1. #25701
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    The Ren'dorei cannot be categorized actually. They have some elements of the "Dark elf" archetype but they have elements of other archetype of elves too.
    Like what?

    And, unlike many Dark elves throughout fiction, the Ren'dorei are not particularly associated to forest realm.
    Why would dark elves be associated with forest?

    The Kaldorei are as much "Dark elves" as the Ren'dorei because it's such a broad category.
    The Kaldorei are actually half based on the Drow of D&D as well as the Nightborne. The other half is wood elves.

    Quote Originally Posted by MyWholeLifeIsThunder View Post
    High Elf *shrug emoji* because no other group calls themselves that, and they have been referred as such all this time, by pretty much everyone.

    Either way, I don't care if they change their names to be honest. If they decided to drop the "High" and just refer themselves as "Elves" or take any other name I wouldn't mind.
    No. I meant their elven name. Meaning, [what]dorei?

  2. #25702
    Quote Originally Posted by username993720 View Post
    No. I meant their elven name. Meaning, [what]dorei?
    As I already said, they don't need to have a different name on Darnassian because they already have different names in common. I really don't think it's important at all that both Highborne and High Elves share the same darnassian name. Is a peculiarity that reflects on their shared heritage at most, but given that most conversations are in common as the shared language amongst races, that their common names are different is enough.

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    Underwear color linked to jewelry color, as it is for LFD.

  3. #25703
    The Lightbringer Ardenaso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MyWholeLifeIsThunder View Post
    I don't think VE's are going to get Paladins unless the Paladin class fantasy changes, but even that feels more likely than Humans getting a new bodytype with HE options.
    yes the VEs shouldn't get Paladin class as it's contradictory and the "Alliance High Elf Paladin" should be just obtainable in Stormwindian Human with just an elf ear option and some extra body types; it may not be close to Blood Elves but at least it's close for the Alliance High Elf
    The Alliance gets the Horde's most popular race. The Horde should get the Alliance's most popular race in return. Alteraci Humans for the Horde!

    I make Warcraft 3 Reforged HD custom models and I'm also an HD model reviewer.

  4. #25704
    Quote Originally Posted by Ardenaso View Post
    not Horde, the Blood Elves and the Forsaken should've been their own faction
    the blood elves had to be illidari. Naga, broken, blood elf and satyr

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    The Ren'dorei cannot be categorized actually. They have some elements of the "Dark elf" archetype but they have elements of other archetype of elves too. And, unlike many Dark elves throughout fiction, the Ren'dorei are not particularly associated to forest realm.

    The Kaldorei are as much "Dark elves" as the Ren'dorei because it's such a broad category.
    Night elves are more like wood elved

  5. #25705
    Quote Originally Posted by Ardenaso View Post
    yes the VEs shouldn't get Paladin class as it's contradictory and the "Alliance High Elf Paladin" should be just obtainable in Stormwindian Human with just an elf ear option and some extra body types; it may not be close to Blood Elves but at least it's close for the Alliance High Elf
    I think they should get paladins, but only as Void Knights. Basically, Void Elf paladins would get a warlock green fire type deal that changes all their spells to void versions.

  6. #25706
    The Void elves absolutely can get a Void-version of Paladins.

    We already know that the Twilight's Hammer Cult had Void paladins in its service. They ARE a thing.

  7. #25707
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    The Void elves absolutely can get a Void-version of Paladins.

    We already know that the Twilight's Hammer Cult had Void paladins in its service. They ARE a thing.
    This is true.

  8. #25708
    Quote Originally Posted by Ardenaso View Post
    yes the VEs shouldn't get Paladin class as it's contradictory and the "Alliance High Elf Paladin" should be just obtainable in Stormwindian Human with just an elf ear option and some extra body types; it may not be close to Blood Elves but at least it's close for the Alliance High Elf
    Void Elf Paladin is highly unlikeable, buuuut I think it's more likely than Stormwindian Humans with extra body types and elf ear option. That is to say, both seem VERY unlikely to me.

    Half Elf AR might bee as unlikely, but I do believe they are a good AR choice alongside Mok'nathal, and Half Elven Paladins would make 100% sense.

    But if I am honest, they all seem very far on the unlikely side, yet IDK, Void Elven Paladins could be the most likely if we pair them with Class Skin concepts.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FossilFree View Post
    This is true.

