1. #24721
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    practically all my characters are blood elves and I love making RP blood elf! I would really see that blizzard is destroying my racial identity by adding cannibal personalization, because that does not represent the lore and the aesthetic blood elf that's why I oppose it because I love lore and what it means to be a blood elf.
    I also understand what you say about people who do not want to share and refuse that others can have something so important to them and representative of WC2 there are many players of the alliance who refuse that we have humans from Alterac
    I think you inadvertently bumped upon a pretty funny argument.

    "Wah, Blizzard. You're killing all my racial identity by giving Void Elves blonde hair. Now to make up for it, give us red eyes and dead skins that have literally no relation to Blood Elves!"

  2. #24722
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    calia identifies himself as undead if you use some cosmic power to create undeads are they still undeads like undead manoroth do you remember? I think that if an undead of a different origin was adapted to the undead of the horde, the sanlayn would welcome what the void elves do creating undeads.
    I say night elf because they use the night elf model since apparently reuse is very important, they could simply say that the dark ranger night elves and the sanlayn joined the alliance.
    I see more alliance players requesting them than blood elf players. if there are so many alliance players who want them I think they should have them as a neutral allied race.
    Well, I wouldn't say void elves create undead, at least not how we usually define it. They summon void entities and bind it to a lifeless vessel. The void take over it and use it as they command it. They do not pull any soul from Shadowlands and do not twist it to create usual undead. It's something different. They could just easily use let's say golems as vessels and have void infused constructs. The fact that the vessel was alive before the process does not matter.

    San'layn were created by the power of Death, and as we know since Three Sisters comic, Void hates Death (Alleria heard whispers screaming and warning of Sylvanas), so in fact, Void is not friendly to Death in a same way Light is not. Both of these powers invaded perspective realms of Shadowlands, so they are not on particularly good terms with that force.

    San'layn using night elf models is quite old thing from WotLK, and it was only case of blood princes. All other standard san'layn NPCs (mostly in ICC raid and Borean Tundra) and even their leader, Blood Queen Lana'thel have standard blood elf model and modern san'layn NPCs from BFA also all use blood elf model, but it's funny how you missed that information. In fact, we've seen more san'layn using blood elf model then night elf model.

    It's only your assumption or misinterpration that it's request for Alliance players. A lot of people, myself included, play both sides. Everytime there is a request for undead elf, it's for the Horde side, because you know, Horde have both undead and elves, so it's natural for people to request undead elf, especially when you have such elves as NPCs for years now. Alliance fans were vocal about high elves and we got them. I wouldn't be surprised if Horde fans got their undead elves. I think they should.

  3. #24723
    Quote Originally Posted by MyWholeLifeIsThunder View Post
    Honestly they are on THIN ice, their iconic-ness just being carried by Warcraft 3. No major or relevant High Elf priest characters have been introduced in WoW. They are indeed one of the most iconic RTS units, but they never really got brought up during WoW itself on a significant way.

    The only modern examples we have that High Elves participate in holy light worship is Vereesa saying "By the Light!", and the Highvale Elves being very light focused (beyond class trainer and vendor NPC's)

    IMO, High Elves have never really been a very religious race, it just doesn't define their culture in a way it does for humans or night elves. Of course there are important cases and notorious branches, but for me they have always come across as not very religious as a whole, on a cultural level.

    The whole "light" aspect of the modern Sunwell comes after the schism, and while of course is a cultural and historic heritage locale for all High Elves, the religious light aspect of it is completely a Blood Elven cultural thing.

    Alleria is pretty much, literally, the template of what an "Alliance High Elf" is. She's literally the face of the race as introduced. The fact that she didn't share the ideological views her own husband had on the light and chose to use the potential of the Void, could be a good representation of the beliefs of her generation.
    the queldorei have worshiped the light personified in belore since they ceased worshiping elune. we had a high priest! light was always a very important part of queldorei society.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Yarathir View Post
    I think you inadvertently bumped upon a pretty funny argument.

    "Wah, Blizzard. You're killing all my racial identity by giving Void Elves blonde hair. Now to make up for it, give us red eyes and dead skins that have literally no relation to Blood Elves!"
    I see many alliance players wanting us to have undead options, I don't want to think badly but I clearly remember how ravenmoon wants to take quelthalas from us, turn us into a people without a home and without lore, and in return we become cannibal undead.

  4. #24724
    Brewmaster elbleuet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post

    This is just what I was saying. people do not want to share and do not want some of us to live the complete fantasy of the wc2 horde
    Horde fantasy was never about humans.

