1. #24761
    itt Horde players sneething because the Alliance finally gets something that was taken from them in the first place for no good reason

  2. #24762
    Still waiting for Blizzard to give fair skin and blue eyes to Void Elves.

  3. #24763
    Quote Originally Posted by Yarathir View Post
    itt Horde players sneething because the Alliance finally gets something that was taken from them in the first place for no good reason
    No one took anything away. Quel'thalas left the alliance because they were treated like shit and abandoned. TBC explained their induction in the horde perfectly especially as sylvanas was their ambassador.

  4. #24764
    Brewmaster elbleuet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    The Alliance never needed HE's in the first place! Pure elves were horde and high elf NPC's should have stayed as NPC's. Voidy Velves should have been the one and only compromise. Hell NB's should have been alliance and Sanlyan should have been Horde.

    The fact that you dont care about the integrity really says a lot though. Honestly, just screw the lore and lets have regular undead become paladins with zero explanations as to why, give maghar the ability to be warlocks, make alliance goblins, horde kul tirans, and any other crazy shit you can think of because keeping integrity for the lore is "BS", right? As long as every special snowflake is happy. Cuz that's all that matters.
    The Alliance needed the High elves to be complete again. And now it is.
    High elves never left the Alliance, and are everywhere in WoW.

    We have Alleria Windrunner, Vereesa Windrunner, Auric Sunchaser ...

    Also High elves were founding members of the Alliance of Lordaeron...

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Val the Moofia Boss View Post
    Still waiting for Blizzard to give fair skin and blue eyes to Void Elves.
    It's already the case.
    "If you want to play alongside High and Void elves, the Alliance is waiting for you"

  5. #24765
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    The Alliance never needed HE's in the first place! Pure elves were horde and high elf NPC's should have stayed as NPC's. Voidy Velves should have been the one and only compromise. The fact that you dont care about the integrity really says a lot though. Honestly, just screw the lore and lets have regular undead become paladins with zero explanations as to why, give maghar the ability to be warlocks, make alliance goblins, horde kul tirans, and any other crazy shit you can think of because keeping integrity for the lore is "BS", right? As long as every special snowflake is happy. Cuz that's all that matters.
    Are you quite finished with your tantrum?

    It's just hilarious that you wail and wail about "the integrity of the lore" when the desire of High Elves literally is a reflection of want to see an aspect of the lore playable.

    Alliance High Elves are part of the Lore, now they are playable. This was done by adding their aesthetics on an already existing model, which was efficient.

    I don't know how you want anyone to respect your argument about lore integrity, when the argument about High Elves has always been about the lore. That you are trying to make it an argument about the integrity of the gameplay assets is just profoundly sad.

    Get well soon.

  6. #24766
    "Nooo, you can't give Void Elves High Elf options. We stole that fair and square because nobody wanted to play the Horde without a pretty race option in 2005"

  7. #24767
    Quote Originally Posted by Val the Moofia Boss View Post
    Still waiting for Blizzard to give fair skin and blue eyes to Void Elves.
    GIRL!?! Where have you been since 2020??

  8. #24768
    Quote Originally Posted by elbleuet View Post
    The Alliance needed the High elves to be complete again. And now it is.
    High elves never left the Alliance, and are everywhere in WoW.

    We have Alleria Windrunner, Vereesa Windrunner, Auric Sunchaser ...

    Also High elves were founding members of the Alliance of Lordaeron...

    - - - Updated - - -

    It's already the case.
    The entire kingdom of Quel'thalas left the alliance because they were not appreciated and abandoned in their hour of greatest need, just because a small group of helves decided to stay out of some messed up sense of stockhom syndrome and then made up the small silver covenant doesnt mean they should have been playable. They were just a small faction for flavor but somehow alliance players saw it as carrot waving because they loooooved the belf model so much and couldnt stand to play with orcs.

    Now, we have an awesome void race and an expansion that preached about racial customization and not a single freaking void option was added, oh but you got a fuck ton of pure options. FFS velves have more pure skin tones than they do void. Like come on... Oh but hey good for the helfers, they got what they wanted, but not really, at the expense of their race.

    Quote Originally Posted by MyWholeLifeIsThunder View Post
    Are you quite finished with your tantrum?

    It's just hilarious that you wail and wail about "the integrity of the lore" when the desire of High Elves literally is a reflection of want to see an aspect of the lore playable.

    Alliance High Elves are part of the Lore, now they are playable. This was done by adding their aesthetics on an already existing model, which was efficient.

    Again, so are horde kul tirans and alliance goblins, doesn't mean they should be playable. Not everything an NPC has should be reflected for players.

    I'm right, and that's all there is to it and you know it. Now you're stuck with half baked velves and add ons that say high elf when you mouse over your toon.
    Last edited by Varx; 2021-09-02 at 08:57 PM.

