1. #26361
    Quote Originally Posted by Dancaris View Post
    In perfect world - you can bring quote of it, if you so sure about that. Without it - Alliance of Lordaeron was predecessor organization to Grand Alliance, same as Arathi Empire was predecessor to Alliance of Lordaeron.
    Blizzcon 2013, Opening Ceremony, the Creator himself, Minutes 6:55-7:00

    The WoW Alliance IS the Alliance of Lordaeron.

    The Creator > Your fanfiction

    And everyone should listen to this video, because Metzen was so right about this playerbase. So many people who claim to be "Warcraft fans" and yet have never played the ORIGINAL trilogy (WC1-WC2:ToD;WC2:BtDP).

    So many so-called "Warcraft fans" who don't know that Silvermoon was a founding member of the Alliance.

    So many so-called "Warcraft fans" who don't know that Alleria and Vereesa, NOT Sylvanas and Kael'Thas; the Alliance loyalists, NOT the disloyal villains, are the true OGs of Quel'Thalas.

    Let this be reminder that the DNA of WoW comes from the original trilogy (WC1; WC2+Expansion). The DNA of Warcraft is, and will always be, Alliance Quel'Thalas.

    I believe that Silvermoon comes to Alliance is your headcanon, there is almost zero info about expansion that comes after next one. Will Alliance help blood elfs in their Silvermoon? Sure. Will it cause blood elves "confess" (its Alliance that must do it) and go to Alliance, dye roofs blue and kick all Horde members from city? Guess that, how about no? Blood Elves was, is and will be in Horde until the Horde will be disbanded.
    This is the anomaly, a mistake that should have never happened, a result of the WoW team trying to please the Asian playerbase who wanted pretty race in the ugly faction and not consulting with Metzen.

    Metzen in WC3 stated that the Blood Elves escaped to Outland with Kael'Thas.

    The existence of TBC Quel'Thalas in the first place is a retcon that the WoW team pulled out of desperation to please a portion of the fandom, irrespective of Metzen's craft with the RTS series.

  2. #26362
    Quote Originally Posted by elbleuet View Post
    But when they'll fight for Quel'Thalas, do not expect them to leave just after.
    Maybe they will fight. Maybe Void Elves cause Void crisis in a first place. To be so sure about "unification of Elves" and what is that mean - we must wait to real announcement of Midnight.
    My bet (all I can have now - is my opinion after all) - Alleria cause crisis, either coming to Sunwell and corrupt it again or lead Void assult to Quel'Thalas as most powerfull sourse of Light magic in Azeroth. And player Void Elves will just solve problems that was caused by their leader.
    Same as Forsaken did with Gilneas and Capital. Or Horde with Ammirdrasil. And after that - will either leave to Telogrus or that part of Lordaeron north of Stratholme. Dalaran high elves maybe receive right to come without being instakilled. As Horde characters comes to Bel'Ameth. Lorewise ofc, not gameplay wise.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Watch the clip, my words are still true. And Grand Alliance - reborned Alliance of Lordaeron - that is true indeed - have not and will not have Quel'Thalas in their ranks.
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    So many so-called "Warcraft fans" who don't know that Silvermoon was a founding member of the Alliance.

    So many so-called "Warcraft fans" who don't know that Alleria and Vereesa, NOT Sylvanas and Kael'Thas; the Alliance loyalists, NOT the disloyal villains, are the true OGs of Quel'Thalas.
    And that was bold. Any who did not agree with you are auto- "Warcraft fans" so their opinion dont count? ITs what you saying?

    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post

    This is the anomaly, a mistake that should have never happened, a result of the WoW team trying to please the Asian playerbase who wanted pretty race in the ugly faction and not consulting with Metzen.

    Metzen in WC3 stated that the Blood Elves escaped to Outland with Kael'Thas.

    The existence of TBC Quel'Thalas in the first place is a retcon that the WoW team pulled out of desperation to please a portion of the fandom, irrespective of Metzen's craft with the RTS series.
    Same anomaly as Worgens in Alliance. They were result of trying to put more feral races to Alliance.
    Same anomaly as Void Elves that should not exist in a first place. Futile try to give alliance their lolypop - blood elves. One that they cry so loud after 20+ years.
    And your argument is? Maybe unification of Elves meant unification of Blood Elves, Sunfury+Scryers+Thalassian ones. All you have is 4 words - Unification of elven tribes. And director of World of Warcraft said that if you wanna lotr elves - Horde is there for you. Like it or not.
    Last edited by Pyrophax; 2024-01-19 at 12:49 PM.

  3. #26363
    We will probably see a surge of Human and Night Elf roleplayers once Silvermoon goes Neutral in Midnight.

    I expect that the RP scene will flourish with the arrival of the Human RPers in Silvermoon. It will be like LOTR all over again, so exciting!

