1. #2261
    Pandaren Monk Melsiren's Avatar
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    Ah yes, the "I see this in game so it trumps lore" arguments are coming back.

    There's tons of gameplay=/= lore in Warcraft just look at the way they split which faction did what in the raids and dungeons in the chronicles:III
    Quote Originally Posted by Arrashi View Post
    High elf fans are basically flat-earth society of warcraft lore.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Alleria Windrunner View Post
    I AM the victim.

  2. #2262
    Quote Originally Posted by Sorrior View Post
    Copy and paste all you want. It lists arguments as to why no that are bullshit given what is in game. Again this may just be the start...and given BFA direction and lack of listening to players(this issue, HoA issues, gear issues, skill issues, gcd issues and more) ion may not be lead for too long i can see a crash coming that makes wod look like good times
    I'm ok with the fact that you guys are clinging to a sliver of hope as long as you stop flooding the forums. Yes, that might happen even though it's extremely unlikely. It's as likely as a flying pig at this point but you can try again in a few expansions.

  3. #2263
    Well, it feels good to be right. I'm pretty sure I hit all the bases as far as reasoning goes. I hope people won't be too disappointed, but I can't say I didn't warn you.

    The faction wall is a design philosophy on Blizzard's part, so nothing "blows it apart." It's there as long as it's something they consider when they add new races. That's all it takes.

  4. #2264
    Banned Syegfryed's Avatar
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    im just loving the salt in the official foruns, they are pearls in the dead sea, just a sneak peak about what is going on

    Yup Ion is a horde biased child who doesn't know any lore about the game he is in charge
    Ion doesn't know jack about groups or the lore behind the game.
    All I heard was:

    "We aren't artistically creative enough to make high elves look unique despite the community coming up with many ways how we could."
    That's it. I'm done guys. BfA's a bust.
    I wanted to say something else with regards to his mental state and capability as a game designer but that would absolutely get me sanctioned.
    No I insulted someone who has made awful game design decisions since being put in charge and is faced with a rapidly widening faction gulf due to constantly dumping on the alliance playerbase.
    Wow. And then he went to the white supremacy thing that the trolls here have been using? Yeah, no thank you. Unsubbing today.
    Well, account cancelled.
    but at least we know now that Ion has absolutely no clue about the lore of the game he's the head of.
    Been fun all. I've unsubscribed. Won't be subscribing for the foreseeable future. To those who remain, please, enjoy the game.
    Oh hey the moron showed how little he knows about the game he supposedly directs and forgot the silver covenant exists.
    The horde bias is so real. I wouldn't be suprised if the Alliance ends this expac.

  5. #2265
    Quote Originally Posted by Sorrior View Post
    Yeeah and he ksn't being honest when he says it either

    Keep factions distinct? Pandaren blew that apart.

    Too few? Void elves

    All of his reasons are null and void already.
    Pandarens were given to both factions because they were introduced in an expansion based on pandaria, what exactly did you expect them to do here? give 1 faction pandaren from pandaria and give the other faction nothing or a completely different race?

    I totally agree with you on numbers, belfs/helfs shouldn't even be in the game full stop, their entire city was destroyed by the scourge and only a small few survived.
    However since blizz decided that enough survived to become an entire race in wow, they introduced high elves to the game, the only remaining high elves from silvermoon who now call themselves blood elves.
    Like if you wanna argue about lore reasons and stuff because of the numbers, why are draenei a playable race? they came in what? 1 or 2 ships?

    Your mind is gonna be blown when they release vulpera as the next dual faction race.

    Read belf lore here from the official site https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/game/races/blood-elf
    You want to play helf you go horde.

  6. #2266
    Anti high elf people should be less toxic and the pro ones should whine less about Ion's answer and take a chill pill. It's not like you can't keep on asking for high elves, but they're definitely not happening in the near future as he said.

  7. #2267
    Titan Sorrior's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Katsutomai View Post
    .... Faction Wall, you say? Void Elves are purple Blood Elves. Nightfallen are, pretty much, Night Elves. That Faction Wall is kinda shaky.
    Pandaren just pandaren

  8. #2268
    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    im just loving the salt in the official foruns, they are pearls in the dead sea, just a sneak peak about what is going on
    That's it. I'm done guys. BfA's a bust.
    Imagine being so obsessed with a single race that your enjoyment of an entire expansion hinges on being able to play them specifically the way you want.
    There's a very fine line between not listening, and not caring. I like to think that I walk that line every day of my life. ~ Private Leonard Church

  9. #2269
    Quote Originally Posted by Ralqadar View Post
    Lol, when the same people who accuse Oblisk of having no life consider not getting a fictional race playable suffering.

    Guys be careful we have some victims here.
    The most special, snowiest, flakiest style of victim who vehemently accused us of being close-minded and simpletons. Yet, the race you wanted has been in front of you since TBC.

