So? So has the Stonemaul clan, but they aren't playable
Because Garithos was Alliance and used the blood elves as cannon fodder? Lor'themar literally says it in MoP "When will they see that the Horde exists BECAUSE of the Alliance? Because of their prejudice and their bigotry!?"
Last edited by Candy Cough; 2021-08-28 at 02:13 PM.
An'u belore delen'na
there is no faction imbalance, the alliance and the horde have the same population.
Horde players are more hardcore and Alliance players are more RP. but their populations are equal.
It's as if I complained that there is not enough RP in the horde
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You mean when they killed and ate the horde soldiers and planned to use the horde as cattle?
They have the same connection to the void elves, but at least the void elves use necromancy.
alterac humans for the horde, sanlayn for the alliance! (apparently many alliance players want playable sanlayn that have them in their faction)
I think this is the face you're referring to. I do agree it would be nice if we had more face options like being able to narrow the eyes a bit so they don't look so surprised. I use this face now on one of my characters and found that the "sharp" or "natural" eyebrow selections do help mitigate the "surprised" look somewhat.
I agree with you that the stormwind human model is far too bulky. I'd love for us to get body shape options for all races. I don't expect we'll ever see sliders in WoW, but maybe if there was an option to select which size model we use from a small number via a drop down menu. Like a leaner version of the current Human model, the Human model we have now, and an option to use the Kul Tiran "big boy" model. I'd like the same choices for the Kul Tirans as well.
This is the first time I've dropped into this thread since before helves were officially added. The discussion here now is pretty nice, I might actually participate now and again.
Lilithvia Thread Directory| Go Utes!
Welcome back! It made a turn for the better once the skin tones were announced. After that, a lot of the naysayers bounced. Not to say it's always civil, but the arguments are less frequent, less polarized and usually about a specific bit of lore or a specific option wanted or not wanted. Even then it very rarely devolves into pages long conflicts.
But really, welcome back @Lilithvia !
All of this should have been in the game since 2017 so this is proof that the Void elves were seen by Blizzard as a case of "Break in case subs drop" button.
And honestly they were wise to give this privilege to the most beautiful, perfect, splendid race in the game, but they could have been more blunt with it. Oh well there's no point in dwelling in the past.
Dude, you CANNOT keep collecting trash opinions like STD's!
"There's no faction imbalance"
Jesus freaking christ.
Yes! Those ones! I'd love to play as them!You mean when they killed and ate the horde soldiers and planned to use the horde as cattle?
But I love how you simply dismissed the part where Kael'thas could redeem the remaining San'layn. Like come on, you are free to not want San'layn, but to simply misrepresent what someone is saying is just blergh. Basically you believe that san'layn are irredeemably evil, which is just silly. I's just so freaking transparent how basic your ideas of good and evil are and I'm tired of your constant push of making BE's pointy eared, light worshiping humans.
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"body size" really should become an option in the future, hopefully soon, but it's hard to see it being implemented with WoW's tech beyond simply making a whole new edited model, which to be honest, feels doable.
For example, that would also allow a bulky Troll model, and thus Amani and Drakkari!
But yeah, they would have to be a whole different model to account for specifics like shoulder size and 3d assets, which I do think overall could work. Like yea body sliders would be *better* but that just seems outside the scope of WoW customization; but simply having more models seems doable with their current tech.
Well, since WoW seems to be in a free fall, High Elves might be added at some point in relatively near future, lmao.