1. #25501
    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    Nah we are fine were we are.
    There are no High Elves in the game. If you are Alliance, you are 100% Void Elf, with Void Elf racials, and Horde are still Blood Elves.

  2. #25502
    I really expected (hoped) this thread to be spammed with high elf transmogs. I’m disappointed. I want to see everyone’s high elf pride while I wait at work to make my own!

  3. #25503
    Quote Originally Posted by Edoll View Post
    I really expected (hoped) this thread to be spammed with high elf transmogs. I’m disappointed. I want to see everyone’s high elf pride while I wait at work to make my own!
    Yeah, it's kind of weird after all the months of hype. Even on my server, there aren't many players around barbershops. Guess not many people decided to resub.

  4. #25504
    Quote Originally Posted by BaumanKing View Post
    Yeah, it's kind of weird after all the months of hype. Even on my server, there aren't many players around barbershops. Guess not many people decided to resub.
    We are all in the barbershop man. And EU just woke up to the patch and gotta pay them bills first *snap*

    - - - Updated - - -

    Not quite sure yet what style to choose

    Edit again:
    Going to the tendril-helf-look. I will be swapping between tendrils and dark skin to find my favorite look.
    So happy ^^
    Last edited by Rootsbum; 2021-11-03 at 07:52 AM.

  5. #25505
    Quote Originally Posted by Edoll View Post
    I really expected (hoped) this thread to be spammed with high elf transmogs. I’m disappointed. I want to see everyone’s high elf pride while I wait at work to make my own!
    Quote Originally Posted by BaumanKing View Post
    Yeah, it's kind of weird after all the months of hype. Even on my server, there aren't many players around barbershops. Guess not many people decided to resub.
    While I can't speak for everyone, I think for many its just too little, too late. I'm glad everyone has them now, but some copy pasted textures and things that should have been in SL from the get go wont bring me back. Lifes too short to spend it pining for a game dev to click and drag some textures.

  6. #25506
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    Quote Originally Posted by BaumanKing View Post
    Yeah, it's kind of weird after all the months of hype. Even on my server, there aren't many players around barbershops. Guess not many people decided to resub.
    Just let me come home
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  7. #25507
    Yeah, I'm really glad for all of you.

  8. #25508
    The Patient Shadowtwili's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beloren View Post
    What they need to even the scales is give felblood elf options available for all classes.
    As a long time blood elf warlock I fixed that for you.

    Everyone remembers the felblood elves from The Burning Crusade!

    Quote Originally Posted by The-Shan View Post
    Differentiate them by leaning blood elves into the light+fel aesthetics more (magic hands like nightborne, maybe some sunwell-inspired lightforging), give void elves more high elf+void trademarks, i.e alleria's tattoos, more magic effects (like the nightborne magic hands but a void equivalent)
    Alleria's tattoo's aren't "high" elf aesthetic, they are ranger aesthetic which the blood elves have too.

    That said, I would go for the Felblood, Light and Wretched choices.
    Wretched options could give blood elves more a more starved appearance, clawlike hands and feet, orbs growing from the back, black mouths (and give Nightborne more Wretched appearances).
    Felblood would obviously just be updated HDified felblood elves appearances, black bird-like wings, horns from the forehead, clear fangs, different skintones as seen in Wretched NPC's.
    Light would be easiest imho, Light tattoo's that's basicly it. Sorry Light users!

    I would like more magic effects on the elf races in general, void elves more void effects, nightborne more arcane effects etc.

  9. #25509
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    It is clear that this is only the beginning. These options are still missing for the Ren'dorei:

