1. #25081
    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    Ahhh. I can always trust you to have the worst takes.

    the difference here is how DH still maintain their racials traits,meaning they still retain their biological/racial traces, while void elves, nightborne and others don't, therefore other race/specie.
    Can't even try to explain how ridiculous using the existence of racials -which are a gameplay thing- as prescriptive of what a race should be "in universe" is

    its like saying a human can become a "orc" in terms of self identity if he start using the elements like a shaman, "void elf" isn't a state of spirit like "nighbotne" is(like you were born at night, can you be a night elf nightborne? no.)
    Completely dismisses the actual Alleria example. The point is what is the point if void infusion that would make you a "Void Elf" in the genetic sense is unrelated to the appearance, and whether that matches to when an elf would self denominate as a "Void Elf" or see themselves as just an Elf that uses void is malleable.

    The whole point is that any genetic litmus test for what any type of elf is is moot; the species is "elf", the term "race" at best serves as a descriptor of cultural, biological and sociological elements of a group; it's not even comparable to what we call ethnicity in real life because these elves go from one "race" to another.

    their difference is the mechanical parts, making then no longer "just gnomes", pretty much a parallel of forsaken, that are not "just humans".
    The comparison between prosthetics making you another race and being undead -which also doesn't makes you a new race, it's a curse- It's just as baffling.

    The concept of race in WoW makes son sense beyond gameplay classification in most cases, and to try to see it as prescriptive of the lore when it contradicts other already established lore is utterly fraught.

    Trying to reconcile "race" in WoW as a merely biological distinction, is dumb. It either accounts for sociocultural identity (like it does for mechagnomes) or it just doesn't make any sense.

  2. #25082
    Quote Originally Posted by lowdps1 View Post
    we need high elves !!
    I don't know about you, but I'll have my high elves (and half elves) in 9.1.5

  3. #25083
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MyWholeLifeIsThunder View Post
    Ahhh. I can always trust you to have the worst takes.
    you mean the right ones that you refuse to accept? i guess.

    Can't even try to explain how ridiculous using the existence of racials -which are a gameplay thing- as prescriptive of what a race should be "in universe" is
    you think one of the basis of the game race is ridiculous? i guess its the whole point "that just goes against my headcnaon and view therefore i demn ridicule and ignore for my own bennefit"

    racials are not just a "gameplay thing" most of the racials are traits of the races can do based on either their biology/psiology, and you are sayign they are ridicule because they go against of your personal premise "asserting identity'', which is sorry, the only t ridicule thing here.

    Completely dismisses the actual Alleria example. The point is what is the point if void infusion that would make you a "Void Elf" in the genetic sense is unrelated to the appearance, and whether that matches to when an elf would self denominate as a "Void Elf" or see themselves as just an Elf that uses void is malleable.
    ?? iliterally used her an example of how someone can change/mutate and still look the same in the outside, but still be a being made of void in the inside.

    she is not just a "elf that uses the void" she was forever changed and mutted by the void too, she just can control betrer
    The whole point is that any genetic litmus test for what any type of elf is is moot; the species is "elf", the term "race" at best serves as a descriptor of cultural, biological and sociological elements of a group; it's not even comparable to what we call ethnicity in real life because these elves go from one "race" to another.
    Not isn't, its pretty easy to do, a nightborne isn't a night elf born in the night, a night elf isn't a troll without tusks, a void elf isn't an elf just using void.

    "elf" would be more of a genus including elven species inside, we have the genus elf with the species of night elf, nightborne, high/blood elf and void elf.

    The comparison between prosthetics making you another race and being undead -which also doesn't makes you a new race, it's a curse- It's just as baffling.
    they are other races, and they make you another race in wow terms, they are not another species but they are a different beings, just like with worgens, they are no longer what they previous were, they are changed, and thats th point of having "another race" in this matter.

    A normal gnome cannot "identify himself" as a mechagnome because he is a tinker or he is a engineer doing a lot of mechanical things, for him to be a mechagnome he need to have his parts changed to mechanical ones with their machine, thus, making then no longer what they were.

    A human cannot "identify himself" as a forsaken or a worgen, you have to die and be raised as undead first or get the worgen curse., same way an "elf" cannot identify as a "void elf" because he is using void magic, he have to be mutated by the void as well.

    Trying to reconcile "race" in WoW as a merely biological distinction, is dumb. It either accounts for sociocultural identity (like it does for mechagnomes) or it just doesn't make any sense.
    there is no race that is based around "sociocultural identity", that is just absurd, all races are either based on biological difference, from a human to a dwarf, a blood elf to a night elf, straight up a biological distinction, or a big magical that still change their beings like one way or another like a undead or worgen curse.

