1. #25421
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    This forum is making this more complicated than it needs to be.Perhaps this is why this thread reached 1300 pages.
    Both races can simply get red eyes and everyone is happy. But do you know what doesn't make anyone happy? Restricting options to just one race, when the other one could easily have it as well./QUOTE]

    Tentacle hair options for blood elves?
    Nope. Never.

    The Blood elves are not infused with the Void and thus shall never have those options.

    But the Ren'dorei may have Green eyes in the future, since there are Sin'dorei scholars amidst their ranks

    And naturally any option the Sin'dorei may get when it comes to jewelry, tatoos, runes, hairstyles, etc. the Ren'dorei should also get them. Since they are former Sin'dorei.

    But the inverse sadly is not true. Since while the Ren'dorei are former Sin'dorei (and thus deserve to get all their options), the Sin'dorei are not former Ren'dorei...
    Last edited by Varodoc; 2021-10-02 at 04:37 PM.

  2. #25422
    Herald of the Titans Dristereau's Avatar
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    As much as people want to make Void Elves differ from Blood Elves by making them more Void-ier you have to accept that the reason this thread is so long and so ongoing is because people wanted High Elves, not Void Elves. That doesn't mean more Void Elven customization should not have some Void options, but the thing that most people care about is High Elven options. I personally think that both Void and Blood should get more options, the Blood Elf male is pretty darn low in comparison to the amount of Blood Elf female options.

    With regards to eye colors, no, I don't think Void Elves should get green eyes. I know there are Silvermoon Scholars in Telogrus Rift but it's a very a Blood Elven thing and could be explained out that the Scholars would lose their green eye tint from lack of fel contact.

    I do think that Blood Elves should get red eyes and pale skins to mimic Dark Rangers. We have seen them in service of the Horde and therefore this should be an option to Horde players, but not Alliance. There is no reason for Void Elves to get red eyes.

    In terms of Void Customizations for Blood Elves, no. The tampering with the Void is what led to the Void Elves joining the Alliance in the first place.

    With regards to hair styles, more to both Blood and Void would be nice, especially Void Elves. A lot of the current ones are based on tentacles and lacking style/elegance. Adding new ones with braids and more stylized would be nice to see (there are some nice ideas on the first page of this thread) and overlapping these with Blood Elves would be an idea potentially.

    For facial hair, I would love to a see a full short beard for Elves, combining the Full/Chin Strap Blood Elf male options with sideburns. The Void Elf females could have additional jewelry options, as well as accessories for both genders of Void Elves (feathers!). I don't have too much in terms of Void options

    The addition of tattoos/scars/war paints would go a long way with both sets of Elves. War Paints and tribalistic tattoos for Void Elves and Scares and Runic tattoos for Blood Elves. You could keep colors different, with Void getting Blue/Purple and Blood Elves getting Gold/Yellow/Red whilst allowing both to have White.

    Regarding the Void Elf racial, Entropic Embrace, I still stand by what I said about it looking awful with it being a skin texture and not affecting the vast majority of the Character. I think the effect should be made to cover the entire model including 3D parts, the same way Shadowform does. I also would like a toggle option in Telogrus Rift for those wishing to appear more as a High Elf to change to something more high elven or even less prominent. Just something as simple as dialogue option from Alleria or Umbric were you can say 'I wish to suppress the effects of Entropic Embrace'.

    From a personal POV I'd also like to see an Armor Set that is essentially a High Elven/Silver Covenant ranger set based off Alleria's outfit from Argus or the Hearthstone depiction but in blue. I'd also like to see a High Elven Quel'dorei Steed or Pureheart Courser/Asecended Skymane armored mount for a PVP Seasonal reward for Alliance and given the Horde a Highmountain Moose.
    Dristereau - Axxolentus - Infernus - Sequentia - Nulo - Desterrar

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  3. #25423
    So the void elves should get all customization options that blood elves get, but they can't have anything the void elves have or anything of their own?

  4. #25424
    Quote Originally Posted by Mungho View Post
    So the void elves should get all customization options that blood elves get, but they can't have anything the void elves have or anything of their own?
    Nope. The Void Elves are getting all the options that belong to High Elves. Blood Elves' problems are that they never established an identity beyond slightly more edgy (TBC) and now holy Horde High Elves.

  5. #25425
    Quote Originally Posted by Yarathir View Post
    Nope. The Void Elves are getting all the options that belong to High Elves. Blood Elves' problems are that they never established an identity beyond slightly more edgy (TBC) and now holy Horde High Elves.
    So velfs get to steal all Sin'dorei features, because...?

    I mean, by default - all features for Night Elves, old and new - should be given to the Shal'dorei, plus the Shal'dorei getting glowing hands and narrow eyes.
    Last edited by Tanaria; 2021-10-02 at 06:47 PM.

  6. #25426
    Quote Originally Posted by Tanaria View Post
    So velfs get to steal all Sin'dorei features, because...?

