what do you want? that the void elves also have golden eyes (blonde hair and green eyes will sooner or later also be from the alliance because the silvermoon scholar are blood elves in telorus)? do you want the night elves to look like nightborne?

    About what I would do in such a thing the truth is not. i love blood elves and i love quelthalas i love lore. the blood elves are patriots who defend their nation. i like my racial leader lorthemar is a great leader. I guess you want to have all the blood elves npcs too.

    If they did something crazy like the one you propose I would prefer that they eliminate the models in the horde and make a migration to all the characters.

    My main problem with the alliance is that it is human-centric and I hate that narrative.

    About orcs in the alliance many people think that the lightbound could join the alliance and others think that the light undead would be like calia for the horde.
    Last edited by Aucald; 2020-12-06 at 03:39 PM. Reason: Removed Giant Fonts

  9. #22469
    All this rubbish about what should be given to the Alliance.

    If Silvermoon and Suramar are given to the blue side, then it's quite simple as to what the Horde get. No reductions in Elven populations. Thalyssra and Lor'themar remain as racial leaders as they and their populations, remain with the Horde and the newly reformed, Horde Council. Mace and Ravenmoon can watch from the sidelines since they no longer play.
    Instead they get:

    Azuremyst Isle
    Bloodmyst Isle

    That will be a decent compromise, and will make up for 2 cities lost. Alliance loses 1, plus all the Kaldorei lands.
    Last edited by Tanaria; 2020-12-06 at 03:50 PM.

  10. #22470
    Quote Originally Posted by BALLS BALLS BALLS BALLS View Post
    High Elves aren't Horde. They've been Alliance since the IP's inception lol.
    wc1 orcs and humans

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Tanaria View Post
    All this rubbish about what should be given to the Alliance.

    If Silvermoon and Suramar are given to the blue side, then it's quite simple as to what the Horde get. No reductions in Elven populations. Thalyssra and Lor'themar remain as racial leaders as they and their populations, remain with the Horde and the newly reformed, Horde Council. Mace and Ravenmoon can watch from the sidelines since they no longer play.
    Instead they get:

    Azuremyst Isle
    Bloodmyst Isle

    That will be a decent compromise, and will make up for 2 cities lost. Alliance loses 1, plus all the Kaldorei lands.
    that's nonsense the alliance must have its things and the horde its own.

  11. #22471
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    wc1 orcs and humans

    - - - Updated - - -

    that's nonsense the alliance must have its things and the horde its own.
    Has somebody not told him (or any of these people) of the racist Othmar Garithos, was the reason why the High Elf refugees, known as Blood Elves, left the Alliance? This was the start of things to come. If the Blood Elves were to choose a side, then it's quite clear that, with Sylvanas' voice, which side they would end up joining.

    Plus, Night Elves, Jaina, Vereesa and High Elves are why the Blood Elves aren't Alliance. Their is no evidence to suggest that the majority of Silvermoon's populace would ever side with murderers like Vereesa and risk falling under her law.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    that's nonsense the alliance must have its things and the horde its own.
    Hence why I said "If the Horde loses Silvermoon and Suramar."
    "If" is the key word here.
    Last edited by Tanaria; 2020-12-06 at 04:01 PM.

  12. #22472
    Quote Originally Posted by Tanaria View Post
    Has somebody not told him (or any of these people) of the racist Othmar Garithos, was the reason why the High Elf refugees, known as Blood Elves, left the Alliance? This was the start of things to come. If the Blood Elves were to choose a side, then it's quite clear that, with Sylvanas' voice, which side they would end up joining.

    Plus, Night Elves, Jaina, Vereesa and High Elves are why the Blood Elves aren't Alliance. Their is no evidence to suggest that the majority of Silvermoon's populace would ever side with murderers like Vereesa and risk falling under her law.

