1. #26081
    Brewmaster elbleuet's Avatar
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    Tell me Rhlor, aside from showing us pics of blue-eyed blood elves for the 10th time, where are your proofs in the Lore stating that blood elves consider themselves high elves ?
    "If you want to play alongside High and Void elves, the Alliance is waiting for you"

  2. #26082
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    Your standards must be abysmally low if you count that as "serious lore development".

    A wedding in a short story is not serious lore development.

    Thanessa Silvermbloom is not an important character.

    I can't tell who those other NPCs are but I can tell you that they aren't important characters either.

    As it turns out, random extras are not important characters.

    Do you know who are important characters? Alleria and Vereesa.

    Surely you had another point to make I hope?
    I always liked short stories! there are very good ones that gave a lot of development to the characters like edge of the night for sylvanas
    I'm glad blizz is reposting short stories we didn't have any in shadowlands
    about the npcs i was just posting about them i wasn't replying to you

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by elbleuet View Post
    Tell me Rhlor, aside from showing us pics of blue-eyed blood elves for the 10th time, where are your proofs in the Lore stating that blood elves consider themselves high elves ?
    a developer said they are high elves.

  3. #26083
    Brewmaster elbleuet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    a developer said they are high elves.
    First, he never said that, second you just proved you have found 0 statement in the Lore. That's just your own headcanon that's why you keep posting pics of blue-eyed blood elves.
    "If you want to play alongside High and Void elves, the Alliance is waiting for you"

  4. #26084
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    I always liked short stories! there are very good ones that gave a lot of development to the characters like edge of the night for sylvanas
    I'm glad blizz is reposting short stories we didn't have any in shadowlands
    about the npcs i was just posting about them i wasn't replying to you

    - - - Updated - - -

    a developer said they are high elves.
    I mean, you mentioned literally the only memorable short story, and only because it's the one short story that explains the character's behaviour in the following expansion. Every other short story is forgettable filler.

  5. #26085
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    Leave it to the WoW fanbase online to make such a big deal out of what defines a blood elf or a high elf.

    But in the end, does it really matter, when none of their major characters are receiving any serious lore development? Well, aside from Lor'themar Theron getting married off-screen, not that anyone cares anyway.

    Sigh, how I envy Forsaken players. How I truly envy them. It must have a been joy seeing their racial leader in the spotlight for years.

    What? Forsaken racial leader was literally a High Elf. Sylvanas being on screen is not Forsaken content, it's High Elf content. Sylvanas doesn't look forsaken, doesn't act Forsaken, in fact, she wasn't even forsaken by anyone, none of her sisters rejected her, nor did the Blood Elves, she even got to keep her boyfriend.
    If anything the Forsaken didn't get anything because their entire race was defined by the cult of personality of a High Elf banshee while all the actual Forsaken players were forced to play as rotten deformed hunchback humans who could NEVER relate to some bimbo that has the powers to fly away.

    And now it's even worse, Forsaken had their cult of personality taken away after their leader admitted her people were nothing and had mary sue Calia, an Alliance "Lightforged" Undead who was also never forsaken by anyone and ALSO has a bimbo model that players can't even come close to replicating, shoved as their new leader.

    The only race that has been pandered by Blizzard since the game was made are Orcs, who get all the cinematics about themselves, all the redemption arcs about themselves, entire expansions themed around Orcs, Orcs single-handedly saving the day at the end of expansions, etc.

  6. #26086
    Quote Originally Posted by RenTheCat View Post
    What? Forsaken racial leader was literally a High Elf. Sylvanas being on screen is not Forsaken content, it's High Elf content.
    You cannot possibly be serious right now.

  7. #26087
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    I mean, you mentioned literally the only memorable short story, and only because it's the one short story that explains the character's behaviour in the following expansion. Every other short story is forgettable filler.
    I'm sure you don't think that about A Thousand Years of War.

    I also liked dark mirror explores the relationship between nathanos and sylvanas and we find out how nathanos has his new model

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by RenTheCat View Post
    What? Forsaken racial leader was literally a High Elf. Sylvanas being on screen is not Forsaken content, it's High Elf content. Sylvanas doesn't look forsaken, doesn't act Forsaken, in fact, she wasn't even forsaken by anyone, none of her sisters rejected her, nor did the Blood Elves, she even got to keep her boyfriend.
    If anything the Forsaken didn't get anything because their entire race was defined by the cult of personality of a High Elf banshee while all the actual Forsaken players were forced to play as rotten deformed hunchback humans who could NEVER relate to some bimbo that has the powers to fly away.

    And now it's even worse, Forsaken had their cult of personality taken away after their leader admitted her people were nothing and had mary sue Calia, an Alliance "Lightforged" Undead who was also never forsaken by anyone and ALSO has a bimbo model that players can't even come close to replicating, shoved as their new leader.

