1. #24501
    The Lightbringer Ardenaso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Valandale View Post
    All I really want for HE's/VEs is like a new home thing, not some space rock but some island, give them some kind of stable foothold instead of being enclaves in tons of cities. Like say one of those expedition islands recently explored that had all of the corrupted/pirate/old god enemies cleared out...
    Then they can have a new beginning...Or choose to continue bickering with Silvermoon but at least they'd have an actual home of some sort and the desperation to return to Quel'thalas wouldn't be so pronounced anymore. I like the political divide, it can make for some interesting story but we've not had that, we just have fanbases hating each other with no direction.
    they can do a Dath'remar and move to Eldre'thalas and restore it for themselves; I want to see it happen
    The Alliance gets the Horde's most popular race. The Horde should get the Alliance's most popular race in return. Alteraci Humans for the Horde!

    I make Warcraft 3 Reforged HD custom models and I'm also an HD model reviewer.

  2. #24502
    Field Marshal Valandale's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tanaria View Post

    The Void Elves are powerful - perhaps they could shield the area between Allerian Stronghold and Firewing Point which would prevent that area from disintegrating.

    Or, Void Elves could move to the ruins of Zin-Azshari. It's a city that is fully into Void and Arcane now...right up the Void Elf Magisters' street. Again, create a void shield that would prevent the city from ever being underwater again.
    Ohh, Or they could make the shield and make Azeroth Atlantis/Rapture, and the water covers the shield making it a bubble city beneath the waves. Lots of opportunity for deep voidy stuff in the deep sea.
    Last edited by Valandale; 2021-08-30 at 08:15 PM.

  3. #24503
    Quote Originally Posted by Tanaria View Post
    Why don't they just have and expand the Allerian Stronghold on Outland, with a portal that connects to Stormwind?

    And by expand, I mean from the current location of Allerian Stronghold to Firewing Point, so you get a good blend of Human and Thalassian features, but with added voidy-ness.
    There are rumors that Outland is unstable and deteriorates slowly into Twisting Nether. Besides, Azeroth is their home. They should base their home there. That's why I'm not huge fan of Telogrus Rift in the first place too. These elves are not allowed to live in their homeland and most of them accepted that fate. At least, let them be in their homeworld.

  4. #24504
    Brewmaster elbleuet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
    I /facepalm every time someone posts about wanting the alliance to take silvermoon. I just find the notion ridiculous. Could the devs decide to go in the direction of the ridiculous? Sure, that possibility exists, but I don't think its probable (stranger things have happened though).

    To me, silvermoon is the home of the blood elves, and the blood elves are members of the horde, ergo silvermoon is a horde capital. I just don't see that ever changing, at least not without the eradication of the faction divide first.
    Teldrassil was a Horde capital before the Horde decided to burn it to the ground.

    Silvermoon is and will always be the home of the Blood elves, that's a fact.

    But I think the void elves under the guidance of Alleria will try to conquer it at some point.
    "If you want to play alongside High and Void elves, the Alliance is waiting for you"

  5. #24505
    Quote Originally Posted by Valandale View Post
    All I really want for HE's/VEs is like a new home thing, not some space rock but some island, give them some kind of stable foothold instead of being enclaves in tons of cities. Like say one of those expedition islands recently explored that had all of the corrupted/pirate/old god enemies cleared out...
    Then they can have a new beginning...Or choose to continue bickering with Silvermoon but at least they'd have an actual home of some sort and the desperation to return to Quel'thalas wouldn't be so pronounced anymore. I like the political divide, it can make for some interesting story but we've not had that, we just have fanbases hating each other with no direction.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tanaria View Post
    Why don't they just have and expand the Allerian Stronghold on Outland, with a portal that connects to Stormwind?

    And by expand, I mean from the current location of Allerian Stronghold to Firewing Point, so you get a good blend of Human and Thalassian features, but with added voidy-ness.
    Personally I think it's important for the Void Elves and High Elves to have a home on Azeroth proper; Void Elves specifically need to feel like part of the world, and the best way to do it is to be literal about it. That's one of the big problems of Telogrus, besides being just, barren.

    And island could be great, but I'd prefer to be a place with some significance/importance, and in that case I think Highborne ruins would be a nice bet, as they can draw from that legacy as an unifying point + it would mesh with making feel the world feel more alive and evolving.

    Maybe the VE's raising some of Zin'Aszhari could work because of the connection the area now has to the Void thus allowing further study, or maybe they could reclaim Shandaral because Northrend could use some present lore relevance, plus the aesthetic of the zone slaps, and in Chronicles their habitants are depicted as "High Elves" even if they wouldn't be of the same group of Dath'remar.

