1. #24841
    Quote Originally Posted by Pheraz View Post
    Don't know if this is normal for the PTR but the void elf intro is beeing marked as work in progress

    while the night elf intro remains normal

    *puts the tinfoil hat on*
    What if they actually remake the whole race a bit? New race standard portrait (maybe split face half blue half blondish)?
    ...Oh wow... that's curious, let's see what happens in future builds....
    Quote Originally Posted by Firedemon View Post
    No. On these forums any updates mean an expansion hint.
    Wrathin comes back? Dragon expansion clearly!
    LK part of a quest? Wotlk 2 clearly!
    Sylvanas working with a death master? Shadowlands clearly!

    At the point we're headed for Wrath of the Shdowlands Dragon Isles Lich and tinkers.

  2. #24842
    Quote Originally Posted by Pheraz View Post
    Don't know if this is normal for the PTR but the void elf intro is beeing marked as work in progress

    while the night elf intro remains normal

    *puts the tinfoil hat on*
    What if they actually remake the whole race a bit? New race standard portrait (maybe split face half blue half blondish)?
    If they change the intro and the race name I am going to laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh.

    And then I’ll read more blood elves coping and I’ll laugh some more.

  3. #24843
    ALl post BFA cinematics look like this, don't get all excited about nothing...

  4. #24844
    Herald of the Titans Dristereau's Avatar
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    I wouldn't read much into the IGC's, it could be due to the new options because Nightborne have something similar when created (My Character was also walking backwards in the IGC) so it could be in case of bugs.

    I have to agree with melzas, it looks pretty daft

    I'm still not convinced about the Sorrow hairstyle personally, I think it looks much better with tentacles and has a direction, without it feels missing. I think of it as the equivalent to the Blood Elf Male 'Headband' and as I already said it feels missing/unfinished but that's my opinion. Wowhead seems to also think they're somewhat unfinished with how they look without tentacles.

    I feel this is probably one of the last times they might look at Void Elves as they already have a reasonable amount of customization, but I'd rather push for everything now whilst things are being added, I would assume it would be 9.2.5 when we see other races (Highmountain/Dark Iron etc). However with regards to popularity I don't think any other allied race comes anywhere close to the Void Elves in terms of interest and discussion.
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  5. #24845
    Got to admit, high elves look great in blue. All your transmogs are awesome

  6. #24846
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    You literally said that the horde should not have any aesthetics or lore from the blood elves and instead of quelthalas the horde should have zulfarrak or something like that, that all the lore and aesthetics should only be from the alliance and that the blood elves should not they had to have no involvement of any kind in the lore.
    You're missing the point of what I was saying, taking it out of context, and fialing to see what I was trying to say.

    You took one look at blood elves lose Silvermoon and everything but "NOOO" went out of your head, including reading the rest of what was being said.

    Go back and read it. It's all there.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by melzas View Post
    Now a visual toggle for entropic embrace and I'm sold.

    Turning into purple goo in combat still ruins high elf fantasy (unless you play DK, lock spriest or sub rogue).
    They'll probably change it, including the starting sequence. Don't worry.

    It's perfect for those who want to play as void elves, but not those who want to play as high elves. a little tweaking should sort that out.

    Void embrace or solar embrace (sunwell torrent?). Same thing, different visual. you choose

    - - - Updated - - -

    Another option would be to just provide a glyph for the racial... like Astral form.

  7. #24847
    Quote Originally Posted by melzas View Post
    Eh, not really an option for me. I don't do "stand in SW and pretend" kind of RP, I like to have my immersive lore fitting character and do content with it, like arenas, M+, raids... I can't just forgo output cd for cosmetics (and that solution is really awkward anyway).

    If they could add a toggle for tentacles, adding a toggle for that racial's visual isn't that much to ask for, right?
    For example, they could add an NPC in Void Elf rift you can talk to and select "Teach me how to better control the power of entropic embrace" dialogue that removes the visual or turns it into something more subtle.
    I mean, you don't really have to worry about EE when roleplaying lol.

    I'm mostly just using it for world and questing stuff where I really don't care about the like 1% damage loss.

    I would love a Glyph for Entropic Embrace, NGL, or any other way of customizating it. Glyphs we haven't seen for racials, but with the Zandalari loa blessing, there is precedent for some customization

    Quote Originally Posted by Rootsbum View Post
    I dont see any problems with Entropic embrace.
    Its not any more immersion-breaking than being a Thornspeaker Kultiran druid who uses astral energy instead of death/decay-part of druidism
    Kul Tiran druids don't use death magic btw. Ulfar pretty much tells us that Gorak tul's death and decay druidism is a corruption of their original beliefs.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Dristereau View Post
    I really like the idea of a Glyph or an NPC in Telogrus Rift to change the Racial visually, my personal opinion is that because it only affects the base model (no 3D parts) it looks badly implements compared to everything changing. The effects of Memento of Angerboda (https://www.wowhead.com/item=133644/...da#screenshots) look much better as they also affect 3D pieces.
    And I actually think it's the same effect than EE -the blue sheen- when it starts, so the difference could be simple, make the sheen last the 12 secs thus looking like Memento of Angerboda, and just not load the special VE texture.