    - Green eyes (they have Sin'dorei scholars too amidst their ranks)
    - Red eyes (all Death Knights should get them really)
    - Entropic Embrace: Either give the option to make it a Permanent state or give skin options that closely resemble it
    - Tattoos, both Magister-themed (the second-in-command of the Ren'dorei is a Magister...) and Farstrider-themed, emanating Void energy
    - Unique hair effects, "astral hair" so to say
    - Unique Corruption effects, like eyes resembling the Eye of N'Zoth, or the option to have a "third" eye on the forehead that resembles an Eye of N'Zoth; perhaps an option to have half the face "scarred" and "distorted" similar to Zuraal the Ascended from the Seat of the Triumvirate dungeon
    - Unique skin colour where you can have patches of dark skin and patches of fair skin
    - Unique hand effects similar to the ones the Nightborne are getting, but with Void energy instead of Arcane
    - More jewelry options; necklace, armbands, bracelets, like the Blood elves got; also bandages similar to the Ethereals (the Ren'dorei were doomed to become just like the Ethereals before Alleria intervened)
    - Utilizing the Mechagnome mechanic, give the option to have a "tentacle-arm" similar to the Faceless Ones

    This is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of customization.
    In a shocking fucking turn of events I agree with 90% of what you said in this post.

  10. #25510
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  11. #25511
    Okay so there's already a problem right off the bat.

    Nightborne: 3 pages of customization
    LF Draenei: 3 pages of customization
    Hm Tauren: 3 pages of customization

    Void elves: 1 page of customization

    This must be a joke right?
    Last edited by Varodoc; 2021-11-04 at 08:07 AM.

  12. #25512
    I've made my Void Elf Warrior into a High Elf and he does look pretty cool.

    But, everytime I do log onto him, I do want to swap back to my Blood Elves.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Pheraz View Post
    How do you post your images like that?

  13. #25513
    Quote Originally Posted by The-Shan View Post
    an addon called Narcissus, takes amazing screenshots
    Ah thanks

    And how do you upload them to here? Whenever I try, I've got to forward a link, but it never truly works.

  14. #25514
    Epic! Pheraz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The-Shan View Post
    an addon called Narcissus, takes amazing screenshots
    But until yesterday evening the add-on wasn't updated for the be patch and some lua errors pop up while using it. But normally this is one of the best add-ons around
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  15. #25515
    Quote Originally Posted by Pheraz View Post
    But until yesterday evening the add-on wasn't updated for the be patch and some lua errors pop up while using it. But normally this is one of the best add-ons around
    So (when the addon is playing ball) you just upload the screenshot to imgur and then paste the link here?

  16. #25516
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tanaria View Post
    So (when the addon is playing ball) you just upload the screenshot to imgur and then paste the link here?
    Yes exactly
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  17. #25517
    Bloodsail Admiral Aldo Hawk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowtwili View Post
    As a long time blood elf warlock I fixed that for you.
    It's rude to edit quotes.

    Everyone remembers the felblood elves from The Burning Crusade!
    I don't think felblood would be a good option. Maybe the Blood Elves could lose the Sunwell again, I think the Blood Elf fantasy has been too diminished by them having it back, if they loose it again, they could be using alternative powers as fel instead.

    That said, I would go for the Felblood, Light and Wretched choices.
    Wretched options could give blood elves more a more starved appearance, clawlike hands and feet, orbs growing from the back, black mouths (and give Nightborne more Wretched appearances).
    Wretched Blood Elves aren't a starved state precisely, they get to this stage by consuming too much magical energy at once, arcane energy more specifically, it's like a crackhead that's very deep in shit.

    Felblood would obviously just be updated HDified felblood elves appearances, black bird-like wings, horns from the forehead, clear fangs, different skintones as seen in Wretched NPC's.
    As I said, that would be a bit extreme, but maybe some fel tattoos, scars, some scales, but not like demon

    Light would be easiest imho, Light tattoo's that's basicly it. Sorry Light users!
    Yeah why not.

    I would like more magic effects on the elf races in general, void elves more void effects, nightborne more arcane effects etc.
    That would be so cool.

  18. #25518
    Man, people keep going on about how the restoration of the Sunwell was a mistake, and for what reason? The race evolved. The Sunwell's been restored in real time now than it was destroyed, and their phase of fel/desperation was actually brief in the overall history of the race now.
    Did they start there? Yes. Are they that now? Absolutely not. The Blood Elves have, still are, and will always be the quintessential paladin race of the Horde.

    Holy theme customization makes the most sense for them going forwards, and if people aren't a fan of that, they can either not use those options, or they have another option with the more chaotic/gothic void elves, if they can stomach going Alliance. (Which is somehow the end of the world to some people to get what they want.)