  6. #24506
    Quote Originally Posted by elbleuet View Post
    Teldrassil was a Horde capital before the Horde decided to burn it to the ground.

    Silvermoon is and will always be the home of the Blood elves, that's a fact.

    But I think the void elves under the guidance of Alleria will try to conquer it at some point.
    Could work...maybe in a revamped Quel'Thalas, their are a group of void elves who are trying to take Silvermoon, but since this is from the Horde's PoV because Quel'Thalas is a Horde starting zone, the Sin'dorei push them back.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by MyWholeLifeIsThunder View Post
    Personally I think it's important for the Void Elves and High Elves to have a home on Azeroth proper; Void Elves specifically need to feel like part of the world, and the best way to do it is to be literal about it. That's one of the big problems of Telogrus, besides being just, barren.

    And island could be great, but I'd prefer to be a place with some significance/importance, and in that case I think Highborne ruins would be a nice bet, as they can draw from that legacy as an unifying point + it would mesh with making feel the world feel more alive and evolving.

    Maybe the VE's raising some of Zin'Aszhari could work because of the connection the area now has to the Void thus allowing further study, or maybe they could reclaim Shandaral because Northrend could use some present lore relevance, plus the aesthetic of the zone slaps, and in Chronicles their habitants are depicted as "High Elves" even if they wouldn't be of the same group of Dath'remar.
    Also the fact that the Elves in question are descendants of the Highborne who were part of Zin-Azshari's Elite Circle.

  7. #24507
    Quote Originally Posted by Vaedan View Post
    There are rumors that Outland is unstable and deteriorates slowly into Twisting Nether. Besides, Azeroth is their home. They should base their home there. That's why I'm not huge fan of Telogrus Rift in the first place too. These elves are not allowed to live in their homeland and most of them accepted that fate. At least, let them be in their homeworld.
    Exactly this; it just makes groups/races more distant when they don't have a foothold on Azeroth proper. Lightforged are on thin ice because they are on a spaceship just above orbit :/

    My ideal places would be:

    Shandaral, Crystalsong Forest: Visually stunning, Highborne past and lore, lots of magic for the VE to study, already a High Elf settlement in the area.

    Twilight Citadel, Twilight Highlands: Not much elven background, but ripe with void related elements. Plus, with the closeness of the Wildhammer Dwarves we could get a bit of that camaraderie.

    Lordaeron Range Lighthouse, Eastern Plaguelands: I kinda love the idea of the thalassian exiles settling there and just.. staring at Quel'thalas -specifially Windrunner Spire- and shaking their fists on the air. Bonus, it seems it was considered at one point already to be a VE area given the void effect that was added on the 7.3.5 PTR and now exist on live.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Tanaria View Post
    Also the fact that the Elves in question are descendants of the Highborne who were part of Zin-Azshari's Elite Circle.
    Exactly; there's just a direct connection between the Highborne and High Elves and thus Void Elves that can be delved deeper into, and the whole being the center of operations of the void powered Naga just brings it all full circle.

    It would just be amazing to see the Void Elves repair/rebuild that ancient imperial architecture with a Void Touch.

  8. #24508
    The hope for any revamped capital died when Blizzard made it mandatory to be in Stormwind/Orgrimmar to switch War Mode on or off. It is painfully obvious to anyone with eyes that they want to consolidate everything in the two faction capitals.

    If they revamp Quel'Thalas, it will be to serve as questing hub for both factions ala Kul Tiras and Zandalar. And Silvermoon, like Boralus and Dazar'alor, will have a Horde district and then some hostile areas to allow for world quests. Or it can simply serve as a neutral hub with a Ren'dorei and Sin'dorei side.

    Anything beyond that is pure optimism.

  9. #24509
    Brewmaster elbleuet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    The hope for any revamped capital died when Blizzard made it mandatory to be in Stormwind/Orgrimmar to switch War Mode on or off. It is painfully obvious to anyone with eyes that they want to consolidate everything in the two faction capitals.

    If they revamp Quel'Thalas, it will be to serve as questing hub for both factions ala Kul Tiras and Zandalar. And Silvermoon, like Boralus and Dazar'alor, will have a Horde district and then some hostile areas to allow for world quests. Or it can simply serve as a neutral hub with a Ren'dorei and Sin'dorei side.

