1. #23601
    Quote Originally Posted by choom View Post
    Alleria is not like a player Void Elf though. She is the host to the power of a void naaru, whereas the Void Elves are halfway through the process of becoming Void Ethereals. There is no lore reason for why the Void Elves should have fair skin, certainly not one based on Alleria, it only happened because of fan service.
    Sylvanas and Nathanos are also not like the normal Forsaken players. Sylvanas is a banshee possessing her body and Nathanos is actually possessing the body of his deceased relative as host. And yet their unique red eyes were given to Forsaken players as customization options.

    There is no lore reason as to why the playable Void Elves shouldn't be able to retain their High elf form just because they haven't absorbed the Void Naaru. If anything they should retain their High elf form more easily, since they haven't absorbed 2 Void Demi-Gods that would naturally make them a lot more Void-infused than normal.
    Last edited by Varodoc; 2021-05-31 at 10:01 PM.

  2. #23602
    Quote Originally Posted by Necrosaro123 View Post
    Its like you guys didnt get it that Blizzard tried to make Void elves the new "Dark Elves" of WoW.

    The idea was to create something new, with an old asset "The Blood Elves" and turn them into a new race, with completely different look and abilities. And in the end, you guys manage to make them give you normal skin color and blue eyes, that totally ruined the idea of the Void elves to be something new and original.
    Oh, everyone "got that" babe. The problem since their introduction has been how poorly executed it was from an introductory perspective, as well as a failure to use the already established presence of alliance high elves, specially since, you know, Alleria herself, the VE leader, is one.

    Not because VE's were designed to be "new and exciting" means they succeeded at it. Innovation for its own sake isn't inherently superior, and VE's are a textbook example of how you can fail when you add no depth or context to the cool factor. Void Elves are aesthetically interesting, but their aesthetics have barely any connection to a tangible background, which is even more notorious when the original Void Elf, Alleria Windrunner, pretty much mantained her aesthetic as an elven Ranger.

    Now you guys, only want them to have the same classes + hairstyles + colors than the Blood Elves. In that case, all the development and story behind the Void elves goes right into the toilet.
    Dude, you kinda need to accept not every High Elf fan wants the same things. Some of us kinda want Void Elves to draw more of a cultural continuation from their origin as thalassian elves, specially by way of Alleria, who, herself, is distinct from blood elves in hairstyle and style -tattoos and feathers-. I personally don't think VE's should get paladins, I don't think that more natural hair colors break the VE aesthetic -AGAIN, when Alleria herself, the OG, is a blonde Void Elf-

    To limit the VE aesthetics does nothing to strengthen their identity. It's just a lazy way to make them different, without having to build a context and background and unified aesthetic that truly sets them apart and creates a concise thematic identity.

    Not only that, but to address through aesthetics how Void Elves can grown their numbers by recruiting High Elves, let alone the potential that adds to their narrative.

    If you want to have a proper conversation, you gotta leave your generalizations and preconceived notions at the door.

    This should have been done using a new model, but since Blizzard used the "Blood Elves" skeletons for it, it caused the people in WoW to just want Blood elves for the Alliance....What a waste, but also, how lazy from Blizzard for not creating a new skeleton.
    Yeah, it's not our fault that Blizzard didn't put enough effort and gave VE's a new model.

    And really in case you missed it, people have wanted playable alliance high elves since the start of WoW, and while a lot of people here try to ponder how we can move the Void Elves forward while giving a lil bit of that High Elven look as an option so everyone gets something, all you came here to do was to say "U guys just want blood elves on the alliance"

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by choom View Post
    Alleria is not like a player Void Elf though. She is the host to the power of a void naaru, whereas the Void Elves are halfway through the process of becoming Void Ethereals. There is no lore reason for why the Void Elves should have fair skin, certainly not one based on Alleria, it only happened because of fan service.
    There's also no reason WHY the player had to look like Violet Beauregarde except an arbitrary decision to aesthetically separate the Void Elves from Blood Elves.

    So we know that being blue isn't want makes you a Void Elf -look at Alleria- and since we know what created the Void Elves on the first place was an accident, why SHOULD any future generations of Void Elves look like the first one? Specially considering a new process more akin to Alleria's would be the only way to create more Void Elves.

