he thinks race is about what magic is inside of you, and that Thalassian races aren't just an ethnicity of elf that is split up between cultures... It's sort of like how There are many human ethnicities, lets say Thalassians are Europeans. You're going to have a hard time telling an englishman from a german because the difference does not matter, what makes them different is culture, and an ethnic anglo raised in Germany, or tries really hard to adopt German customs, is a German. It's the same with elves, only much less complicated because high/blood/void are just schools of thought, and can reasonably be switched between with little trouble with you likely wouldn't find protest in the Warcraft Universe.
Some people might turn their heads at a purple skinned, tentacle-faced void elf calling himself a high elf, but for the rest of them it's not a huge deal. Blood Elves look to Silvermoon for guidance and believe in building back the motherland and discarding traditions and becoming what they must to survive. High Elves believe in holding to previous convictions, old allegiances and believe in preserving what they were. Void Elves fall more in line with the former, only they do not strive for nationhood, but enlightenment.
It's way more interesting than 'durr you put void energy in body u no longer blood elf

'. He'd call Demon Hunters a race too if they were simply called "Fel'dorei" or something, but they never gave themselves a name, so they are still blood elves and night elves I guess? :copium:
Viewing the lore from a gameplay perspective is so boring, instead of looking at the merit of what is designed through the lens of a world first.