    Ahh, I'll relish in this victory for days to come.

    *high five* @Obelisk Kai

    Can we change the name of this thread to Official Blood Elf Discussion Megathread now, please? Thanks.
    Last edited by Enkrypt; 2018-04-26 at 07:44 PM.

  10. #2270
    Quote Originally Posted by Byne View Post
    Imagine being so obsessed with a single race that your enjoyment of an entire expansion hinges on being able to play them specifically the way you want.
    Exactly. I had been alliance between 2009-2016. For 7 freaking years. And I decided to go horde for the blood elves during legion. I didn't make a single forum post. Just went with it because I wanted to play them. And If I wanna play a human, I'll go back alliance instead of demanding something that's bad for the game, I promise.

  11. #2271
    Titan Sorrior's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by etheldald View Post
    rip dreams of helfs fans?
    too bad that the horde is such a horrible faction to play with.

    but really, i don't understand the helfs fans if they wanted helfs in the alliance play the damn void elfs, that's why they added it in the first place.
    I have noticed this ALOT lately.

    The feel and vibe kf something from it's lore to aesthetics. It all matters..more then people realize.

    You could have a void knight just be a retexture paladin same skills just new name and purple color scheme and i GURANTEE at least a few who swear off paladins would play and love a void knight.

    The style and theme go a VERY VERY long way. I feel it if a forgotten aspect of design these days sadly.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Sails View Post
    I have to admit I'm getting annoyed with blizzards response. If they really want to stop people asking for High Elves they should literally kill them off. Make a plot line where all them die or join the Void Elfs. It's kind of their own fault as they keep putting high elves at the forefront in the silver conclave and the windrunners sister as very noticeable forces from wrath to now.
    The HE guys on an island...

  12. #2272
    The Unstoppable Force Arrashi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sorrior View Post
    Copy and paste all you want. It lists arguments as to why no that are bullshit given what is in game. Again this may just be the start...and given BFA direction and lack of listening to players(this issue, HoA issues, gear issues, skill issues, gcd issues and more) ion may not be lead for too long i can see a crash coming that makes wod look like good times
    The fact that you are in denial even now after interview clearly states how things are is actually sad. There is no "maybe" anymore. Unless you wish to plug your ears and yell "NANANANANA CAN'T HEAR YOU".

  13. #2273
    oh this isnt news. blizz doesnt care what ally players want.no surprise there. guess i'll enjoy my void elf but still...sigh.
    There is a void in my heart. Have you come to fill it?

  14. #2274
    Quote Originally Posted by Sorrior View Post
    Pandaren just pandaren
    Yeah, problem is pandaren are the least played race, belfs are the 2nd most played race.

  15. #2275
    Well, I won't be playing WoW anymore that's for sure. Alliance getting fucked in the ass in the allied race war. Purple elves, exactly the same looking draenei, fat humans and dark skinned dwarves while horde gets everything they asked for + new blood elf faces, golden eyes, and upright orcs. The horde favoritism is too obvious and I've been playing alliance for 12 years. Fuck that mindset.

    To everyone complaining about people being salty: so what? You don't complain, of course you don't, you're playing horde. You get everything you asked for, and more. So fuck you.


  16. #2276
    Legendary! Obelisk Kai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magnagarde View Post
    Anti high elf people should be less toxic and the pro ones should whine less about Ion's answer and take a chill pill. It's not like you can't keep on asking for high elves, but they're definitely not happening in the near future as he said.
    There is a time for hope and there is a time when you have to come to terms with things. The reasons he gave for ruling out High Elves are not temporary and they won't go away by the time of the next expansion.

    This is over. People can still ask, but it's not going to change anything.

  17. #2277
    The Unstoppable Force Arrashi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    im just loving the salt in the official foruns, they are pearls in the dead sea, just a sneak peak about what is going on
    Mein Gott this is golden.

  18. #2278
    Legendary! Obelisk Kai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sorrior View Post

    The HE guys on an island...
    Are clearly just HE guys on an island and mean nothing else beyond that.

  19. #2279
    Quote Originally Posted by Melius View Post
    oh this isnt news. blizz doesnt care what all players want.no surprise there. guess i'll enjoy my void elf but still...sigh.
    Fixed it for you snowflake.

    Can't please everyone. I'm just amused how you can pretend this is Horde bias. Like I said, you Helf bunch are just sad.

  20. #2280
    Titan Sorrior's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    rly? thats clear as water, void elves are not good enough because they are not white and blonde like legolas and the tolkien elf cliche
    Orrrr because they are emo as fuck.

    Their personalities lore and likely mannerisms are just not what people seek from a HE..also stop with the legolas crap not everyone who wants he even LIKES lord of the rings or legolas

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