1. #25481
    While I'm happy about the almost 100% High Elf look on the Alliance, I'm still a bit sad that doomsayers were right when they said that High Elves would only be a thing when this game would be on the bottom/dying.

    I'm praying for the next expansion to be successful, so I can enjoy the High Elves a little longer.

  2. #25482
    Quote Originally Posted by Tanaria View Post
    I'm very much against sub-factions being more class based. Farstrider is mainly just Blood Elf Hunters.
    That doesn't work.

    To get this idea to work, it needs to be sections within the respective societies like the Sunreavers. You can have Sunreaver Magi, Sunreaver Rangers or Sunreaver Paladins.
    Farstrider is just minimizing things down to one class, whereas organisations like the Sunreavers, the Shen'dralar - they work, because they carry a variety of classes with them. They are not just Sin'dorei Mages or night elf mages.

    Sunreavers as an example, could carry more red based tattoos and be the group of Sin'dorei that carry facial runes.
    Sun factions sometimes make sense but not always.

    Like the DH customisations make sense only for DHs.

    However in theory they can be extended to warlocks - Illidari are highly specialised melee and spell casters at the very zenith point of their game. They don’t need to be warriors rogues or hunters because their DH style is better in lore and already covered in the class. (Well Hunter isn’t covered in the class). But DHs have never used bows in lore or game. But they have used spells extensively. Fel based ones

    The customisation can be extended to blood elf warlocks and night elf warlocks can be possible only if they are Illidari.

    In this case class specific use of customisations work.

    Mostly they don’t. But care should be taken.

    The Farstriders
    The Magisters
    The Blood knight

    Amongst these three only the Farstriders can warrant a specific customisation. But that can be open to every blood elf class.

    Farstriders are hunters, warriors and rogues because the real class is Ranger a hero unit. As such doesn’t exist, it makes sense that in terms of the playable classes. Farstriders are mainly that.

    But it gets cloudy qs you can have honourary members from any class. Be a party of then. So players of any class can be a Farstrider.

    Now blizzard needs a way in character creation to alert people this is Farstriders without needing to know a lot about Thalasssian elves and more than just a name for one of the options.

    This is why the idea of presets is good. You have presets like Farstrider on the left. You click and it would bring up a preset random Farstrider appearance and re arrange the customisation options to highlight the Farstrider specific ones.

    You still have access to all the others.

    There is also a text description summary telling you a little about the Farstriders.

    This can work for a lot of things.

    1. Can work for sun race groups like wildhammer and high elf., sand troll
    2. Sub Factional groups like Farstrider and Highborne for night elves.
    3. Even separate faction groups that are class restricted like Illidari as explained above, darkfallen undead elves that would just open up DK undead appearances without the DK glory eyes to blood elf classes but likely impose red eyes and maybe some forsaken eye options. This use can also be done for kid elf paladins - so a void elf paladins will hide the void elf purple skin tones and void hair option.

    Some options have no restrictions. Highborne can choose to be more than mages, even druids

  3. #25483
    Quote Originally Posted by Mace View Post
    Sunreavers sub faction would be better.

    Magisters can warrant their own features such as runes and Rommath-like tattoos, but again - it should all fall under either a Sunreaver sub faction or Sunfury sub faction. (Maybe the latter, since they are part of the Quel'Thalas society.)

    Again, I just don't think you can have a "Farstrider" sub faction feature, because your essentially saying that blood elves should ONLY be Hunters. That's their core, whilst saying something ridiculous like Highborne are a HUGE part of night elf society, when they aren't.
    Their is more to the Sin'dorei than just being a bunch of Farstriders, so singling them out and ignoring the Magisters (the Mage class being the core class on how Blizzard originally introduced the Blood Elves), just seems silly.

    again, if you want Highborne, then the ideal scenario is that the Sunfury-sub faction is opened up and with that, comes features for all classes, including but not limited to, runic facials and body tattoos.

    It's like saying that Night Elves shouldn't have a "Highborne" sub features, but have a "Cenarian" feature, which is more than Night Elf Druids, as it can work for Night Elf Warriors and Hunters.
    Last edited by Tanaria; 2021-10-16 at 01:51 PM.

  4. #25484
    Quote Originally Posted by Tanaria View Post
    Sunreavers sub faction would be better.

