That's not how that works at all, they allied out of a shared desire not to see their planet invaded by space demons. After the Legion invasion ended they had no reason to continue being allied especially after the factions they swear alliegance to go to war, the Sentinels (including the ranger-general) were involved in the BFA war campaign, another example is the Blood Knights and Sunwalkers being on the Horde side during the Arathi Warfront and the Silver Hand (serving under Turalyon) being on the Alliance side in the same warfront.
the Unseen Path, Silver Hand, Conclave, Tirisgarde, ect basically stopped existing as a united effort between the different factions respective hunter/paladin/priest/mage organization, with groups like the Silver Hand (which in Legion was the united order of the Blood Knights, Sunwalkers, Argent Dawn/Crusade and Hand of Argus) becoming an Alliance faction (per the Arathi warfront), only one thats implied to still be operating is the Uncrowned (and i think the conclave is still active in Before the Storm but we don't know if it stayed active during the Fourth War).
I could've sworn the 7th Legion High Elves in the Battle for Stromgarde are from the Silver Covenant
The Alliance gets the Horde's most popular race. The Horde should get the Alliance's most popular race in return. Alteraci Humans for the Horde!
I make Warcraft 3 Reforged HD custom models and I'm also an HD model reviewer.
I believe that we can continue to keep the high-elf personalization request threads alive...
Last edited by Frenchvince; 2021-02-20 at 01:15 PM.
That's fair.
I'd also add in Vereesa's hair aswell as that is shared with the Human females.
I agree with this though. Yes, add unique "void-like" hairstyles, but I think some of these (especially the hairstyles that Vereesa and Auric Sunchaser use), could be given to the Void Elves, so then it fully completes the "High Elf" aesthetic.
As far as hair colours go, maybe some of the red hair colours should just remain with the Blood Elves, but then some blondes, greys, blacks and maybe even some new ones like a soft rose pink, could be added for Void Elves.
As I have said previously with the Kul Tiran hair colors, I think VE's could overall just have different hair textures, in colors that feel less vibrant than BE's as a whole. I think I just like the idea that void does affect the hair color in a small way, and allows a small differentiation while still giving us options.
As far customization goes, I am really not expecting anything during this expansion cycle, 10.x far more likely, last patch of Shadowlands at the earliest.
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Just gotta love the lack of self awareness on the sort of people that say "learn the lore" It's always them.
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Not "officially" -as in, they aren't tagged as such- but the 7th Legion Shield Mages look exactly the same than 7th Legion Battle Mages -and fulfill the same function- than the Skybreaker Shield Mages. And all of these we see in Northrend are faction tagged as either Silver Covenant or Valiance Expedition, it's only the ones in Arathi with ho faction tag, so canonically, they should be more likely Silver Covenant, since the Valiance Expedition has never appeared outside of Northrend.
Well then..
That's probably the kind of thing nobody ever expected. Not me, at least.
Its beyond pethatic.. its a core feature for gods sake!
Its realy sad they had nothing to show altho they know ita highly requested. We gave enough feedback jeremy. Its an insult to all the people who took the effort. See my sig for more tears on this topic.
Like even if they didn't promise more customizations during SL, the thing is we let A LOT slide under the assumption all races would be brought to the same level in an ongoing process. Mind you, a huge issue is that the level of cosnsitency between races is HIGHLY fluctuating.
You have your Orcs and Night Elves and Humans looking like a million bucks, and then you have Blood Elves and Worgen with the bare minimim, and then you have AR well bellow that.
But there was the tacit understanding on this "ongoing process" so we were all game for waiting, but for them just dropping it and saying "we'll add more when we feel like it" feels really scummy, not even a "for now no more, but we are already working on more concrete stuff for next expansion" or "nothing major this expansion, but we are adding more skin tones, hair colors and eye colors" nothing of the sort.
So, Blizzard has played their card. I was wondering whether they'd take this route.
There will be more customization options for Void elves, of course they will add them in the future. But they'll do that as a bonus feature for like 9.3 or 10.0, when they need to bring back people after a long hiatus.
I wouldn't be too sure about that.
Blizzard has an absolutely piss-poor track record of returning to/further iterating on expansion features from before. Especially when their only remaining obligation is some weaselly "yeah, maybe perhaps in the future after Shadowlands when it makes sense," type statement.
Void elves are one of the most played Alliance races in the game. This is insane once you realize that Void elves were introduced only a few years ago and, until Shadowlands, required Exalted with a specific reputation to be unlocked. Yet they still manage to rank very highly on the list of most played Alliance races.
Blizzard doesn't ignore numbers. They know Void elves are popular, so they'll be giving them customization options when they need to get people back into the game.
Why shouldn't allied races receive new customization options like the core races? If anything, they are MORE entitled to them, since allied races were always treated as a unique/special version of the core races.
I need that starcursed hair already. Chop chop Blizz, no excuses!