    Funnily enough, one of the things I dilsiked about EE was how little it was noticeable with dark hair; now, on my VE that is supposed to have blonde hair, then shift is actually striking and like it a lot more hehe.

    I've had a mess around on the PTR and I really like the hair colours and ear lengths for Void Elves, the shorter ear make the shorter hair styles look better. The white, black and brown hair colours are not in yet but it's really nice to see the blonde/white blonde with normal skin. I don't see many people using tentacles on the lighter hair colours, it looks pretty terrible

    On the downside removing tentacles makes some of the hairstyles look even worse than they already did, especially the Transience and Sorrow for Males and Consuming for Females. This is much less noticeable on the Female one than the Male ones which look like they're half a hairstyle. I would also like to add that Suffusion still looks god awful no matter how it's used.
    Honestly Sorrow is my favorite, it looks so shaggy I love it. Taste is subjective of course! But yeah, NGL, it would be better if we could alternate with braids, like I have made mock ups of that XD.

    As I've said before, I still want to see a few more hairstyles, more for Male than Female as I think half the Male ones are pretty bad, some with a slight sense of style/elegance. I'll still also keep mentioning Tribal/Runic Tattoos for Void/Blood along with a Dark Ranger skin/eyes for Blood Elves. I think that's the only way such a skin will be added as a Blood Elf option.

    Also with the tentacle toggle option, all Void Elf NPCs seem to have lost their tentacles on the PTR, including PC ones you copy over. I'm assuming it's just something as simple as a 0/1 toggle option and the non tentacles being baseline meaning all the NPCs got hit by it
    I do believe that VE's will be getting more hairstyles, but not before 10.0. But given the TLC Nightborne and Lightforged have gotten in that respect, to me, is a given. I really just hope that some hairstyles are longer for males. As for markings, I'd love them too, but don't feel I would be mad if we don't.

  8. #24848
    Quote Originally Posted by BaumanKing View Post
    Got to admit, high elves look great in blue. All your transmogs are awesome
    And so utterly killable, no?

  9. #24849
    I'm happy guys !
    It was a long battle but it was worth it !

    Here are my updated characters.

    The sin'dorei transmo to rage the horde !
    Last edited by Frenchvince; 2021-09-03 at 08:57 PM.

  10. #24850
    Dreadlord Thalassian Bob's Avatar
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    I may be betraying Quel'Thalas in getting excited about this but my turncoat ranger and Sundancer are getting ready to live our best (and fashionably coordinated ) lives on the PTR (which is currently downloading).

    Quote Originally Posted by Frenchvince View Post
    I'm happy guys !
    It was a long battle but it was worth it !

    Here are my updated characters.

    The sin'dorei transmo to rage the horde !
    I love your hunter's transmog (all the others are great too)! Lovely blend on the green Nighthold and racial sets to create a very Allerian blend!
    Last edited by Thalassian Bob; 2021-09-03 at 08:27 PM.

  11. #24851
    Quote Originally Posted by Thalassian Bob View Post
    I love your hunter's transmog (all the others are great too)! Lovely blend on the green Nighthold and racial sets to create a very Allerian blend!
    Yes that was the goal of making a transmo that mixes quel'dorei / ren'dorei.
    I'm missing more than a braid hairstyle to complete this look, I hope we get some.

  12. #24852
    Dreadlord Thalassian Bob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frenchvince View Post
    Yes that was the goal of making a transmo that mixes quel'dorei / ren'dorei.
    I'm missing more than a braid hairstyle to complete this look, I hope we get some.
    That would be cool but I wouldn't hold my breath for getting them before the next expansion. But, I would have told you the same thing about blonde hair two months ago... ^^'

  13. #24853
    Ok, I'm definetly gonna make a void elf once they do something about that horrible purple goo racial. This is neat.

  14. #24854
    Quote Originally Posted by ravenmoon View Post
    You're missing the point of what I was saying, taking it out of context, and fialing to see what I was trying to say.

    You took one look at blood elves lose Silvermoon and everything but "NOOO" went out of your head, including reading the rest of what was being said.

    Go back and read it. It's all there.
    You said, that they could leave Horde Sin'dorei and Horde Shal'dorei as homeless as they aren't needed in the lore. So, these races should only be used for visuals and that Horde players are forced to see only Orcs, Trolls and Tauren.

    What if, these plans of Alliance taking over Lordaeron, Silvermoon and Suramar are just not what Blizzard is planning now? What if, like they have already said, that a Horde vs Alliance expansion just isn't on the cards after BFA? They stated that BFA would serve as one of the last faction war based expansions for a long while...maybe, after the reception of Darnassus and Undercity, destroying racial capitals or giving them to the alternative factions is just not what they want to do?
    Last edited by Tanaria; 2021-09-03 at 09:00 PM.