    With the case of elves, is pure biological sparked by magicl, night elves evolved into nag, satyr, nightborne and high/blood elves, high/blood elves evolved into felblood elves or void elves. and there still the wretched and the ther ones.

    I see that you are trying to validate something with "void elf is just like mechagnomes bro, any elf can use the void like a amge and identify as void elf", but thats straight up going against the canon and logic of how void elves are only void elves after being changed/mutated by the void.

  4. #25084
    So having their bodies being biologically changed by the Fel doesn't make DH a different race. But having blood/high elves biologically changed by the Void does make them another race.
    Meanwhile Mechagnones having limbs cut off made them a different race. Yet human undead who are forsaken are another race, but human death knights aren't. Kul Tiran are another race, despite not being another race...

    I think going by the game categorization of what a race is ends up not only in conflicting statements but plain ridiculous.

    If anything the allied races should have been called sub factions instead which then may or may not consist primarily of one race or another. Allied races can't be used as an argument on what a race is.

  5. #25085
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trumpcat View Post
    So having their bodies being biologically changed by the Fel doesn't make DH a different race. But having blood/high elves biologically changed by the Void does make them another race.
    Like i said, if you even care to read, the DH were not completely changed, and they are in a state of half-demon half-elf, like it was implied with illidan before, as their retain their racials, and, they could in theory revert back if they were stripped from their powers and the demon within. This or they are, indeed another race, but stay as the same one for the purposes of gameplay, not lore.

    Meanwhile Mechagnones having limbs cut off made them a different race. Yet human undead who are forsaken are another race, but human death knights aren't. Kul Tiran are another race, despite not being another race...
    - Pretty sure the machine don't just "cut your limbs" and they put a prosthetic limb, they turn your body part to metal, basically reverting back the curse of flesh
    - The DK revival isn't like the undead ones, and the humand dks are not rooting or ind ecay liek the forsaken, some can even pass up as living humans

    The point is to show how every race still is different, someway somehow, either by biology(the elf case) or by some fantastical or absurd change(human/worgen/undead case), they are different, and not the same and its not based around "social identity". The point with DK human is pretty good as not even by dying and getting resurected alone is enough to be a forsaken, so why an elf playing with void would be enough to make then "void elf as social identity?" its absurd

    Kul'trians, - the playable ones - are also straight up, another breed of humans as normal humans can't get to 8ft tall by merely "stating they are kul'tiran"
    I think going by the game categorization of what a race is ends up not only in conflicting statements but plain ridiculous.
    Not rly, only if you blatantly ignore what we have to base on, the only races who are "another race" but not another species, are forsaken, worgen and mechagnomes, but thy were sitll significant changed from their past selves by huge alterations, not just "im plying with machines now".

    If anything the allied races should have been called sub factions instead which then may or may not consist primarily of one race or another. Allied races can't be used as an argument on what a race is.
    i don't disagree with the first part but the second part is going against the devs who said allied races are different races, period, people liking or not is the canon, and it does make sense.

  6. #25086
    Brewmaster elbleuet's Avatar
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    So a blood elf demon hunter is still a blood elf but a high elf with void powers isn't a high elf.

    Accept it anti helfers You lost, as high elves are playable on both sides
    "If you want to play alongside High and Void elves, the Alliance is waiting for you"

  7. #25087
    This should have been in the game since 2017 btw. Since back in 2017 they already showed biologically pure Elves delving in the study of the Void, and becoming Children of the Void themselves. So you should have always had the option to play a Ren'dorei who biologically is a pure elf (High elf).

    I also think you should have the option to play an Undead elf by the way...

  8. #25088
    Still hope they add some sensible lore "closure" to the High Elf problem, a few lines of dialogue at least, doesn't even have to be voiced. It feels like you're emulating a High Elf with the new customization options, but the game hardly provided actual information as to the status of the High Elves of the Alliance. At best we are doing some guesses based on the presence of unnamed high elf npcs in the Rift.

    Blizzard writers could have easily solved this.
    "Alleria returns and the Alliance High Elves join her, she teaches them the ways of the dark side." Done.
    But the lore doesn't tell that, by all accounts the High Elves of the Alliance remain there as a small unplayable sub faction. The fact that the writers haven't solved the lore one way or another doesn't mean they are stupid, but that they don't want to close the High Elf page for whatever reasons. Maybe they want to use them in future, maybe just keep some tabs open. Either way it's Blizzard that should provide the lore, not us coming up with convoluted fan fiction.

