1. #24681
    I no longer play the game, but i'm really glad that they finally understood what that race had to be, even with the void involved. I'm glad for those who will be able to finally look like a high elf playing on their desired faction, if i decide to come back to the game at some point in the future, this will certainly be one of the reasons. Sadly it remains to be seen if this is truly a change in how they design the game or just part of a series of popular changes to try to save the expansion.

    If there is a lesson to be learned here (by blizzard) is that giving players more customization options and more ways to express their own vision is never a bad idea, this also includes class/race combos... be more open about it, let people have fun and adapt the lore afterwards if needed. The more class/race combinations and more "sub-races" available via customization options the better.
    "Mastery Haste will fix it."

  2. #24682
    Herald of the Titans Amaterasu65's Avatar
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    I'm so happy they get all those colors. I'm also so jealous this happened the expansion I went Horde. I had a human mage since 2006 and I said I'd refuse to race change to any other Alliance race unless it's High Elves. And now it can be 10000% realized. We won!

  3. #24683
    Congratulations to all of you guys and gals! As a War2 purist, I'm really happy for you. Finally, my main orc warrior can kill high elves again like in the good old days

  4. #24684
    Quote Originally Posted by BaumanKing View Post
    Congratulations to all of you guys and gals! As a War2 purist, I'm really happy for you. Finally, my main orc warrior can kill high elves again like in the good old days
    Death coil me harder, death knight daddy!

  5. #24685
    Quote Originally Posted by BaumanKing View Post
    Congratulations to all of you guys and gals! As a War2 purist, I'm really happy for you. Finally, my main orc warrior can kill high elves again like in the good old days
    This is what it's really about.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowlands-is-fake View Post
    Rogue, Warlock and Priest are probably the most obvious classes for Void Elves. But when it comes to Void Elves that look like High Elves, which ones do you guys fit best? I'm thinking Hunter and Mage. Possibly also Priest still, but with a Holy or Discipline focus?
    Hunter (Ranger), Mage (Sorcerer) and Priest would be the best. To me, it's the former two that are by far the most iconic. Probably Holy for Priest but Disc should be fine.

  6. #24686
    Moderator Aucald's Avatar
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    This thread isn't about Paladins or who is or isn't justified in being capable of choosing the Paladin class. Let's return to the actual topic of the thread and drop this derailing tangent concerning the Paladin class.
    "We're more of the love, blood, and rhetoric school. Well, we can do you blood and love without the rhetoric, and we can do you blood and rhetoric without the love, and we can do you all three concurrent or consecutive. But we can't give you love and rhetoric without the blood. Blood is compulsory. They're all blood, you see." ― Tom Stoppard, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead

  7. #24687
    Quote Originally Posted by Vaedan View Post
    Undead thalassian (Dark ranger/San'layn) has been a Horde thing, so it should stay Horde thing. I actually think San'layn allied race would be the best way how to implement them, because they'd their own group, possible with ties to both blood elves and forsaken. Giving it to the Alliance is something nobody wants (well, only you) and somthing a lot of horde fans would be mad about. On the other hand, slapping these undead customizations seem to be the easiest way for devs, so who knows.

    "Lightforged" features for blood elves are great idea, I'd like that.
    the sanlayn ate soldiers of the horde I suppose the horde would not accept them again. also the void elves use necromancy so it would be better for the sanlayn as part of a society that accepts necromancy than a society that is radiated by light.
    it could be a neutral allied race i see a lot of alliance players wanting the sanlayn to be playable

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by MyWholeLifeIsThunder View Post
    Just like we are getting HE's through VE's, the most efficient way to get San'layn is through Blood Elves. Simple as that.

    And in terms of efficiency, we just got so much bang for our buck with adding HE stuff on the VE model!
    the sanlayn use the night elf model so the easiest way to have sanlayn is with the night elves

  8. #24688
    With this, only one "Normal" option remains for the Ren'dorei, and it's magical runes/tattoos:

    After all the Thalassian are known for infusing themselves with these magical runes that boost and augment their strength and skills.

    With this done Blizzard can finally begin adding more "Void-oriented" options for the Ren'dorei, akin to this:

    The objective here is to represent the duality of the Ren'dorei through the customization options: their "fair form" as former Sin'dorei/Quel'dorei, and their "Void form" as Ren'dorei. Like Alleria.