    And what do you don't understand in "Alterac humans despise the Horde so you can't have them playable"?
    "If you want to play alongside High and Void elves, the Alliance is waiting for you"

  5. #24725
    Quote Originally Posted by Vaedan View Post
    Well, I wouldn't say void elves create undead, at least not how we usually define it. They summon void entities and bind it to a lifeless vessel. The void take over it and use it as they command it. They do not pull any soul from Shadowlands and do not twist it to create usual undead. It's something different. They could just easily use let's say golems as vessels and have void infused constructs. The fact that the vessel was alive before the process does not matter.

    San'layn were created by the power of Death, and as we know since Three Sisters comic, Void hates Death (Alleria heard whispers screaming and warning of Sylvanas), so in fact, Void is not friendly to Death in a same way Light is not. Both of these powers invaded perspective realms of Shadowlands, so they are not on particularly good terms with that force.

    San'layn using night elf models is quite old thing from WotLK, and it was only case of blood princes. All other standard san'layn NPCs (mostly in ICC raid and Borean Tundra) and even their leader, Blood Queen Lana'thel have standard blood elf model and modern san'layn NPCs from BFA also all use blood elf model, but it's funny how you missed that information. In fact, we've seen more san'layn using blood elf model then night elf model.

    It's only your assumption or misinterpration that it's request for Alliance players. A lot of people, myself included, play both sides. Everytime there is a request for undead elf, it's for the Horde side, because you know, Horde have both undead and elves, so it's natural for people to request undead elf, especially when you have such elves as NPCs for years now. Alliance fans were vocal about high elves and we got them. I wouldn't be surprised if Horde fans got their undead elves. I think they should.
    Sanlayn who use the blood elf model use skin DK. you could play with a blood DK and you would already have that kind of sanlayn practically. I always believed that what they mean by "sanlayn" is the one that uses the night elf model.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by elbleuet View Post
    Horde fantasy was never about humans.

    And what do you don't understand in "Alterac humans despise the Horde so you can't have them playable"?
    I saw the humans of alterac working alongside the orcs of the argus wake, if they can work with those orcs they may as well fight on the side of the horde

  6. #24726
    Brewmaster elbleuet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    Sanlayn who use the blood elf model use skin DK. you could play with a blood DK and you would already have that kind of sanlayn practically. I always believed that what they mean by "sanlayn" is the one that uses the night elf model.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I saw the humans of alterac working alongside the orcs of the argus wake, if they can work with those orcs they may as well fight on the side of the horde
    I also saw orcs working with humans. I also saw Baine in Stormwind's throne room. Orcs and taurens as playable Alliance race ?
    "If you want to play alongside High and Void elves, the Alliance is waiting for you"

  7. #24727
    Quote Originally Posted by Edward Wu View Post
    All this stuff is validating the idea that they really should have just had the BC races be Blood Elves for the Horde and High Elves for the Alliance.

    BE fans simply do not get it: No this isn't enough. It will never be enough. Because your race caused an enormous maelstrom within the balance of faction populations which has caused upsetting ripples throughout the game for over a decade.

    You talk about stealing the racial identity of the BE but the Horde literally stole a core race from the Alliance in BC and never looked back. It's been nothing but disingenuous argumentation and coping mechanisms from then on. The fact that you have the nerve to ask for alterac humans and dark ranger BEs just speaks volumes about how tone deaf you are.

    I have to agree with this.

    Some blood elf players have an amazing sense of entitlement and in the face of void elves getting something basic such as hair colors, which is just changing one RGB number and want things like new customization options and sanlayn as a "compensation". It's completely outrageous. They act like Nightborne aren't getting a bunch of new options and night elves are not out there acting entitled about it and demanding "compensation".
    Actually this is the only time in the history of this game that i saw the devs actually giving something alliance players asked for.

    Get modest. The devs don't owe you anything.

  8. #24728
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    Sanlayn who use the blood elf model use skin DK. you could play with a blood DK and you would already have that kind of sanlayn practically. I always believed that what they mean by "sanlayn" is the one that uses the night elf model.
    It's obvious what people mean by san'layn, and it's not night elf model on the Horde. You already have it on nightborne and zandalari male. People want their dark ranger/risen elf fantasy, rightfully so. We have such NPCs since WotLK, and sure, they got DK undead skin tones, but also their own red yes. Playing DK is not an answer, because DKs can't use bow. DKs are not spellcasters.