  15. #24855
    So I'm happy about the new options, but I'm concerned about how the blue post only acknowledged Highmountain Tauren and did not mention Void Elves for new customization in the future. I really, really hope they don't think this is enough as literally all new Void Elf options have been straight up copy pasted aside from the purple eyes, on top of the fact the race was a lazy copy paste from the beginning.

    Nightborne look incredible now, they clearly put a lot of work into the new options (more than LFD imo). Disgusts me that some players have the audacity to claim Void Elves are spoiled when it took years and thousands of posts just to get simple copy pastes, when players were asking for modified models, animations, and new hairstyles to differentiate from Blood Elves from the beginning. Horde players are so tunnel visioned on copy pasted Blood Elf options that they're completely ignoring how much love Nightborne just received and pushing this narrative that Void Elves are hogging all the dev resources which is laughable.

    If we receive a customization pass in the future, it'll be fine, but like I said, I'm really concerned Blizzard might actually think this is enough and just completely skip out on giving Void Elves new options. Hope I'm wrong.

  16. #24856
    Epic! Pheraz's Avatar
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    Just a regular day on PTR the day after high elves are in the game playable xD

    There is really some fresh air in the game. Yes yes some people will shout "customisations who cares" but there is sooo much joy suddenly, really cool!
    Zorn | Vynd | Pheraz | Sylwina | Mondlicht | Eis | Blut | Emerelle - Plus 20 more...

  17. #24857
    Quote Originally Posted by Pheraz View Post
    Just a regular day on PTR the day after high elves are in the game playable xD

    There is really some fresh air in the game. Yes yes some people will shout "customisations who cares" but there is sooo much joy suddenly, really cool!
    Hey! Yours is the green hunter with the side pony right? I saw you there earlier!

    So many HElves in the barbershop hanging out even tho the chairs don't work bhaha

  18. #24858
    Quote Originally Posted by Frenchvince View Post
    I'm happy guys !
    It was a long battle but it was worth it !

    Here are my updated characters.

    The sin'dorei transmo to rage the horde !
    Hey thats the set my hunter will use! Probably be blond too! And of course with the Survival Hunter mage tower spear with same colors as the bow.

    The proper Alleria lookalike playable character, if she was a melee

    Btw, Eagleton Tier19 ftw! All colors!
    Last edited by Doffen; 2021-09-03 at 11:00 PM.
    World of Warcraft stuff

  19. #24859
    Quote Originally Posted by Baja Blast View Post
    So I'm happy about the new options, but I'm concerned about how the blue post only acknowledged Highmountain Tauren and did not mention Void Elves for new customization in the future. I really, really hope they don't think this is enough as literally all new Void Elf options have been straight up copy pasted aside from the purple eyes, on top of the fact the race was a lazy copy paste from the beginning.

    Nightborne look incredible now, they clearly put a lot of work into the new options (more than LFD imo). Disgusts me that some players have the audacity to claim Void Elves are spoiled when it took years and thousands of posts just to get simple copy pastes, when players were asking for modified models, animations, and new hairstyles to differentiate from Blood Elves from the beginning. Horde players are so tunnel visioned on copy pasted Blood Elf options that they're completely ignoring how much love Nightborne just received and pushing this narrative that Void Elves are hogging all the dev resources which is laughable.

    If we receive a customization pass in the future, it'll be fine, but like I said, I'm really concerned Blizzard might actually think this is enough and just completely skip out on giving Void Elves new options. Hope I'm wrong.
    I've said it elswhere, but I think there's a reason VE's are only getting reused assets for now.

    IMO, all the AR customizations were about to come on 10.0, and now they are fast tracking them in order: except for VE's.

    Could be just because it was easier for now to just add the BE stuff they already planned on sharing, just like they did with the skins. Like it's not "brand new stuff" but it already gave VEs new options in the meantime. This helps them focus on the AR's that had gotten nothing first.

    And speculating a bit, it could also have some lore reasons; as in with the new expansion Void Elves will have evolved more culturally, so perhaps things like hairstyles are linked to that aesthetic evolution. Void Elves NEED a more defined cultural aesthetic, and perhaps it will all be linked together with the narrative of next expansion.

    Like we need answers on simple stuff like "can VE's recruit new members?" and if such, how would that impact their cultural aesthetics and identity? Would they delve deeper into Ethereal aesthetics, or evolve a completely new one? A huge issue with VE's is that they don't have a culture, so I'm hoping they are letting that simmer within the narrative to bring it on the forefront next expansion, and to that is what their new customizations will be linked to.

  20. #24860
    Epic! Pheraz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MyWholeLifeIsThunder View Post
    Hey! Yours is the green hunter with the side pony right? I saw you there earlier!

    So many HElves in the barbershop hanging out even tho the chairs don't work bhaha
    Yeah Which one was yours?
    Zorn | Vynd | Pheraz | Sylwina | Mondlicht | Eis | Blut | Emerelle - Plus 20 more...

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