1. #23761
    Quote Originally Posted by Vaedan View Post
    Blue eyes does not mean high elf. They are blood elves, with blue eyes and on Isle of Thunder, sunreavers were happy to kill high elves.
    This is another place where there was a race, High Elves, in the game which hadn't really been represented on player characters. Blood Elves were the closest, but had felt green eyes. It was an opportunity where we had a number of elven races, and we could tie it back to their roots, letting players choose where they want to align and what fantasy to play out. We did have a lot of discussion about it, ultimately we might do more in the future, but for now we're providing the option to have a few High Elf customizations available.

    Ely Cannon Art Director of world of warcraft

    green eyes blood elf

    blue eyes high elf

    Unless you are a developer, what you say is not real blizz information, the real and valid information is what the developers say.

    Thalassians with blue eyes are high elves and are playable on both factions as customization

  2. #23762
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    blizz is very vague. I do not ask much to see npcs in the capitals I do not think it costs a whole raid, but what can be expected of those who leave us more than 200 days without content
    Lol, yeah. I mean we know it's not hard or time consuming, but the point is that higher devs have to greenlight everything, and to do that they have to decide how much it impacts the story, how will affect other things, if it is the right time or if it's an idea better saved for later, etc

    It would be easier if it was just one person deciding to add NPC's as they pleased, but I don't think it is.

  3. #23763
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    This is another place where there was a race, High Elves, in the game which hadn't really been represented on player characters. Blood Elves were the closest, but had felt green eyes. It was an opportunity where we had a number of elven races, and we could tie it back to their roots, letting players choose where they want to align and what fantasy to play out. We did have a lot of discussion about it, ultimately we might do more in the future, but for now we're providing the option to have a few High Elf customizations available.

    Ely Cannon Art Director of world of warcraft

    green eyes blood elf

    blue eyes high elf

    Unless you are a developer, what you say is not real blizz information, the real and valid information is what the developers say.

    Thalassians with blue eyes are high elves and are playable on both factions as customization
    For pitty sake, stop playing with colorful font.

    Both Teriz and Lanesh are characterized as blood elves. They have blood elf voice over (not high elven), are part of blood elf organisations and Lanesh took part in fights against high elves. That is not hard to understand.

    What devs said is that from this time, you can play your high elf fantasy. Just read what you post. That does not by any chance mean that any blood elf NPC which had Blue eyes by mistake or bug is high elf. There is nothing which support your claims.

  4. #23764
    Quote Originally Posted by MyWholeLifeIsThunder View Post
    Lol, yeah. I mean we know it's not hard or time consuming, but the point is that higher devs have to greenlight everything, and to do that they have to decide how much it impacts the story, how will affect other things, if it is the right time or if it's an idea better saved for later, etc

    It would be easier if it was just one person deciding to add NPC's as they pleased, but I don't think it is.
    they added npcs allied race in the capitals they could do the same with the customizations but they are very lazy

  5. #23765
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    This is another place where there was a race, High Elves, in the game which hadn't really been represented on player characters. Blood Elves were the closest, but had felt green eyes. It was an opportunity where we had a number of elven races, and we could tie it back to their roots, letting players choose where they want to align and what fantasy to play out. We did have a lot of discussion about it, ultimately we might do more in the future, but for now we're providing the option to have a few High Elf customizations available.

    Ely Cannon Art Director of world of warcraft

    green eyes blood elf

    blue eyes high elf

    Unless you are a developer, what you say is not real blizz information, the real and valid information is what the developers say.

    Thalassians with blue eyes are high elves and are playable on both factions as customization
    Can you please choose a different font color man? jeez.

    I think the problem here is that you are interpreting things wrong, not what the devs are saying.

    They are not saying "green eyes blood elf, blue eyes high elf", just that now both factions can have access to that high elf fantasy, and see their characters as high elves.

    But that doesn't make every elf with blue eyes a high elf; you can make a blood elf with blue eyes now too, you realize.

    The eye color doesn't make you a high elf, because you can have whatever explanation why your blood elf has blue eyes.

    You Can be a high elf, doesn't mean you Have to be one if you choose blue eyes.

  6. #23766
    Quote Originally Posted by Vaedan View Post
    For pitty sake, stop playing with colorful font.

    Both Teriz and Lanesh are characterized as blood elves. They have blood elf voice over (not high elven), are part of blood elf organisations and Lanesh took part in fights against high elves. That is not hard to understand.