    The only race that has been pandered by Blizzard since the game was made are Orcs, who get all the cinematics about themselves, all the redemption arcs about themselves, entire expansions themed around Orcs, Orcs single-handedly saving the day at the end of expansions, etc.
    sylvanas is a darkfallen.

    calia as light undead is something very new to explore as it will play out in the forsaken story. maybe we will have light undead customization in the future

  8. #26088
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    You cannot possibly be serious right now.

    The very wowpedia page for High Elves outright has a picture of Sylvanas to represent them

  9. #26089
    Quote Originally Posted by elbleuet View Post
    First, he never said that, second you just proved you have found 0 statement in the Lore. That's just your own headcanon that's why you keep posting pics of blue-eyed blood elves.
    According to a dev interview Ion gave several months ago, Blood Elves were originally unintended to have blue eyes in Shadowlands, but later on that decision was reversed following team discussions. If the art department was involved, what was the reasoning that led to blue eyes being added for Void Elves and Blood Elves?

    This is another place where there was a race, High Elves, in the game which hadn't really been represented on player characters. Blood Elves were the closest, but had felt green eyes. It was an opportunity where we had a number of elven races, and we could tie it back to their roots, letting players choose where they want to align and what fantasy to play out. We did have a lot of discussion about it, ultimately we might do more in the future, but for now we're providing the option to have a few High Elf customizations available.

    He clearly identifies High Elves as a distinct race from Blood Elves.

    customizations exist to make it a high elf

  10. #26090
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    I'm sure you don't think that about A Thousand Years of War.
    Huh, Yes, I do?

    I've said many times in the past that the first Windrunner Reunion deserved its own in-game cinematic, not some side comic with bad art.

    The little skirmish between Void Alleria and Banshee Sylvanas with Vereesa in the middle could have been depicted with proper cinematic effects instead of being delegated to a page with bad art, for instance.

    Quote Originally Posted by RenTheCat View Post

    The very wowpedia page for High Elves outright has a picture of Sylvanas to represent them
    Her face is literally the national symbol of the Forsaken.

  11. #26091
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    Huh, Yes, I do?

    I've said many times in the past that the first Windrunner Reunion deserved its own in-game cinematic, not some side comic with bad art.

    The little skirmish between Void Alleria and Banshee Sylvanas with Vereesa in the middle could have been depicted with proper cinematic effects instead of being delegated to a page with bad art, for instance.

    Her face is literally the national symbol of the Forsaken.
    I think you're talking about three sisters.
    I talk about what Alleria and Turallyon experienced during their thousand years of fighting against the legion

  12. #26092
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    I think you're talking about three sisters.
    I talk about what Alleria and Turallyon experienced during their thousand years of fighting against the legion
    I mean, we were talking about short stories, so my mind instantly zoomed on that comic, Yes.

    If we are talking about that audio drama, lol, I haven't even listened to it once. I just read the summary on WOWPedia, so yeah, I'm not exactly a fan of this kind of medium. I'd rather have all these developments be depicted in-game and given appropriate cinematics/cutscenes.

  13. #26093
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    Her face is literally the national symbol of the Forsaken.
    It's a shattered porcelain mask shedding purple tears with a bird representing the High Elves on the back. Again, the actual playable Forsaken, who are all undead humans from Lordaeron, don't even get representation on a crest, instead it's all about High Elves and Banshees. The Undead have to deal with a High Elf woman constantly mopping about being dead and taking the spotlight to constantly show how elven she is, she even made her personal army a "dark" version of the High Elven Rangers, which again has no connection at all to the Undead humans from Lordaeron, and its members were all High Elven rangers.

    Sylvanas is High Elf content, she's not only portrayed alive as a high elf time and time again but her entire identity is based around being a High Elf stuck in the past that has no ties to the Undead Humans from Lordaeron, the only race players were able to choose if they wanted to be part of the Forsaken. Darkfallen wasn't even a thing until the last novel, before that she was outright an Undead High Elf.

    The Forsaken and their playable model have never been represented outside of Wrathgate. They even went as far as to make sure all the other prominent undead characters, like Calia, Daelin and Nathanos had perfect human bodies while players are forced to walk with a hunchback and do some heavy metal sign when casting spells.

  14. #26094
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    I mean, we were talking about short stories, so my mind instantly zoomed on that comic, Yes.

    If we are talking about that audio drama, lol, I haven't even listened to it once. I just read the summary on WOWPedia, so yeah, I'm not exactly a fan of this kind of medium. I'd rather have all these developments be depicted in-game and given appropriate cinematics/cutscenes.
    itself is a short story in audio format

    I understand that you prefer stories to be developed in the game, I prefer it too. but you name veeresa as an important character when her development is mainly in novels! she is an original character from the novels.

