Originally Posted by
That statement was not made about me. The night elves use to be a broad race that encompassed the best version of the dark elf fantasy, with powerful wizards and night civilization great in magic, with high priestess and goddess of the night. coupled up with the best of the nature fantasy, with forest , trees, walking trees, druids, rangers and archers too.. together faction grade. This is what they use to be.
This is not what they are looking like.. whether I like it or not, this is their future. Tanaria is threatened by the dark elf portion of the night elves for some reason, but she has nothing to fear bout the alliance night elves gaining anything close to what they use to have now does she. She use to feel the night elves should be feral and savage.. this is not what the elf racial type is about.. but I guess blizzard can make an elf an animal and still call it an elf, though I would think a better name, say maybe a worgen or werelf might be better.
You don't know what I like, don't presume you know me or all the things I want , even on this limited scope, based on one post.
Night elves are defined by being nocturnal - neither nature or arcane singularly defines them. They are just two contrasting parts to their make up. Until blizzard changes this as they are doing now.