They could generally need some more customization. Male Blood Elves god nice beards, but I really would have prefered tattoos over the jewelry female night elves got. Also their new hairstyles being rather lackluster, I really just want some really long hair for female blood elves.
Blizzard spawned yet another new High Elf NPC
The Alliance gets the Horde's most popular race. The Horde should get the Alliance's most popular race in return. Alteraci Humans for the Horde!
I make Warcraft 3 Reforged HD custom models and I'm also an HD model reviewer.
TBH it was so weird they added no High Elf NPC's on the Kirin Tor. Also weird that all the BE's they added were blue eyed.
Sometimes I wonder if some of them were meant as HE but the lines weren't changed, but I think it's more likely they wanna show that more arcane aligned Blood Elves have predominantly blue eyes now.
The Alliance gets the Horde's most popular race. The Horde should get the Alliance's most popular race in return. Alteraci Humans for the Horde!
I make Warcraft 3 Reforged HD custom models and I'm also an HD model reviewer.
Ain't feeling threatened. I know that there are plenty more blood elf NPCs. Also big lol for a dead race theyre evrywhere.
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And if you ever doubted high elf fans are boring by large and stick to outdated concepts.
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Bob didn't do anything m He bailed last minute while his allies suffered casualties.
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Shouting at Clouds. Wow story was always character driven as we saw Velen finishing the Sunwell arc while the main character of the blood elf story was killed twice. That is real bias.
I guess Blizzard want wow only for those who aren't boring and do not stick to outdated concept they use all the time and rely on heavily to attract their fanbase.
Like any concept in wow is new and we haven't seen repeated countless times in fiction over the long decades.
Those pesky blizzard, how dare they use outdated concept such as elves, how dare they try to satisfy alliance fans, how dare they. We all know the horde is the place to be.
The warfront was scrapped and that is good. Forcing them out of their own city every two weeks would have been the killing blow against the community after the RP died when void elves were introduced.
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Talking about you here. There is a reason the lotr MMO isn't popular.
If you want new Interpretations of elves look at Dragon age where they are slaves or elder scrolls where they try to unmake all human made gods.
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Elisande had true Highborne attitude. Thalyssra is losing her power every time another mage challenges her being too weak to do anything.
I will always maintain that taking high elves, but especially night elves over to the horde was a mistake.
They should have created something new and equally attractive to make the horde more popular. Then done other system changes, not lore ones to balance out the population imbalance. Design flaw. Nearly it only took a few years, but the horde soon vastly out numbered the alliance in the elder game and the consistency of both were utterly shattered. Sure the game and races evolve etc, true, but this was not an organic evolution and it changed much.
STill we should be grateful, if they had been really good at this, warcraft would have been even more super addictive. Can you imagine if it had been good enough to be multimedia franchise? It could have risen to the likes of Star Wars or LotR - and it would have become a religion to many of the desperate lost young men, idolising a fantasy... totally unhealthy. It was bad enough as is, the way it gripped people.
We should be thankful, not give them more ideas to ensnare us.
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Oh.. really? Unpopular by what measure? And why do you think that is? Because the elves you love don't stick to boring and out dated concepts?
With the high elf customization on void elves, blizzard is telling the players to just use their headcanon and play high elves using the void elves, the same applies to wildhammer dwarves using the bronzebeard dwarf race. What's weird is that neither Blood or Void elves have blue tatoo options like alleria.
I agree although it makes sense to put the original magic faction of NE as the enemies to NE, although blizz is pushing for NE to befriend the original highborne. Nightborne are quite evil if you think about it (Elisande and then thalisra joining Sylvanas the burning off teldrasil).
The thing is, elves don't fit in the Horde. I saw some dialogue of Lorthemar and Thalysra in orgrimmar, and they just look so out of place:
Last edited by allegrian; 2023-10-26 at 08:37 AM.
Shrug, it makes it doubly odd to put the Nightborne opposite to the night elves after restoring the the Highborne to the night elves. Besides the Highborne and the Nightborne are part of the night elves, and they aren't enemies too. Nah , the reason they're on the horde was favouritism, they wanted to give horde cooler stuff, same ol.. I have yet to see them actually give the alliance cooler stuff than the horde since before TBC While I have liked some of the alliance stuff, the horde have always seemed to get the better portions. This is intentional off course - originally it was too boost the horde so players will go there, but then I think somewhere on along the way, they fell in love with the works of their hands and it has felt natural , almost without thinking to do so.
oh they've tried for the alliance, no one can deny that, but as one would do for the sister of wife, or the the next guy or girl you'd go for after the one you want is no more, or as one would do to the support you need to strengthen to help the one you really love.
