1. #26181
    Quote Originally Posted by Ardenaso View Post
    didn't she commit a pogrom in Dalaran though
    She did. I guess it's a family thing, since all Windrunner sisters were happy to kill on sight some group. The worst thing about Vereesa is that she basicaly chose to kill her kin.

  2. #26182
    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotrip View Post
    So now that high elves are in Alliance, and Void Elves took all the "old school" Blood Elf tropes back to the Alliance, I'm curious what you all think about Blood Elves as a race right now. With the new customization options they're literally just Horde High Elves now, but I sort of wish they had more going on than that...
    They’ve always been just horde high elves. This is what TBC did to them.

    Blizzard wanted players to play high elves but on the horde so they would switch.

    So they mostly killed off the fel elf vibes, bad boy vibes, leaving just a remnant and made most of them high elf like.

    But. It was never the same. It never really felt like you were playing high elves when the horde. The vibe never meshed with trolls and orcs nor undead. Not after the WC2 and WC3 stories. Not to mention most elf lovers want to replicate the LOTR human, elf, dwarf trinity

  3. #26183
    Quote Originally Posted by MyWholeLifeIsThunder View Post
    To be honest I think many races should be able to support more than one limited fantasy. In the same way Void Elves can support the High Elf fantasy with specific options, I think Blood Elves should be able to support the Darkfallen customization. Funnily enough, I think Void Elf hair colors could work very well for that.
    Yeh that would be good

    Quote Originally Posted by MyWholeLifeIsThunder View Post

    To me that's the dream TBH. If I had it my wait I'd made most AR's customization options for their core races, with a customization option being "Origin/Clan/Subgroup" where you can choose a background that gives you a set of racials, voicelines and race tag.

    That way AR's keep all their unique stuff in this revamped system, but you can also add "subgroup" sets for those that never became AR's, such as Wildhammer and High Elves.
    I’ve wanted something like this since they announced the high elf, wildhammer and Farakki customisations. It would enhance and promote the fantasy so much better with a minimal character creation organisation. Very little work for a much bigger gain.

    I’m a little hopeful it might happen, but sometimes I doubt their ability to see the desire or value in this, or to even see the need.
    Quote Originally Posted by MyWholeLifeIsThunder View Post

    I think the fun thing about NE hairstyles is that they manage to both look more traditional and also offer that more wild/edgy style that VE's prefer. I really feel NE hairstyles serve both the VE and HE fantasy. Now just add a secondary tendril option (like facial hair) and you have so much options to fulfill both fantasies.
    Now I see the images, I am in agreement here. They look very cool.

    Quote Originally Posted by MyWholeLifeIsThunder View Post

    Indeed. The idea with this Core/Allied Race hair swap is to offer more options for everyone. Human/Kul Tiran, Orc/Maghar, Draenei/LFD, Zandalari/Troll, etc. I paired VE with NE to mirror the more obvious NB/BE swap, given they have grown so close culturally. Going to share those as links as well for comparison's sake.



    So while there's less cultural connection between NE/VE, aesthetically they are a very good match. (VE hair styles also do look very good on NE)

    But yes, by pairing these races, I feel we can keep a bit of that cultural influence within the factions that should be important. At the end of the day the main difference between BE and HE is cultural and political, so it's the other races on their faction what influences them the most. I think that different hairstyles allows to showcase that aesthetic difference in a neat manner.
    Agreed here too, it’s an important balance and an achievable one. But I would say void elves can and should share things with blood elves too, lest not forget some are high elves and former blood elves too much closer to their roots. The fantasy is there. The night elf and void elf connection is begging to explode into something really interesting because of how void elves can connect with highborne, moon priestesses post night warrior void power and with Druids who need help with the nightmare - this is to me a potentially far more interesting and stronger connection between the two and would be a perfect opportunity to introduce with the hairstyle share.

    Quote Originally Posted by MyWholeLifeIsThunder View Post

    Of course, if VE and BE have to share something, it would be farstrider tattoos, as it's part of both their heritages. Just make some colors and designs exclusive to each other, but they both get to enjoy the iconic ranger look.