    Regardless everything is proceeding splendidly, I did not think Blizzard would devote so many resources to Ren'dorei in this of all expansions, what a pleasant surprise.

  9. #24689
    Epic! Pheraz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Luck4 View Post
    Yeah, that's for sure!

    But I think most people finally got that message now, many threads about possible allied races and customizations are emerging again.

    If I had the time, I would do a machinima of this song with Void Elves using 9.1.5 High Elf customizations on Alliance cities:

    Nice idea xD

    I had this idea of a small Machinima...

    Scene 1: blizzard hq... All races of vanilla as blizz employees in a stand up meeting talking about tbc classes. Boss is an orc and says "ok we're getting the blood elves". The rest "and what should alliance get then? Aren't they an alliance race?" "Because I want them. Just give alliance... Some... Uhm... Space goats!" "Uh... Okay "

    Scene 2: some years later orc boss is sitting at his desk with a blonde wig of long hair on his head. Employee enters the room. "Hi boss just wanted to ask you how would you feel about getting high elves for the alliance now with this whole allied race idea we've had for the next X-Pac. ?" ... Orc boss with a blonde wig on his head ".... No! Just give them .... Uhm... Give them void elves!" .. "uhm... What are those?" ... "Well, high elves who don't look like high elves but have emo hair cuts and blue skin".... "Uh.... Okay"

    Scene 3: subs dropping on a chart in a stand up meeting. Everyone is looking kind of pissed. Orc boss with the blonde wig on the middle. Silence. Everyone is looking angrily at the boss. "No no no I know that you want... No no no YOU DON'T GET MY WIG".... *screams.... Chaotic noises"..... Orc boss knocked out on the floor and an void elf employee grabbing the blonde wig

    Zorn | Vynd | Pheraz | Sylwina | Mondlicht | Eis | Blut | Emerelle - Plus 20 more...

  10. #24690
    lmao hardcore belf fans on suicide watch

  11. #24691
    Quote Originally Posted by Flade View Post
    lmao hardcore belf fans on suicide watch
    They're not High Elves, they're not High Elves, they're not High Elves! Stop saying that!

  12. #24692
    Quote Originally Posted by Flade View Post
    lmao hardcore belf fans on suicide watch
    I am hardcore blood elf fan
    And the only make me mad are canibal option for blood elves

  13. #24693
    The Lightbringer Ardenaso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BaumanKing View Post
    As a War2 purist
    but you don't like alteraci human for the horde

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    I am hardcore blood elf fan
    And the only make me mad are canibal option for blood elves
    at this point I wouldn't mind now san'layn or dark ranger options for blood elves; but I wish to implement that Blizzard implements first the sub-race system
    The Alliance gets the Horde's most popular race. The Horde should get the Alliance's most popular race in return. Alteraci Humans for the Horde!

    I make Warcraft 3 Reforged HD custom models and I'm also an HD model reviewer.

  14. #24694
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    the sanlayn ate soldiers of the horde I suppose the horde would not accept them again. also the void elves use necromancy so it would be better for the sanlayn as part of a society that accepts necromancy than a society that is radiated by light.
    it could be a neutral allied race i see a lot of alliance players wanting the sanlayn to be playable

    - - - Updated - - -

    the sanlayn use the night elf model so the easiest way to have sanlayn is with the night elves
    Void elves used dead bodies as vessels for the Void entities, which is not exactly necromancy, at least not that one which was used to rise san'layn and is possibly used by them. That power draws from the power of Death, not the Void.

    It's the same case as Anduin and Faol raised Calia Menethil as undead with powers of Light. Completely different methods, completely different sources. Or should I say undeath is just fine with light users, according to this one event?

    San'layn are risen blood elves, not night elves. Adding them to night elves does not make sense. Also, it's been Horde players who requests that for years now, this feature has nothing to do with the Alliance.
    Last edited by Vaedan; 2021-09-02 at 04:25 PM.

  15. #24695
    Herald of the Titans Dristereau's Avatar
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    From a personal POV I honestly think the three new colours added (White, Black and Brown) are much better and what I wanted than the others, I think the white looks really cool. I never expected or cared much for Red/Ginger as I felt you should keep the Void Elves cold colours (White/Black/Blue) and have the Blood Elves with warm (Red, Blonde etc).

