His message was not the point of my post. My point is that I'm puzzled that there's so many people on both sides that are acting completely childish, with one group taunting the other like little kids and the other group throwing a childish tantrum. It's almost like the misteries of the universe have unraveled for all of these people, when it's just a playable race debate lol
There's a very fine line between not listening, and not caring. I like to think that I walk that line every day of my life. ~ Private Leonard Church
It would be nice if they took the time to convert all existing High Elf NPCs to either Blood Elves or Void Elves so the debate can end once and for all. Vereesa? She and the Silver Covenant become Void Elves. Those who don't want to? They split with the Alliance and go suck on some fel beasties' mana for a bit to become Blood Elves.
If they're not planning on ever added playable High Elves, and Alliance has Void Elves and Horde has Blood Elves, why not just get rid of them at this point? Remove them from the damn game so we can move on.
The refusal to accept a lead dev stating high elves are blood elves is so similar to the trump is not my president thing the americans went on about for awhile it's actually pretty creepy.