Races aren't restricted to paladins because balance....
Their restricted because being a paladin is being a light zealot who's infused with light. Not every race fits that bill.
Velves were belves from silver moon who had access to all their classes but not paladins and dks for very very obvious reasons.
U got dks no since the updated scenario.
But still no paladins because velves physically cannot be paladins. Which means you're not actually a pure elf even if you LOOK like it.
I don't think void elves will ever get the paladin class, but if they do, I wouldn't be shocked if Blizzard made the class appear under a different name for them, renamed the spells and changed the visuals to be blue-black like other void spells. After that they might give a glyph to make them look holy. But in the unlikely event that paladins ever happen for void elves, I'd wager they'd be canonically void empowered, not light.
But I don't work for blizz so what the hell do I know? With all the shake ups going on over there, who's to say what the heck they will do down the road.
But honestly, I'll be shocked if void elves got paladins before getting demon hunters.
Night elf paladins make way more sense to me.
Is botanist just a druid but under a differing class skin like the Tempest Keep dude?
I'm not tallking about gameplay balance, but cultural niches. Pre Third War Era High Elves were by no means Light Zealots. So the Alliance High Elves DO NOT follow the requisites to have Paladins as a common class.
So Velves can't be Paladins, and High Elven were never a big enough thing culturally to necessitate being playable.
So why again SHOULD High Elves be able to be Paladin if they don't meet the cultural requisites?
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IMO I would give NE Paladins and VE's Shaman because the later combo is just way cooler and ties into the "Dark Shaman/Elementalist" vibe. It would serve to give VE's an unique combo that no other elf has.
If only Void Elves arrived with these customizations from start, back then in 7.3.5 in 2018, maybe the Alliance wouldn't have died.
While I'm happy for Void Elves in 9.1.5, only cross-faction PVE/guilds can save Alliance at this point.
Last edited by Luck4; 2021-09-02 at 03:02 AM.
This just confirms the adage, "The squeaky wheel gets the grease."
Instead of sitting back quietly brooding over not getting things or saying what things shouldn't be added...
Start asking for what you want them to add. Loudly, and often.
Yeah, that's for sure!
But I think most people finally got that message now, many threads about possible allied races and customizations are emerging again.
If I had the time, I would do a machinima of this song with Void Elves using 9.1.5 High Elf customizations on Alliance cities:
Undead thalassian (Dark ranger/San'layn) has been a Horde thing, so it should stay Horde thing. I actually think San'layn allied race would be the best way how to implement them, because they'd their own group, possible with ties to both blood elves and forsaken. Giving it to the Alliance is something nobody wants (well, only you) and somthing a lot of horde fans would be mad about. On the other hand, slapping these undead customizations seem to be the easiest way for devs, so who knows.
"Lightforged" features for blood elves are great idea, I'd like that.
lol okay so blood elf paladins were considered such a "break in the lore" by metzen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NE-4Edh3RuM (3:33 in this video) they had to invent the concept of blood knights for it to make sense. Paladins were a human creation on Azeroth, and the high elves were not especially fond of learning from them. We know only of one guy who did, who is now a blood elf. Paladins absolutely were not an widely established part of quel'thalas prior to the blood knights.
Blood Elf paladins, such as Liadrin, were priests who had lost faith in the light after the scourge and took up a martial stance afterwards. There was no paladin order before then. Do high elf paladins exist? Yes, theres a couple. Just like theres blood elf druids, night elf and undead paladins, tauren warlocks etc. It doesnt mean they're an entrenched, culture defining component.
High Elves not having paladins is completely fine, makes sense and does a good job to distnguish them from the very Light focused blood elves.
tl;dr learn your lore
I made one for Reforged![]()
it's supposed to be for Mehlar Dawnblade in Re-Reforged
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I'd support Blood Elf druids as callback for the WC2 Runestones
The Alliance gets the Horde's most popular race. The Horde should get the Alliance's most popular race in return. Alteraci Humans for the Horde!
I make Warcraft 3 Reforged HD custom models and I'm also an HD model reviewer.