    Anything beyond that is pure optimism.
    100% agree with this

    They will NEVER update Quel'Thalas just for the sake of updating Quel'Thalas since blood elves story is OVER.
    "If you want to play alongside High and Void elves, the Alliance is waiting for you"

  10. #24510
    Quote Originally Posted by Tanaria View Post

    The whole of Quel'Thalas (incl Quel'Danas) needs to be updated for the Horde. Maybe, in a racial pride expansion, where each organisation is explored, perhaps Quel'Danas could be the primary foothold for Liadrin's Blood Knights and the Sin'dorei Priests.

    Silvermoon City is where the Magisters and Warlocks are primarily based.

    Eversong and the Ghostlands are where the Farstriders are based.

    And I do believe that the people who want Quel'Thalas are setting themselves up for major disappointment, since Blizzard have said themselves that they won't be touching another faction war conflict. It's ridiculous to think that Lor'themar, Rommath and even Liadrin would join the Alliance. They are Blood Elves. They are proud to identify as Blood Elves, as indicated by Liadrin during the Sin'dorei Heritage armor questline.
    Yeah. I love the idea of a Thalassian civil war, but even so I don't think the Blood Elves should ever loose Silvermoon/Eversong Woods.

    Yes, we know what Alleria wants, but we also know what the BE leadership wants, and those two things seem incompatible, and even if it leads to a war, I don't think Alleria would win, or be willing to pay the price of victory.

    At most, I would love to see the Ghostlands as a Contested Area with both VE and BE occupation, existing on a perennial state of cold war, but with a treaty that prevents aggression. If there was to be a "neutral" elven city, Tranquillien would be perfect for that for its location and name, and Suncrown Village rebuilt as the major BE city of the area. I just think it would be more interesting to use the Ghostlands to tell a story about civil war than any other option, cause that way we would get to see major interactions between both sides + rebuilding, and the story could finish with both sides having to come together to face the Amani, and thus signing a treaty at the end which would basically be "I hope you change your mind and return to us" "same for you"

    (Quick and dirty map)

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by elbleuet View Post
    100% agree with this

    They will NEVER update Quel'Thalas just for the sake of updating Quel'Thalas since blood elves story is OVER.
    Lol you could say that about them updating every other starting area in Cata then. Doesn't make sense to believe this when the precedent tells otherwise.

  11. #24511
    Quote Originally Posted by elbleuet View Post
    100% agree with this

    They will NEVER update Quel'Thalas just for the sake of updating Quel'Thalas since blood elves story is OVER.
    Knowing how Blizzard works, if they were to go through with any potential Ren'dorei vs. Sin'dorei story, they'd simply reduce it to a scenario set in Quel'danas like they did when Alleria went to the Sunwell or in the final part of the Blood elf Heritage questline.

    Since Quel'Thalas gameplay wise exists in the Outland world, they would have to rebuild it from scratch in the Azeroth map first to update it (or in its own map anyway if it was scaled to a continent like the BfA islands), at which point they might as well just create a new land from scratch.

    I know it's cool and all to drool at how Quel'Thalas is meant to look like lorewise, but realistically they will not update it and do it justice. They haven't touched it since 2006. If they wanted to update it, they would have done it in Cataclysm.

  12. #24512
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    Knowing how Blizzard works, if they were to go through with any potential Ren'dorei vs. Sin'dorei story, they'd simply reduce it to a scenario set in Quel'danas like they did when Alleria went to the Sunwell or in the final part of the Blood elf Heritage questline.

    Since Quel'Thalas gameplay wise exists in the Outland world, they would have to rebuild it from scratch in the Azeroth map first to update it (or in its own map anyway if it was scaled to a continent like the BfA islands), at which point they might as well just create a new land from scratch.

    I know it's cool and all to drool at how Quel'Thalas is meant to look like lorewise, but realistically they will not update it and do it justice. They haven't touched it since 2006. If they wanted to update it, they would have done it in Cataclysm.
    Or you know, have Azuremyst and Silvermoon be relevant on an expansion lorewise.

  13. #24513
    Brewmaster elbleuet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MyWholeLifeIsThunder View Post

    Lol you could say that about them updating every other starting area in Cata then. Doesn't make sense to believe this when the precedent tells otherwise.

    You know ... Cataclysm was in 2010 ... Things have changed since.
    "If you want to play alongside High and Void elves, the Alliance is waiting for you"

  14. #24514
    Quote Originally Posted by elbleuet View Post
    You know ... Cataclysm was in 2010 ... Things have changed since.
    Oh I don't think they will solely update BC zones for their own sake, and Darkshore and Arathi prove they are very willing to update old world zones to current content.