    In any case, I think that seeing a short story of Lorthemar's wedding with another racial leader is something interesting and that it can contribute a lot to the lore of Quelthalas and Suramar.

  15. #26095
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    itself is a short story in audio format

    I understand that you prefer stories to be developed in the game, I prefer it too. but you name veeresa as an important character when her development is mainly in novels! she is an original character from the novels.

    In any case, I think that seeing a short story of Lorthemar's wedding with another racial leader is something interesting and that it can contribute a lot to the lore of Quelthalas and Suramar.
    She is the leader of the Silver Covenant, the main organization of High elves left on Azeroth (you know which high elves I am referring to so don't try to argue semantics here). Yes, she would be an important character for the High elves.

    Vereesa is infamous for the role she played in the Purge of Dalaran, but I'm willing to bet that if said Purge happened in a short story or a comic, it would not be nearly as infamous as it is now.

  16. #26096
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    She is the leader of the Silver Covenant, the main organization of High elves left on Azeroth (you know which high elves I am referring to so don't try to argue semantics here). Yes, she would be an important character for the High elves.

    Vereesa is infamous for the role she played in the Purge of Dalaran, but I'm willing to bet that if said Purge happened in a short story or a comic, it would not be nearly as infamous as it is now.
    and lor'themar also had many participations in the game like the siege of orgrimmar or the war against azshara.
    And I repeat, Veeresa is an original character from the novels and much of his development as a character is thanks to the novels.
    I think the parallel stories that can be found in other media. as comics and novels are very useful to develop the characters.

  17. #26097
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    and lor'themar also had many participations in the game like the siege of orgrimmar or the war against azshara.
    And I repeat, Veeresa is an original character from the novels and much of his development as a character is thanks to the novels.
    I think the parallel stories that can be found in other media. as comics and novels are very useful to develop the characters.
    That she originally appeared in novels is irrelevant. How many players actually knew about her before she first appeared in-game at Rhonin's side?

  18. #26098
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    That she originally appeared in novels is irrelevant. How many players actually knew about her before she first appeared in-game at Rhonin's side?
    I thought we were talking about character development. without a doubt, many people only knew about vereesa in wotlk and not from the books prior to her appearance in the game. but that she was there and that she was the wife of the leader of the kirintor is explained in the books. we can have different opinions I respect yours

    already out of that topic I put some images again

  19. #26099
    I am Murloc! FlubberPuddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    ely cannon makes it clear that these customizations exist so you can play as the high elf race. which are for both void elves and blood elves and that you choose your align

    and yes, a mod said keep posting in this thread
    I think you're taking things out of context or intentionally misrepresenting them. In the same way that wildhammer dwarves customization are available to players so they can RP they are playing as a wildhammer but that does not equal out to trying to say 'in lore, wildhammer dwarves have sworn fealty to bronzebeards hence wearing their heritage armor'.

    You're taking a player customization option and talking as if in-game lore has been changed. There is no in-game lore of a 'Horde High Elf' that's simply a Blood Elf. They're all Blood Elves and identify themselves as Blood Elves - even if there are now some with blue eyes.

    There is no such lore development of a neutral High Elf or Alliance-aligned High Elf going back to Silvermoon to join the Blood Elves, let alone calling themselves 'Horde High Elf'.

    So I'm not really sure what you're trying to get at really and I am more apt to agree with MyWholeLifeIsThunder that if you're talking about Blood Elves/Horde 'High Elves' you may as well simply keep it in whatever blood elf thread there is that others here are referring to.

    Let me repeat: There is no such thing in lore as of this moment that a self-identifying High Elf of neutral or Alliance standing recently (as in the inception of WoW) went and joined the Horde. Any High Elf that swore allegiance to the Horde was already identifying as a Blood Elf. Only Blood Elves are allied with the Horde. Whether they have blue eyes or not.

    A player customization being available doesn't need lore explanation (as nice as it would be), and a player customization being available does not mean the in-universe lore has changed to accept it until we get actual development of it.

    Case in point -> Wildhammer Dwarves as a customization doesn't mean every single WH clan has now sworn fealty to Bronzebeard Dwarf Kingdom. Sand Trolls as a customization does not mean Sand Trolls we fought are now allied with the Darkspear tribe. Hell, Dark Troll customization does not overwrite that https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Speaker_Ik%27nal this NPC is still the sole surviving Dark Troll in existence (as of BFA!).

    You are welcome to RP your own characters as such or accept others' RP of their characters as such, that has nothing to do with the game's canon for its races where they stand now until it actually becomes canonized either in-game or through game-related media from the WoW devs themselves.

  20. #26100
    Quote Originally Posted by Geisl View Post
    danuser said that lathysra goldenstar is a high elf
    Last edited by Rhlor; 2022-09-22 at 12:22 PM.

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