  4. #26364
    Brewmaster elbleuet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dancaris View Post
    Maybe they will fight. Maybe Void Elves cause Void crisis in a first place. To be so sure about "unification of Elves" and what is that mean - we must wait to real announcement of Midnight.
    My bet (all I can have now - is my opinion after all) - Alleria cause crisis, either coming to Sunwell and corrupt it again or lead Void assult to Quel'Thalas as most powerfull sourse of Light magic in Azeroth. And player Void Elves will just solve problems that was caused by their leader.
    Same as Forsaken did with Gilneas and Capital. Or Horde with Ammirdrasil. And after that - will either leave to Telogrus or that part of Lordaeron north of Stratholme. Dalaran high elves maybe receive right to come without being instakilled. As Horde characters comes to Bel'Ameth. Lorewise ofc, not gameplay wise.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Watch the clip, my words are still true. And Grand Alliance - reborned Alliance of Lordaeron - that is true indeed - have not and will not have Quel'Thalas in their ranks.

    And that was bold. Any who did not agree with you are auto- "Warcraft fans" so their opinion dont count? ITs what you saying?

    Same anomaly as Worgens in Alliance. They were result of trying to put more feral races to Alliance.
    Same anomaly as Void Elves that should not exist in a first place. Futile try to give alliance their lolypop - blood elves. One that they cry so loud after 20+ years.
    And your argument is? .
    If Alleria causes crisis, Lor'Themar would never allow Void elves to return to Quel'Thalas even if it is for aid purposes...

    Maybe unification of Elves meant unification of Blood Elves, Sunfury+Scryers+Thalassian ones. All you have is 3 words - Unification of elven tribes
    Blood elves story is over since one decade. Your idea would be boring as hell.
    "If you want to play alongside High and Void elves, the Alliance is waiting for you"

  5. #26365
    Quote Originally Posted by elbleuet View Post
    Blood elves story is over since one decade. Your idea would be boring as hell.
    And making Silvermoon neutral is even more boring.

  6. #26366
    Quote Originally Posted by elbleuet View Post
    If Alleria causes crisis, Lor'Themar would never allow Void elves to return to Quel'Thalas even if it is for aid purposes...

    Blood elves story is over since one decade. Your idea would be boring as hell.
    Yeah, that post makes no sense. The Blood Elves "reunification" already happened at the end of TBC, when the remaining Sunfury/Kael'Thas' loyalists rejoined Theron's people.

    The root problem is that the poster in question believes only the Horde should get a storyline and a new capital. Do they even know that the Alliance exists?

  7. #26367
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    Yeah, that post makes no sense. The Blood Elves "reunification" already happened at the end of TBC, when the remaining Sunfury/Kael'Thas' loyalists rejoined Theron's people.

    The root problem is that the poster in question believes only the Horde should get a storyline and a new capital. Do they even know that the Alliance exists?
    storyline? Both sides ofc, if we can call it "sides" now. Capital? Horde only ofc. Or make Gilneas neutral, place there orc-auction NPC or Forsaken guards. How about that?
    Or we agree that story should be for everyone, but place to live should remain separate?
    Or Amirdrasill is now suddenly Horde content too? What in that story Horde gets? where in Bel'Ameth Forsaken hat? Or troll totems?

  8. #26368
    Brewmaster elbleuet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dancaris View Post
    And making Silvermoon neutral is even more boring.
    Dalaran says hello

    We shall see. But I think you're gonna be disappointed if you expect Blizzard to update Silvermoon and the rest of Quel'Thalas just for the Horde.

    I tell you : I as an Alliance player will have access to neutral Silvermoon when Midnight comes.
    "If you want to play alongside High and Void elves, the Alliance is waiting for you"

  9. #26369
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dancaris View Post
    And making Silvermoon neutral is even more boring.
    I just dont see it happening tbh.

    Idk why void elves are so downplayed on danger level, but with the sunwell there is just no way or they have to retcon it that the void is no danger to the sunwell anymore.

    The only way would be that the sunwell is destroyed in the process of the story and in the end the void elves HELP the blood elves and therefor are led in. Remember Alleria has already been kicked out. Just a sidenote, this was just an idea, but so far I havent seen a single blood elf fan whos excited about this take or any take really. Just interesting or typical really that high elf fans are excited for some reason ?and blood elf fans are not and its their city. Very typical.

    Silvermoon and the blood elves right now have no reason to let them in. I also think the elf unification isnt exactly what * some* people think it will be. The alliance and horde have worked together many times for the greater threat. I feel like this will be no different. This now just happends to be in elf lands and associated races (elves and dreanei as well most likely) who matter here will be pressent. Night elves so far are the only elven race, who have no buisness in quel'thalas. Ever. Maybe they are just fodder in the end, but right now there is no logical reason besides just being there cus the word * elf*

    I have no reason to believe they are making cities neutral or races switching sides. Thats overthinking it. Letting alliance players in with a debuff like the night elf city is something that is more likely. Which is just allianced/horde related.
    Last edited by Alanar; 2024-01-19 at 01:29 PM.

  10. #26370
    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    I just dont see it happening tbh.