    I saw the humans of alterac working alongside the orcs of the argus wake, if they can work with those orcs they may as well fight on the side of the horde
    Argus Wake is an organization affiliated with Burning Legion. You'd openly welcome allies of the Legion to the Horde... but somehow, you can't stomach undead elves who broke from Lich King's grasp and decided to fight alongside their people.

  9. #24729
    Quote Originally Posted by ravenmoon View Post
    You are taking this FAR to personally.

    I use to sometimes, especially after what they did to night elves. Trust me it’s much healthier if you don’t.

    Trust me, I was purely analysing the situation from as rationally as I could. the trending and projection of fan influenced directions.

    you’ll find it helpful to love all elves regardless of whether it’s blue or red and desire them to be enjoyable.

    you quaked at the idea of blood elves losing Silvermoon. You didn’t care whether they moved into something better or got improved by the experience.

    what is falling about what happened to the night elves was the consistent degradation and loss since their fantastical introduction in Wc3, leading from the sundering with no good improvement.

    not once have I ever suggested blood elves losing something without gaining something. You basically always want exciting things players can rally around for a race when they lose something. Loss is part of the story. What’s bad is when they keep losing and never improve or get better things and performances.

    if losing Teldrassil meant the night elves powering up with the well of eternity arcane, world tree nature and night warrior Elune, gaining a better city than Darnassus and Suramar and being quite powerful in action every time you meet them in the events. Like they were supposed to be when they were described as a TITANIC race in the Wc3 manual, even regaining their immortality (which face it, none of these affect gameplay at all), then I’d say you are now compensating night elves for losing horribly in the WoR, looking so bad in Cata, ineffective and awol for most of classic to wotLK, and coming out of wc3 with significant reductions.

    Do you not think of blood elves lost Silvermoon. I would not be championing great ways they could improve and end up even better than before?

    for me that’s the main thing
    you lie. you wanted to take quelthalas from us and not give the blood elves anything in return. because for you the blood elves should not have anything since all the lore and the aesthetics of the blood elves should belong to the alliance, and maybe become sanlayn and have sanlayn aesthetics instead of our aesthetics and lore.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Pheraz View Post
    I really do not understand why horde needs to "get something" for alliance finally getting voidy high elves or high void elves

    I mean, why not improve the monster-aspect of the horde a bit more? More orc colors/types. Fel orcs, void orcs, space orcs, spice orcs whatever.

    The vampire elves some people ask for do not really fit into the horde, in my humble opinion.

    Forest trolls and more orc types are something I could really see coming.
    I completely agree with what you say

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by elbleuet View Post
    I also saw orcs working with humans. I also saw Baine in Stormwind's throne room. Orcs and taurens as playable Alliance race ?
    actually I think it would be great if the alliance had tauren Grimtotem I remember they work together with the alliance in Cata

  10. #24730
    Quote Originally Posted by Swnem View Post
    I have to agree with this.

    Some blood elf players have an amazing sense of entitlement and in the face of void elves getting something basic such as hair colors, which is just changing one RGB number and want things like new customization options and sanlayn as a "compensation". It's completely outrageous. They act like Nightborne aren't getting a bunch of new options and night elves are not out there acting entitled about it and demanding "compensation".
    Actually this is the only time in the history of this game that i saw the devs actually giving something alliance players asked for.

    Get modest. The devs don't owe you anything.
    It's really hard not to take pleasure in Blood Elf tears when a lot of Blood Elf players are so petulant about it. If there's any group that's good at being overdramatic and petty, it's that one. And they have the gall to make fun of Night Elf players for "complaining a lot."

  11. #24731
    Quote Originally Posted by Vaedan View Post
    It's obvious what people mean by san'layn, and it's not night elf model on the Horde. You already have it on nightborne and zandalari male. People want their dark ranger/risen elf fantasy, rightfully so. We have such NPCs since WotLK, and sure, they got DK undead skin tones, but also their own red yes. Playing DK is not an answer, because DKs can't use bow. DKs are not spellcasters.

    Argus Wake is an organization affiliated with Burning Legion. You'd openly welcome allies of the Legion to the Horde... but somehow, you can't stomach undead elves who broke from Lich King's grasp and decided to fight alongside their people.
    well I think it would be great to give more customization to the DK.
    in any case creating a new hero class might be fine too.

    I'm fine that the these cannibals are part of the cannibal society that has aesthetics and lore as a model of personalization of that race, not blood elves. I do not think it is difficult to understand that what I want is to keep the lore, the aesthetics and the theme of the blood elves as it is and not add something that is not part of our racial identity, something that is part of the racial identity of the forsaken.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Swnem View Post
    I have to agree with this.