    I mean, by default - all features for Night Elves, old and new - should be given to the Shal'dorei, plus the Shal'dorei getting glowing hands and narrow eyes.
    Because they're not Sin'dorei features. Green and now golden eyes are Sin'dorei features. Some of the hairstyles are probably Sin'dorei features because they don't seem Quel'dorei in nature.

    Pale skin and blonde hair are not Sin'dorei features. Those are just features Quel'dorei and Sin'dorei happen to share. Blame Blizzard for making Sin'dorei slightly edgier Quel'dorei.

  7. #25427
    Quote Originally Posted by Mungho View Post
    So the void elves should get all customization options that blood elves get, but they can't have anything the void elves have or anything of their own?
    Correct on the first part. Since the Ren'dorei are special/evolved Sin'dorei.

    Last I checked, being twisted by the Void doesn't mean you suddenly lose your trademark Sin'dorei runic tattoo, or can no longer wear a phoenix-shaped necklace, or can no longer dye your hair red.

    The Sin'dorei already have some things of their own: the Paladin and DH classes (for the time being); and golden eyes.
    Last edited by Varodoc; 2021-10-02 at 07:15 PM.

  8. #25428
    Quote Originally Posted by Yarathir View Post
    Because they're not Sin'dorei features. Green and now golden eyes are Sin'dorei features. Some of the hairstyles are probably Sin'dorei features because they don't seem Quel'dorei in nature.

    Pale skin and blonde hair are not Sin'dorei features. Those are just features Quel'dorei and Sin'dorei happen to share. Blame Blizzard for making Sin'dorei slightly edgier Quel'dorei.
    Quel'dorei are also part of the Horde.
    So, Alliance get their "Quel'dorei" features, coming in 9.1.5, whilst Horde have their "Quel'dorei" features.

    But, the regal/more natural Quel'dorei features go to the more regal race of the playable Thalassians. That being the Sin'dorei.

  9. #25429
    Quote Originally Posted by Mungho View Post
    Tentacle hair options for blood elves?

    edit: sorry for the formatting issue.
    They would have to be tendrils of light. It could be cool if they were made entirely of light energy, with no physical form, like drops of water flowing down their heads.

    The problem there is the tentacles are attached to the Void Elf hairstyles, meaning they would have to share hairstyles both ways. Blood Elves would have to share yet another thing with Void Elves and give them their hairstyles as well. I don't mind that personally, but I'm sure people would still complain.

    I'd much rather have Void Elves get human and/or Kul Tiran hairstyles for that half-elf vibe though, in addition to a few new unique Void Elf wavy hairstyles like they already have.

  10. #25430
    Scarab Lord plz delete account's Avatar
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    No matter the topic, someone will find a way to redirect it to complain about their current aggro.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ardenaso View Post
    I see; anyway, if you don't mind me moving the goalpost: Blood Elves are still High Elves
    I'll do you one better
    Blood Elves should join the alliance

  11. #25431
    Quote Originally Posted by Tanaria View Post
    So velfs get to steal
    You mean like how the Horde stole the race originally?
    And like how the Horde "stole" Nightborne? And then got an entirely unique race when the Alliance got Gnomes 2?

    Ask for your own customization and unique themes, which, by the way, the story dictates is most likely going to be light. It really, truly, isn't that hard. If Blood Elf players spent less time crying about how the Alliance has one of their main races as a subrace, they might have actually been able to make influence on their own customizations, rather than driving engagement metrics for high elf content through the roof.
    We're allowed to have what's been ours since WC2, and dangled in front of our face every expansion in a borderline sociopathic manner.

  12. #25432
    Quote Originally Posted by Schwert View Post
    You mean like how the Horde stole the race originally?
    And like how the Horde "stole" Nightborne? And then got an entirely unique race when the Alliance got Gnomes 2?

    Ask for your own customization and unique themes, which, by the way, the story dictates is most likely going to be light. It really, truly, isn't that hard. If Blood Elf players spent less time crying about how the Alliance has one of their main races as a subrace, they might have actually been able to make influence on their own customizations, rather than driving engagement metrics for high elf content through the roof.
    We're allowed to have what's been ours since WC2, and dangled in front of our face every expansion in a borderline sociopathic manner.

    Blood Elves and the Horde still need an updated Quel'Thalas.

    And, like I say - Blood elves have their features, with their more regal/city based appearances.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Lilithvia View Post
    I'll do you one better
    Blood Elves should join the alliance

    Remember when Tyrande needed Varian to tell her how to fight in a forest?
    Or Shandris going gah gah, over Humans and "Human Potential."

  13. #25433
    Scarab Lord plz delete account's Avatar
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    No matter the topic, someone will find a way to redirect it to complain about their current aggro.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tanaria View Post

    Blood Elves and the Horde still need an updated Quel'Thalas.

    And, like I say - Blood elves have their features, with their more regal/city based appearances.

