1. #26141
    Quote Originally Posted by BaumanKing View Post
    Since the worgen got a new racial that allows them to automatically assume human form after combat, wouldn't it be nice to get a racial for Velves that hides Entropic Embrace?
    Yes, it would be.

    The Ren'dorei are the masters of Void magic, their control of it should be good enough that they can keep their true appearance hidden even during a fight.

    Indeed, At the Battle of Lordaeron, Alleria Windrunner fought while keeping her fair-skinned form the entire time.

  2. #26142
    Quote Originally Posted by Mace View Post
    What stupid thing to say.

    Blood Elves. ARE Horde high elves
    Nightborne ARE horde night elves

    And no one would be wrong in calling void elves playable alliance high elves.

    What exactly do you think they are ? Did blizzard not coin blood elves from high elves and Nightborne from Night elves? Or are you denying the obvious then ridiculing those who point it out because you’ve somehow convinced yourself what is plain in front of your eyes isn’t there. Oh the mental gymnastics.
    That is also a slippery slope since all High Elves are Night Elves, and all Night Elves are Trolls.

    How is any race defined as becoming something else if we only recognize them for what they once were and not recognize the choices they take to be something different? It's more than just about physical attributes, it's entire cultures we are talking about.

  3. #26143
    Quote Originally Posted by Triceron View Post
    That is also a slippery slope since all High Elves are Night Elves, and all Night Elves are Trolls.

    How is any race defined as becoming something else if we only recognize them for what they once were and not recognize the choices they take to be something different? It's more than just about physical attributes, it's entire cultures we are talking about.
    We all know Blizzard gave the horde high elves in 2006 as blood elves, and off course gave the horde the night elf sub race as their version of night elf in 2016 then allowed those high elves to be playable as void elves on the alliance ensuring both factions had both types of elves albeit slightly different.

    Neither void elves nor nightborne are a full new race, we both know that. It is certainly not the same as trolls and elves who are different races and connected through new lore that comes after their introduction.

    And we both know they made night elves different enough from high elves to be considered a race albeit the same shoot and in fact only got a different skeleton model from TBC onwards for gameplay purposes rather than lore. Meanwhile Nightborne and void elves are just sub races of their main races rather than full races (like Troll/Elf) of their own ir substantially differentiated enough. ( like NElf /HElf), Trolls and Elves are anatomically different.

    Although Elves come from trolls, they are not a sub set of trolls. Nothing troll about them anymore.

    However High elves are a subset of night elf and blood/void elves are a high elf variation while Nightborne a night elf variation.

    There is nothing incorrect about calling blood elves as horde high elves, or calling Nightborne as horde night elves and it felt a rather stupid thing of him I,e, Tanaria to sneer dismissively at people who say something that is actually the case.
    Last edited by Mace; 2023-03-14 at 05:18 PM.

  4. #26144
    Quote Originally Posted by Mace View Post
    However High elves are a subset of night elf and blood/void elves are a high elf variation while Nightborne a night elf variation
    They are a model variation, but they aren't exactly the same races either. Nightborne aren't "Night Elves on Horde", they are Nightborne on Horde.

    Night Elf on Horde would be Night Elf on Horde. ie- if Broll Bearmantle decided to take a bunch of NE with him so he could be on the same faction as Rehgar and Valeera; that would be Night Elf on Horde.

    Other than sharing similar facial features, they have their own model with their own proportions, and Blizzard has gone out of their way to make them culturally distinct from NE.

    Blood Elves and Void Elves being regarded as High Elves would make sense though, since they are still directly connected to High Elven culture.
    Last edited by Triceron; 2023-03-14 at 06:08 PM.

  5. #26145
    Quote Originally Posted by Mace View Post
    @MyWholeLifeIsThunder - do you want to explain to Mace, because I truly can't be bothered.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Mace View Post
    We all know Blizzard gave the horde high elves in 2006 as blood elves, and off course gave the horde the night elf sub race as their version of night elf in 2016 then allowed those high elves to be playable as void elves on the alliance ensuring both factions had both types of elves albeit slightly different.

    Neither void elves nor nightborne are a full new race, we both know that. It is certainly not the same as trolls and elves who are different races and connected through new lore that comes after their introduction.

    And we both know they made night elves different enough from high elves to be considered a race albeit the same shoot and in fact only got a different skeleton model from TBC onwards for gameplay purposes rather than lore. Meanwhile Nightborne and void elves are just sub races of their main races rather than full races (like Troll/Elf) of their own ir substantially differentiated enough. ( like NElf /HElf), Trolls and Elves are anatomically different.

    Although Elves come from trolls, they are not a sub set of trolls. Nothing troll about them anymore.

    However High elves are a subset of night elf and blood/void elves are a high elf variation while Nightborne a night elf variation.

