Want to know what makes me believe that draenei were originally supposed to be horde and blood elves alliance? It's the fact that the Exodar has an easily accessible back entrance right to the racial leader, while silvermoon doesn't lol!
All of these are without considering flying in mind cause there wasn't any flying in vanilla zones until cata:
Orgrimmar - side entrance to thrall
Undercity - tunnel to sylvanas
Thunderbluff - a road behind most of the structures, away from the npc's leading right to cairne/baine
Stormwind - have to go through the front gate, several choke points, and lots of npcs (prior to the docks exposing the other side but even then it's probably a longer road to Varian/Anduin).
Teldrassil - have to go through auberdine, to get to boat, to get to base of teldrassil, to use teleporter up to main city, then ride through all the npcs.
Ironforge - have to go through the front gate, ride through several choke points and npcs, before you get to the target.
It's probably just my own personal conspiracy theory but damn if it doesn't just make sense to me.