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Whiles that might be a nice kick for the upside down "au contraire" lovers of this world, what really do the horde or alliance gain by more alliance things going horde?
We are not talking about the horde capturing the lands and buildings and rebuilding stuff for their own races, we are talking about more alliance cultures going horde, further homogenising, when the opposite should be happening.
Instead most of the blood elves and Nightborne should be rejoining the alliance, imo as High elves and as Night elves (healed by the Arcan'dor - or at least unplayable Nightborne models - yes you heard me, I'm not advocating for Nightborne models to be playable, I'd rather the majority of the Nightborne turn into night elves and that accelerate or contribute to them returning to neutrality or joining the alliance).
This way we get the alliance more unified and distinctly separate from the horde, rather than basically have the alliance and half the horde pretty much being alliance, with the real horde distinctiveness only being a fraction of the horde -
I think Warcraft really has lost what's special and distinctive about it's factions since the alliance went over in the form of the blood elves. This may have been necessary at first (It really wasn't, they could have used another race, something else to be pretty and attractive), but it no longer is necessary. And it certainly no longer requires such a prominent alliance elven presence on the horde - you mean the best alliance cities and lands of both the High elves AND the night elves - the core origin lore city for the Darnassians and the kingdom of the High elves on the horde? With such a majority ? Having all the horde races and the two best alliance elf races as well in their glory? Really? Is that necessary?
And you want more human stuff on their? Fair enough, you might like the twisting and mixing up of themes, the homogenisation or just love seeing things in the wrong places just to simply mind fuck, I can get that, but you are aware this actually just fucks things up right? It doesn't heal, help or anything like that.
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The way I'd do it:
Blood Elves:
Most of Quel'thalas gives up on the horde, it's just not them, never was, the atrocities of Teldrassil (while Darnassians werne't like) were just to barbaric, and Sylvanas again - added to that, Alleria actually appealed to many, and the high elf has been the heart of these people for ages, and a high elf leader has risen to try to unite their people.
It seems easy. They re-embrace their original identity as High elves stating that the period of mourning and the title of sin'dorei has officially come to an end, it's time to heal and restore.
not all agree, there is still a portion, maybe 20% who are still enraged, angry, and hate the alliance, or rather don't really care for what being a high elf stands for. Like Lorash, vengeanec , hatred consume htem, or power, a few of these have foudn freindships and loyalty on the horde their high elven nobility forbids them from giving up. These are blood elves who were often posted to horde missions. however in an ensuing power for contorl of hte sunwell which the remnant blood elves lose, they are changed - blood elves now get a cool cracked eye option which players can take on. All blood elf NPCs have this, well the vast majority of those that remained blood elves, but some still have the usual blodo elf cusotmisations as they weren't around when this happens.
Blodo elf players can choose all the cusotmisations available.
Nightborne have been getting on quite well with Val'sharah kaldorei druids and priests, together they worked on restoring the Cathedral of Elune, with Kaldorei priests working in tandem. Many Darnassian Highborne have also been visiting Suramar a lot, with even some Darnassians wanting to return to their original city, even though it flies the horde banner.
The Nightborne notice that horde aligned blood elves are mean, insulting and very uncivilised to anyone that looks Night elves, not jsut the Darnassian aligned Highborne and night elven priestesses, but the neutral Val'sharah ones, the neutral Moonguard.. it's not all blood elves ofc, but a large number.
The Nightborne definitely have had a lot of problems with horde membership after Teldrassil, many refused point blank to aid the horde during BFA, which is why so few Nightborne were involved in any campaigns - it was barbaric and certainly not what they stood for, and whiles others had to honour their obligations, most were utterly turned off , finidng much more kinship and like mindedness in their Highborne kin from western Kalimdor, the human and high elven wizards of Dalaran, the ancient Eredar draenei, the curious and intelligent gnomes, and the bold void elves.
When the Arcan'dor's effects started restoring original kaldorei features in some accelerated instances in some Nightborne, it was clearly noticed how blood elf attitudes completely changed with their appearances.
Suramar decided that it had no obligations to the horde, counting it's contributions during BFA fulfilled and at the bottom line would rather be independent than party to this. With friendship overtures from the alliance, especially the kaldorei Highborne and many of the priesthood of Elune, Suramar chose to align itself with the alliance.
Now some felt them weak, that the alliance was stagnant and weak, and that the brutal strength of the horde would be vital to recapture the glory of the Night elf empire, a few had made friendships with blood elves who weren't returning to the alliance.. these chose to remain loyal to the horde to further its causes. A few nightborne felt that the horde needed their reasoning and wisdom to prevent it from going crazy again, and stayed to ensure that.
Suramar cast off the horde banners, but declared it would be open to all who ever helped it. So while the Nightborne now work with the alliance mostly, it is down to their individuals. No one was necessarily cast out of the city, it's just that, most horde aligned Nightborne spend time with the horde on its campaigns and most of the shal'dorei on the city are very friendly to the alliance races in addition to the blood elves. The problem was that some of the hardcore blood elves had a hard time with shal'dorei who had become kaldorei - but that's their problem.
That's how i'd write it.. Silvermoon gone alliance, Suramar more neutral than anything friendlier with alliance races and all Thalassians, and if most went alliance then it was easy to follow.
Orcs, Trolls, Tauren can't stand elven cities and are rarely there. In open Suramar, you see tons of night elves, high elves, void elves, blood elves, gnomes, and humans - most of these are alliance aligned. You do see some forsaken and goblins, but undeath is found quite detestable amongst all elves, especially highborne/nightborne types and druid/moon priest types. High elves and blood elves were never comfortable with undeath, ever.
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I don't think it's the Wc3 story arc people have a problem with, the problem is in TBC the high elven blood elves went horde. and everything they had too. It may have been necessary for a while, but it has long since not being, and should return to the alliance who desperately needs the help.