    What devs said is that from this time, you can play your high elf fantasy. Just read what you post. That does not by any chance mean that any blood elf NPC which had Blue eyes by mistake or bug is high elf. There is nothing which support your claims.
    she is clear in what she says that those with blue eyes are a high elf if they have green eyes they are a blood elf.

    playable void elf and blood elf also have voices and phrases that are not the same as alliance high elves npcs, but if you use customization you are a high elf

    blue eyes = high elf

  7. #23767
    Brewmaster elbleuet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    after wotlk many blue eyes npcs (high elves says devs) npcs
    mop sunreaver captain

    Lanesh the Steelweaver

    Teris Blightsunder

    Lanesh the Steelweaver again

    there are more npcs with blue eyes like a sunreaver in legion dalaran. but these examples show how for years we have seen these elves on the side of the horde
    Stop being dishonest. At least bring some arguments. Except for Lanesh (1 npc) the blue eyed Sunreavers are bugs and you know it very well.

    Also : these npcs are not Allerian elves, so your point is still ... pointless.

    Also also : to prove that you're being dishonest with these pics:

    OH MY GOOOD ! Green eyed high elves members of the Silver Covenant ! Blood elves are totally Alliance now and I want Halduron as their leader !

    ...Actually, that's a bug just like are your blue-eyed Sunreavers.
    "If you want to play alongside High and Void elves, the Alliance is waiting for you"

  8. #23768
    Quote Originally Posted by MyWholeLifeIsThunder View Post
    Can you please choose a different font color man? jeez.

    I think the problem here is that you are interpreting things wrong, not what the devs are saying.

    They are not saying "green eyes blood elf, blue eyes high elf", just that now both factions can have access to that high elf fantasy, and see their characters as high elves.

    But that doesn't make every elf with blue eyes a high elf; you can make a blood elf with blue eyes now too, you realize.

    The eye color doesn't make you a high elf, because you can have whatever explanation why your blood elf has blue eyes.

    You Can be a high elf, doesn't mean you Have to be one if you choose blue eyes.
    she said yes. she says that blood elves were not high elves because they had green eyes. and that now we have playable high elves who are the ones with blue eyes

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by elbleuet View Post
    Stop being dishonest. At least bring some arguments. Except for Lanesh (1 npc) the blue eyed Sunreavers are bugs and you know it very well.

    Also : these npcs are not Allerian elves, so your point is still ... pointless.

    Also also : to prove that you're being dishonest with these pics:

    OH MY GOOOD ! Green eyed high elves members of the Silver Covenant ! Blood elves are totally Alliance now and I want Halduron as their leader !

    ...Actually, that's a bug just like are your blue-eyed Sunreavers.
    blood elves in the alliance

    I fully support void elves being able to choose green eyes.

  9. #23769
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    she is clear in what she says that those with blue eyes are a high elf if they have green eyes they are a blood elf.

    playable void elf and blood elf also have voices and phrases that are not the same as alliance high elves npcs, but if you use customization you are a high elf

    blue eyes = high elf
    Come on man, the eye color doesn't define whether they are a Blood or High Elf, stop being dishonest. You don't magically change your cultural identity because of your eye color FFS.

    It's just... dumb.

    High and Blood are self denominational labels, Blood Elves named themselves as such BEFORE getting green eyes FFS.
    Last edited by MyWholeLifeIsThunder; 2021-06-17 at 09:10 PM.

  10. #23770
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    she is clear in what she says that those with blue eyes are a high elf if they have green eyes they are a blood elf.

    playable void elf and blood elf also have voices and phrases that are not the same as alliance high elves npcs, but if you use customization you are a high elf

    blue eyes = high elf
    No, if you have blue eyes, you are still Void/blood elf and for your roleplaying purposes, you can pretend to be high elf if that suits backstory of your character. That is the point devs had regarding new customizations. They even admited not all these features are canon and they did not reflect actual lore being added to the game.

    So, it's ok for your blood elf characters to be actually high elves, if you wish so, but that does not make any Blue eyed blood elf NPCs high elves, nor does it make neutral high elf characters Horde when they are on the Horde territory.

  11. #23771
    Brewmaster elbleuet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    she said yes. she says that blood elves were not high elves because they had green eyes. and that now we have playable high elves who are the ones with blue eyes

    - - - Updated - - -

    blood elves in the alliance

    I fully support void elves being able to choose green eyes.
    That npc is a BLOOD ELF with a BLOOD ELF voice. The other is a BLOOD ELF with a HIGH ELF voice.
    Still no arguments with your bugged blue eyed blood elves I see ?
    "If you want to play alongside High and Void elves, the Alliance is waiting for you"

  12. #23772
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    she said yes. she says that blood elves were not high elves because they had green eyes. and that now we have playable high elves who are the ones with blue eyes.
    No, that's just literally your biased interpretation of what is being said. In no moment there it was said that Blood Elves can't have blue eyes. You are removing all the context of them as political and cultural groups to bend it that interpretation.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Vaedan View Post
    No, if you have blue eyes, you are still Void/blood elf and for your roleplaying purposes, you can pretend to be high elf if that suits backstory of your character. That is the point devs had regarding new customizations. They even admited not all these features are canon and they did not reflect actual lore being added to the game.