    In my head canon my Void Elf is a High Elf who never left the Alliance and who joined Alleria when she came back, she offered to teach him and others who are interested void stuff and he got some voidy radiation in the rift.
    Last edited by Trumpcat; 2021-09-10 at 10:14 AM.

  9. #25089
    Canonically your "High elf" is one of the Quel'dorei scholars who travelled to Telogrus Rift, became Ren'dorei (Children of the Void), and began studying the Void. For the sake of salvation. For the sake of saving the world. This is the easiest and canonical route, and explains why the High elf would become infused with a Void state in combat, and is capable of tearing open rifts in the Void. It also makes the most sense because it explains why the High elf would start in Telogrus Rift as opposed to Stormwind or Dalaran (they went there to study the Void).

    You can RP your "High elf" as a member of the Silver Covenant or Highvale elves or Kirin Tor if you choose to. Simply set your TRP3 profile that way. TRP3 exists for a reason.

    Alternatively you can also RP your character as a Void elf who can revert to their Fair skin, like I do with my Main and like Alleria has been doing since 2017. But in that case it would biologically be a Void elf and not a pure High elf (like Alleria herself, who is biologically a Void elf, and not a pure High elf).

    These are your 3 options, it's pretty straightforward.
    Last edited by Varodoc; 2021-09-10 at 10:39 AM.

  10. #25090
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by elbleuet View Post
    So a blood elf demon hunter is still a blood elf but a high elf with void powers isn't a high elf.
    yes, because they don't just "have void powers" this is dumbiing down their state of mutation, and i said the problem with void elves as they either are, but still in the same race for gameplay purposed or not because they didn't reach that point yet

    Accept it anti helfers You lost, as high elves are playable on both sides
    This is something that always amused me. As someone who always were around those kind of topics. Few months ago HE was never a playable option, despite hard confirmations from the game and the devs that blood elves were HE, as they just change name, that was always ignored. But now that a race of void mutated elves got white skin and blonde hair they are indeed HE, despite the race and even species of elf straight up being different

    And once i said they would prob give void elves white skin and blonde hair for roleplay purposes and be done with it, i got shit because "look" and "appearance" was not what matters, but lore, as people wanted the silver covenant elves or whatever, a mere skin and hair color was not good enough, they would have have to add an entire new race again.

    But now i got those same people that say "what matters is lore" ignoring the lore of the race, a new race of elves, because just apparence, something i always said to Obeliskkai in the days of past, what a ride this was.

    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    So you should have always had the option to play a Ren'dorei who biologically is a pure elf (High elf).
    Who Was, yes, cause once you became "void elf" you no longer are "pure", i know this is the key part that drive people in those topics nuts, cause it would be a sin or blasphemy to taint their pure white and blonde elves, but its the lore guys, they changed, that is awesome, bury that bs lore that was never a big thing and forge a new one.

    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    Canonically your "High elf" is one of the Quel'dorei scholars who travelled to Telogrus Rift, became Ren'dorei (Children of the Void), and began studying the Void. For the sake of salvation. For the sake of saving the world. This is the easiest and canonical route, and explains why the High elf would become infused with a Void state in combat, and is capable of tearing open rifts in the Void. It also makes the most sense because it explains why the High elf would start in Telogrus Rift as opposed to Stormwind or Dalaran (they went there to study the Void).

    You can RP your "High elf" as a member of the Silver Covenant or Highvale elves or Kirin Tor if you choose to. Simply set your TRP3 profile that way. TRP3 exists for a reason.

    Alternatively you can also RP your character as a Void elf who can revert to their Fair skin, like I do with my Main and like Alleria has been doing since 2017. But in that case it would biologically be a Void elf and not a pure High elf (like Alleria herself, who is biologically a Void elf, and not a pure High elf).

    These are your 3 options, it's pretty straightforward.
    And you don't even need more, this is a RPG, is a roleplaying game, you don't need every little detail spelled out, you can be literally any thallasian elf that was changed/mutated by the void, be from silver covenant or from outland, you can even pick blood elf organizations, there is no limitation

    the asinine thing isto believe you are "still the pure elf who didn't change/mutate, because that would ruin the lotr fantasy, you just use the magic", (if you rly want to rp that, sure go for it, but that is simple not the canon/truth), come on, race is so much better now with a clear identity and an antagonist view of blood elves and the alliance aesthetic in general.
    Last edited by Syegfryed; 2021-09-10 at 11:39 AM.