    Hence why I said "If the Horde loses Silvermoon and Suramar."
    "If" is the key word here.
    the horde must not lose anything and the alliance must give nothing in return

  13. #22473
    The Lightbringer Ardenaso's Avatar
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    @ravenmoon the Alliance finally gets to play their elf fantasy, I want to play the chaos human or bandit fantasy while allied with beasts. The Alliance gets the Horde's most popular race, the Horde should get the Alliance's most popular race in return

    it's not really "homogenizing the Horde" given they aren't as elegant as the Blood Elves and Highborne and they aren't lawful boring like Alliance Humans;
    The Alliance gets the Horde's most popular race. The Horde should get the Alliance's most popular race in return. Alteraci Humans for the Horde!

    I make Warcraft 3 Reforged HD custom models and I'm also an HD model reviewer.

  14. #22474
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    the horde must not lose anything and the alliance must give nothing in return
    Again, that's the precise reason why I said "If said cities are given to the blue side." You and I both know that isn't likely to happen, but something must be said to these night elf fans in order for them to see how unreasonable they are being.

  15. #22475
    You know what would be AMAZING? If Blizzard added an option for a "half-corrupted/half-normal" face:

    This looks SO badass. It would add an element of mystery/terror while preserving the splendid beauty of the elves.

  16. #22476
    Quote Originally Posted by Tanaria View Post
    Again, that's the precise reason why I said "If said cities are given to the blue side." You and I both know that isn't likely to happen, but something must be said to these night elf fans in order for them to see how unreasonable they are being.
    ravenmoon is not a night elf fan said it years ago

    he would be willing to change all kalimdor for having quelthalas, But that's crazy and it should never happen

  17. #22477
    Brewmaster elbleuet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    What are you even talking about? There is a reason a blocked you, you always talk shit lol and it shows again.

    Its the other way around silly, they left and a few remained behind for what ever reason. Still doesnt make them a formal alliance race. They never were.

    Those silly interactions in dalaran and warcraft 2 made players go crazy for them and all the jaleousy of alliance players is what made blizzard made that comprimise. Mattet of trying to please both, but we all know the most whining always wins. And its even more funny when the whining is coming from 2007 and onwards. Something of letting go?
    So we will keep on whining to get what we want to get. Normal hairs, farstrider tattoos aaaand maybe Silvermoon being contested

    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    Its the other way around silly, they left and a few remained behind for what ever reason. Still doesnt make them a formal alliance race. They never were.
    That's why every wow expansion gave us Alliance High elves npcs. Try again

    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    What are you even talking about? There is a reason a blocked you, you always talk shit lol and it shows again.
    I don't even know who you are. You must be new here, aren't you ?
    Seriously don't be mad. This is just a game No need to be aggressive.
    Last edited by elbleuet; 2020-12-06 at 04:47 PM.
    "If you want to play alongside High and Void elves, the Alliance is waiting for you"

  18. #22478
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    ravenmoon is not a night elf fan said it years ago

    he would be willing to change all kalimdor for having quelthalas, But that's crazy and it should never happen
    He couldn't fool me.
    The only talk he gets involved with is when it concerns night elves, more so when it's about night elf mages.

  19. #22479
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    ravenmoon is not a night elf fan said it years ago

    he would be willing to change all kalimdor for having quelthalas, But that's crazy and it should never happen
    Indeed, that should not happen. Night elves belongs to forests of Kalimdor and thalassians belongs to Quel'thalas. Blood elves fought really hard to rebuild their kingdom and they should not be deprived of it. What I'd rather see is Silvermoon moving on and be a place for all thalassians, regardless of their political affiliations.

  20. #22480
    Quote Originally Posted by Vaedan View Post
    Indeed, that should not happen. Night elves belongs to forests of Kalimdor and thalassians belongs to Quel'thalas. Blood elves fought really hard to rebuild their kingdom and they should not be deprived of it. What I'd rather see is Silvermoon moving on and be a place for all thalassians, regardless of their political affiliations.
    Purge of Dalaran pretty much said "Hell no!" to that one.
    Vereesa has a lot to answer for.

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