    There is nothing incorrect about calling blood elves as horde high elves, or calling Nightborne as horde night elves and it felt a rather stupid thing of him I,e, Tanaria to sneer dismissively at people who say something that is actually the case.
    Except that Nightborne and Blood Elves are Nightborne and Blood Elves. They are no longer "Night Elf" or "High Elf" as both Thalyssra and Kael'thas tells us.

    In the very cinematic - Thalyssra states "Slowly, it changed us." So are you saying that nelf fans are right and both Thalyssra and Blizzard are wrong?

    Nightborne are just Nightborne
    Blood Elves are just Blood Elves.

    Remove Night Elf and High Elf from them. They are no longer apart of or are relevant to those Horde races.
    The Night Elves especially, since no Night Elf was present for the wedding of Lor'themar and Thalyssra.

  6. #26146
    Quote Originally Posted by Tanaria View Post

    Except that Nightborne and Blood Elves are Nightborne and Blood Elves. They are no longer "Night Elf" or "High Elf" as both Thalyssra and Kael'thas tells us.

    In the very cinematic - Thalyssra states "Slowly, it changed us." So are you saying that nelf fans are right and both Thalyssra and Blizzard are wrong?

    Nightborne are just Nightborne
    Blood Elves are just Blood Elves.

    Remove Night Elf and High Elf from them. They are no longer apart of or are relevant to those Horde races.
    The Night Elves especially, since no Night Elf was present for the wedding of Lor'themar and Thalyssra.
    Dude, you know EXACTLY what I am saying. You should have stuck to your own advise above. I certainly will.

    You know exactly what fans mean when they say blood elves are horde high elves, or nightborne are horde night elves.

    'You know it exactly.

  7. #26147
    Quote Originally Posted by Mace View Post
    Dude, you know EXACTLY what I am saying. You should have stuck to your own advise above. I certainly will.

    You know exactly what fans mean when they say blood elves are horde high elves, or nightborne are horde night elves.

    'You know it exactly.
    But this is just Blizzard's lore.
    Two big named lore characters state that the populaces changed.

    Now, in the current times - Night Elves have basically removed themselves from the Blood Elves and Nightborne.
    Relations aren't good between them if Tyrande and Malfurion won't pass their blessing onto Lor'themar and Thalyssra.

    It's just Blood Elves and Nightborne - otherwise, we enter into the realms of the ridiculous where people talk about Blood Elves on this thread and this is NOT where that sort of discussion should be held. The point of this entire thread is very clear and the Mods have also made it clear.

  8. #26148
    Quote Originally Posted by Tanaria View Post
    But this is just Blizzard's lore.
    Two big named lore characters state that the populaces changed.

    Now, in the current times - Night Elves have basically removed themselves from the Blood Elves and Nightborne.
    Relations aren't good between them if Tyrande and Malfurion won't pass their blessing onto Lor'themar and Thalyssra.

    It's just Blood Elves and Nightborne - otherwise, we enter into the realms of the ridiculous where people talk about Blood Elves on this thread and this is NOT where that sort of discussion should be held. The point of this entire thread is very clear and the Mods have also made it clear.
    Tanaria, you know exactly what fans mean when they say this. Stop thinking people are stupid and they don't know the differences between the different elf groups. You know what they mean.

    They also specify when they are talking about high elves as a race or as a faction, as the alliance faction of the race, or blood elves as the race of high elves or the faction of high elves on the horde which you know this is exactly what they are, it's not confusing to any of the regulars here.
    Last edited by Mace; 2023-03-14 at 09:29 PM.

  9. #26149
    Quote Originally Posted by Mace View Post
    Tanaria, you know exactly what fans mean when they say this. Stop thinking people are stupid and they don't know the differences between the different elf groups. You know what they mean.

    They also specify when they are talking about high elves as a race or as a faction, as the alliance faction of the race, or blood elves as the race or the faction, it's not confusing to any of the regulars here.
    No, this thread is solely about the High Elves on the Alliance.
    No interest is given to the Blood Elves (or this silly notion of Horde High Elves as they don't exist.) This is the High Elf Megathread. Not the Blood Elf Megathread which is available when talking solely about Blood Elves.

    Do we need to get a MOD in here, to remind us of the topic?

  10. #26150
    Quote Originally Posted by Tanaria View Post
    No, this thread is solely about the High Elves on the Alliance.
    No interest is given to the Blood Elves (or this silly notion of Horde High Elves as they don't exist.) This is the High Elf Megathread. Not the Blood Elf Megathread which is available when talking solely about Blood Elves.