    To a degree it feels unlikely that VE would ever get a more "traditionally" high elf inspired armor. But I think this would be a *perfect* opportunity to add a "Farstrider" cosmetic set. Now whether it's open to all races, or limited to VE and BE, doesn't matter much to me. But It would be nice if it came in a basic green color, with 2 faction exclusive ones -Purple/Gold and Blue/Silver for VE, and Red/Gold and Black/Silver for BE- So Void Elves, High Elves, Blood Elves and Forsaken Dark Rangers are represented.
    Yeh. I do feel void elves should share clearly identifiable things with blood elves. They have the magic scholars and Farstriders in common. Afterall the void elf core are former blood elf mages and their leader is a Farstrider. With whom came a bunch of high elves too. Not to mention her sister is also.

    But let’s not forget the same should be for night elf and Nightborne. While Nightborne should share things with blood elves for sure sure, they should also with night elves whom they come from, the Highborne and priest connection can lend certain Nightborne things to night elves. Whereas Nightborne when they become Druids thanks to the Arcan’dor , Farodin and the Val’sharah refigees that moved in, can share some of the wilder options too under that fantasy.

    But if they had that clan/sub group definition thing in character creation it could help present defined fantasies for players each with their own look. Highborne, Wildling etc.

    Such a devise can be an enormous help and it helps players get into a fantasy and understand while a race has many options, it’s because there are many groups and/or nations within them that have clear defineable appearances you can play as that fantasy.

    It feels far less important when it’s just thrown In there as a jumble or a tag on the options
    Last edited by Mace; 2023-06-09 at 12:51 PM.

  4. #26184
    Quote Originally Posted by Mace View Post
    Agreed here too, it’s an important balance and an achievable one. But I would say void elves can and should share things with blood elves too, lest not forget some are high elves and former blood elves too much closer to their roots.
    Yes, but the point of this hair swap is to keep it within the faction not only for balance, but to show how even Thalassians who ostensibly look the same are affected by the culture and aesthetics of their own faction. I think it would suceed in giving races such as VE more options all around, while keeping a -culturally based- aesthetic difference.

    It really would just be far easier to swap BE/VE and NB/NE hairstyles otherwise.

    The fantasy is there. The night elf and void elf connection is begging to explode into something really interesting because of how void elves can connect with highborne, moon priestesses post night warrior void power and with Druids who need help with the nightmare - this is to me a potentially far more interesting and stronger connection between the two and would be a perfect opportunity to introduce with the hairstyle share.
    It is a shame we haven't seen much of a connection between VE and NE contrasted to NB and BE. There's just such an obvious overlap in their use of shadows and darkness.

  5. #26185
    Brewmaster elbleuet's Avatar
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    This wonderful thread needs to revive in some way

    Alliance High elves ! Show your face and your outfit !

    "If you want to play alongside High and Void elves, the Alliance is waiting for you"

  6. #26186
    Quote Originally Posted by MyWholeLifeIsThunder View Post

    It is a shame we haven't seen much of a connection between VE and NE contrasted to NB and BE. There's just such an obvious overlap in their use of shadows and darkness.
    It is a shame, i suspect it's simply because blizzard aren't that motivated to explore and enrichen the alliance.

    they just aren't, too much evidence points to this. I have seen a lot more put into Nightborne and blood elves than i have seen on any alliance race with another outside humans. Granted some races have a lot more lore to them, like Dark iron dwarves and Mag'har orcs, who've bene with us for ages, or Zandalari, and even Kul'tiran if you go back to the strategy games. But void elves have next to nothing, and night elves were just not developed with having allies. I men worgen were thrown in how many years after cataclysm, draenei ignored, and the obvious connections with void elves, completely blanked.