    Magisters can warrant their own features such as runes and Rommath-like tattoos, but again - it should all fall under either a Sunreaver sub faction or Sunfury sub faction. (Maybe the latter, since they are part of the Quel'Thalas society.)
    Agreed, Sunreavers sub faction wouldbe better, it allows them to do more interesting things, a multi magi complex society, - the Sunreavers more in the vein of the old high elf institution and the Magisters incorporating new avenues like the blood mages etc, and competing influences. Etc.

    At the heart, the Sunreavers would be the outward facing Magi group of the blood elves.. so they are heavily involved with Dalaran, global affairs, world building etc, so also very proper.. but the Magisters of Silvermoon is very factional..it's blood elf loyal, and horde loyal, stuff other mages like the Kirin'tor or especially the Highborne or Nightborne might not approve of or they may want to keep away, could be options to explore there.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tanaria View Post
    Again, I just don't think you can have a "Farstrider" sub faction feature, because your essentially saying that blood elves should ONLY be Hunters. That's their core, whilst saying something ridiculous like Highborne are a HUGE part of night elf society, when they aren't.
    Their is more to the Sin'dorei than just being a bunch of Farstriders, so singling them out and ignoring the Magisters (the Mage class being the core class on how Blizzard originally introduced the Blood Elves), just seems silly.
    Should take the tie to read what I'm writing instead of respond It sounds like you have pre-conceived ideas of what I think Farstriders should be, without actually looking at what I'm writing.

    When does having Farstrider as a sub-faction feature mean or where did you read to think I was saying blood elves should only be hunters. How does having a Farstrider subfaction mean that? You have just stated Sunreavers can be a faction open up to several classes, I pretty much said essentially that for the Farstriders.. there is no where that says they are exclusively hunters.. they aren't even hunters, we know of them as Rangers, hunter is just a class type, generic to explore a playstyle with several fantasies, but doesn't necessarily incorporate everything a ranger can be.. and who is to say Rangers are the only ones that can be Farstriders or should be?

    Even if that was the case in the past, who is to say they remained that way after all the upheaval to their society? I don't get you sometimes.

    ALso, I didn't say Highborne are a huge part of the alliance night elf society now... but I state the arcane is a huge part of the night elf race. (race =/= the same as society here, and arcane magic =/= as pracitising the arcane or arcane spell casting.) Furthermore, the Highborne are their own society and group. It's a smaller group of people that have joined a larger populace of people..at least it was larger until theWoT.. if you facotr in the war of thorns account, the highborne are probably now a large portion of the Kaldorei alliance elves.. because mos tof htose that were slaughtered were Darnassian folk.. the mages were doing portals or orking for the kirin'tor...bu that's another topic.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tanaria View Post
    again, if you want Highborne, then the ideal scenario is that the Sunfury-sub faction is opened up and with that, comes features for all classes, including but not limited to, runic facials and body tattoos.

    It's like saying that Night Elves shouldn't have a "Highborne" sub features, but have a "Cenarian" feature, which is more than Night Elf Druids, as it can work for Night Elf Warriors and Hunters.
    Yes agreed with you there. Which is why I wasn't saying that. Not opposing the idea of a sunfury sub-faction, I think it's a very good idea.

    Stop being so defensive. I don't hate blood elves or looking to disadvantage them.. No need to get prickly over it.

    But as this is a high elf topic.. I would add that High elf would show up as a preset of void elf. So if void elves get tattoos and farstrider tattoos etc, they would be available to them. Now should high elf have an additional Silver Covenant sub-faction label? Don't think so, although they could make "high elf" as "Silver Covenanat" label instead of High elf.. the latter might be better than the former, but high elf is the label people want to see, you'd lose out big time by calling the preset Silver Covenant. And if you have High elf down there, you shouldn't bother with a SIlver Covenant preset, but focus on more void elf related sub-factions like the Riftwalkers, Riftblades etc imo
    Last edited by Mace; 2021-10-18 at 12:14 PM.

  5. #25485
    Quote Originally Posted by Luck4 View Post
    While I'm happy about the almost 100% High Elf look on the Alliance, I'm still a bit sad that doomsayers were right when they said that High Elves would only be a thing when this game would be on the bottom/dying.

    I'm praying for the next expansion to be successful, so I can enjoy the High Elves a little longer.
    Lol, but kinda, yeah.