    So, it's ok for your blood elf characters to be actually high elves, if you wish so, but that does not make any Blue eyed blood elf NPCs high elves, nor does it make neutral high elf characters Horde when they are on the Horde territory.
    He really doesn't get it.

  13. #23773
    Quote Originally Posted by MyWholeLifeIsThunder View Post
    He really doesn't get it.
    And I don't get why he is so obsessed by Horde high elves, when it is obvious such individuals would be extremely rare, given Horde alligned elves take great pride in their way of life. Sure, it's cool to have a character with such backstory, but there is no need in denying this is just rare thing.

  14. #23774
    Quote Originally Posted by Vaedan View Post
    No, if you have blue eyes, you are still Void/blood elf and for your roleplaying purposes, you can pretend to be high elf if that suits backstory of your character. That is the point devs had regarding new customizations. They even admited not all these features are canon and they did not reflect actual lore being added to the game.

    So, it's ok for your blood elf characters to be actually high elves, if you wish so, but that does not make any Blue eyed blood elf NPCs high elves, nor does it make neutral high elf characters Horde when they are on the Horde territory.
    for developers if you use that customization you are a high elf. the high elves are playable now and I support green eyes for the void elves as well.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by MyWholeLifeIsThunder View Post
    Come on man, the eye color doesn't define whether they are a Blood or High Elf, stop being dishonest. You don't magically change your cultural identity because of your eye color FFS.

    It's just... dumb.

    High and Blood are self denominational labels, Blood Elves named themselves as such BEFORE getting green eyes FFS.
    cultural identity? the high elves and blood elves have the same culture are the same people as before the invasion of the scourge. There are high elves loyal to the alliance and the horde
    and there are blood elves who are loyal to the alliance and the horde.

    Or the silvermoon scholar because now they are alliance they magically changed their culture? no, they are the same people as before, they just switched sides

  15. #23775
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    cultural identity? the high elves and blood elves have the same culture are the same people as before the invasion of the scourge.
    This makes me *this* close to want to throw everything you are saying into the garbage disposal. You literally think they just changed their name but their culture was unaffected? Don't you remember THE LENGHTS the blood elves went through survive after the decimation? I'm sorry but anyone that doesn't respect the crucible that forged Blood Elf identity is not a real Blood Elf fan, and I am TIRED of pretending otherwise.

    There are high elves loyal to the alliance and the horde

    and there are blood elves who are loyal to the alliance and the horde.
    YES, exactly the point! but that doesn't mean that every horde elf with blue eyes identifies themselves as a High Elf, specially when their renaming was so important from an ideological perspective.

    The whole point is that Blood Elves and High Elves are defined by THEIR POLITICS, not for how they look, and you come here to double down on the reductionist argument that eye color alone determines what they are rather than their ideologies? Come on!

    Or the silvermoon scholar because now they are alliance they magically changed their culture? no, they are the same people as before, they just switched sides
    No, the singular BE scholars that moved to Telogrus didn't change their culture.

    The Group of elves, that changed their name in honor of the 90% of their race dying on an invasion that destroyed their homeland and cut their source of power, and took up a survivalist mindset just to not die out, to the point they starting using fel magics to power their cities and siphon a Naaru to wield the light DID have a PROFOUND cultural shift. Are you blind?

    And not because they walked back from their darker edge it means their cultural trauma is ERASED.

    For real, the lack of respect you are showing towards the BE's struggle makes me doubt every argument you give. You don't seem to even care about Blood Elves.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Vaedan View Post
    And I don't get why he is so obsessed by Horde high elves, when it is obvious such individuals would be extremely rare, given Horde alligned elves take great pride in their way of life. Sure, it's cool to have a character with such backstory, but there is no need in denying this is just rare thing.
    Honestly to me he's coming across as the sort of person that doesn't care about Blood Elves, and only wants "High Elves to be great again" as if the Third War never happened.

    Cause all he's saying seems to be in order to minimize what being a Blood Elf is culturally, trying to sweep it under the rug for a "High Elves are as have always been" traditionalist view.

    And I really hate that.

  16. #23776
    Quote Originally Posted by MyWholeLifeIsThunder View Post
    This makes me *this* close to want to throw everything you are saying into the garbage disposal. You literally think they just changed their name but their culture was unaffected? Don't you remember THE LENGHTS the blood elves went through survive after the decimation? I'm sorry but anyone that doesn't respect the crucible that forged Blood Elf identity is not a real Blood Elf fan, and I am TIRED of pretending otherwise.

