While I'd expect all four allied races getting new options to see some level of increase in population, especially in light of the easement of unlocking, I would not be surprised if nightborne numbers see a noticeable surge. Of the four, the nightborne really came out with a good selection of options imo, even if the options weren't 100% perfect. Lightforged are probably the next best out of the bunch. While I really love what the highmountain got, it didn't really scream "massive upgrade" to me.
The void elves got the least attention, but the hair colors and tentacle toggle are incredibly impactful options that open the complete high elf aesthetic to the alliance now. I'm not sure if that will result in more people rolling/race-changing to void elf, or just more void elves using high elf aesthetics, but it's a win for those seeking alliance high elves any way you look at it.
I doubt that the void elf options will entice anyone to faction swap, so any ideas that this will affect population numbers is probably wishful thinking. With that said, I'm absolutely going to be rocking my black hair come tuesday and be a very happy "half-elf"!