    But I'm sure you didn't mention it for a moan, you are right, it would be interesting to see.. I've always felt that he high elf side aligned to the ren'dorei would be the ones heavily involved with humans and we could see the more void orientated void elves quite heavily involved with the night elves, I mean they'd be so interested in Elune now after the night warrior ritual, and the perfect candidates to join the night elven druids dealing with the nightmare and protecting Azeroth (there isn't a more lore appropriate path to void elven druids than this that is far more exciting than - "oh void elves experimenting with the void and nature learn how to become druids - i will never forget and always cringe at how orcs became mages - may it never be repeated - although sadly, lately they are just unlocking the options, no fan fare, so i guess it's going to be worse.) Then the obvious Highborne connection - which i think could also be quite interesting.. because with Nightborne, it was more like meeting a new race for the first time - since the kaldorei who'd locked themselves up in Suramar, were completely detached form all the changes that had happened to night elves post sundering.

    however here it's difference, here there can be a story of reconciliation, while Shen'dralar were also removed from interactions, they were at least aware, and then Darnassian Highborne were very much a part of what went down 7,000 years ago, so there is an interesting story to be told, throw in the Farondis to, you can have an embrace of lost kin but also tensions too - .. then off course there is a shared goal - the Shen'dralar are far more into restoring the glory of the kaldorei and the arcane wonders they were the main developers of, to this end they'd be pushing for unity of Highborne kind, versus the others who might not care - i mean i could go on .. there is a lot of stuff in the existing lore that could make a lot of interesting developments but also far more motivating ones - they've got interesting things to do with all the night elven groups:

    Illidari - they have an exploration of demons connection with the twisting nether and the void as well as shared resilience to resisting dark powers
    Order of Elune - here they would be very interested in the night warrior , you have potential for the Order to be suspicious too, a tug of war between learning independently and joining the order which may lead some void elves to join the order while others just wanting to learn/study and the exploration of that - Tyrande's reaction as she would be the one teaching control of this power now she has managed it after the shadowlands events and off course what Elune hast o say o - which opens up the order to Thalassians can be a big story point
    Druids - so much development hear, can tell druids' reluctance to employ void powers, but then being convinced of a need seeing how void elves can wield this power -could write an interesting story on how void elves prove to druids how effective their knowledge is in manipulating the void to prevent it harming the dream or even teaching Azeroth to withstand the void effectively - they'd have void elves heavily into research of the void on nature, and you could have druids and even Highborne who've been researching this but unable to make much progress until the void elves enter.

    in all these there is potential, because there is opportunity for a struggle that can result in something good or strong bonds coming through, and it doesn't have to be unilateral love, it's more interesting when some bond really strongly, but others have an even bigger wedge between them.. part of a good story is the struggle to get to the "good" place, and the complex interactions between Thalassian and night elves provide this an excellent opportunity.

    it is also a chance to tell a healing story between the two. While the blood elves can provide the "hate story" between Thalassians and night elves, there is also a healing and friendship story to be told.. there is still the reconciliation of Tyrande's friendliness to Darth'remar in Wc3, before TBC painted the two races as hated enemies which was obviously done to strengthen blood elf ties with the horde - easier to accept if blood elves really hate an alliance race.. os they ramped up the blood elf/night elf hate by 10 for this reason. But now, they can fix a bit of that by exploring the others side through a much more interesting friendship story that develops. It would be a good place to also show the Order of Elune actually has hung to a lot more of the original kaldorei identify, throughout the long vigil, versus the druidic side that went full "monk" zen state in nature, which has always been it's thing. While this hasn't been mentioned specifically, it is an opportunity to reveal more about that time and the Order itself, and perhaps show why Tyrande has always been more open to Highborne, kaldorei civilization, etc, and even the demon hunters.. it's more than divine foresight or compassion, it has to do with how the order stirred kaldorei society and played a hand in the development of everything from the arcane to nature etc and how Azshara subtlety used her excellence to heavily skew the people in one direction that played to her strengths, but people should never forget that the priesthood were still a powerful caste and unlike nature, the priesthood was never rejected by the advanced society. They were too powerful, not to mention the empires dominance was due to the priesthood as their march was lead by the Night warrior. Also Azshara would not have been able to have such total and singular adoration if Haydene had survived etc - These are things they can expand on.

    i think this is more interesting, you start rather cool together, but adventure, necessity, desire for knowledge, and obvious commonalities eventually bring you together very strongly.. this would be a nice contrast, and it would be based on something interesting.