    Stuff like these make me believe that Void Paladins as a Class Skin could very well be possible, but it would *have* to be linked to a Class Skin, because it need the explanation of being a Void Paladin, and with the current Paladin lore it doesn't really work.

    So I think it's plausible, but dependent on Class Skin concepts.

  9. #25709
    Quote Originally Posted by MyWholeLifeIsThunder View Post
    Stuff like these make me believe that Void Paladins as a Class Skin could very well be possible, but it would *have* to be linked to a Class Skin, because it need the explanation of being a Void Paladin, and with the current Paladin lore it doesn't really work.

    So I think it's plausible, but dependent on Class Skin concepts.
    Class skins would be great, there is so much you can do with them. I hope we get at least a few before long!

  10. #25710
    Quote Originally Posted by FossilFree View Post
    This is true.

    yeah voidladin!!!

  11. #25711
    Quote Originally Posted by MyWholeLifeIsThunder View Post
    As I already said, they don't need to have a different name on Darnassian because they already have different names in common. I really don't think it's important at all that both Highborne and High Elves share the same darnassian name. Is a peculiarity that reflects on their shared heritage at most, but given that most conversations are in common as the shared language amongst races, that their common names are different is enough.
    It is important, lore-wise.

  12. #25712
    Quote Originally Posted by username993720 View Post
    It is important, lore-wise.

    /10 char

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    And more stuff

  13. #25713
    Quote Originally Posted by MyWholeLifeIsThunder View Post

    /10 char
    Why do you think they call each elf race a different something-dorei?

  14. #25714
    Quote Originally Posted by username993720 View Post
    Why do you think they call each elf race a different something-dorei?
    I don't think it's all that important that the name is shared.

  15. #25715
    Quote Originally Posted by Tanaria View Post
    I don't think it's all that important that the name is shared.
    I think it does.

  16. #25716
    Quote Originally Posted by username993720 View Post
    I think it does.
    When High Elves and Highborne interact, but when does that happen, other than in Dalaran between the male highborne enchanter and the male high elf enchanter.

  17. #25717
    I've always thought one way to continue customizing our characters would be to have several racial-specific class skins. Not as thorough as some of the class skin concepts we've seen, but just enough to distinguish them so we have a lot of flavor.

    Void Elf Paladins become playable in the form of Void Knights, and their spells are tinted purple and some spells of course renamed. Mechanically, plays the exact same.
    Tauren Paladins become Sunwalkers and some of their spells are given a sun theme and with appropriate renaming, etc.

  18. #25718
    Quote Originally Posted by FossilFree View Post
    This is true.
    Yes... and not just that. Not only they wear Paladin gear, but they also use Paladin abilities and are known as "Twilight Vindicators"; "Vindicator" is a draenei name for "Paladin".

    What people also ignore is that the Ren'dorei, being exiled Sin'dorei for the most part, might also have former Blood Knights amongst their ranks. The Blood Knights are infamous for having drawn their powers from a chained Light Naaru.

    What if the Ren'dorei accomplished the same thing, but with a Void Naaru instead? The Naaru would be siphoned of its Void energies and they would be used to empower chosen Ren'dorei warriors, thus giving a twisted and dark reflection of what we know as the "Paladin", the holy warrior.
    Last edited by Varodoc; 2022-03-06 at 02:05 PM.

  19. #25719
    Quote Originally Posted by Tanaria View Post
    When High Elves and Highborne interact, but when does that happen, other than in Dalaran between the male highborne enchanter and the male high elf enchanter.
    When you define a race.
    It can't share a name with another one.

  20. #25720
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    Yes... and not just that. Not only they wear Paladin gear, but they also use Paladin abilities and are known as "Twilight Vindicators"; "Vindicator" is a draenei name for "Paladin".

    What people also ignore is that the Ren'dorei, being exiled Sin'dorei for the most part, might also have former Blood Knights amongst their ranks. The Blood Knights are infamous for having drawn their powers from a chained Light Naaru.

    What if the Ren'dorei accomplished the same thing, but with a Void Naaru instead? The Naaru would be siphoned of its Void energies and they would be used to empower chosen Ren'dorei warriors, thus giving a twisted and dark reflection of what we know as the "Paladin", the holy warrior.
    After tbc blood knights became full light followers and the original void elves were mages.
    Voidladin are a good thing for void elves they dont need blood knights

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