@Obelisk Kai at long last
@Obelisk Kai at long last
I think the lesson that should be drawn here is that everyone should always listen to Rommath.
Don't trust Dalaran says Rommath. Nonsense says Aethas (purge!)
Don't mess with the Void says Rommath. We are totally messing with the void, says Umbric (Voided out!)
Don't take Alleria to the Sunwell says Rommath. We are taking Alleria to the Sunwell says lor'themar. (Void attack!)
Arrest that traitor says Rommath. Exile her instead says Lor'themar. Still waiting to see how this bites the Horde in the ass.
But you get the idea.
Everyone should calm down, take a deep breath...and do whatever the fuck Grand Magister Rommath says.
Okay let me rephrase that I have yet to see a single anti high elf advocate for calling out for people to kill themselves. And the stunts some supporters pulled on their discord not withstanding, there are people caught up in this spite but a great many high elf advocates deserve every little spite they get right now.
Lets see, and lets just take a look at WoW and the Alliance core races (apart from humans because humans are obviously too well represented):
- Vanilla: Highelves were on the Alliance side, they have had 2 (3) lodges spread around eastern kingdoms: Quel’Danil, Quel’Lithien and Farstrider (the innkeeper thus owner is highelven).
In contrast: Gnomes – a playable core race of the Alliance – didn’t have a single inhabited settlement outside of Tinkertown which is just a small sub district of IF...
- Burning Crusade: Highelves had a whole base in Outland (Allerian Stronghold). What about the core races of the Alliance? Humans: 1 (Honor Hold), Dwarves: 1 (Wildhammer Stronghold), Draenei: 1 (Telredor). Nightelves: 1 (Sylvanaar) and Gnomes again: 0
- Wrath of the Lich King: Highelves were playing a big role overall via Silver Covenant. They had a district in Dalaran and Wintergarde, had a small base in Windrunner’s Overlook and were the main Alliance faction of the Argent Tournament.
The other core races of the Alliance: Nightelves were at Stars’ Rest, Gnomes in Fizzcrank Airstrip. Dwarves didn’t have a base or camp at all and Draenei neither.
- Cataclysm (80-85): Highelves were in Zul’Aman, though just a minor role. Most prominent Alliance only core race were Dwarves (Wildhammer, but not playable), while Nightelves had a big chunk of Story in Hyjal it was also more about Cenarion Circle and less about exclusively Nightelves. Gnomes, Draenei or Worgen? Not so much.
- Mists of Pandaria: Highelves again played a role during the whole Landfall and on the Isle of Thunder. Nightelves had a small camp in Krasarang and a minor role there and a relatively big role in the Landfall and SoO. Dark Iron dwarves got a little scenario and Mekkatorque aiding in SoO. Alliance Pandaren, Draenei, Worgen? Ehh, nope.
- Warlords of Draenor: The only expansion so far that did not feature highelves on the Alliance (aside from a sidequest from the Inn where you look for Alleria).
- Legion: No race aside from humans and worgen were exactly featured as Alliance.
So they featured Highelves in almost every damn expansion so far and thus highelves are the second most active alliance faction after humans but still they are not playable. What’s worse: There are core races that have equal or less notable heroes of the Alliance than Highelves with their Windrunner sisters, namely Gnomes, Draenei, Worgen and Pandaren.
HAHA, omg wow I dont even need to read the most recent responses in this thread to know that there is a fresh wave of salt and denial from high elf fanboys aftert his Q&A.
Go Horde or go home, end of discussion Ion has spoken... again.
I'm sure this will come up again, so I'll try to explain as clearly as possible. Whether or not you agree with his reasoning is up to you, but I'll organize his answer into something more readable.
Originally Posted by Ion Hazzikostas
1. High Elves are basically the same as Blood Elves.
Blood Elves kind of are High Elvesif what you want to be is a fair-skinned, light blonde-haired, tall, majestic elf - that is a Blood Elf
2. They wanted to give the Alliance something similar, but with it's own feel.
the Void Elf angle ... was able to give something that felt a bit like a Blood Elf, but had a unique flavor of its own to the Alliance
3. They want to keep the two factions distinct.
when we add allied races, there's a desire to have things a bit more distinct, especially between the two factions, with the faction conflict being so prominent.giving that race directly to the Alliance, I think, would have blurred a lot of the lines between the two factions
4. High Elves don't have a clear representation of culture, identity, or organization.
there isn't a clear example of who or what High Elves are as a larger group that still remains in Azeroth. There's a couple that we've seen; we just met Alleria again for the first time, but they're not out there in the same way.