  3. #23603
    Quote Originally Posted by Necrosaro123 View Post
    Also....cant you guys play something else?. You already have Night elves, Draenei and Void elves. Why do you want Blood elves into the Alliance. Why more elves???

    If you like female characters, you also have Female Dwarves (They look awesome), The Gnomes (Also looks awesome and small, new transmog also available for them) and what about the furry Worgen? or the Pandaren?.

    Guys, get your head out of your ass. If you want Blood elves go to the Horde. Alliance got Dark Elves, why did you insist into turning them into Blood elves?.

    The High elves from Outlands and Wrath of the Lich King are a completely different race, with different reasons to exist. I even bet their racials are more related to nature and magic than void and magic.

    Draenei are my favorite Alliance race. I main a BE Dark Ranger on the Horde.

    Do you get that wanting to see more races being playable doesn't meant we don't play the others, right?

    Sis, some of us just think that the Alliance High Elves lore is neat and would like for it to be playable to a degree. It's not hard to understand other people find interesting some things you don't.

    Some people are still asking for High Elves as their own Allied Race, some of us kinda just want High Elves to merge with Void Elves and see where that goes. And if that gives us the option to look like a high elf -much like you can have an outland maghar even tho we only technically have draenor maghar- it's a win win.

    It's really not that hard to get, not even without your laughably reductive idea of what Void Elves SHOULD be. Which again, give that their leader is a blonde high elven looking mofo, it's just funny.

  4. #23604
    The Lightbringer Ardenaso's Avatar
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    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by MyWholeLifeIsThunder View Post
    I would also lock Alteraci from having Paladins and offering another class instead that humans don't normally have
    but why tho? I think these are pretty much Paladins

    The Alliance gets the Horde's most popular race. The Horde should get the Alliance's most popular race in return. Alteraci Humans for the Horde!

    I make Warcraft 3 Reforged HD custom models and I'm also an HD model reviewer.

  5. #23605
    Quote Originally Posted by MyWholeLifeIsThunder View Post
    Draenei are my favorite Alliance race. I main a BE Dark Ranger on the Horde.

    Do you get that wanting to see more races being playable doesn't meant we don't play the others, right?

    Sis, some of us just think that the Alliance High Elves lore is neat and would like for it to be playable to a degree. It's not hard to understand other people find interesting some things you don't.

    Some people are still asking for High Elves as their own Allied Race, some of us kinda just want High Elves to merge with Void Elves and see where that goes. And if that gives us the option to look like a high elf -much like you can have an outland maghar even tho we only technically have draenor maghar- it's a win win.

    It's really not that hard to get, not even without your laughably reductive idea of what Void Elves SHOULD be. Which again, give that their leader is a blonde high elven looking mofo, it's just funny.
    Aww, well said fella.

  6. #23606
    I am Murloc! FlubberPuddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Necrosaro123 View Post
    Get this in your head.
    How about you get it into yours that we're merely a hair color away?

    You talk as we don't already have players going around with their Void Elves lookin pretty close with 'blue eyes, white skin elves' as you put it.

    Btw here's my High Elf (Void Elf) character:

    But yeah keep going on about how High Elf fans simply wanted, "blonde hair, blue eyes, white skin elves"

  7. #23607
    According to game director Ion Hazzikostas:

    Blood Elves are pretty much High Elves... Void Elves are also pretty much another flavor of High Elves
    Last edited by Kyriani; 2021-06-04 at 01:47 PM.

  8. #23608
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
    According to game director Ion Hazzikostas:

    Damn, its been a while.

    Every void elf is a high elf, but not every high elf is a void elf.

    Wait! Thats the new version!

    It was: Every Blood Elf is a High Elf, but not every High Elf is a Blood Elf.

    1200 pages though
    Mostly World of Warcraft stuff

  9. #23609
    I am Murloc! FlubberPuddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Necrosaro123 View Post
    You guys ruined the "Dark Elf" Fantasy by creating this....monster....called "Void elf". It was meant to be something new. And what did you do?....Create stupid threads of why my elf must look blonde, blue eyes and pink skin. For real guys, get your heads out of your ass. If you wanted so bad to play Blood Elves, just go Horde. There's no such thing in the alliance, and is still like that. I hope you never get that blonde hair, just to see you around in Stormwind walking with that purple/black hair that is so messy.


