These places are good candidates. I'd also add Darkshire (perhaps only a settlement shared with worgen, not truly a capital) or retaken Eldre'thalas. There is also the area between Plaguelands, I believe it's called Northeron or something like that. That is not added to the game so far and it's surrounded by invisible wall.
Also, if you look at the shoreline of EK and even Kalimdor, there are huge places who are basicaly just cliffs with empty patches of empty spaces. I'd really like for Blizzard to revitalize these empty places. They could make high/Void elves settle such area. Offtopic, I also miss outdoor versions of Arathi Basin/Alterac Valley/Twin Peake/WSG to maps, perhaps as a place for outdoor pvp activities? That could all make world more rich.
Yeah! The Lordaeron Range Lighthouse is that place between the Plaguelands
As these aren't actually "capital cities", and really, barely are they hubs, they could be anywhere where it would make more sense lorewise. Although I'd really like if they were at least more hub like with flight points and some services like any other town.
There's just so many possibilities, and I think besides places I personally like, I'd like it to be a place with Highborne ruins.
Not sure if this is relevant, but map tool lists a small map that's a slice of that lighthouse section of the eastern kingdoms as "VoidElf". I don't know if that's how it's listed in the game files, or not, but it looks like the site is using the game data.
Currently, if you go there in game, there's a strange visual effect not seen there in past iterations of the game. I think that visual effect appeared in BfA, but maybe it was at the end of Legion? I am unsure:
That indeed looks like the most ideal spot for new home for Void/High elves. I actually like that their new home would be quite close to their homeland, creating tension with blood elves. I guess it was not implemented due to Quel'thalas itself being not included to EK continent map, but Outland map instead.
I also found a fan made concept of new high elf zone.
I actually like the idea of a city build on mountain plateau. Void elves with their racial ability to open void rifts make it easy to access for them, but difficult for other races. Telogrus Rift could work as a sacred place of pilgrimage for all ren'dorei and thalassians who want to delve into mysteries of the Void, but their new city on Azeroth would be more like place of everyday life.
It's amazing this thread is 1200 pages long, but gotta give it to High Elf fans: you guys are persistent.
I'm happy the Blood Elf customization like ears and hairstyles are coming to Void Elves in 9.1.5!
Sure, why not. I want the faction split gone anyway, that’s my end goal.
I like races having unique cultures and differences, but Blizzard didn’t do that with the void elves. They didn’t even make them Alliance high elves. They’re literally blood elves who got kicked out of Silvermoon. Right now there are no cultural differences, they could have been Alliance high elves that studied the void like Alleria, but no. It’s just straight up blood elf exiles. Blood elf heritage is void elf heritage. Blood elf homelands are void elf homelands. At least high elves have a political split from the blood elves. Void elves got nada.
PS. I wanted Alliance high elves since launch. Blood elves joining the Horde doesn’t really make sense, but that was 17 years ago. I’ve let it go and besides they’ve developed nicely in the Horde. But Blizzard decided to add a sizable high elf group, the Silver Covenant, to the Alliance. They were important in Wrath and MoP. If Blizzard decided to make all the Alliance high elves into void elves, I’d be frustrated, but for me it would have ended the push to get high elves. In the story the high elves could have been completely, utterly dead and they can now grow as void elves. But Blizzard didn’t do that and I am very excited to get high elf customization options. I am very happy with the skin and hair colors and the tentacle toggle. I’m not going to push for more, but I do recognize at this point there’s no reason to not give void elves all the blood elf options. We’ve got half of them already. Just give us the rest. Give the Horde the Alliance Elf options too for parity.
Last edited by Edoll; 2021-08-31 at 07:25 PM.
Well that's not the Blood Elf fanbase or the Blood Elf races' problem.
Maybe Void Elves just need to go and live in Duskwood or Eldre'Thalas (wink wink, @Vaedan), then they can build their own legacy.
- - - Updated - - -
Or all races have features that keep them distinct.
If I play a green eyed elf, I am clearly playing a Blood Elf.
If I'm a mana addict to the extreme, then I'm clearly playing a Nightborne.
Yeah! That's one thing I think that has a lot of potential, the ability of the Void Elves to maintain supply lines on hard to reach places through their rifts. And I really do like the idea of the VE's settling on a place that oversees Quel'thalas, like a looming threat almost hehe, their goals just out of reach. It would also give the alliance a hold in the Northern Eastern Kingdoms, which would be great for that idea of keeping the other faction "in check"
Either way, I would like to see Telogrus itself expanded as a research facility. That would still be the place to truly delve in the mysteries of the Void. Like I'd like that Void Elves and High Elves settle together in Azeroth, but Telogrus remains that place of void study where the elves that want to explore those mysteries go.
Blizzard you better release the ptr today or another blood elf will be killed tonight in retaliation.
"If you want to play alongside High and Void elves, the Alliance is waiting for you"