Nightbonre u-turn is incongruous, but that's because it wasn't well thought out.. it was given in flight of fancies, and they didn't care enough to make it look authentic or genuine or fair and rewarding to the alliance. They could have done, and easily. how? Elisande and her loyalists get kicked out of Suramar for their role in Legion, their lives are spared because Elisande did turn and give aid in the end. They leave with only their arcwine supplies, no fruit of the Arcan'dor.. blood elves, similarly having sided with the legion and turned away, and also eager for their strength and magical knowledge, take them in, they now live as a Nightborne colony in Silvermoon and the Sunwell helps prevent their turning to withered.
Meanwhile, Thalyssra and the Nightfallen and all who remain take the Arcan'dor fruit.... most of these survivors were the oppressed, who were starved of arcwine, many beginning to turn into Nightfallen. The Arcan'dor heals the addiction by reversing the effects of the Nightwell, most of these get restored to health and their original night elven appearances, The city welcomes two time heroes of Suramar, lost kin who left the city to defend the world and came back to the aid of the Shal'dorei.. they are night elves now, so the alliance doesn't get the Nightborne model, but it gets a new home for night elves especially for losing Darnassus in the next expansion prepatch.. and while the horde isn't banned from Suramar.. or at last wasn't before the war of thorns, due to the aid the blood elves gave, Elisande and her group are not welcome any longer. Solved. Thalyssra's character remains intact. Horde get Nightborne model but not city. alliance get void elves same, but no Silvermoon. horde get cool new night elf sub race -by far the most important thing, alliance get something from it.
off course, Nightborne and everything should have gone alliance. I mean, they are night elven, the Highborne are night elven, the alliance has high elves and void elves and human magi, and draenei advanced magi - they have much more in common with their fellow night elves who were form the same city and their magical wielding Highborne remnant.
Notice how no one argues the Moonguard in Suramar or the Highborne in Eldre'thalas (Dire Maul) should join the horde and the blood elves because they are "more similar" to the blood elves.. off course they don't argue..because despite the shared history and magical love, they are night elves, so off course they should be with the night elves. So why the exception for the clearly night elf looking Nightborne? simple. Suramar.. it's pretty, Nightborne cast powerful attractive magic, they want it. Ever heard covetousness?
it's the same that drove alliance fans to covet blood elves and want playable high elves. But in fair ness to the alliance fans, the high elves were on the alliance first and whiles a few opposed blood elves being on the horde, most consolidated with at last high elves should be playable on the alliance. But why so much desire? well because they were beautiful, and Quel'Thalas was well done. I can guarantee you they would not be as interested if it was a pile of ruins and the elves were the broken shattered people they were supposed to be. Some would have wanted them off course, but most wouldn't care. I am confident if they had upgraded the night elf model (especially the male 0 to be at least as attractive as the blood elf and Suramar had come for night elves in TBC or Cata, we'd have had less, far less cries for for high elves.
i am also convinced if they give night elves a gorgeous capital that rivals or surpasses Suramar, and give void elves an incredible home city rather than have them wondering as refugees, the unfair treatments of the past would be forgotten, and the fans can enjoy themselves as equal rivals. currently, horde fans laugh at alliance fans for the fate of both the night elves and the void elves. often rubbing it in their faces.. it's cruel, but it happens a lot, they're smug about it and get very angry when anyone suggests some improvement for the alliance elves and go apeshit crazy when they suggest the horde group any suffering close to the ones that were written for the night elf fans or neglect of the sort the void elves experience.
One would think that blizzard would, actually see they've done fans of these two races and the alliance faction an injustice by their treatment of their most popular race, but I won't bet on it. you actually need compassion, and desire to actually see if. If all you care about is Sylvanas and getting Lor'themar and Thalyssra together, of Baine and Calia and Lillian, you're not going to be mindful of this, and you're going to feel, a quick high octane quest like the Night warrior would be sufficient.. one that accomplishes nothing, changes nothing, and gives nothing but some cool cinematics to make up for years off either neglect or writing down.
See blizzard have a good understanding of what a lot of fans like. The superlatives and excitement over blood elves and Suramar showed how well l oved these thing were, is it unaspiring that if you park it all on one faction the other would not desire it, especially since people who are on that faction are the ones most interested in such things? off course they would, and you would actually make them unhappy or feel hard done by by keeping them so, especially since these things come from races on their factions.. those fans will always see it as theirs. The only way one group will feel superior over the other, and the other will feel unfairly treated and hard done by. Neither is what you want at all, even if one half enjoys it. If the horde is to gloat, it should be over wining a battleground match, not in the story or art or racial composition constantly favouring them. you anger and alienate half your playerbase and this works against you as it has, providing just one more reason for people to lose interest , turn their hearts away and cut further ties that would ultimately lead them away , losing interest. No one wants to be reminded of your unfairness and bias. and even if this wasn't true for all fans, that it is for a few is enough.