    Some blood elf players have an amazing sense of entitlement and in the face of void elves getting something basic such as hair colors, which is just changing one RGB number and want things like new customization options and sanlayn as a "compensation". It's completely outrageous. They act like Nightborne aren't getting a bunch of new options and night elves are not out there acting entitled about it and demanding "compensation".
    Actually this is the only time in the history of this game that i saw the devs actually giving something alliance players asked for.

    Get modest. The devs don't owe you anything.
    nightbornes are still one of the races with the least customization

    and I see more players of the alliance wanting playable sanlayn I am discussing with the players of the alliance here for that very reason. sanlayn should not be blood elf customization.

  12. #24732
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    nightbornes are still one of the races with the least customization

    and I see more players of the alliance wanting playable sanlayn I am discussing with the players of the alliance here for that very reason. sanlayn should not be blood elf customization.
    To be fair, if the Nightborne do get those adjusted eyes, that's a bigger feature than most races got in 9.0, especially bigger than some copypasta skins and hair colors.

  13. #24733
    Quote Originally Posted by Yarathir View Post
    To be fair, if the Nightborne do get those adjusted eyes, that's a bigger feature than most races got in 9.0, especially bigger than some copypasta skins and hair colors.
    hahahaha that just shows us how flawed and pitiful the state of the nightborne is.

  14. #24734
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    hahahaha that just shows us how flawed and pitiful the state of the nightborne is.
    In a sense. But other than the artificial value some people ascribe to it, copypasta skins, hair colors and eye colors have never really been a big thing. Any Void Elf fan who doesn't care for High Elves might in fact feel short-served.

  15. #24735
    Quote Originally Posted by Yarathir View Post
    In a sense. But other than the artificial value some people ascribe to it, copypasta skins, hair colors and eye colors have never really been a big thing. Any Void Elf fan who doesn't care for High Elves might in fact feel short-served.
    It is understandable, but the ones who asked for things the most were them. those who want more void options are very few in the official forums

  16. #24736
    Quote Originally Posted by Yarathir View Post
    In a sense. But other than the artificial value some people ascribe to it, copypasta skins, hair colors and eye colors have never really been a big thing. Any Void Elf fan who doesn't care for High Elves might in fact feel short-served.

    Yeah, it's almost as if adding uncorrupted options to a VOID race over actual void ones was a mistake. Like why bother making AR's, who are clearly supposed to be different from their parent race, look exactly the same as them.

    What should we get next, green skinned maghar or mechagnomes with zero cybernetics?

    At most, velves should have only had access to regular hair styles and colors and maybe a very PALE purpleish skin option. Hell pure skins with corrupted limbs would have been fine. As long as a void elf actually looks like a void elf.

    But no, now you got discount/fake alliance high elves that require add ons to truly immerse yourself as one. Unless you're a pally player or use their heritage armor and/or heritage mount.
    Last edited by Varx; 2021-09-02 at 07:42 PM.

  17. #24737
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    It is understandable, but the ones who asked for things the most were them. those who want more void options are very few in the official forums
    Which is a shame. I feel like the High Elf thing was kind of the elephant in the room that needed addressing, but personally I want more Void/Old God in my Void Elves after this.

  18. #24738
    Quote Originally Posted by Yarathir View Post
    Which is a shame. I feel like the High Elf thing was kind of the elephant in the room that needed addressing, but personally I want more Void/Old God in my Void Elves after this.
    It was addressed in TBC when quel'thalas elves were made playable. Too bad they were on Horde. BFA introduced horde kul tiran humans and the aliance has goblins in SI 7. should that mean they become playable too.

    The truth is between the obnoxious helf fans and blizz lackign a back bone, one of the races with the most potential for expansion in the lore were given redundant options instead of doubling down on void.

    Imagine if LFD got regular draenie options too....

  19. #24739
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    Imagine if LFD got regular draenie options too....
    That would be great, actually.

  20. #24740
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    It was addressed in TBC when quel'thalas elves were made playable. Too bad they were on Horde. BFA introduced horde kul tiran humans and the aliance has goblins in SI 7. should that mean they become playable too.

    The truth is between the obnoxious helf fans and blizz lackign a back bone, one of the races with the most potential for expansion in the lore were given redundant options instead of doubling down on void.

    Imagine if LFD got regular draenie options too....
    Like they are getting this very patch?

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