    The alliance have so many awesome races, and you cant stop playing your female elves, so lame!

    Now you get the idea, of why you idiots + the ones of WoW General Forums ruined the Void elves?. Void elves have never been High Elves!!!. NEVER!. They are Blood elves turned by the Void. In resume: Dark Elves.....You asked Blizzard for the WRONG FEATURES. WRONG HAIR COLOR, WRONG EYE COLOR WRONG SKIN COLOR.
    Not sure what made you go on such an easily observable tirade but I hope you find peace. Doesn't seem like you're really here for a discussion as you are talking past what I just posted - a dark skinned elf.

    It used to be people would say "I hope they never give you guys fair skin elves" now we're at a single hair color - I call that progress.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Doffen View Post
    Damn, its been a while.

    Every void elf is a high elf, but not every high elf is a void elf.

    Wait! Thats the new version!

    It was: Every Blood Elf is a High Elf, but not every High Elf is a Blood Elf.

    1200 pages though
    Your avatar is making me want to try out TBC Classic!

  10. #23610
    Quote Originally Posted by Necrosaro123 View Post
    You guys ruined the "Dark Elf" Fantasy by creating this....monster....called "Void elf". It was meant to be something new. And what did you do?....Create stupid threads of why my elf must look blonde, blue eyes and pink skin. For real guys, get your heads out of your ass. If you wanted so bad to play Blood Elves, just go Horde. There's no such thing in the alliance, and is still like that. I hope you never get that blonde hair, just to see you around in Stormwind walking with that purple/black hair that is so messy.


    The alliance have so many awesome races, and you cant stop playing your female elves, so lame!

    Do you see this, this a Dark Elf fantasy race, not the monster we have now with blue eyes and pink skin:

    This is a Dark elf that actually looks amazing as a race. Is original, looks awesome and have its own lore. Void elves are garbage now (Thanks to you guys):

    - - - Updated - - -

    Ok...ok....let me explain that to you, so you get it as clear as water....

    High elves ARE NOT Void elves.

    They are completely different things. These are not the Elves we saw on Outland using blue uniform, these are not the elves we saw in Crystalsong Forest fighting the Blood elves. These are....Void Elves that used to be Blood elves:

    Quoted from (https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Void_elf):
    Their origins lie with a group of blood elves led by Magister Umbric who were exiled from Silvermoon City

    Now you get the idea, of why you idiots + the ones of WoW General Forums ruined the Void elves?. Void elves have never been High Elves!!!. NEVER!. They are Blood elves turned by the Void. In resume: Dark Elves.....You asked Blizzard for the WRONG FEATURES. WRONG HAIR COLOR, WRONG EYE COLOR WRONG SKIN COLOR.
    The Nightborne were unequivocally and obviously greenlit as a Dark Elf race. All of their features and every element of their culture seems far more fitting for Dark Elves than Void Elves, which are kind of their own thing.

  11. #23611
    Quote Originally Posted by Necrosaro123 View Post
    Blood Elves are "Fel elves"...That is why they have the "Green Eyes". High Elves are pure and normal elves, without 0 modifications, 0 corruption. They even behave different than Blood elves.

    No, Void Elves are not High Elves, they are not Quel'dorei, They are Shal'dorei changed into Ren'dorei.

    Please....Stop trying to make the Void elves, High elves. They are not and never will. And just like your portrait, is disgusting. Pink skin with black void hair looks super stupid.

    Here is some ideas from other games of what the "Void Elves" should have been:

    High Elves are not any of this. Is a completely different race.
    The middle image has pink skin.

    Also, they're Sin'Dorei - Blood Elves - not Shal'Dorei. Those are the actual Dark Elves of WoW - the Nightborne.

  12. #23612
    Ely canon art director of the game says high elves are now custum of blood elves and void elves. If you play with a blue eyed blood/void elf you are a high elf

  13. #23613
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    Ely canon art director of the game says high elves are now custum of blood elves and void elves. If you play with a blue eyed blood/void elf you are a high elf
    Um, no. Belves and helves are all high elves, blue eyes or not. High Elf = Thalassian Elf.

    That being said, belves remain the pure elves that helfers wanted LMAO.

  14. #23614
    Brewmaster elbleuet's Avatar
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    Blood elves are boring. Blizzard completely destroyed this race by turning the blood elves into long eared humans in the Horde.

