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I think the problem some people had with Void Elves was that, Alliance High Elves would have been a more organic choice. Other people took issue with the fact that Void Elves originated from exiled Blood Elves rather than the Alliance allied High Elves already right there ripe for the usage.
To people who wanted High Elves, I'm guessing it felt like Blizzard intentionally pulled as big a "corrupt a wish" as possible. The ones that wanted Alliance High Elves, instead got Blood Elves dyed blue which wasn't what they wanted. While I'm sure aesthetics play a big part in the desire for High Elves, it wasn't the only factor, and just giving Alliance players the model didn't really address the request, especially because the initial Void Elves originated from Blood Elves and not existing Alliance High Elves.
Then there's people who liked the concept of Void Elves (I fall into this category myself) and would have had little issue with them had they originated from the Alliance High Elves that already exist instead of pulling a group of exiled Blood Elves out of thin air just to give them to the Alliance. Blizzard literally gave Blood Elves to the Alliance. And for some players, that was precisely what they did not want. They wanted the High Elves who never left the Alliance, not the ones who did.
Another issue that caused many to refer to Void Elves as an "asspull" was the fact that they had absolutely no groundwork laid for them prior to their intro. They literally don't exist until you unlock them, while High Mountain and Nightborne played a large part in the Legion expansion's events before allied races were ever even mentioned. Even the Lightforged got some screen time and a bit of groundwork laid for them prior to us learning about allied races, albeit they got considerably less than the High Mountain and the Nightborne. Alleria's Argus story arc has nothing to do with the player Void Elves and laid no groundwork for their introduction. Umbric's initial band of elves looked completely different from Alleria. Even their Void Forms differed. They also acquired their powers in an entirely different manner from Alleria.
Origin aside, another issue some people (including me), had with the intro is that it basically boils down to "Some Blood Elves get kicked from the Horde and get zapped by the Void. Now they are Alliance because no one else will take them in". I get that's a very reductive version of the intro, but that just showcases exactly how shallow the intro was.
With that said, a way to fix that shallowness would have been to start fleshing out the Void Elves in BfA. But Void Elves received little to no development at all in BfA. They got a few generic cameos here and there and Umbric himself got some development, but as a people, nada. We see High Elf Wayfarers and Silvermoon Scholars in Telogrus Rift, which implies that's how Void Elves are increasing their numbers, but nothing is ever mentioned in this regard. We learn nothing about what's incentivizing these elves to join the Ren'dorei, nor do we learn anything about how they are acquiring their powers. Void Elves also played no significant role against N'zoth, which was arguably a huge missed opportunity for development.
All other allied races had groundwork laid for them before their addition. Void Elves were pulled out of someone's Void because Blizz devs thought Alleria's cinematic with L'ura was "cool" and the "rule of cool" won out over giving those asking for High Elves what they were asking for.
I believe the addition of the skin tones is an example of Blizzard realizing that Void Elves, while one of the more successful allied races, did not actually fulfill the request for High Elves. And while it's far too late to go back and change things, the new customization options allow players looking for Alliance High Elves to get closer to that. Adding some in-game lore that gives players more insight into the "why" of those Scholars and Wayfarers joining the Ren'dorei, and the "how" of these recruits acquiring their powers, would probably go a long way to making Void Elves feel less like an "asspull" to those that feel that way, and also help those seeking Alliance High Elves to truly embrace Void Elves as that option (or as close to one as they are going to ever get).