  6. #25486
    Quote Originally Posted by FossilFree View Post
    Are they done with Void Elves now? Hair colors, ear sizes, and tentacle toggle doesn't really compare to all the options LFD, HMT, and Nightborne got.
    I see it more as a bandaid to fix player wishes.
    In the future youcan just remove tentacles from the new stuff.
    I hope they start focus on only void-stuff now though. They are after all VOID elves. The High-elf look is just a great bonus

  7. #25487
    Quote Originally Posted by FossilFree View Post
    Oh yea, I forgot about the tent.

    I like the idea of letting you choose factions. Just start out at unfriendly rep or something and have Timbermaw Hold style turn-ins to gain favor with that faction.
    I would really just love a Mercenary type of gameplay where you could earn reputation with each faction individually, but some would be opposite to others, a la Aldor/Scryer.

    As for the heavily factioned missions, they could be either just be disabled (for example, missions where you're treated as a General) Or they could be reworked as you being an Agent for the SI:7/Honorbound (or another one of your own characters mmm)

  8. #25488
    Quote Originally Posted by Rootsbum View Post
    I see it more as a bandaid to fix player wishes.
    In the future youcan just remove tentacles from the new stuff.
    I hope they start focus on only void-stuff now though. They are after all VOID elves. The High-elf look is just a great bonus
    They have enough variety in colors now that I think they can start working on voidy options too.

    Quote Originally Posted by MyWholeLifeIsThunder View Post
    I would really just love a Mercenary type of gameplay where you could earn reputation with each faction individually, but some would be opposite to others, a la Aldor/Scryer.

    As for the heavily factioned missions, they could be either just be disabled (for example, missions where you're treated as a General) Or they could be reworked as you being an Agent for the SI:7/Honorbound (or another one of your own characters mmm)
    I would like something like that. They could also maintain the ability to switch back, but it would require even more effort, just like Aldor/Scryers.

  9. #25489
    It is clear that this is only the beginning. These options are still missing for the Ren'dorei:

    - Green eyes (they have Sin'dorei scholars too amidst their ranks)
    - Red eyes (all Death Knights should get them really)
    - Entropic Embrace: Either give the option to make it a Permanent state or give skin options that closely resemble it
    - Tattoos, both Magister-themed (the second-in-command of the Ren'dorei is a Magister...) and Farstrider-themed, emanating Void energy
    - Unique hair effects, "astral hair" so to say
    - Unique Corruption effects, like eyes resembling the Eye of N'Zoth, or the option to have a "third" eye on the forehead that resembles an Eye of N'Zoth; perhaps an option to have half the face "scarred" and "distorted" similar to Zuraal the Ascended from the Seat of the Triumvirate dungeon
    - Unique skin colour where you can have patches of dark skin and patches of fair skin
    - Unique hand effects similar to the ones the Nightborne are getting, but with Void energy instead of Arcane
    - More jewelry options; necklace, armbands, bracelets, like the Blood elves got; also bandages similar to the Ethereals (the Ren'dorei were doomed to become just like the Ethereals before Alleria intervened)
    - Utilizing the Mechagnome mechanic, give the option to have a "tentacle-arm" similar to the Faceless Ones

    This is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of customization.
    Last edited by Varodoc; 2021-10-22 at 10:59 AM.

  10. #25490
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    It is clear that this is only the beginning. These options are still missing for the Ren'dorei:

    - Green eyes (they have Sin'dorei scholars too amidst their ranks)
    - Red eyes (all Death Knights should get them really)
    - Entropic Embrace: Either give the option to make it a Permanent state or give skin options that closely resemble it
    - Tattoos, both Magister-themed (the second-in-command of the Ren'dorei is a Magister...) and Farstrider-themed, emanating Void energy
    - Unique hair effects, "astral hair" so to say
    - Unique Corruption effects, like eyes resembling the Eye of N'Zoth, or the option to have a "third" eye on the forehead that resembles an Eye of N'Zoth; perhaps an option to have half the face "scarred" and "distorted" similar to Zuraal the Ascended from the Seat of the Triumvirate dungeon
    - Unique skin colour where you can have patches of dark skin and patches of fair skin
    - Unique hand effects similar to the ones the Nightborne are getting, but with Void energy instead of Arcane
    - More jewelry options; necklace, armbands, bracelets, like the Blood elves got; also bandages similar to the Ethereals (the Ren'dorei were doomed to become just like the Ethereals before Alleria intervened)
    - Utilizing the Mechagnome mechanic, give the option to have a "tentacle-arm" similar to the Faceless Ones

    This is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of customization.
    Disagree on Red eyes, it's the main distinguishing factor between Dark fallen, and non-Lich controlled or empowered undead. that blue glow is frost death magic - but the red can symbolise something else not related.