Unfortunately for a lot of the anti High Elfer's this changes nothing on the forums. Yes we won't be getting High Elves in BfA, but that won't stop the Alliance High Elf campaign from going on and from you evidently being forced to view threads like these. Ion might have a hate boner for High Elves, but he also recognized (as did the interviewer) that High Elves are still being asked for and is a question they gotta address every QA. That is a lot more than what they have done in the past which was to largely ignore the ask for Alliance High Elves. And that is why he also left some wiggle room for them in the future by saying "Anything is possible in the future". Ultimately this changes nothing for those of you who get triggered when seeing High Elf threads, to use Ion's words "the end of these High Elf threads don't seem likely in the near future".
I am not certain what the future holds for Alliance High Elves beyond the confirmation they aren't going to be playable. That was pretty much what I wanted, to preserve the integrity of my faction. If all they continue to feature in other group's stories, which is all they ever can really, then I don't mind, now that I have confirmation the integrity of the Horde and the Blood Elves is not going to be threatened.
Still sounds like being stubborn, to me. That's not misfortunate. That's being delusional and not accepting official statements from the Lead Dev'. That's being arrogant saying that no matter what Ion says, he's wrong. It's a bunch of internet keyboard warriors think their opinion means more than the guy who designs the game.
That's not misfortune. You don't always get what you want in life, and you guys display an utter lack of ability to accept that.
Yeah, I'm thinking it more along the lines of 'could have saved them a lot of headache'. I do also think that the want for High Elves stemmed from a rather lackluster lineup of Allied Races for Alliance. Void Elves were fine until they were an asspull exiled void elves explanation (instead of saying Alleria and all the remaining High Elves had become Void Elves in order to provide themselves an edge in the war with the Horde...see...writes itself AND it gives the Alliance a bit more of a bite to them).
Lightforged were just a freaking weak addition that nobody really asked for as a specific race unto themselves, they just wanted the customisation options for regular Draenei (I will roll High Mountain Tauren into this camp as well, they didn't really NEED to be a separate allied race either).
Dark Iron, while cool, could have been used more intelligently and been done as "Dwarf Clans" allowing for customisation for the Dwarf to be either Dark Iron or Wildhammer (with the idea of bringing in the two remaining clans who were still somewhat isolationist to the Alliance into the fold) much in the same way the Mag'har Orcs can be numerous clans.
Kul'Tirans seemed to be just...well...look at them...we've hit Beta and they're STILL not done. Hell the Vulpera have more work put on them than the Kul'tirans for crying out load and we still haven't had a confirmation whether they're going to be playable or not. Besides the cool druid forms the whole 'fat humans' thing not to mention the female model looking kind of shite (lack of muscle definition, terrible face with a gormless expression (even with the new faces) and basically not living up to the ideal that the Male Kul'tiran clearly sets).
I can see where this annoyance and demand for High Elves came from. The Horde got everything they've been clamoring for over the years. Upright Trolls, Orc clans and upright Orcs. What did the Alliance get? Ass pull Elves that should have just been High Elves converted to the Void and not Blood Elf Exiles. A barely reworked reskin with very minor customisation options nobody asked for in the Lightforged. A singular Dwarf clan that, while it had its fans, was never really a huge call to make them be playable (I don't remember people demanding Dark Iron be playable...) and fat humans...
I can see why Alliance players were so disappointed with such a weakass lineup.
This changes everything.
Your seven month campaign, the success of which only a few days ago you were so confident in you were openly stating how wonderful it would be to imagine the look on my face and others when High Elves became a reality, didn't change a single thing.
I'd even argue that Ion's statements make normal skin tones on Void Elves very improbable now too.
You may keep trying, but Blizzard has given it's reaction to your campaign. It has failed.
There is dignity in concession when faced with reality, as I would have done so had Blizzard decided the opposite.
Hello Drorith. Allow me to intervene, would you?
Could you please help me understand the following – in what way did Ion insult and disrespect you (or the Alliance playerbase in general, or the High Elves supporters in particular) with his statement? I suspect what you might mean by "Ion is also ignorant" and as I am really inclined to disagree with such a definition, I'd as you to elaborate in case I've got a wrong impression of what you actually meant with that. But for the most part, I am really dubious why you felt offended by Ion's reply.
As I saw other people on various platforms expressing the same sentiment towards what we heard during the Q&A, I am reaching out to all of you: in what way, shape or form do you feel disrespected by the way Ion handled the question?