1. #25321
    Quote Originally Posted by MyWholeLifeIsThunder View Post
    I do too like the idea of Riftblades as a class skin for a combo currently not available for VE's. There are so many race specific fantasies that could work so well with the idea of class skins.

    As whether it should be paladin or something else (DH? Just warrior with more cool looking spells?) isn't the focus for me, although personally I would like new class/race combos.
    I'd say DHs need more race representation, given they are available only for one race per faction. The problem is in class animation I guess, some of them are actually tied to metamorphosis visuals, which are based on elves. Adding the class to non elf race means they would need to create whole new set of animations, which is way more then creating new druid forms or shaman totems. Given class skins, it could not be that huge issue, since they work on premise of altering class visuals in the first place.

    So yes. Class skins could indeed open up interesting class/race combos across all races. As for void elves, Void knights and riftblades seem as cool concepts. I can also imagine Astromancer skin for mages and Voidcaller skin for warlocks (replacing demons for void beings/faceless and altering fire spells to Void). So many possibilites. So many flavors

  2. #25322
    Quote Originally Posted by Vaedan View Post
    I'd say DHs need more race representation, given they are available only for one race per faction. The problem is in class animation I guess, some of them are actually tied to metamorphosis visuals, which are based on elves. Adding the class to non elf race means they would need to create whole new set of animations, which is way more then creating new druid forms or shaman totems. Given class skins, it could not be that huge issue, since they work on premise of altering class visuals in the first place.

    So yes. Class skins could indeed open up interesting class/race combos across all races. As for void elves, Void knights and riftblades seem as cool concepts. I can also imagine Astromancer skin for mages and Voidcaller skin for warlocks (replacing demons for void beings/faceless and altering fire spells to Void). So many possibilites. So many flavors
    Urgh, it would really do SO MUCH for race fantasy; like a Voidcaller skin for VE's would be so good, Demonology specifically just fits the fantasy of a void creature summoner so well!

    I do hope we see more (non elven) races getting baseline DH's as well. I will be an endeavor for sure, but they already did it for monks!

  3. #25323
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yarathir View Post
    Thanks. I would make the void wings an optional cape piece instead so they can be toggled off and the space-thing effect on this version of the set would be gems instead, but I couldn't do that with photoshop.
    Yea, I hear this alot and it makes sense you want it seperated. I remember when people asked for the robe and chin piece from nightborne to be seperated so melee classes would be able to wear it as a non skirt option.

    No response ever.. from blizz.

  4. #25324
    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    Yea, I hear this alot and it makes sense you want it seperated. I remember when people asked for the robe and chin piece from nightborne to be seperated so melee classes would be able to wear it as a non skirt option.

    No response ever.. from blizz.
    They certainly should do it. Now with their new customizations, chin piece could be just... customization and not part of Heritage. I also support idea of heritage armors having two different modes, like blood elf and worgen heritage do. Plus giving us recolors of heritage armors, nightborne heritage looked really good in red, especially when they are on team red.

  5. #25325
    Dreadlord Thalassian Bob's Avatar
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    I definitely agree with people saying that more heritage armour colours would be a great thing but I'm actually really vibing with the purple and gold fabulousness that the current colours and new customisations allow for:

    Combine the pet I've got out and the void-y phoenix mount from Cata and I feel like you can channel your inner Kael! Purple flavour!

  6. #25326
    Quote Originally Posted by Thalassian Bob View Post
    I definitely agree with people saying that more heritage armour colours would be a great thing but I'm actually really vibing with the purple and gold fabulousness that the current colours and new customisations allow for:

    Combine the pet I've got out and the void-y phoenix mount from Cata and I feel like you can channel your inner Kael! Purple flavour!
    Indeed, blonde hair kinda looks awesome with the tentacles; the contrast between yellow and purple is just *chef's kiss*

  7. #25327
    Dreadlord Thalassian Bob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MyWholeLifeIsThunder View Post
    Indeed, blonde hair kinda looks awesome with the tentacles; the contrast between yellow and purple is just *chef's kiss*
    Hehe true! I think it looks great!

  8. #25328
    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    Dont push it, you should be happy you got the option in the first place. High elves were already playable since 2007.

    - - - Updated - - -

    The blue silver one looks good!
    Meh... Blood elves are Fel elves. Their racials are about forcibly stealing magic.

    Actually if we wanted to be precise, a further divide into high elves and light elves would be the more precise. But, they just exist as say... a sub race of the other two.
    Kind of like the wildhammer exist on the regular bronzebeard dwarf.
    Last edited by Swnem; 2021-09-26 at 04:37 PM.

  9. #25329
    The Patient Shadowtwili's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ardenaso View Post
    a bit late but anyway
    Rather late then never, luckily! Even if I am extremely slow to respond myself because I only visit this forum once or twice a week.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ardenaso View Post
    one thing I'd really like is for them to do a Dathremar 2.0 and eventually abandon their claim in Quel'thalas considering that they're pretty much hated now, especially Vereesa as she and her Silver Covenant brethren were massacring the Sunreavers and she made an attempted murder on Rommath, who's one of the highest ranks in Silvermoon
    While I get where you are coming from, the leadership of the Silver Covenant has repeated again and again, for decades, that Silvermoon was there home, they still consider it their home, they will never relinquish their claim on it (weak as it is) and they have fought and died to protect it too.

    The leadership of the void elves has echoed this sentiment, and also will keep considering Silvermoon their home.

    And both factions have expressed the desire to "return Silvermoon to the Alliance", one way or the other.