  11. #25091
    Quote Originally Posted by Tanaria View Post
    If your coming back to WoW, might I suggest you wait for 9.1.5 instead of now?

    There's no point in coming back in 9.1.
    Yeh. That was the plan.

  12. #25092
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    Canonically your "High elf" is one of the Quel'dorei scholars who travelled to Telogrus Rift, became Ren'dorei (Children of the Void), and began studying the Void. For the sake of salvation. For the sake of saving the world. This is the easiest and canonical route, and explains why the High elf would become infused with a Void state in combat, and is capable of tearing open rifts in the Void. It also makes the most sense because it explains why the High elf would start in Telogrus Rift as opposed to Stormwind or Dalaran (they went there to study the Void).

    You can RP your "High elf" as a member of the Silver Covenant or Highvale elves or Kirin Tor if you choose to. Simply set your TRP3 profile that way. TRP3 exists for a reason.

    Alternatively you can also RP your character as a Void elf who can revert to their Fair skin, like I do with my Main and like Alleria has been doing since 2017. But in that case it would biologically be a Void elf and not a pure High elf (like Alleria herself, who is biologically a Void elf, and not a pure High elf).

    These are your 3 options, it's pretty straightforward.
    This is honestly the route I've been going for Void Elves and High Elves.

    The purple, betentacled Void Elves anyone plays are all from the Void Elf introduction scenario, similar to how all past and current Worgen characters, at least until Shadowlands, were pigeonholed to be from their starting zone events. So if you're playing a blueberry, your character was caught up in that ritual that changed them.

    If you play a High Elf character, your character is one of the Wayfarers in the rift being taught by the "OG" Void Elves, and as a result, they can briefly infuse themselves with void powers (Entropic Embrace) but are otherwise normal, similar to a Shadow Priest.

  13. #25093
    Quote Originally Posted by ravenmoon View Post
    Yeh. That was the plan.
    Might have to try and get yourself that new purple tempest set from the Legion Timewalking.

    I suspect you've got a Night Elf Mage, so I imagine it would look grand on him/her

  14. #25094
    Quote Originally Posted by Tanaria View Post
    Might have to try and get yourself that new purple tempest set from the Legion Timewalking.

    I suspect you've got a Night Elf Mage, so I imagine it would look grand on him/her
    That purple tempest sets looks like it would be good for Draenei, too.

  15. #25095
    Brewmaster elbleuet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    yes, because they don't just "have void powers" this is dumbiing down their state of mutation, and i said the problem with void elves as they either are, but still in the same race for gameplay purposed or not because they didn't reach that point yet
    Are you suggesting that this thing hasn't mutated from its orginal, blood elf state ?

    This is something that always amused me. As someone who always were around those kind of topics. Few months ago HE was never a playable option, despite hard confirmations from the game and the devs that blood elves were HE, as they just change name, that was always ignored. But now that a race of void mutated elves got white skin and blonde hair they are indeed HE, despite the race and even species of elf straight up being different
    Yeah because you know what ? Blood & High elves rejoining the void elves is canon. Purple elves with tentacles were the original void elves created by accident. Now we're basically playing High & blood elves who agreed to follow Alleria's teachings.

    Blood elves are High elves in certain ways but not officially since they renamed themselves into Sin'dorei. High elves are a group of thalassian elves stayed loyal to the Alliance. That's not that complicated to understand.

    But now i got those same people that say "what matters is lore" ignoring the lore of the race, a new race of elves, because just apparence, something i always said to Obeliskkai in the days of past, what a ride this was.
    Things have changed since the introduction of void elves. Now what we're playing - among the other void elves - are these elves :

    Who Was, yes, cause once you became "void elf" you no longer are "pure", i know this is the key part that drive people in those topics nuts, cause it would be a sin or blasphemy to taint their pure white and blonde elves, but its the lore guys, they changed, that is awesome, bury that bs lore that was never a big thing and forge a new one.
    That's your own definition of what it means to be high elf.

    Anyways, it's already hard for you to see all those blond haired and blue eyed elves hanging around Stormwind and fighting for the Alliance. Recognizing them as High elves sounds like wasted effort.

    If you want to keep on seeing them as void elf, so be it I have nothing against that.
    "If you want to play alongside High and Void elves, the Alliance is waiting for you"

  16. #25096
    Quote Originally Posted by Yarathir View Post
    That purple tempest sets looks like it would be good for Draenei, too.
    That's true.