    I'm looking forward more interractions between void and high elves. Please Blizzard.
    "If you want to play alongside High and Void elves, the Alliance is waiting for you"

  15. #23615
    You are not a dev. Devs says the high elved are costum for blood and void elves

  16. #23616
    Quote Originally Posted by Necrosaro123 View Post
    This is the reason, why i think people don't pay attention to the WoW lore and how wrong they are. All these elves are different from each other, with different culture and trails. High elves are not Blood elves and they are not void elves or Nightborne or Night elves.

    If Blizzard is lazy and dont create a specific model for each of the allied races its up to them. But Void elves are not High elves and both of them are not Blood elves.

    - - - Updated - - -

    What we need is "REAL" High elves, so people stop crying to change the Void Elves into something that they are not.

    Here is the lore of Quel'dorei:

    Please, read and learn the difference.

    Do we need more and more pages on this Thread for you guys to understand the difference between a Void elf and a High Elf?

    Are we going to make Orcs looks exactly like the Mag'har ones, just because people want to change their skin color to brown?....Or you now understand why this change would be wrong?

    Do you understand that the Void elves are a completely different than a High elf?....One is Nature/Magic and the other is Void/Magic.
    So, you essentially want Blizzard to instead make a third race with the same design, skeleton, and background lore? Although this thread initially was very sensible, given they had clear distinctions in aesthetic and identity, Blizzard has since highly blurred the line in terms of characterization and appearance by giving Void Elves fair skin.

    Furthermore, you've also been drawing an arbitrary line between Blood Elves and High Elves. For one, the political differences are even less vast than those between Stormwind Humans and Kul Tiran Humans. Their culture is from the same origin, save that the High Elves would likely only represent the military end of the Blood Elven society (which still exists as part of aforementioned Blood Elven culture). Although the ideas presented in this thread are quite good, I don't see the reason why you need to force the idea. Besides, High Elves have never had much nature association except in Warcraft 2 - afterwards, most of those were ported (including Druids) to the Night Elves, who are now the nature-themed Elves. The only thematic distinction between High Elves and Blood Elves is that the former mostly consists of military personnel and refugees whilst the latter is the established government of the society. Even fel consumption no longer represents a facet of Blood Elven society, and both High Elves and Blood Elves seem to be using the Sunwell without issue. Although this may have been interrupted by the war, it seems like there is an increased degree of High Elf-Blood Elf relations now.

    Finally, why are you so anal about this? Everyone else has taken this as a fun suggestion, and most have even bent over when they realized they could just make the Void Elves work out for High Elves in general. You seem to be one of the only people who isn't sufficiently pleased with a few customization options and letting roleplay do the rest.

    Besides, it's not as if there's some kind of magical cross-contamination happening the moment that the lines are blurred - otherwise, as you said, it would have destroyed Blood Elven identity to give them blue eyes. Besides, they are the same culture and species, anyway - they're just a political distinction formed by a split that is no longer that relevant which has since evolved into faction choice, which doesn't influence much of the culture of either. I'd honestly like to see High Elves, too, since they do have somewhat of a distinct aesthetic which I legitimately like, but you don't seem to understand the appeal and are taking these fictional Elves too seriously relative to the discussion at hand.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Necrosaro123 View Post
    High Elf = Pure elf, that came from Kalimdor to live in Quel'thalas. And lived from the Sunwell to feed their magic needs. The live both in the forest and cities. Highly related to Magic and Nature. Bow users and sword warriors in light armor. They served the alliance with priests, sorcerors and hunter/warriors. Still working with the Alliance.

    Blood Elf = Corrupted elves, that started to feed on Fel magic to feed their thirst for magic, changing them in the process...making them more aggressive, giving them green eyes instead of blue, some facial features are more sharp and more aggressive looking. They now use forbidden magic like the Warlocks do. Powerful spell casters. They rejected the Alliance and joined the Horde.
    That distinction is totally incorrect. Like objectively. Nothing you just said is remotely correct. Blood Elves are no longer the "forbidden magic" Elves, and High Elves are not the only "pure" Elves. Both Blood Elves and High Elves represent two facets of the same society. Blood Elves follow many similar norms of High Elven culture save that they now also have a reverence for the Light and more tolerance for the Fel. Add to that how many of the Blood Elves weren't consuming Fel magic - they were unwillingly impacted by their proximity to the crystals in Silvermoon. They are more victims of magic radiation than anything.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Necrosaro123 View Post
    Dark elves in Neverwinter Nights used to do Black Magic and live in underground areas. Nightborne live in a big city, they abuse ARCANE magic and they are addicted to it.