    A Dath'remar wouldn't suit their style because the exile of the Highborne happened after the Highborne lost their power, their prestige and their cities and the entire night elven people underwent a cultural shift from arcane empire to nature dwellers, something neither the Silver Covenant nor the void elves have undergone.

    So unless both of those factions do a 180 on their repeated goals, wishes and dreams, it's not something that I'll see happen. (Especially since Alleria Windrunner is the wife of the Regent of Stormwind, the most powerful position within the Alliance at the moment and the Regent has admitted to wanting to see what more former Alliance holdings they can reclaim!).

    Quote Originally Posted by Ardenaso View Post
    the Draenei's mastery and interest of the arcane is criminally underused like they're supposed to be better than everyone else but nah it's all humans and some non-human tokens (well that's the Alliance for you); but considering that they're also in Dalaran, Stormwind, etc. I think it shouldn't be a stretch for them to take interest in Eldre'thalas considering it would also an arcane hub
    It is, but the same can be said for most races. Silver Covenant lives in Dalaran, yet they somehow field mostly Farstriders and Ranger, Draenei field mostly Paladins and Priests (with the odd Broken Draenei Shaman), and night elves field Priests of Elune and Druids.

    Humans field everything in the meantime and "Alliance" High Command consists of Anduin Wrynn, Genn Greymane, Jaina Proudmoore, Mathias Shaw and Halford Wyrmbane, no non-human insight.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vaedan View Post
    I'd say DHs need more race representation, given they are available only for one race per faction.
    Personally I'd dig Demon Hunters for the void elves and nightborne (or maybe Zandalari Demoniacs?).

  10. #25330
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowtwili View Post
    Personally I'd dig Demon Hunters for the void elves and nightborne (or maybe Zandalari Demoniacs?).
    VE and NB would be the perfect choices both for lore and dev reasons; the assets are already there, and it's as likely that BE DH train NB, as it is for NE DH to look into VE's for a more "open" pool of potential initiates.

    But if like new DK, new DH's could be trained, I think that opens opportunities to several, if not all, races, cause we kinda have seen great warlocks from pretty much every species (also a Feltotem DH would be amazing)

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Thalassian Bob View Post
    Hehe true! I think it looks great!
    Honestly I'm seriously considering giving my purple haired VE priest blonde hair.

  11. #25331
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swnem View Post
    Meh... Blood elves are Fel elves. Their racials are about forcibly stealing magic.

    Actually if we wanted to be precise, a further divide into high elves and light elves would be the more precise. But, they just exist as say... a sub race of the other two.
    Kind of like the wildhammer exist on the regular bronzebeard dwarf.
    Blood elves are not fell elves, it's a common mistake people make. The most they had some fel radiation, they never went all the way. Fel elves are like the felborne or these actual fell elves from the Sunwell raid to be precise.

    Nah light elves is just a name that went it's own life on sites like these, also the place were they were first called like this(I know it's those light elves with brown skin from some other game). I like the name blood elf, I hope the name stays if that ever becomes some topic. The sunwell is what made it so and appearntly not every blood elf is infused with it according to what we see ingame. Hell, they even forgot about the whole cleansing, since golden eyes which was an appearent reaction of it, was only given to blood elves in bfa, the cleansing was in 2007, suddenly calling them differently doesn't make much sense and neither is a subrace of them.

    I don't think we would need further diving in that sense, both groups you namecalled already excist and they have their costumization options already available, its more flavour of elves we already have and since one of them is available on both sides it should probably stay like this, since it already was the best outcome to the whole high elf debate that went on a little to long. It's already a huge favor, since they were literally playable since 2007, so there you go.
    Last edited by Alanar; 2021-09-27 at 07:33 PM.

  12. #25332
    Quote Originally Posted by MyWholeLifeIsThunder View Post
    Honestly I'm seriously considering giving my purple haired VE priest blonde hair.
    My priest on ptr!

  13. #25333
    If they can do the hand magic effect for Nightborne then they can do it for Void elves too. Why limit it to just one race? I'd love to see Ren'dorei with their hands infused and overflowing with the Void. You can make the effect all astral-looking or simply void-y. The technology is getting there.

  14. #25334
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
    My priest on ptr!

    ! Mine last time I logged on. I really like how purple and yellow look together.

  15. #25335
    Definitely provides some nice contrast!

  16. #25336
    Dreadlord Thalassian Bob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MyWholeLifeIsThunder View Post
    Honestly I'm seriously considering giving my purple haired VE priest blonde hair.
    Do it!

    Quote Originally Posted by MyWholeLifeIsThunder View Post

  17. #25337
    I really wish the tentacle toggle changed the tentacles into braids instead of just removing them. If they have to rebuild the hairstyles anyways to fill in those holes with something else, braids make the most sense and would be the easiest to implement. Otherwise, you have some of the tentacle hairstyles with big bald spots that look terrible.

  18. #25338
    Quote Originally Posted by FossilFree View Post
    I really wish the tentacle toggle changed the tentacles into braids instead of just removing them. If they have to rebuild the hairstyles anyways to fill in those holes with something else, braids make the most sense and would be the easiest to implement. Otherwise, you have some of the tentacle hairstyles with big bald spots that look terrible.
    I mean it's something that has been said for a long time, so I do hope they consider it down the lane.

  19. #25339
    They should just add an NPC that lets you toggle off the racial visual effect, and finally bury the notion that Void Elves have to be Voidy.

  20. #25340
    Quote Originally Posted by MyWholeLifeIsThunder View Post
    I mean it's something that has been said for a long time, so I do hope they consider it down the lane.
    At the very least, they should fill those bald spots with more hair. Leaving them unfinished like that is not AAA game company quality at all.

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