    I don't think it would suit my Blood Elf Mage (the lady in the profile picture), but Night Elves and Draenei...maybe Void Elves, although I think Void Elves would suit the new Priest set.

  17. #25097
    Quote Originally Posted by Tanaria View Post
    That's true.

    I don't think it would suit my Blood Elf Mage (the lady in the profile picture), but Night Elves and Draenei...maybe Void Elves, although I think Void Elves would suit the new Priest set.
    Man, that new Priest set is some good food for Void Elves.

    (I'm still upset about Priest T21 Elite recolor being gone forever..)

  18. #25098
    Quote Originally Posted by Yarathir View Post
    Man, that new Priest set is some good food for Void Elves.

    (I'm still upset about Priest T21 Elite recolor being gone forever..)
    Those new sets seem to be made for the alliance races.

    I haven't seen one that really jumps out of at me, where I can say "Oh that will look good on Blood Elves."
    Maybe the Warlock one...but that's just a dark red version of the original ToS normal set.

  19. #25099
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by elbleuet View Post
    Are you suggesting that this thing hasn't mutated from its orginal, blood elf state ?
    it is permanent? no, they revert back, and i literally said to you both options, if they are or not and explained the scenarios, but yeah, expected.from someone like you to ignore
    Yeah because you know what ? Blood & High elves rejoining the void elves is canon. Purple elves with tentacles were the original void elves created by accident. Now we're basically playing High & blood elves who agreed to follow Alleria's teachings.
    yeah, blood and high elves joined the void elves and became void elves, they mutated, that is the canon, not that they are elves using the magic like a shadow priest, that is a made up thing for RP.
    Blood elves are High elves in certain ways but not officially since they renamed themselves into Sin'dorei.
    they literally are, officially, as "high elf" is the race of elves that evolved from the night elves. Renaming don't chang your race, like daeneis who are still eredar.
    High elves are a group of thalassian elves stayed loyal to the Alliance. That's not that complicated to understand.
    That is something made up in those echo chambers, High elf was always the race of elves evolved from the night elves, period, the rest is a made up headcanon to validate this nonsense.

    Things have changed since the introduction of void elves. Now what we're playing - among the other void elves - are these elves :
    they didn't rly change, this just show that other elves got mutated as well

    That's your own definition of what it means to be high elf.
    No, that is blizzard definition of what a high elf is, a race of elves that evolved from the night elves, that is canon in warcraft, the rest is made up shenanigans.

    Anyways, it's already hard for you to see all those blond haired and blue eyed elves hanging around Stormwind and fighting for the Alliance. Recognizing them as High elves sounds like wasted effort.
    Why would it be? its like you think i spend much time stormwind , and that isn't rly hard, like i said, is amusing, it completely prove my point over the years that people gaive two shits about lore but about appearance, be a blonde. white, pure elf - legolas/lotr style- what i feel is vindication.
    If you want to keep on seeing them as void elf, so be it I have nothing against that.
    i mean, is what they are, its the race and the lore, if you want to play pretend and ignore everything else, you can totally go for it, as anyone can rp and/or larp what they want, i even said it was what they would do, give then the colors so peopel could rp, and not introduce a new race.

  20. #25100
    By the way, since Blood elves got blue eyes, Void elves should get green eyes. Especially since there were also SIN'DOREI scholars studying the Void in Telogrus Rift:

    So you should also be able to play a Ren'dorei who is biologically a Fel-infused elf, who escaped from Silvermoon AFTER they heard of what happened to Alleria and Umbric, just saying.

    - - - Updated - - -

    And as a side note, is there any doubt that this is the perfect race? No other race has these many potential RP backgrounds and stories. You can be a Ren'dorei who was part of Magister Umbric's group and was transformed by the Void. You can be a Ren'dorei who biologically is a High elf, coming from the Silver Covenant, the Kirin Tor, or maybe the Allerian Expedition, or a simple scholar who travelled to Telogrus Rift in search of knowledge, or maybe to be reunited with a loved one (maybe your uncle/dad/mom/etc. was exiled with Umbric and you haven't seen him in years). Or theoretically you can also be a Ren'dorei who biologically is a Blood elf (when green eyes become available), who heard of what happened with Magister Umbric and his people, and chose to travel to Telogrus Rift and join them for the sake of knowledge, defying the Theron government.

    This is the perfect race from a RP standpoint too, there is no doubt now.
    Last edited by Varodoc; 2021-09-10 at 12:45 PM.

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