    YES, exactly the point! but that doesn't mean that every horde elf with blue eyes identifies themselves as a High Elf, specially when their renaming was so important from an ideological perspective.

    The whole point is that Blood Elves and High Elves are defined by THEIR POLITICS, not for how they look, and you come here to double down on the reductionist argument that eye color alone determines what they are rather than their ideologies? Come on!

    No, the singular BE scholars that moved to Telogrus didn't change their culture.

    The Group of elves, that changed their name in honor of the 90% of their race dying on an invasion that destroyed their homeland and cut their source of power, and took up a survivalist mindset just to not die out, to the point they starting using fel magics to power their cities and siphon a Naaru to wield the light DID have a PROFOUND cultural shift. Are you blind?

    And not because they walked back from their darker edge it means their cultural trauma is ERASED.

    For real, the lack of respect you are showing towards the BE's struggle makes me doubt every argument you give. You don't seem to even care about Blood Elves.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Honestly to me he's coming across as the sort of person that doesn't care about Blood Elves, and only wants "High Elves to be great again" as if the Third War never happened.

    Cause all he's saying seems to be in order to minimize what being a Blood Elf is culturally, trying to sweep it under the rug for a "High Elves are as have always been" traditionalist view.

    And I really hate that.
    do you understand what culture is? The culture of a nation is a set of cultural elements that the members of that nation share such as language, art, architecture, religion, etc.

    did the thalassian in the alliance stop speaking thalassian? or did they stop worshiping belore?

    what you misunderstand by culture is actually idiology.

    and to clarify matters only the magisters used fel to rebuild cities and the people in general in quelthalas never used fel. The light extracted from Muru was only done by the Blood Knights, it was not something that everyone did. and after the sunwell recovered everything returned to normal, the magisters exchanged fel crystals for mana crystals and blood knights now worship the light.

  17. #23777
    Brewmaster elbleuet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    do you understand what culture is? The culture of a nation is a set of cultural elements that the members of that nation share such as language, art, architecture, religion, etc.

    did the thalassian in the alliance stop speaking thalassian? or did they stop worshiping belore?

    what you misunderstand by culture is actually idiology.

    and to clarify matters only the magisters used fel to rebuild cities and the people in general in quelthalas never used fel. The light extracted from Muru was only done by the Blood Knights, it was not something that everyone did. and after the sunwell recovered everything returned to normal, the magisters exchanged fel crystals for mana crystals and blood knights now worship the light.
    Your blood elves don't identify themselves as high elves. But Alliance High elves do
    "If you want to play alongside High and Void elves, the Alliance is waiting for you"

  18. #23778
    Quote Originally Posted by elbleuet View Post
    Your blood elves don't identify themselves as high elves. But Alliance High elves do
    They took the name to honor the slaughtered of the scourge invasion, the high elves don't honor the dead as much, that is pretty much the only cultural divergence at this point.

    Otherwise, all heavily value their homeland, have the same art, architecture, history, language and see the sunwell as a holy site.
    Last edited by Combatbutler; 2021-06-17 at 10:36 PM.

  19. #23779
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    do you understand what culture is? The culture of a nation is a set of cultural elements that the members of that nation share such as language, art, architecture, religion, etc.

    did the thalassian in the alliance stop speaking thalassian? or did they stop worshiping belore?

    what you misunderstand by culture is actually idiology.

    and to clarify matters only the magisters used fel to rebuild cities and the people in general in quelthalas never used fel. The light extracted from Muru was only done by the Blood Knights, it was not something that everyone did. and after the sunwell recovered everything returned to normal, the magisters exchanged fel crystals for mana crystals and blood knights now worship the light.
    Well, let me correct you. Ideology is also one of the important part which forms a nation. You can't dismiss it. Sure, blood elves and high elves speak thalassian, but blood elves had to go through cultural shift they believed is necessary. High elves did not want to go such lengths and were ostracized and exiled. You need to understand this.
    Even later, when Lor'themar approached high elves of Quel'lithien, they refused to rejoin blood elves. The rift went too far. Majority of high elves would not be willing to rejoin sin'dorei. Majority of sin'dorei view high elves as traitors.

  20. #23780
    Brewmaster elbleuet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Combatbulter View Post
    They took the name to honor the slaughtered of the scourge invasion, the high elves don't honor the dead as much, that is pretty much the only cultural divergence at this point.

    Otherwise, all heavily value their homeland, have the same art, architecture, history, language and see the sunwell as a holy site.
    Ofc they're the same. High and Blood elves = thalassian elves.

    But stop calling a blood elf High elf whereas he doesn't consider himself as such.
    "If you want to play alongside High and Void elves, the Alliance is waiting for you"

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