    Blood elves use the Sunwell to feed on magic, also abuse magic and live in a city of gold.

    But Void elves....They live in a shadowy real of darkness, emptiness and nothing. In the middle of space. They feed on the void, dark energy from the cosmos. And they use Dark Magic to control the minds and inflict damage. They dont live in cities, they dont abuse magic....They are CONTROL, and cold way of thinking.

    High Elves lives in the forest and are highly connected to nature. They rarely use magic and because of that, they use Bows, Swords and Beast companions. They even have a home in Hinterlands and Eastern Plaguelands, near Stratholme. They are forest people. In Elder Scrolls they would be Wood Elves.

    Do you guys even read the lore, before asking for changes to Blizzard?. Pink skin on them, didnt made sense. And the blue eyes are stupid, they are corrupted to the core. The reason we see Blood elves with Blue eyes and Golden eyes is because they feed on the new Sunwell.
    That distinction is untrue and total nonsense. World of Warcraft doesn't need to be a 1:1 correlation with every other fantasy setting - it's the very uniqueness of the setting that sets it apart. Just because the Dark Elves here aren't like Dark Elves elsewhere doesn't make them not Dark Elves. Finally, I don't see how the hell the Dark Elves you described are in any way like the Void Elves.

    WoW isn't Neverwinter Nights. It's following vague archetypes, and Void Elves are kind of a unique thing. They're more of some kind of unique Lovecraftian/Star Elf than anything else. Nightborne are meant to be a reference to the Drow as a whole, with dark skin, white hair, associations with Spider-Elf hybrids, living in a society separated from the rest of the world (Drow by being underground, Nightborne were under a barrier), and a (formerly) unforgiving society of decadence.

  17. #23617
    Wiki is not a official source. Only devs information is oficial and canon.
    High elves now are costum of void elves and blood elves, devs says it

  18. #23618
    Quote Originally Posted by Necrosaro123 View Post
    And by reading all your points, is clear that you dont read the lore. Please proceed and read the lore provided by both Blizzard and many of their lore related pages. Because nothing you mention on that text wall makes sense at all.
    Nice way of abstracting "I didn't bother to read that, but I'll assume you're wrong". Provide evidence that anything I have said contradicts lore other than saying "read the lore".

    Unless you can provide a full argument against at least one of those points, preferably two or three, I can only assume from the evidence that you didn't bother to respond to something that was too long for your to read, or you did realize that I had a good point and you didn't want to go through the trouble of formulating a real response.

  19. #23619
    Quote Originally Posted by Necrosaro123 View Post
    Official picture of a Blood elf male, with that distinctive aggressive looks after consuming Fel magic:

    Official picture of a High elf female, with delicate face features. And their elegant looks:

    Official picture of a Void elf female, with her purple colors and features that makes their void corruption.
    Broken link and nonsensical comparison nonetheless. Answer my previous points with reason. You can't enter an argument if you aren't willing to provide an actual argument. You've only been relying upon hearsay and refusing to defend your points adequately. You also rely on circumstantial evidence.

  20. #23620
    Quote Originally Posted by Necrosaro123 View Post
    Sorry, i'm was unable to share it.

    Here is the webpage with the facial features of the Blood elves:
    Distinction in physical appearance is insufficient. The distinction in appearance is also likely stylistic and cannot prove anything without lore in text supporting it due to the subtleties of the differences. Different characters are portrayed in a different light in different art pieces.

    Nonetheless, in this particular piece (https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/wo...20200716162408 - https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/wo...20120128125220), Lor'themar is also portrayed with the smooth features you are arguing are High Elven in nature. Even then, this is irrelevant to my prior points which you still have yet to address with an actual argument. Even discounting aesthetics, you have presented no evidence to the contrary to any of them, which actually makes you look uninformed rather than me. I do not need to "read the lore". Burden of proof falls on the one making the claim, and you need to find evidence (other than subjective inferences from art) supporting your claim.

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