No more red vs blue expansions. Blizzard have already said they are laying off them for a long time.
And the Blood Elves can lose Silvermoon...17-20 years after Quel'Thalas is updated for the Horde Sin'dorei.
Suramar will never be updated - Horde only have the Nighthold.
I do look forward to a Quel'Thalas update for the Horde Sin'dorei. They deserve and need it.
The fact that you, @
ravenmoon - want to enforce the same misery onto the Sin'dorei fanbase as what your going through now with the Night Elves, makes me less sympathetic to actually wanting Night Elves to have their own city, have their own want to punish my favorite race for no reason, other than your personal views and think that I should be alright with it and if I'm not - "Well join the Alliance." No, Blizzard should not force that on me and they won't. I didn't ask them to write BFA and make the Night Elves's very hypocritical for you to be wanting sympathy for the Night Elves, yet want the Sin'dorei to go through the exact treatment and expect Sin'dorei fans to remain quiet about it.
Maybe, Night Elves should be left out of the story for a good few expansions and let the Void Elves take over and build up Telogrus Citadel?
Sin'dorei and Shal'dorei carry on as they are, in an updated Quel'Thalas and in the Nighthold, because Horde players won't get an updated Suramar.