    And in the case of of just creating more zones and updating old ones for an expansion, I do think we could be seeing more of the later in the future; Azuremyst Islands and Quel'thalas have a lot of potential, given that their 1-10 areas could be revamped as starting areas, while Bloodmyst and Ghostlands could become contested areas.

    But I do believe a world -if albeit partial- revamp is likely, so that colors my perspective. I just don't think it will be one in one exp like Cata was, and more of updating areas as fitting/make sense for the story.

  15. #24515
    Quote Originally Posted by elbleuet View Post
    Teldrassil was a Horde capital before the Horde decided to burn it to the ground.

    Silvermoon is and will always be the home of the Blood elves, that's a fact.

    But I think the void elves under the guidance of Alleria will try to conquer it at some point.
    I assume you meant to say that Teldrassil was an alliance capital. And yes, it was destroyed by the horde, and in retaliation, undercity was also sacked. So if the alliance "conquer silvermoon", then that means the horde would need to retaliate and "conquer the exodar".

    The requirement of parity is inescapable in a two-faction game.

  16. #24516
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
    I assume you meant to say that Teldrassil was an alliance capital. And yes, it was destroyed by the horde, and in retaliation, undercity was also sacked. So if the alliance "conquer silvermoon", then that means the horde would need to retaliate and "conquer the exodar".

    The requirement of parity is inescapable in a two-faction game.
    The Alliance gets the magical city while the Horde gets the broken spaceship.

    Sure, I don't have a problem with that. We have a deal.

  17. #24517
    Brewmaster elbleuet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    The Alliance gets the magical city while the Horde gets the broken spaceship.

    Sure, I don't have a problem with that. We have a deal.
    Frankly I even don't care about Silvermoon.

    Dalaran as an Alliance city sounds way more appealing to me. We just need a good looking city with some high elven architecture and notable high elven leaders such as Vereesa or Alleria.
    "If you want to play alongside High and Void elves, the Alliance is waiting for you"

  18. #24518
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
    I assume you meant to say that Teldrassil was an alliance capital. And yes, it was destroyed by the horde, and in retaliation, undercity was also sacked. So if the alliance "conquer silvermoon", then that means the horde would need to retaliate and "conquer the exodar".

    The requirement of parity is inescapable in a two-faction game.
    That's why I personally believe that even if a Thalassian civil war is to ever happen, it just couldn't end with the Alliance actually taking Silvermoon. The meta-narrative reasons will lead the story.

    I really don't think there's a chance that Silvermoon will ever be alliance during WoW's time. I do think there is the possibility of a conflict happening, yes, but the factibility of Silvermoon switching sides in game just comes across as wishful thinking rather than an actual possibility.

    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    The Alliance gets the magical city while the Horde gets the broken spaceship.

    Sure, I don't have a problem with that. We have a deal.
    Sure, now that's likely to happen.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by elbleuet View Post
    Frankly I even don't care about Silvermoon.

    Dalaran as an Alliance city sounds way more appealing to me. We just need a good looking city with some high elven architecture and notable high elven leaders such as Vereesa or Alleria.
    That's why I want some rebuilt Highborne settlement.

  19. #24519
    Quote Originally Posted by elbleuet View Post
    Frankly I even don't care about Silvermoon.

    Dalaran as an Alliance city sounds way more appealing to me. We just need a good looking city with some high elven architecture and notable high elven leaders such as Vereesa or Alleria.
    Well, as a Ren'dorei player, I couldn't be happier

    Since the Alliance capital Stormwind is now led by Alleria's husband, who is advised by Alleria herself. It can be said that Alleria now co-rules Stormwind. And she is the second most powerful character in the city now, behind only her husband the High King Regent.

    I have been saying for years that the Ren'dorei would prove to be an exceptional asset to the Alliance, so I am happy for having been proven right once again

  20. #24520
    Quote Originally Posted by MyWholeLifeIsThunder View Post
    That's why I personally believe that even if a Thalassian civil war is to ever happen, it just couldn't end with the Alliance actually taking Silvermoon. The meta-narrative reasons will lead the story.

    I really don't think there's a chance that Silvermoon will ever be alliance during WoW's time. I do think there is the possibility of a conflict happening, yes, but the factibility of Silvermoon switching sides in game just comes across as wishful thinking rather than an actual possibility.
    I agree. I just don't see it ever happening.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by elbleuet View Post
    Frankly I even don't care about Silvermoon.

    Dalaran as an Alliance city sounds way more appealing to me. We just need a good looking city with some high elven architecture and notable high elven leaders such as Vereesa or Alleria.
    I feel the same way actually. I love Dalaran!

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