    Astral hair prob should go to night elves, but void star hair to void elves - they coud use that as another visual similarity/connection between night and void elves - one looks at the bright silver stars of hte cosmos, the oter looks into the deep void with the purple nexus glow of the stars.. could be interesting. I'd say more interesting hair effects too on the void side. Like adding purple tinges effect (separate from tentacles). So you have 3:
    1. Void star version of astral hair (normal astral to go to night elves)
    2. Purple/mauve tinged dual hair colour
    3. Void effects hair, more versions than the current one. Even have a "living hair effect"

    Definitely corruption effects

    More jewellery option too.

    I'd agree with one shade of green because technically yes, the core of the void elves are blood elves more so than high elves.

    Tentacle arm option is an awesome idea.

    We got pretty much a lot of what we wanted for Nightborne, is no one pushing this for void elves?

  11. #25491
    In a dream world Blizzard would implement all of the above; but at the same time, Blizzard knows that the Ren'dorei are the best and most popular allied race ever, while the Nightborne, LF Draenei, and HM Tauren were in dire need of a miracle, so they might just take the lazy route and say "Ah well, the Void elves print millions just by existing, so there's no point in adding further options for them".

    The curse of being extremely popular and marketable

  12. #25492
    The Lightbringer Ardenaso's Avatar
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    WIP on updating Vereesa Windrunner in WC3 Reforged:

    The Alliance gets the Horde's most popular race. The Horde should get the Alliance's most popular race in return. Alteraci Humans for the Horde!

    I make Warcraft 3 Reforged HD custom models and I'm also an HD model reviewer.

  13. #25493
    The Lightbringer Ardenaso's Avatar
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    and she's done! and she's more closer to Vereesa in WoW

    The Alliance gets the Horde's most popular race. The Horde should get the Alliance's most popular race in return. Alteraci Humans for the Horde!

    I make Warcraft 3 Reforged HD custom models and I'm also an HD model reviewer.

  14. #25494
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    In a dream world Blizzard would implement all of the above; but at the same time, Blizzard knows that the Ren'dorei are the best and most popular allied race ever, while the Nightborne, LF Draenei, and HM Tauren were in dire need of a miracle, so they might just take the lazy route and say "Ah well, the Void elves print millions just by existing, so there's no point in adding further options for them".

    The curse of being extremely popular and marketable
    I’m curious to see what Nightborne, HM Tauren and LF Draenei numbers will be after the patch.

    Allied races should have inspired people who wouldn’t normally pick the main race, to pick the allied a race.

    I’m this respect, I think only Nightborne, Zanadalari and Dark Irons succeeded. Every other race failed.

    But void elves are in a different category. Even though their customisations still seem lacking on the void side of the equation, the high elf side will smash their records out of the water.

    They will eat most out of human population IMO, because night elves not only had good customisations, but, blood elves and human revamp already ate away the night elf population. And nightborne, even after this revamp which looks good, are merely a night elf alternative rather than significantly better to force a high popularity.

    People have always wanted to play Hogh elves. Not night elves really. Night elves are only popular because of their lore - and because despite their models being disappointing in the revamp, they are still preferred over the looks for gnomes, dwarves, Draenei and Worgen for most who play them.

  15. #25495
    Quote Originally Posted by Beloren View Post
    I’m curious to see what Nightborne, HM Tauren and LF Draenei numbers will be after the patch.

    Allied races should have inspired people who wouldn’t normally pick the main race, to pick the allied a race.

    I’m this respect, I think only Nightborne, Zanadalari and Dark Irons succeeded. Every other race failed.

    But void elves are in a different category. Even though their customisations still seem lacking on the void side of the equation, the high elf side will smash their records out of the water.