the worse are those who tell other players how they should feel, or get angry at them for feeling this way. it's hardly their fault when the developers have biased it so - they could at last show some grace to their fellow players, but in a savage and cruel fashion, they jibe, chide, mock, lookdown, no sympathy , nor compassion, and this in turn riles up the other group responding angrily, insults fly, arguments erupt, and resentment ,even against an actual human being heightens. No one comes to play or love a video game for that reason, such things destroy your community and player base, if you can prevent them by designing well and fairly for both sides then you should. if you are going to have two sides, you can't take the high elves and night elves form the alliance, and to the opposite faction, then give them the best looking assets and lands, and abilities as well as performance of those races, then swallow the other side in destruction, loss, ruins, devastation , homelessness and powerlessness and expect them to cheer or be okay. You must also give them cool victories, things to feel proud of the race they lie, give them their own or slightly better versions of their own stuff. If they won't share a city, give them another night elf city - stunning an beautiful - the lore gave them many, give them a high elf or void elf city and lands too, and lore, . All the things that night elves and high elves have in their lore done well for a change not sloppy. Whether it's well of eternity/moonwells, nature magic and Elune, Moonguard and Highborne, kaldorei cities and forests void elf and high elf ne w developments, cities and new lands, Telogrus rift development, - why not a High elf Dalaran island with their own architecture - that could be exciting. A void elf city on a greatly expanded Telogrus rift with evidence of void elf progress, void elves with nature, causing life to grow maybe even void forest.. now wouldn't that look interesting.. maybe the high elves adopt Skywall.. do something of similar par and value and they'll be fine. They'll love it even more. Now they're on par, their rivalry can continue in a friendly banter manner that enhances rather than detracts from your game.
Elves can fit anything not all strive for Tolkien purism. Also it is funny you insult others for Not being empathatic when you occasionally insult blood elf players enjoying their things at every turn to get. This victim mentality has been around for 16 years and Blizzard has done nothing to shut down the radicals.
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Alleria has a unique model that's why. Same for Rommath. And Blizzard's done a good Job to make Bob and Walmart Elisande look feral and not regal at all like you expected elves to be. Thalyssra barley wears clothes and Bob has the attire of a fighter not a monarch. Actually Tyrande looks far more like original night elf empire society it being a mix of priest and soldier. It's in the details.
Stop this bullshit, Mace. Your a failure at lore.
The sin'dorei were NOT team Legion. They had no idea what the Sunfury were doing on Outland.
They hated Elisande and would never entertain her. Your a failure at Elf lore, period.
The Nightborne who follow Thalyssra are exactly the same as the Silvermoon, Scryer and Shattered Sun Blood Elves who follow Liadrin.
Both stood away from Kael'thas and Elisande and vowed to fight for their people.
So no - your story fails in every regard because Elisande dies and those who sided with her, actually RETURNED to the Horde nation of Suramar, under Thalyssra's leadership and she allowed them back.
Last edited by Tanaria; 2023-10-26 at 10:45 AM.
you should use reply quote if you're replaying to something I say, otherwise I may miss it. And I don't go out of my way to insult blood elf players. I am one of them. i get verbally attacked every time I post something in support of alliance elf players or alliance elf races.. looking for solutions to issues or just thing I think would improve them. Some blood elf fans do not like this, you can tell by their reaction and replies, and they get angry or hurt, t I mean for example, if you've seen blizzard take the best night elf assets to the horde, and destroy the night elf homes, why would you get offended by someone presenting a scenario with the same happening to the blood elves or horde elves as an alternative path that can be used? Especially when you go out of your way to justify what is clearly biased and unfair as justified, knowing full well it isn't. Such hypocrisy is both rude and insulting, it can make a person annoyed, but still do you not see we take the time to respond to them and point this out. It's a courtesy that's done for people you do not want to treat as enemies. That is where I come from. If i truly hated or didn't care about them I'll leave them with their incorrect conclusions and vin assumptions and not bother. But I have been notified that my attempts and olive branches are casting pearls to swine. While I hate to think that of any human being, some make it impossible for you to think of them otherwise, and I daresay my compassion is leading me astray once more.
Because it makes you a hypocrite and it makes me truly hope you NEVER get what you want.
How can you sit their thinking your amazing, wanting a story that has just happened to the Night Elves, you've hated, but want to push it for the Blood Elves.
Yet again, as the failure you are, you have failed to present this as a good story. "Being developed later on" is not good enough. That is just a lazy excuse to say, "Look, just stop playing Blood Elves and play Alliance!"
No one is against the night elves getting something new and shiny. Ever. Nobody is bullying you for that. The reason for these attacks is that you made like 6 different topics trying to justify losing Horde elves stuff and give it all to your own races because you feel entitled to it. Like you will never see a good parent Go " I will totally shut down the accomplishments of your siblings to make you feel better about yourself."