    I want to see the tentacle free versions of hairstyles before I pass judgement on those, if they're just removed I think half of them may look incomplete and not sit right. I still want to see more hairstyles, essentially ones which give the Void Elves a more elegant option than most which look like they forgot to care about personal hygiene when they left Quel'thalas. There are some interesting options at the start of this thread and you give the options to Blood Elves as well as the OG race.

    Eye/Skin Colour
    Yes I know, we've been doing this road before but I have a few final requests. For both Void and Blood, a blue eyes option similar to the purple one with a white sclera, I think this looks much better than the full blue we currently. And for Blood Elves, give them a Dark Ranger pale skin and red eyes. Why not?

    This is another one I think that would be really nice to add which is feathers/plumes similar to the Dwarves as it would help reinforce the High Elf theme. I also really think Body/Face paint/tattoos would add a new dimension to Elves in the same way it has for other races, such as Dwarves, Tauren, Orcs and Trolls. Again, the first page demonstrates this really well. For Blood Elves as well, Runic Tattoos. It feels somewhat criminal for Blood Elves to still not have Runic Tattoos when they were show on the Box Art for TBC
    Dristereau - Axxolentus - Infernus - Sequentia - Nulo - Desterrar

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  16. #24696
    Quote Originally Posted by Dristereau View Post
    From a personal POV I honestly think the three new colours added (White, Black and Brown) are much better and what I wanted than the others, I think the white looks really cool. I never expected or cared much for Red/Ginger as I felt you should keep the Void Elves cold colours (White/Black/Blue) and have the Blood Elves with warm (Red, Blonde etc).

    I want to see the tentacle free versions of hairstyles before I pass judgement on those, if they're just removed I think half of them may look incomplete and not sit right. I still want to see more hairstyles, essentially ones which give the Void Elves a more elegant option than most which look like they forgot to care about personal hygiene when they left Quel'thalas. There are some interesting options at the start of this thread and you give the options to Blood Elves as well as the OG race.

    Eye/Skin Colour
    Yes I know, we've been doing this road before but I have a few final requests. For both Void and Blood, a blue eyes option similar to the purple one with a white sclera, I think this looks much better than the full blue we currently. And for Blood Elves, give them a Dark Ranger pale skin and red eyes. Why not?

    This is another one I think that would be really nice to add which is feathers/plumes similar to the Dwarves as it would help reinforce the High Elf theme. I also really think Body/Face paint/tattoos would add a new dimension to Elves in the same way it has for other races, such as Dwarves, Tauren, Orcs and Trolls. Again, the first page demonstrates this really well. For Blood Elves as well, Runic Tattoos. It feels somewhat criminal for Blood Elves to still not have Runic Tattoos when they were show on the Box Art for TBC
    Here's what the hairstyles look without tentacles courtesy of Talendrion

    We'll have to wait till the PTR is updated to see them in the new colors.

  17. #24697
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    I am hardcore blood elf fan
    And the only make me mad are canibal option for blood elves
    Not hardcore enough, apparently, since you aren't frothing at the mouth that Blizzard is "destroying your character's racial identity and culture and throwing it to the big bad Alliance crybabies."

  18. #24698
    I am Murloc! FlubberPuddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edoll View Post

    We did it!!! We did it!!

    We really should start pushing for void elf paladins.
    The even let the newest hair colors have smirks on their faces :P YAAAAYYYY FINALLY!!!!!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Yarathir View Post
    This. Nothing is iconic about High Elf Paladins.

    It is and has always been Rangers (Hunters) and Sorcerers (Mages)
    Priests too I believe

  19. #24699
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    I am hardcore blood elf fan
    And the only make me mad are canibal option for blood elves
    Quote Originally Posted by Yarathir View Post
    Not hardcore enough, apparently, since you aren't frothing at the mouth that Blizzard is "destroying your character's racial identity and culture and throwing it to the big bad Alliance crybabies."
    This. You shame your race, traitor!

  20. #24700
    All this stuff is validating the idea that they really should have just had the BC races be Blood Elves for the Horde and High Elves for the Alliance.

    BE fans simply do not get it: No this isn't enough. It will never be enough. Because your race caused an enormous maelstrom within the balance of faction populations which has caused upsetting ripples throughout the game for over a decade.

    You talk about stealing the racial identity of the BE but the Horde literally stole a core race from the Alliance in BC and never looked back. It's been nothing but disingenuous argumentation and coping mechanisms from then on. The fact that you have the nerve to ask for alterac humans and dark ranger BEs just speaks volumes about how tone deaf you are.

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