I don't know if I am delusional or not, but I think VE specific options are yet to come, and with them, black hair.
So far all the VE's have gotten is reused assets -save for eye colors-, so it really feels is just for that OG thalassian elf fantasy: all the hair colors we got are from the original colors, nothing from the DK ones, or the SL ones.
Omg y'all, that's literally what's being said on the official forums
I get reminded of this laugh so much atm.
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He moved on so much he hasn't posted here since the initial skin tones bit, hope he's in good health for reals. To his credit though, he did say it would take something of WoW going downhill for HE customization. Which is partly true given the state of Blizzard (and the game) atm.
This legitemately pisses me off because now there is 0 difference between blood elves and void elves besides paladin, Which you will eventually get
"We just want more elves on the alliance"
"We just want the same skin colors"
"We just want the same hair colors"
"We just want the same classes"
If they are gonna do that. Give the horde Nathanos style humans!! Absolute lunacy and a desperate attempt at getting people to play the alliance. Nice giving the other faction the same race. Might aswell declare blood elves neutral like the pandaren and they you go
Never mind the racist Garithos I guess
An'u belore delen'na
Hell, either that or gives us Nathanos style humans
Come up with some bullshit excuse like Sylvanas keeping the forsaken ugly because she is insecure and wants to be the prettiest person among her people. Makes sense seeing as she gave the only person shes attracted to an enhanced apperance. Thinking about it Blizzard hates the forsaken model. Derek proudmoore uses a human model, so does nathanos, so does Calia and Sylvanas uses a blood elf model. The exception is Lillian which they basically said she's gonna be replaced when the best next thing comes which I can gurantee you is not using a Forsaken model.
An'u belore delen'na
Yes!! This!! Nearly all high elf supporters also support this! There’s no reason to not have the human model on Horde side at this point. They work as either Alteraci humans or Calis or Nathanos style undead.
It’s never been the Alliance or high elf people arguing that only one faction should get cool stuff. It’s always been the Horde complaining about it. High elf fans have been quite vocal that they’d love the Horde to get stuff too.
Last edited by Edoll; 2021-08-28 at 12:53 AM.
I always wanted to play as the Blackthorn Bandits who helped Sylvanas; and this I want to play for the Horde
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to be fair literally the first chapter after the Blood Elf campaign shows that there's still High Elves on the Alliance https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Jennalla_Deemspring
also, I wouldn't use Garithos as a reason for them leaving the Alliance; the Blood Elves literally have zero beef with the Argent Crusade Lordaeronians - who are the closest and direct descendants of Garithos' New Alliance Remnants, and Garithos was never brought up to them not even once. I'd say Garithos or no Garithos: the Alliance still abandoned Quel'thalas and left them at the mercy of the Scourge, Amani, and Wretched for 6 years. I'd think it's more to ask why are the Alliance High Elves still Alliance.
The Alliance gets the Horde's most popular race. The Horde should get the Alliance's most popular race in return. Alteraci Humans for the Horde!
I make Warcraft 3 Reforged HD custom models and I'm also an HD model reviewer.