  9. #24769
    Quote Originally Posted by MyWholeLifeIsThunder View Post
    GIRL!?! Where have you been since 2020??
    Still look malformed.

  10. #24770
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    you lie. you wanted to take quelthalas from us and not give the blood elves anything in return. because for you the blood elves should not have anything since all the lore and the aesthetics of the blood elves should belong to the alliance, and maybe become sanlayn and have sanlayn aesthetics instead of our aesthetics and lore.

    - - - Updated - - -

    That’s cos as soon as you read lose Silvermoon you stoooed reading the rest and rushed to reply.

    yoh were so upset about losing it you couldn’t see the opportunity for a remake.

    when I was talking about fixing the faction identity and balance, making horde elves smaller was a good strategy, but as I explained in depth , that would be temporary and foreshadow a makeover where they could then be more prominent again.

    their end result was something better but more fitting to the horde theme. I remember specifically mentioning it could be fantastic and majestic. Just not high elven. Whatever it wa should be blood elven and severed from that alliance high elf stuff.

    ut was a direction, it wasn’t about removing blood elves or giving them nothing

  11. #24771
    Brewmaster elbleuet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    The entire kingdom of Quel'thalas left the alliance because they were not appreciated and abandoned in their hour of greatest need, just because a small group of helves decided to stay out of some messed up sense of stockhom syndrome and then made up the small silver covenant doesnt mean they should have been playable. They were just a small faction for flavor but somehow alliance players saw it as carrot waving because they loooooved the belf model so much and couldnt stand to play with orcs.

    Now, we have an awesome void race and an expansion that preached about racial customization and not a single freaking void option was added, oh but you got a fuck ton of pure options. FFS velves have more pure skin tones than they do void. Like come on... Oh but hey good for the helfers, they got what they wanted, but not really, at the expense of their race.

    Again, so are horde kul tirans and alliance goblins, doesn't mean they should be playable. Not everything an NPC has should be reflected for players.

    I'm right, and that's all there is to it and you know it. Now you're stuck with half baked velves and add ons that say high elf when you mouse over your toon.
    You can't just compare High elves with Alliance goblins.

    Alliance High elves are everywhere. In Stormwind, Dalaran, Kul'Tiras, Stromgarde, in Outland, in the Hinterlands, in Argus, in Northrend ...

    Since the beginning, High elves were destined to be an Alliance race.

    In Vanilla you had an Alliance High elf npc hinting this until Blizzard decided to make it a Horde race to help restoring the balance in the Horde vs Alliance population.

    The Horde stole the Blood elves at the expense of the Alliance. And in 9.1.5, things are gonna get fixed.
    "If you want to play alongside High and Void elves, the Alliance is waiting for you"

  12. #24772
    Quote Originally Posted by elbleuet View Post
    You can't just compare High elves with Alliance goblins.

    Alliance High elves are everywhere. In Stormwind, Dalaran, Kul'Tiras, Stromgarde, in Outland, in the Hinterlands, in Argus, in Northrend ...

    Since the beginning, High elves were destined to be an Alliance race.

    In Vanilla you had an Alliance High elf npc hinting this until Blizzard decided to make it a Horde race to help restoring the balance in the Horde vs Alliance population.

    The Horde stole the Blood elves at the expense of the Alliance. And in 9.1.5, things are gonna get fixed.

    It's like you deliberately ignored everything else I said. A small splinter cell of quelthalas elves doesn't make them "destined" to be a playable alliance race. Them turning Horde instead was refreshing and an organic evolution of their story. The horde didn't steal anything. If anyone stole anything its the alliance at the expense of their own velf race. Now all you have is a race with identity issues. Nothing is being fixed.
    Last edited by Varx; 2021-09-02 at 09:18 PM.

  13. #24773
    Brewmaster elbleuet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    It's like you deliberately ignored everything else I said. A small splinter cell of quelthalas elves doesn't make them "destined" to be a playable alliance race. Them turning Horde instead was refreshing and an organic evolution of their story. The horde didn't steal anything. If anyone stole anything its the alliance at the expense of their own velf race. Now all you have is a race with identity issues.
    The void elves were never really a race to begin with.

    It was just a small group of elves that dealt too deeply with the void. You can't make a race with that.

    Now as a group which comprise both void & high (or blood elves), we can consider void elves as a true and viable race.

    So that's a win win if you ask me.

    And I can deal with Void elves identity issues
    "If you want to play alongside High and Void elves, the Alliance is waiting for you"

  14. #24774
    Tentacle toggle seems to be not just a toggle but a complete separate customization!?