  7. #26187
    The Lightbringer Ardenaso's Avatar
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    Rommath by Mr Ogre Man for Re-Reforged

    The Alliance gets the Horde's most popular race. The Horde should get the Alliance's most popular race in return. Alteraci Humans for the Horde!

    I make Warcraft 3 Reforged HD custom models and I'm also an HD model reviewer.

  8. #26188
    The Lightbringer Ardenaso's Avatar
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    To those who have Reforged and play Re-Reforged or at least watch their streams, it is unfortunate the the author of Re-Reforged doesn't want Dar'khan to have a hat in the custom campaign:

    top: Dar'khan by vindorei
    bottom: Dar'khan by Mr Ogre Man
    The Alliance gets the Horde's most popular race. The Horde should get the Alliance's most popular race in return. Alteraci Humans for the Horde!

    I make Warcraft 3 Reforged HD custom models and I'm also an HD model reviewer.

  9. #26189
    Quote Originally Posted by Ardenaso View Post
    To those who have Reforged and play Re-Reforged or at least watch their streams, it is unfortunate the the author of Re-Reforged doesn't want Dar'khan to have a hat in the custom campaign:

    top: Dar'khan by vindorei
    bottom: Dar'khan by Mr Ogre Man
    Dude top Dar'khan looks so sick! Like I get it, his look on the manga was so out of left field and the bottom one better reflects in game depictions, but still!

    Still unsure why HS made him a redhead, but I do like how the bottom model does try to mix his official appearances. As much as I like manga Dar'khan, that Sylvanas will always baffle me.
    Last edited by MyWholeLifeIsThunder; 2023-06-16 at 07:48 AM.

  10. #26190
    Quote Originally Posted by MyWholeLifeIsThunder View Post
    Dude top Dar'khan looks so sick! Like I get it, his look on the manga was so out of left field and the bottom one better reflects in game depictions, but still!

    Still unsure why HS made him a redhead, but I do like how the bottom model does try to mix his official appearances. As much as I like manga Dar'khan, that Sylvanas will always baffle me.
    I definitely dislike the WoW and Re-Reforged designs; I think the hat provides him with a kind of sinister flamboyance, and breaks uniquely from the fairly generic robes in WarCraft art.
    Last edited by AOL Instant Messenger; 2023-06-16 at 08:27 AM.

  11. #26191
    The Lightbringer Ardenaso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Le Conceptuel View Post
    I definitely dislike the WoW and Re-Reforged designs; I think the hat provides him with a kind of sinister flamboyance, and breaks uniquely from the fairly generic robes in WarCraft art.
    which Re-Reforged design do you dislike? I made Zar'jira and Benedict, if none I could take your feedback to the modeling team (no malice intended)
    The Alliance gets the Horde's most popular race. The Horde should get the Alliance's most popular race in return. Alteraci Humans for the Horde!

    I make Warcraft 3 Reforged HD custom models and I'm also an HD model reviewer.

  12. #26192
    Quote Originally Posted by Le Conceptuel View Post
    I definitely dislike the WoW and Re-Reforged designs; I think the hat provides him with a kind of sinister flamboyance, and breaks uniquely from the fairly generic robes in WarCraft art.
    Oh yeah the manga one *is better* but it really doesn't fit with other official depictions. And although manga Sylvanas baffles me, it IS a cool design, it just, doesn't look anything like her in any other depiction.

    So yeah, the manga designs are cooler as designs -and I'm glad Kalec's made it almost unchanged- but the thing is they don't really align with other canon depictions.

  13. #26193
    Quote Originally Posted by Ardenaso View Post
    which Re-Reforged design do you dislike? I made Zar'jira and Benedict, if none I could take your feedback to the modeling team (no malice intended)
    I was speaking in regards to the Mr. Ogre Man design for Dar'khan alone. The robed, less flamboyant Dar'khan strikes me as more generic. Should I have specified a tad more? If so, I apologize. I simply think it looks a tad bit too much like any rank-and-file Necromancer instead of the kind of person who would both effectively condemn his entire country for his personal success and succeed in doing so.