    They will eat most out of human population IMO, because night elves not only had good customisations, but, blood elves and human revamp already ate away the night elf population. And nightborne, even after this revamp which looks good, are merely a night elf alternative rather than significantly better to force a high popularity.

    People have always wanted to play Hogh elves. Not night elves really. Night elves are only popular because of their lore - and because despite their models being disappointing in the revamp, they are still preferred over the looks for gnomes, dwarves, Draenei and Worgen for most who play them.
    No doubt allied races will become much more popular, especially now that the Rep grind has been removed.

    Before people had to get Exalted with the Argus reputations to play the Legion allied races (Alliance side), which obviously meant a lot of people gave up because it takes like 1 month to grind out Exalted for the Argussian Reach/Army of the Light. I know from experience

  16. #25496
    While I'd expect all four allied races getting new options to see some level of increase in population, especially in light of the easement of unlocking, I would not be surprised if nightborne numbers see a noticeable surge. Of the four, the nightborne really came out with a good selection of options imo, even if the options weren't 100% perfect. Lightforged are probably the next best out of the bunch. While I really love what the highmountain got, it didn't really scream "massive upgrade" to me.

    The void elves got the least attention, but the hair colors and tentacle toggle are incredibly impactful options that open the complete high elf aesthetic to the alliance now. I'm not sure if that will result in more people rolling/race-changing to void elf, or just more void elves using high elf aesthetics, but it's a win for those seeking alliance high elves any way you look at it.

    I doubt that the void elf options will entice anyone to faction swap, so any ideas that this will affect population numbers is probably wishful thinking. With that said, I'm absolutely going to be rocking my black hair come tuesday and be a very happy "half-elf"!

  17. #25497
    Epic! Pheraz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
    While I'd expect all four allied races getting new options to see some level of increase in population, especially in light of the easement of unlocking, I would not be surprised if nightborne numbers see a noticeable surge. Of the four, the nightborne really came out with a good selection of options imo, even if the options weren't 100% perfect. Lightforged are probably the next best out of the bunch. While I really love what the highmountain got, it didn't really scream "massive upgrade" to me.

    The void elves got the least attention, but the hair colors and tentacle toggle are incredibly impactful options that open the complete high elf aesthetic to the alliance now. I'm not sure if that will result in more people rolling/race-changing to void elf, or just more void elves using high elf aesthetics, but it's a win for those seeking alliance high elves any way you look at it.

    I doubt that the void elf options will entice anyone to faction swap, so any ideas that this will affect population numbers is probably wishful thinking. With that said, I'm absolutely going to be rocking my black hair come tuesday and be a very happy "half-elf"!

    Looks slick!

    I think it will give a little active player spike because many people waited for this for over a decade.
    Maybe in the long run we might win some horde players back though, we'll see.

    I'm so ready for this patch xD
    Zorn | Vynd | Pheraz | Sylwina | Mondlicht | Eis | Blut | Emerelle - Plus 20 more...

  18. #25498
    they really need to make high elves their own race

  19. #25499
    Quote Originally Posted by The-Shan View Post
    Pretty cool!

    Now you can make them on the alliance, I don’t get what the big deal was.

    They are no different to blood elves aesthetically. But thematically are very different because blizzard separated the factions so.

    - - - Updated - - -

    As a new player you won’t think twice that you can have the high elf loom on the void elf - not that you would know.

    Blood elf does seem a bit lesser because you have the void option distinctions on void elves that blood elves don’t have.

    What they need to even the scales is give undead blood elf options available for all classes not just DK. But only DKs get the smoky blue eyes, blood elves get red eyes, tattoos and vampire fangs? (Or is that too night elfy?

  20. #25500
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    In a dream world Blizzard would implement all of the above; but at the same time, Blizzard knows that the Ren'dorei are the best and most popular allied race ever, while the Nightborne, LF Draenei, and HM Tauren were in dire need of a miracle, so they might just take the lazy route and say "Ah well, the Void elves print millions just by existing, so there's no point in adding further options for them".

    The curse of being extremely popular and marketable
    When 9.1.5 dropps nightborne will take over.

    Also no to green and red eyes.. those are blood elven and darkfallen sanlayn/ dark ranger options. Void elves shoudlnt get all blood elf options...

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by sunhawk spy View Post
    they really need to make high elves their own race
    Nah we are fine were we are.

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