    You can play a High Elf on either faction, but it's extremely clear with the story that those elves have split off with a major themeatic. Alliance has Void/Gothic traits, and the Horde has Holy/"Royal" traits to them. They mirror each other, and there's been hints of a Light vs Void plot coming.

    Also, sorry, red eyes absolutely suit Void Elves way more than Blood Elves. (Red is a void colour in both WoW, and across media in general.)

    And San'layn are not Horde. They failed to join the Horde, betrayed them after Talanji stated she already didn't trust them (do Alliance quests), and the Void Elves already cover a lot of the requests san'layn players have had like hairstyles, and the eye colours except red. If those options are going to anybody, it's likely them because they have almost the entire kit covered anyways, and you can make one on retail now if you can live without red eyes - especially as a DK.
    When it comes down to ease of implementation, if it's as simple as one eye colour, and a bonus of a single ear shape and maybe tints to existing skins, it's viable.

    Also, Dar'khan was scourge, had nothing to do with the void, yet played a major part in Umbric's backstory? Either they were going to be san'layn and it got changed in development, or there's a huge opening right there for a subrace recruitment.

    They're about as "blood elf" as a void elf is, but the void elves actually can use red - a void colour - to make them a subrace with very little work compared to blood elves, who'd need to have void elf assets to make it work for them.
    Last edited by Schwert; 2021-11-04 at 03:51 PM.

  19. #25519
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tanaria View Post
    Ah thanks

    And how do you upload them to here? Whenever I try, I've got to forward a link, but it never truly works.
    I used Imgur and then get the real link not embedded or whatever needs to end with .png

    Then include it here with the image button in this touch text editor we write in
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  20. #25520
    Bloodsail Admiral Aldo Hawk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schwert View Post
    Man, people keep going on about how the restoration of the Sunwell was a mistake, and for what reason? The race evolved. The Sunwell's been restored in real time now than it was destroyed, and their phase of fel/desperation was actually brief in the overall history of the race now.
    Did they start there? Yes. Are they that now? Absolutely not.
    The time where they had their city destroyed until now it's short in the lore's timeline, but in the games and media, what we had as Blood elves until the end of TbC was a race of elves who were decimated and adopted a survival mindset that draw them into the use of dangerous magic and questionable measures.

    It's the sentiment that they have lost what made them so different and spicy, edgy even, it's a matter of taste, so I can understand that you don't mind that they were changed due to lore writing decisions.

    The Blood Elves have, still are, and will always be the quintessential paladin race of the Horde.
    I don't think anyone could reasonably doubt that, given that they had some sort of paladins and priests even when they lost their faith to the light.

    You can play a High Elf on either faction, but it's extremely clear with the story that those elves have split off with a major themeatic. Alliance has Void/Gothic traits, and the Horde has Holy/"Royal" traits to them. They mirror each other, and there's been hints of a Light vs Void plot coming.
    Not really, Blood elves don't call themselves High elves and viceversa.

    This can only make sense in a broad use of the concepts, but Warcraft has these concepts defined.

    Also, sorry, red eyes absolutely suit Void Elves way more than Blood Elves. (Red is a void colour in both WoW, and across media in general.)
    Yeah, I also think red eyes don't suit Blood elves very well.

    And San'layn are not Horde. They failed to join the Horde, betrayed them after Talanji stated she already didn't trust them (do Alliance quests), and the Void Elves already cover a lot of the requests san'layn players have had like hairstyles, and the eye colours except red. If those options are going to anybody, it's likely them because they have almost the entire kit covered anyways, and you can make one on retail now if you can live without red eyes - especially as a DK.
    When it comes down to ease of implementation, if it's as simple as one eye colour, and a bonus of a single ear shape and maybe tints to existing skins, it's viable.
    I would have said otherwise in the past, but with Sylvanas now gone from power... I don't know how the future of the Forsaken might be.

    Maybe there's a place for the San'layn or not, but with current events I doubt it more.

    But with people playing "San'layn" as Void elves there's the same problem as playing "High elves" with Blood elves; It's the wrong faction.

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