    Do we need to get a MOD in here, to remind us of the topic?
    No? No? What are you saying.. when it relates, people have every right to talk about blood elves, and other elven faction, trolls or any race with respect to the faction. While this topic isn't focused on blood elf faction, it is not out of place for me to state, in order to prevent any misleading, that blood elves are high elves on the horde, nor is it to add that Nightborne are the horde night elves.

  11. #26151
    Quote Originally Posted by Mace View Post
    No? No? What are you saying.. when it relates, people have every right to talk about blood elves, and other elven faction, trolls or any race with respect to the faction. While this topic isn't focused on blood elf faction, it is not out of place for me to state, in order to prevent any misleading, that blood elves are high elves on the horde, nor is it to add that Nightborne are the horde night elves.
    People can talk about Blood Elves in the blood elf megathread, which has been made.

    Doesn't need to be brought here

  12. #26152
    Quote Originally Posted by Tanaria View Post
    No, this thread is solely about the High Elves on the Alliance.
    It's high elf discussion, not alliance high elf, if you read a title. Blood Elves are not a different race - they literally are high elves and with new eye colours we have, they are not even fel tainted anymore. "Blood" doesn't indicate new race, it indicates what essentially is political status

  13. #26153
    Quote Originally Posted by erifwodahs View Post
    It's high elf discussion, not alliance high elf, if you read a title. Blood Elves are not a different race - they literally are high elves and with new eye colours we have, they are not even fel tainted anymore. "Blood" doesn't indicate new race, it indicates what essentially is political status
    Yes, high elf discussion revolving around them being playable on the alliance.

    Blood Elves already have a megathread to discuss everything about Blood Elves.

    This isn't about them (and let's not disguise the whole Horde High Elf bullcrap.) It's Blood Elves and High Elves.

    Horde High Elves exist in the same capacity as Alliance Blood Elves (High Elf and Void Elf.) The truth is though, neither exist.
    You know what I called High Elves when I was a noob - blue eyed alliance blood elves. So, the idea behind "Alliance Blood Elves" had existed for a lot longer than "Horde High Elves."

  14. #26154
    Quote Originally Posted by Tanaria View Post
    "Alliance Blood Elves" had existed for a lot longer than "Horde High Elves."
    You seem to miss a point of what High Elf is. It's a race. What you want to discuss is faction. Partisan High Elves are still high elves.

  15. #26155
    Quote Originally Posted by erifwodahs View Post
    You seem to miss a point of what High Elf is. It's a race. What you want to discuss is faction. Partisan High Elves are still high elves.
    High Elves, for the purpose of this thread are about being playable on the alliance, in the main.

    Blood Elf fans and blood elf talk don't need this thread to talk about something the alliance wants. We have our own megathread for the blood elves

  16. #26156
    Quote Originally Posted by Tanaria View Post
    @MyWholeLifeIsThunder - do you want to explain to Mace, because I truly can't be bothered.
    With all due respect to Mace, I don't think it would be conductive to anything.

    The argument itself is just semantics, so really what's the point of that.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by erifwodahs View Post
    You seem to miss a point of what High Elf is. It's a race. What you want to discuss is faction. Partisan High Elves are still high elves.
    Yeah but let's not be obtuse, we have had this conversation on this thread before: the focus here has always been about the Modern High Elves that are still part of the alliance, not "High Elves" or "thalassians" as a whole, because Horde High Elves are part of the Blood Elf discussion.

  17. #26157
    Quote Originally Posted by Triceron View Post
    They are a model variation, but they aren't exactly the same races either. Nightborne aren't "Night Elves on Horde", they are Nightborne on Horde.

    Night Elf on Horde would be Night Elf on Horde. ie- if Broll Bearmantle decided to take a bunch of NE with him so he could be on the same faction as Rehgar and Valeera; that would be Night Elf on Horde.

    Other than sharing similar facial features, they have their own model with their own proportions, and Blizzard has gone out of their way to make them culturally distinct from NE.

    Blood Elves and Void Elves being regarded as High Elves would make sense though, since they are still directly connected to High Elven culture.
    high elves are playable in horde and alliance because devs clearly said that blue eyes customization is for playing as high elf like there is sand troll customization or wildhammer customization

  18. #26158
    The Lightbringer Ardenaso's Avatar
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    Changes to my Vereesa Windrunner Reforged custom model: https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads...er-3-0.332948/

    The Alliance gets the Horde's most popular race. The Horde should get the Alliance's most popular race in return. Alteraci Humans for the Horde!

    I make Warcraft 3 Reforged HD custom models and I'm also an HD model reviewer.

  19. #26159
    Holy s**t, this thread is five years old!

    Thalassian thread with Thalassian life span.

  20. #26160
    Quote Originally Posted by Ardenaso View Post
    Changes to my Vereesa Windrunner Reforged custom model
    Mmm I don't know if I dig the idea of the SC tabard being affected by team color personally.

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