    Quote Originally Posted by MyWholeLifeIsThunder View Post
    Oh yeah the manga one *is better* but it really doesn't fit with other official depictions. And although manga Sylvanas baffles me, it IS a cool design, it just, doesn't look anything like her in any other depiction.

    So yeah, the manga designs are cooler as designs -and I'm glad Kalec's made it almost unchanged- but the thing is they don't really align with other canon depictions.
    I rather dislike manga Sylvanas, actually, as her outfit there is a tad nonsensically revealing. It's only Dar'khan that I think looks particularly better in the manga, since his design in WoW is pretty much indistinguishable from any other evil sorcerer.
    Last edited by AOL Instant Messenger; 2023-06-16 at 09:32 PM.

  14. #26194
    Quote Originally Posted by Le Conceptuel View Post
    I rather dislike manga Sylvanas, actually, as her outfit there is a tad nonsensically revealing. It's only Dar'khan that I think looks particularly better in the manga, since his design in WoW is pretty much indistinguishable from any other evil sorcerer.
    Oh yeah, nonsensically revealing aside, it's still kick ass. Certainly is based of the kaldorei designs but with pants, so I do think it makes sense for a night elf at least. But yeah, it's not Sylvanas.

    My issue with Dar'khan's outfit is that it doesn't look thalassian at all. Again, cool design, but has no obvious aesthetic source; with the later consolidation of thalassian aesthetics in BC, Dar'khan's look just doesn't make sense from a cultural standpoint.

    The closes his look fits within the warcraft universe would be a Kul'Tiran bard or poet hehe.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by elbleuet View Post
    This wonderful thread needs to revive in some way

    Alliance High elves ! Show your face and your outfit !

    Image is kinda crunchy, but I love this fantasy and mog a lot! Frost DK played as a High Elf Silver Covenant "Frostfencer"

  15. #26195
    The Lightbringer Ardenaso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Le Conceptuel View Post
    I was speaking in regards to the Mr. Ogre Man design for Dar'khan alone. The robed, less flamboyant Dar'khan strikes me as more generic. Should I have specified a tad more? If so, I apologize. I simply think it looks a tad bit too much like any rank-and-file Necromancer instead of the kind of person who would both effectively condemn his entire country for his personal success and succeed in doing so.
    oh that's fine; but yeah same the cool hat is one of his biggest identifiers for me
    The Alliance gets the Horde's most popular race. The Horde should get the Alliance's most popular race in return. Alteraci Humans for the Horde!

    I make Warcraft 3 Reforged HD custom models and I'm also an HD model reviewer.

  16. #26196
    That Dar'khan model is giving me life.

  17. #26197
    Quote Originally Posted by Ardenaso View Post
    To those who have Reforged and play Re-Reforged or at least watch their streams, it is unfortunate the the author of Re-Reforged doesn't want Dar'khan to have a hat in the custom campaign:

    top: Dar'khan by vindorei
    bottom: Dar'khan by Mr Ogre Man
    darkhan look awesome!!!

  18. #26198
    Lol, didn't Ion basically spend an entire stream callously making fun of all the players who were asking for High Elves and ended it with something along the lines of, "we already have High Elves in WoW, they're called Blood Elves"?

  19. #26199
    Quote Originally Posted by DUMB APE View Post
    Lol, didn't Ion basically spend an entire stream callously making fun of all the players who were asking for High Elves and ended it with something along the lines of, "we already have High Elves in WoW, they're called Blood Elves"?
    Yes, and few years later he said they want to expand racial customizations to allow players better reflect who their character is. We also got high elf hair and skin colors years ago, so it is now quite late to join the party "blood elves are real high elves". It is no longer valid.

  20. #26200
    The Lightbringer Ardenaso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DUMB APE View Post
    Lol, didn't Ion basically spend an entire stream callously making fun of all the players who were asking for High Elves and ended it with something along the lines of, "we already have High Elves in WoW, they're called Blood Elves"?
    you're late for like 4 years
    The Alliance gets the Horde's most popular race. The Horde should get the Alliance's most popular race in return. Alteraci Humans for the Horde!

    I make Warcraft 3 Reforged HD custom models and I'm also an HD model reviewer.

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