    - - - Updated - - -


    Remember when Tyrande needed Varian to tell her how to fight in a forest?
    Or Shandris going gah gah, over Humans and "Human Potential."
    I was clearly shitposting.
    And what the hell was that Human Potential storyline in BFA

  14. #25434
    Quote Originally Posted by Yarathir View Post
    Pale skin and blonde hair are not Sin'dorei features. Those are just features Quel'dorei and Sin'dorei happen to share. Blame Blizzard for making Sin'dorei slightly edgier Quel'dorei.
    Blizz could have doubled down on the edgelord phase and really given Blood Elves a distinct aesthetic - IIRC there's some Sindorei in Nazmir whom are practicing blood magic, but that was rejected by blood elf fans as gross and evil. And most of them seemed happy by being squeaky clean and 99.9% identical to High Elves. No fel crystals, no mana tap, no corrupt Sunwell, no magic addiction, no wretched, no edgy paladins. It sucks that there's almost no distinction between the blood elf and high elf aesthetic besides blue eyes, but that's what you get. Sort of how lazy the difference between LF Draenai and Junker Gnomes are from their parent race.

    Void Elves are the edgy, spooky, gothic elves now (who also have the option to look like High Elves like Blood Elves can). They took over the mana vampirism and amoral magic experimentation role ever since Blood Elves turned their life around and went to church. Any freaky customizations should be reserved for Void Elves. That includes red eyes and fucked up skin.
    Last edited by Alixie; 2021-10-03 at 12:20 AM.

  15. #25435
    Quote Originally Posted by Mungho View Post
    So the void elves should get all customization options that blood elves get, but they can't have anything the void elves have or anything of their own?
    Not really. Like a lot of the BE customization options are aesthetic; the fact that VE's should have their own aesthetic makes a complete overlap unlikely. Even the High Elven influence of the alliance would lead to something different, that moves the VE farther away from the BE aesthetics: VE are moving somewhere else culturally and ideology wise, and if the division remains, the differences will just grow.

    So while there should be an overlap regarding physiological appearance, their aesthetics, and thus customization options, will most likely keep diverging.

    Hairstyles, jewelry, markings, etc, sure there could be some aesthetic overlap where they both refer to their shared High Elven identity, but overall they could simply be different due to cultural drift.

    And in the same way Void has become anathema to the BE society, they would also develop/represent aesthetics that are very removed from anything the VE's have, and that could be either through a larger focus on fel, light, blood magic or even undead elves.

    The VE/BE relation exists basically as a Venn diagram; there is a point of commonality (natural skin tones, hair colors and eye color) but both groups would end up with different overall aesthetics, even if we end up with some overlap.

  16. #25436
    Quote Originally Posted by Tanaria View Post
    Quel'dorei are also part of the Horde.
    So, Alliance get their "Quel'dorei" features, coming in 9.1.5, whilst Horde have their "Quel'dorei" features.

    But, the regal/more natural Quel'dorei features go to the more regal race of the playable Thalassians. That being the Sin'dorei.
    No. Sin'dorei need to make their own identity. That starts with fel and Sunwell type stuff, maybe with a bit more exorbitant/ego-driven jewelry and perhaps certain styles of runic markings.

  17. #25437
    Quote Originally Posted by LarryFromHumanResources View Post
    I remember when I used to check in because the art and mash ups people made were neat.

    Now it's just talk.


    I'm sorry we can't live to your expectations mom!

  18. #25438
    Quote Originally Posted by Yarathir View Post
    No. Sin'dorei need to make their own identity. That starts with fel and Sunwell type stuff, maybe with a bit more exorbitant/ego-driven jewelry and perhaps certain styles of runic markings.
    Sin'dorei already have their identity. It's Silvermoon and Quel'Thalas.
    All features for them are and should continue, to be based around their city...the most beautiful city on Azeroth, remarked by many on the Horde and Alliance.

  19. #25439
    The Lightbringer Ardenaso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lilithvia View Post
    I'll do you one better
    Blood Elves should join the alliance
    no wtf, even if you remove Garithos they still haven't forgotten how the Alliance left them for dead for 6 years
    The Alliance gets the Horde's most popular race. The Horde should get the Alliance's most popular race in return. Alteraci Humans for the Horde!

    I make Warcraft 3 Reforged HD custom models and I'm also an HD model reviewer.

  20. #25440
    Quote Originally Posted by Tanaria View Post
    Sin'dorei already have their identity. It's Silvermoon and Quel'Thalas.
    All features for them are and should continue, to be based around their city...the most beautiful city on Azeroth, remarked by many on the Horde and Alliance.
    A place isn't an identity per se.

    You can't staple pieces of a city to your character. Right now, 80% of the Blood Elf visual identity is shared with High Elves. Void Elves get to take from that too. That's why you need to further develop the blood elf identity, or you'll keep asking "Why do Void Elves get to steal from Blood Elves!?"

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