1. #23461
    The Lightbringer Ardenaso's Avatar
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    Last edited by Ardenaso; 2021-05-20 at 04:30 PM.
    The Alliance gets the Horde's most popular race. The Horde should get the Alliance's most popular race in return. Alteraci Humans for the Horde!

    I make Warcraft 3 Reforged HD custom models and I'm also an HD model reviewer.

  2. #23462
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    "Race" you mean? Anyway the race is not "meh" at all, regardless what Blizzard did to them in Shadowlands is lazy. I had hoped they would receive more options in a future patch, but Blizzard said they are not interested in adding additional customization options, hopefully they'll change their mind come 10.0.
    Next customization pass probably won't come before 14.0 if ever.

  3. #23463
    Quote Originally Posted by Lahis View Post
    Next customization pass probably won't come before 14.0 if ever.
    What ever makes you think that? In all likelihood, we'll see another batch of customization in 10.0. Blizzard recognized that it was popular, and they seem to want to capitalize on it as a selling point for new expansions.

  4. #23464
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
    What ever makes you think that? In all likelihood, we'll see another batch of customization in 10.0. Blizzard recognized that it was popular, and they seem to want to capitalize on it as a selling point for new expansions.
    I am sure they have 15 years worth of data that shows them players' race changing habits and behaviors. Like all 'microtranscations' it's just a very small like 5% proportion of players (whales) that do 99% of the spending and I am positive that it's true for WoW too.

    What is important for new racial customization options is that they trigger the race-change-paying whales to pay to play as characters with new options. It can't happen too soon, or the whales won't spend, so there's going to be a necessary cooling period between customization updates, but I'm also positive there will always be future customization updates no matter how many they add. There is a lot of money to be made and this game is a business.

    My guess is that they'll alternate between adding new races and updating existing ones, that would keep the race change money flowing year over year. Since we most recently had an update to the core races my bet is that they'll next add the Covenant Allied Races in 10.x and then pre-Shadowlands allied race customization updates after that.

  5. #23465
    They could also add certain customization packages to the cash shop. Like a bundle of hairstyles for example. That's another way to monetize customization. FFXIV does this and it seems to be a successful strategy.
    Last edited by Kyriani; 2021-05-20 at 03:47 PM.

  6. #23466
    The Lightbringer Ardenaso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MyWholeLifeIsThunder View Post
    Sweet! The moment reforged is on sale I'm gonna download all of this HE stuff. Have you considered doing a version where the non player color armor is grey/metal looking?
    disregard my previous post, I misread; you mean like Silver Covenant colors?
    The Alliance gets the Horde's most popular race. The Horde should get the Alliance's most popular race in return. Alteraci Humans for the Horde!

    I make Warcraft 3 Reforged HD custom models and I'm also an HD model reviewer.

  7. #23467
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
    What ever makes you think that? In all likelihood, we'll see another batch of customization in 10.0. Blizzard recognized that it was popular, and they seem to want to capitalize on it as a selling point for new expansions.
    Just the past data that shows how little work Blizzard is willing to put on player characters.

  8. #23468
    Quote Originally Posted by Lahis View Post
    Just the past data that shows how little work Blizzard is willing to put on player characters.
    I still believe we'll see some amount of new customization added in 10.0 and beyond. The demand is there and Blizzard knows it. As to how much of it we'll get, I can't really say.

  9. #23469
    You know it would be pretty funny if Blizzard added all these new customization options to gnomes and pandaren which, frankly, are barely played at all, but then wouldn't be willing to invest a lot in Void elves, who are amongst the most played Alliance races (despite being one of the most recent as well as an exclusive allied race). Blizzard has their priorities backwards.

  10. #23470
    I am Murloc! FlubberPuddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by choom View Post
    I am sure they have 15 years worth of data that shows them players' race changing habits and behaviors. Like all 'microtranscations' it's just a very small like 5% proportion of players (whales) that do 99% of the spending and I am positive that it's true for WoW too.

    What is important for new racial customization options is that they trigger the race-change-paying whales to pay to play as characters with new options. It can't happen too soon, or the whales won't spend, so there's going to be a necessary cooling period between customization updates, but I'm also positive there will always be future customization updates no matter how many they add. There is a lot of money to be made and this game is a business.

    My guess is that they'll alternate between adding new races and updating existing ones, that would keep the race change money flowing year over year. Since we most recently had an update to the core races my bet is that they'll next add the Covenant Allied Races in 10.x and then pre-Shadowlands allied race customization updates after that.
    A bit wrong there, in that Blizzard admitted they were practically floored by the adoration the playerbase had when Allied Races came out and then even more so when they announced extra customizations to races.

    They're a big ass company and most likely have a very bureaucratic pipeline for getting information from the community to the main design heads, which is why you often see players complaining about 'why does it take Blizzard so long to make improvements when it's so obvious' sentiments.

    They've already stated that they're holding off on adding more race customizations in Shadowlands where previously they said there would be more additions coming. That means they understand extra race customizations as a powerful expansion selling point (like Kyriani said), not merely to hardcore focus on getting race-changes to happen.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Lahis View Post
    Just the past data that shows how little work Blizzard is willing to put on player characters.
    So you think this

    We tried to be really thoughtful about this, this type of thing, and these types of features tend to be fairly big projects. We want to make sure that we put the time in, that we're very thoughtful about it, and that we release new customizations when its gonna be really good for the game...
    means "let's wait 5 more expansions?" because it sounds more like they understand the heft customizations have as expansion level enticements.


    Especially considering before Shadowlands released they stated that AR would get customizations later on in Shadowlands.

