Originally Posted by
Not really, you never really address any criticisms to your premise.
Really? you need to read to the end, I may sometimes waffle a bit, but it's build up to answering you, read the whole thing.
It's hardly rational when you simply do not account for the backlash it would cause. Of course it's not fair, and the fact that there are other options that would be both fairer and logical seems of no concern to you, because you have only your vision and have little regard for anything or anyone else.
It's not rational argument because I don't account for backlash?
Seriously, so everything is irrational because in your opinion I haven't considered backlash? right.. Well Iif you read what I wrote I have often given my opinion on so called backlash.
And this my just be a point we disagree on and hard to prove, but,
1. Really, it's the hardcore blood elf horde crowd that would be the ones mainly upset - seeing the horde isn't losing blood elves and isn't losing nightborne, - I expect the smae usual tantrums any spoilt child so use to getting favourite pickings all his life will make when it doesn't go his way.
2. I expect quite a lot of the horde fans who have despised blood elves running rampant to actually cheer this move alongside ALL the alliance fans, including those currently playing horde because their faction is dead
Seeing that the loss of Quel'thalas and Suramar city will prompt the gain of the Drakkari and Zul'drak , the Amani and Zul'aman, the Frakki and Zul'farrak, a new Mag'har orc city (in Borean Tundra centred around Warsong Hold or they can make it in Ashenvale), improvements for goblins including the return of Kezan, lost isles and eventually new Undermine city, the shifting over to the horde of Pandaren main assets.
Backlash? the only one I foresee are angry horde elf fans.
3. Certainly not all horde elf players, because of all the people that play blood elves, I am roughly estimating 75% don't care about cities and lore stuff, many of them are either:
a) players from the alliance, stuck on the horde because they can't play on the alliance because everyone's left
b) gamers who play because it's the only model they can stand, not the lore, and since the horde isn't losing the model there will be no backlash
c) gamers who pick blood elves because of the racial for tactical reasons (or a combo of the others)
4. There are horde elf fans who don't even realise, that they don't like the horde, they only like the blood elves and Nightborne because they like the high elf fantasy and the kaldorei fantasy that it is birthed form that sort of high magic, high civilization thing - this was exclusively alliance, but when it went to the horde, and was better than everything on the alliance, they switched.
These players will be the ones that move. Some would get angry for a while, then switch to the alliance, others would happily switch back, or maintain toons on both (I will be in this last group). There are just enough of these, anything from 1/8th to 1/4 of the blood elf and Nightborne player population moving back is all it takes to fix the alliance number gap.
This is not factoring other players who play tons of other races, and retired players fed up of the horde and alliance in wow that stopped being the horde an the alliance long ago and quit wow or only play classic returning.
Where is your metric for over estimating the backlash? I certainly haven't ignored that there will be some, I have alluded to it in previous posts, but in appropriate context. You just haven't read it, or you have and just ignored it.
The point of what is going on is to drum up excitement again, excitement in the alliance, and also in the horde, but this time it is the alliance for being the alliance, no more high elf themes on the horde or night elven ones in the Nightborne, it all goes back to the alliance and the alliance is made to look good for having them and interesting for being the alliance, The horde is not abandoned, the horde is made good for being the horde, or improved on to.. the difference is the alliance is going to shine brighter for a little while because the horde has been looking good for a long time, adding improvements to it are not going to stand out as much as adding improvements to the alliance. But the horde is going to get improvement - i have written this repeatedly and extensively, but it appears you have neither read properly or seriously considered what i am saying
You've just looked at "horde lose blood elves " - which isn't what i was saying exactly, and gone - this is crazy, blizzard wouldn't dare do something like this, the backlash would be enormous - and concluded that it's delusional, and said as much.
If you're going to fully criticise a person's comment, at least consider all of it first, then you can reply with insults of delusional and crazy.
Also the leap in logic that removing elven identity from the horde, but not the models, will fix the appeal issues between factions, is, yeah, an utter leap on logic without any solid basis.
So you have a high controversial idea that would alienate a lot of the playerbase, and no evidence it would work. It's neither fair, nor logical, nor rational.
First, read the response above, because it applies to this too. I have gone step by step on how/why I predict it will go well. I don't know the future so there is a chance it fails, blizzard took a huge risk when they first took the high elves to the horde, it was a much bigger risk then because the factions were truly distinct back then, and this was a bigger change, it wasn't made to make the factions more diverse, that was not the goal, it was made to populate the horde so that the gameplay issues would be fixed.