  15. #24775
    Brewmaster elbleuet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The-Shan View Post
    looks like confirmation there will be a tentacle toggle for hair! Every tentacle hairstyle seems to have a string to have 'none' for tentacles.
    Source: https://www.wowhead.com/news/patch-9...zations-324018

    Cant wait to see it in action when wowheads datamining gets heavier.
    That's amazing ! Can't wait too !
    "If you want to play alongside High and Void elves, the Alliance is waiting for you"

  16. #24776
    Quote Originally Posted by elbleuet View Post
    The void elves were never really a race to begin with.

    It was just a small group of elves that dealt too deeply with the void. You can't make a race with that.

    Now as a group which comprise both void & high (or blood elves), we can consider void elves as a true and viable race.

    So that's a win win if you ask me.

    And I can deal with Void elves identity issues
    Of course they were a race, just like how LFD were a race. They were just different enough. How arrogant can you be to say otherwise. And no, it's not a win win. Its a loss. NB's are getting more NB options. LFD are getting more LFD options. What do velves get? Belf options. What a joke and it boggles my mind that you cant see this.

  17. #24777
    Brewmaster elbleuet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    Of course they were a race, just like how LFD were a race. They were just different enough. How arrogant can you be to say otherwise. And no, it's not a win win. Its a loss. NB's are getting more NB options. LFD are getting more LFD options. What do velves get? Belf options. What a joke and it boggles my mind that you cant see this.
    Oh now you're gonna tell me you're a void elf fan really disappointed by the new options given to us ? hahaha

    And just one thing : Blizzard never said it won't give us more voidy options in the future. So why are you complaining ?
    "If you want to play alongside High and Void elves, the Alliance is waiting for you"

  18. #24778
    Quote Originally Posted by Val the Moofia Boss View Post
    Still look malformed.
    What? they are the same BE skin tones lol

    - - - Updated - - -

    Alright! Seems the 3 latest VE hair colors aren't on the PTR build, tentacles are separate! YAY!

    And Stiven hasn't realized that the black hair color that it's on the file is the dressing room one so it will probably show up on the WoWhead customization post lol

  19. #24779
    Quote Originally Posted by MyWholeLifeIsThunder View Post
    I would really just merge most AR's with their Core Races and have different origins.
    What I would do if it were my choice, would be to basically set it up sort of like this:

    Human ___________________________________ Orc
    * Stormwindian ___________________________ * Orgrimmaran
    * Kul Tiran _______________________________ * Mag'har

    Elf ______________________________________ Elf
    * Night Elf (Kal'dorei) ______________________ * Blood Elf (Sin'dorei)
    * Void Elf (Ren'dorei) ______________________ * Nightborne (Shal'dorei)

    Dwarf ___________________________________ Troll
    * Bronzebeard ____________________________ * Darkspear
    * Dark Iron _______________________________ * Zandalari

    Gnome __________________________________ Goblin
    * Gnomeregonian _________________________ * Bilgewater
    * Mechagnome

    Draenei __________________________________ Tauren
    * Exodaran _______________________________ * Thunderbluff
    * Lightforged _____________________________ * Highmountain

    Worgen __________________________________ Undead
    * Gilnean __________________________________ * Forsaken

    ******* ________________________________ Vulpera
    ******* ________________________________ * Vol'dunai

    This would lay groundwork for any subraces blizzard may want to add in the future. Each primary race would have a drop down menu to show the subraces for that race so as not to clutter up the race selection screen. It's a bit uneven currently since vulpera aren't goblins and thus need their own category. But if Blizzard wanted to start adding in subraces like the gilgoblins, they could do so under the goblin category for example.

    I wanted to put Worgen under the Human category as Worgen (Gilnean), but that would have only made the unevenness in the number of categories between the Horde and Alliance worse. It also would have precluded Worgen having subraces (I remember people asking for Night Elf Worgen for example).
    Last edited by Kyriani; 2021-09-02 at 09:45 PM.

  20. #24780
    Quote Originally Posted by ravenmoon View Post
    That’s cos as soon as you read lose Silvermoon you stoooed reading the rest and rushed to reply.

    yoh were so upset about losing it you couldn’t see the opportunity for a remake.

    when I was talking about fixing the faction identity and balance, making horde elves smaller was a good strategy, but as I explained in depth , that would be temporary and foreshadow a makeover where they could then be more prominent again.

    their end result was something better but more fitting to the horde theme. I remember specifically mentioning it could be fantastic and majestic. Just not high elven. Whatever it wa should be blood elven and severed from that alliance high elf stuff.

    ut was a direction, it wasn’t about removing blood elves or giving them nothing
    You literally said that the horde should not have any aesthetics or lore from the blood elves and instead of quelthalas the horde should have zulfarrak or something like that, that all the lore and aesthetics should only be from the alliance and that the blood elves should not they had to have no involvement of any kind in the lore.

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