  11. #23471
    Quote Originally Posted by Ardenaso View Post
    disregard my previous post, I misread; you mean like Silver Covenant colors?
    No, just like regular grey/metal looking; colorless, of you will; for example, in your latest edits you are changing the red of the BE skins for like a dark teal, have you considered using a "neutral" color?

    Overall that's one thing I don't love about the reforged textures; lot's of colored parts that clash with certain team colors.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
    I still believe we'll see some amount of new customization added in 10.0 and beyond. The demand is there and Blizzard knows it. As to how much of it we'll get, I can't really say.
    I mean, without coming off as a supporter of microtransactions, Blizz could monetize the hell out of customization if they put effort on it lol, they would make bank.

    Like even "non natural hair color dyes" that allowed to buy new hair colors would sell like hot cakes.

    But yeah, given the backlash against the lack of customization beyond launch, I do think it's highly likely Blizz will address it once again on 10.0, much like Allied Races were both in 7.0 and 8.0

  12. #23472
    Blizzard often says no to things and then turns around and does them anyways. I think the "no" is just a distraction so they can surprise everyone later on and say "see, we listened!"

  13. #23473
    I am Murloc! FlubberPuddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FossilFree View Post
    Blizzard often says no to things and then turns around and does them anyways. I think the "no" is just a distraction so they can surprise everyone later on and say "see, we listened!"
    There was an article that came out on Blizzard development recently. But essentially it's similar to all big companies: changes takes a slow time because of all the hoops/bureaucracy within a large organization. Something from the community/game has to get passed from a CM/Tester to some lead to another supervisor/manager to head designer etc before it reaches those who can dictate what changes to make based on the finding.

    This is why often players will notice things much faster than Blizzard and then complain, "how come they haven't noticed it when people have been talking about it for x time" it's more because if it's not some crazy urgent matter then it can take a while for it to get to the right group that can make/dictate those changes.

  14. #23474
    Quote Originally Posted by FossilFree View Post
    Blizzard often says no to things and then turns around and does them anyways. I think the "no" is just a distraction so they can surprise everyone later on and say "see, we listened!"
    Of course. But still, it bothers me that I have to wait until 10.0 for new customization options for Void elves. I'd prefer if the 30 Pandaren players world-wide had to wait that long instead frankly.

  15. #23475
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    Of course. But still, it bothers me that I have to wait until 10.0 for new customization options for Void elves. I'd prefer if the 30 Pandaren players world-wide had to wait that long instead frankly.
    If you look at new features pandaren got with launch of SL, it is actually close to what you said. Void elves already got more meaningful options then pandaren who are core race.

    I'm not particularly interested in pandaren, but new customizations might help with their popularity. It did not happen. On the other hand, void elves still has their time when allied races will be looked on.

  16. #23476
    Quote Originally Posted by Vaedan View Post
    If you look at new features pandaren got with launch of SL, it is actually close to what you said. Void elves already got more meaningful options then pandaren who are core race.

    I'm not particularly interested in pandaren, but new customizations might help with their popularity. It did not happen. On the other hand, void elves still has their time when allied races will be looked on.
    Pandaren, or gnomes, or goblin will never be popular simply because they are niche races that don't appeal to the average gamer. Therefore it would make sense to keep these races for last, you're not going to make them more popular by giving them more options. People don't play goblin not because they lack cool hair options, but because they are... goblins.

  17. #23477
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    Pandaren, or gnomes, or goblin will never be popular simply because they are niche races that don't appeal to the average gamer. Therefore it would make sense to keep these races for last, you're not going to make them more popular by giving them more options. People don't play goblin not because they lack cool hair options, but because they are... goblins.
    Well, not sure. I'm actually way more interested in worgen now. New options and model rework from late BfA made them way more likeable option for me. New options have always potential to make race more popular.

    I agree with you that some races are niche archetypes which will most likely never be as popular as more general and neutral archetypes like humans, orcs, elves... But it's not a reason to deny them development.

  18. #23478
    I'd be more inclined to play Worgen males and Forsaken of both sexes if they had the option to stand upright. But I'm never going to play kul tirans, mechagnomes/gnomes, goblins, or dwarf/dark iron males. They just aren't aesthetically appealing to me no matter how many options they get. If kul tirans ever get the option to use the standard human model then I'd make one.
    Last edited by Kyriani; 2021-05-23 at 08:17 PM.

  19. #23479
    Quote Originally Posted by Geisl View Post
    There was an article that came out on Blizzard development recently. But essentially it's similar to all big companies: changes takes a slow time because of all the hoops/bureaucracy within a large organization. Something from the community/game has to get passed from a CM/Tester to some lead to another supervisor/manager to head designer etc before it reaches those who can dictate what changes to make based on the finding.

    This is why often players will notice things much faster than Blizzard and then complain, "how come they haven't noticed it when people have been talking about it for x time" it's more because if it's not some crazy urgent matter then it can take a while for it to get to the right group that can make/dictate those changes.
    Sounds about right.

    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    Of course. But still, it bothers me that I have to wait until 10.0 for new customization options for Void elves. I'd prefer if the 30 Pandaren players world-wide had to wait that long instead frankly.
    I just hope we don't have to actually wait for 10.0, no matter what they said. They change their minds a lot, so I'm not convinced that it's really set in stone.
    Last edited by FossilFree; 2021-05-25 at 12:23 AM.

  20. #23480
    Quote Originally Posted by FossilFree View Post
    Sounds about right.

    I just hope we don't have to actually wait for 10.0, no matter what they said. They change their minds a lot, so I'm not convinced that it's really set in stone.
    Why would they change their minds on this? Not doing more customization for next several expansions means less work for them.

    Even financially, making whole new race (with OP racials) will make more money from race changes than adding new stuff to existing races.

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