You know what would be AMAZING? If Blizzard added an option for a "half-corrupted/half-normal" face:
This looks SO badass. It would add an element of mystery/terror while preserving the splendid beauty of the elves.
So we will keep on whining to get what we want to get. Normal hairs, farstrider tattoos aaaand maybe Silvermoon being contested
That's why every wow expansion gave us Alliance High elves npcs. Try again
I don't even know who you are. You must be new here, aren't you ?
Seriously don't be mad. This is just a game No need to be aggressive.
Last edited by elbleuet; 2020-12-06 at 04:47 PM.
"If you want to play alongside High and Void elves, the Alliance is waiting for you"
Indeed, that should not happen. Night elves belongs to forests of Kalimdor and thalassians belongs to Quel'thalas. Blood elves fought really hard to rebuild their kingdom and they should not be deprived of it. What I'd rather see is Silvermoon moving on and be a place for all thalassians, regardless of their political affiliations.
i have never seen someone so delusional. there are so many ways to build up Night elves and High/void elves without taking things from the horde.
I think ravenmoon needs a break from here.
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you refuse to listen like Ravenmoon. Silvermoon and most of the high elf population left the alliance after WC2. a few "token" elves staying behind does not make it them an alliance race.
Anemo: traveler, Sucrose
Pyro: Yanfei, Amber, diluc, xiangling, thoma, Xinyan, Bennett
Geo: Noelle, Ningguang, Yun Jin, Gorou
Hydro: Barbara, Zingqiu, Ayato
Cyro: Shenhe, Kaeya, Chongyun, Diona, Ayaka, Rosaria
Electro: Fischl, Lisa, Miko, Kujou, Raiden, Razor
you saw the post he put on ravenmoon and created a celebratory thread about the night elf and blood elf model exchange, he clearly said that he was never really interested in night elves and that he only played them because he couldn't play high elf and now that the void elves were playable in the alliance the night elves mattered little to him.
He was one of the biggest advocates of race swapping. if you offer him silvermoon without a doubt he will exchange all kalimdor
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So a racial capital should be neutral for the two factions? and calia should unite the forsaken and humans and stornwind should be a nuetral city too?
I personally don't like that kind of thing, I don't like that Dalaran is neutral, it should be an alliance city.
Yes, Vereesa. Not all high elves are part of Silver Covenant, so Purge of Dalaran is hardly a reason why to keep all high elves from Silvermoon. I'd like to remind you that prior to the Purge, blood elves also had their deal of attacks against high elves, which they exiled... so they also have their skeletons in the closet. Both sides have enough blood on their hands already.
Undead and humans are different races, their differences are not political, on the contrary to the elves. Calia also have absolutely no connections to Stormwind, she is former Lordaeron princess...
If I remember correctly, you are quite vocal defender of high elves in Silvermoon, so why not? Nobody loses anything. Blood elves would still run their city. They also allowed high elves pilgrimages to Sunwell in the past, which is the most important place for their culture, so in the recent climate, with Lor'themar being actually willing to work with Alliance quite easily, it is not that hard to imagine that.
From gameplay perspective, racial capitals have no purpose anymore. They are now just place for roleplay and storytelling.
Last edited by Vaedan; 2020-12-06 at 05:24 PM.
As Rhlor says, neutral cities don't really work out.
High Elves and Void Elves could work to expand the Allerian stronghold on Outland, with a portal connecting to Stormwind. Expand the base to Firewing Village and drive the Horde forces back to their base.
You'd still get some Blood Elf presence through the Scryers, who as far as WoD was concerned, were still working in Shattrath.
the two vendors in Shadowmoon Valley looked more like Blood Elf peacekeepers just like Valeera
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I don't think it was Silvermoon proper who planted the Wretchering crystal by Quel'lithien nor do they have anything to do with Quel'danil assault
The Alliance gets the Horde's most popular race. The Horde should get the Alliance's most popular race in return. Alteraci Humans for the Horde!
I make Warcraft 3 Reforged HD custom models and I'm also an HD model reviewer.
Yet they are close allies of Forsaken, who are responsible for attacks on high elf lodges since classic and I recall some quests in WotLK where Sunreavers send you to sabotage/kill Silver Covenant (and Silver Covenant mirrored them as well).
They probably could, but Outland is unstable and I don't really think it is wise to make a base on world which is about to erode to Twisting Nether and we've seen many of the rediscovered Alliance Expedition chose to return back to Azeroth already. Azeroth is home of thalassians, no reason why they should be inhabiting Outland.
Last edited by Vaedan; 2020-12-06 at 05:34 PM.
well the sunwell is on its own island. also the void elves would have to fight the blood elves and the Draenei stationed there. since i am pretty sure after the alleria event that they are on watch for void elves trying to get to the sunwell.
Anemo: traveler, Sucrose
Pyro: Yanfei, Amber, diluc, xiangling, thoma, Xinyan, Bennett
Geo: Noelle, Ningguang, Yun Jin, Gorou
Hydro: Barbara, Zingqiu, Ayato
Cyro: Shenhe, Kaeya, Chongyun, Diona, Ayaka, Rosaria
Electro: Fischl, Lisa, Miko, Kujou, Raiden, Razor
The Alliance gets the Horde's most popular race. The Horde should get the Alliance's most popular race in return. Alteraci Humans for the Horde!
I make Warcraft 3 Reforged HD custom models and I'm also an HD model reviewer.
We don't know how big threat they are. We've only seen what Alleria caused, and she is the most powerful and unique void elf, other void elves do not contain essence of dark naaru. We've also seen she had to touch Sunwell for the incident to occour, as long as she was Silvermoon, nothing happened. The solution is pretty clear, just don't allow void elves to enter Quel'danas.
Void elves also show no interest in damaging Sunwell. They started with void magic to protect Quel'thalas, not to conquer it or anything like that. We've also seen that Alleria still have great respect for Sunwell, so I guess as long as she is in charge, she would not allow it to be damaged either.
In Quel'delar scenario, there were no draenei or shattari, so I would say Sunwell plateau was given to blood elves. It is, after all, their holy site. Draenei showed no real interest in Sunwell so far.
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Did we? I don't really remember that. If you mean Horrific visions, those were not real. They represented how N'zoth IMAGINED future if he wins. That only means he probably wanted destroy Alliance through void elves and Horde through orcs, but none of it had any impact on our reality. Also, void elves don't serve void lords. They serve Alleria. Void elves are defined by their ability to not fall into the madness, it is their defining point. To be honest, we've seen far more blood elves in service of void lords/old gods then void elves... just look how many blood elves were members of Twilight Hammer.
But let's be honest here.
Blizzard are not likely to do this. Neutral playable areas were not a big hit after the Pandaren fiasco and Blizzard have remained, to this day, very forthcoming about how much they didn't like that and how they are not looking at repeating again, any time soon.
Silvermoon is also a Horde Capital. High Elf refugees and Void Elves are not Horde.