It won't be anywhere as controversial a move now, not after we've seen the night elves and forsaken lose stuff, and seen more alliance elves go over, having the high elves being restored has been widely anticipated,
the claimed backlash of the horde if alliance get high elf models, then high elf skins NEVER HAPPENED, and I predicted this if you scroll back a thousand or so pages in this very post - I pointed out people won't care or abandon the horde in droves if the alliance got the model, because it is already on the horde what did it do? It excited the alliance (not quite as much as high elves, and that moved pissed the alliance off also) but it excited the alliance, the horde hardly cared and got on. The only people that were angry were the very very loud vocal minority who are the ones still making it seem like it would be the ned of the world if high elves were playable, and feel the same way if NPC blood elves move back to the alliance , even if Silvermoon and Suramar go with them.
Even in my proposal, the horde elves would get a new city down the line, either two, or just one new one that both groups live together, but it will not be high elf design or any of the kaldorei designs, it would be new one, new architecture - i have no problem with it looking very cool. The whole point of this is not to give the horde crappy stuff or deny cool stuff, I don't hate the horde, and it's good for the game if both factions get great stuff. So let the new city look great, but it must be something that fits more in line with the horde, so it shouldn't go for delicate flower beauty /fragile look that Silvermoon and Suramar have - that look is in line with high elf fantasy and the Night elven kaldorei lore, it needs to be stronger, more imposing, - think a better version of Naz'jatar city or Castle Nathria in Revendreth, - or it could be something totally new, whatever it is it just needs to be cool
But I have said all this before. Pointed out it's more than just models involved here, the point here is fixing the factions, improving the alliance which is a great necessity, and in a way that balances out the factions to restore their theme, I feel a lot of players would appreciate this. I think you're the one far too overconfident in your assessment, because you're attached to the horde elf feelings of loyalty, and don't realise you are a minority. I do not ignore that there will be backlash, it would be nothing like on the scale of when the Nightborne a night elf sub-race went horde, or when the blood elves went horde, seeing players are use to this sort of things, and in this case, it's not horde races going alliance, but rather the alliance races gaining their things back - most of the game population is aware the the high elves are alliance based and so are the kaldorei.. it's been in the lore since the beginning, those who don't know because they've only played the game, would be made aware of it by the devs in game when they make a show of the high elves returning and the kaldorei rising up.
The fact that you simply do not consider the backlash such decision would cause. That's entirely irrational. Your premise would be bound to truly upset a lot of the playerbase and your only response to that is "they'd deal with it"? It's profoundly naive and silly.
I don't know what's worse, your unwarranted confidence on your deeply flawed premise, or your complete lack of concern about the backlash such an implementation would cause.
There are so many other ways to uplift the alliance, and yet you continue to peddle the most asinine premise of removing something that ahs been Horde identity for over 15 years and expect no backlash. And also dumbs down the game removing in universe agency of the groups for a simplistic dichotomy.
It's bad in every aspect, your logic is flawed, and your lack of accounting for the backlash it would cause it's hilariously tone deaf.
You just insult and criticise, you are using horrible words that aren't true, as the two replies above answer this question, if you had read what I wrote in earlier replies and responses to you, you would see that I had indeed on several occasions, responded to you and had explained my rational behind it to. To then just nonchalantly or vindictively claim it is irrationally shows either a lack of due diligence or vindictiveness motivated by emo anger rather than logic or sense.
I have gone into much greater detail as to why I think this will go extremely well. I'm not God, so i can't tell the future, but I think I'm fairly accurate well, I have known this community for 15 years, understood when things are really popular, and when things are just a few loud voices, known the difference between forum squatters and gamers who have opinions and desires but will never grace the forums and would play whatever is tossed to them, something will genuinely make them more excited, other things less, but they won't come on forums to say.
Warcraft may still be popular, but it inspires gamers far less than it use to, and this is because this approach they've done, has weaned a lot of people off. Wow was at its most inspirational in the more traditional setting, it got people into it both game and lore wise, and they started changing so much both game and lore wise.
Some changes are good, this is not a criticism about change, change is good, but there are types of changes that are not, mixing the alliance in with the horde in the long term was very bad, in the short term, it helped stabilise horde numbers, right now, it is doing no good, so the best response is to take the alliance themes our t the blood elves who remain on the horde, and out of the Nightborne who will also remain horde playable, and m make a show of these being back on the alliance, while filling the gap they leave with cool and interesting things for orcs, trolls, tauren, goblins, pandas, vulpera, forsaken - until you can shape the remnant blood elves and remnant nightborne into something new.
You may not agree with my conclusions or my estimates, but you need to read them first, and understand them, i don't mind people disagreeing with me, it's their right, - it is not good to be insulting and rude just because you are angry. i haven't given you just cause for that.