    Idk why void elves are so downplayed on danger level, but with the sunwell there is just no way or they have to retcon it that the void is no danger to the sunwell anymore.

    The only way would be that the sunwell is destroyed in the process of the story and in the end the void elves HELP the blood elves and therefor are led in. Remember Alleria has already been kicked out. Just a sidenote, this was just an idea, but so far I havent seen a single blood elf fan whos excited about this take or any take really. Just interesting or typical really that high elf fans are excited for some reason ?and blood elf fans are not and its their city. Very typical.

    Silvermoon and the blood elves right now have no reason to let them in. I also think the elf unification isnt exactly what * some* people think it will be. The alliance and horde have worked together many times for the greater threat. I feel like this will be no different. This now just happends to be in elf lands and associated races (elves and dreanei as well most likely) who matter here will be pressent. Night elves so far are the only elven race, who have no buisness in quel'thalas. Ever. Maybe they are just fodder in the end, but right now there is no logical reason besides just being there cus the word * elf*

    I have no reason to believe they are making cities neutral or races switching sides. Thats overthinking it. Letting alliance players in with a debuff like the night elf city is something that is more likely. Which is just allianced/horde related.
    That's why reunification feels so unlikely to me. It's both because the anathema Void Elves are to the Sunwell, and how the political and ideological differences between Blood Elves and VE/HE just have kept on growing and solidifying through the years.

    They would need to overcome both issues for reunification to even be possible. The first one could be addressed by just getting rid of the Sunwell, the second by making all Thalassians neutral, but I don't think either or both of them are things the playerbase wants.

    I don't want elves to be neutral, I like that their ideologies have lead them to opposing factions, and as much as the faction conflict has been downplayed, the factions still exists, as well as the reasons why they align with them. At most I could see some of Quel'thalas becoming neutral and allowing elves to reside there regardless of political affiliation, but I don't think they can remove political ideology from either group at this point and pretend they are all the same.

    Completely pushing it, it could become a Dalaran like situation in Silvermoon, with a joint neutral council for all Thalassians, with factioned areas in the city. It could work, but I wouldn't personally love it. IMO Silvermoon should remain Horde.

    As for the Sunwell exploding, well, I kinda like that idea better IMO. Then we can use Quel'Danas as the neutral place for all elves regardless of faction and we get rid of the crutch that has been hindering the BE narrative for so long. But that's not true reunification because each group with remain on their factions, there would just be a place were faction doesn't matter. That's why I personally would like that the best.

  11. #26371
    The Lightbringer Ardenaso's Avatar
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    to be fair I don't think many people know about DOTD as my first knowledge of it is from that Warcraft 3 custom campaign adaptation

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Dancaris View Post
    And making Silvermoon neutral is even more boring.
    agreed, I really prefer the Alliance Thalassians just move on and do a Dath'remar to settle in Eldre'thalas instead
    The Alliance gets the Horde's most popular race. The Horde should get the Alliance's most popular race in return. Alteraci Humans for the Horde!

    I make Warcraft 3 Reforged HD custom models and I'm also an HD model reviewer.

  12. #26372
    Brewmaster elbleuet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ardenaso View Post
    to be fair I don't think many people know about DOTD as my first knowledge of it is from that Warcraft 3 custom campaign adaptation

    - - - Updated - - -

    agreed, I really prefer the Alliance Thalassians just move on and do a Dath'remar to settle in Eldre'thalas instead
    Alliance High elves have nothing to do with Eldre Thalas on Kalimdor
    "If you want to play alongside High and Void elves, the Alliance is waiting for you"

  13. #26373
    Quote Originally Posted by Ardenaso View Post
    to be fair I don't think many people know about DOTD as my first knowledge of it is from that Warcraft 3 custom campaign adaptation

    - - - Updated - - -

    agreed, I really prefer the Alliance Thalassians just move on and do a Dath'remar to settle in Eldre'thalas instead
    That's not how Metzen writes his stories.

    Under Metzen's directions, races move out of their original kingdoms only after cataclysmic, apocalyptic events. (Like the Humans of Lordaeron mass-exodus during Third War, or Draenei mass-exodus from Argus, or Stormwindians mass-exodus in First War, and so on)

    In Metzen's Original story, the Blood Elves mass-exodus happened after Third War/during Garithos' occupation of Dalaran. 85% of Blood Elves living in Silvermoon somehow was a WoW Dev team's asspull/retcon, they clearly did not pay attention to WC3's story.

    The High Elves are not going to just suddenly decide "Oh I don't care about Quel'Thalas anymore, I want to live in Feralas!"... Unless something apocalyptic and catastrophic happens to Quel'Thalas. In which case, ALL Elves will have to move out.
    Last edited by Varodoc; 2024-01-19 at 06:31 PM.

  14. #26374
    The Lightbringer Ardenaso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    That's not how Metzen writes his stories.

    Under Metzen's directions, races move out of their original kingdoms only after cataclysmic, apocalyptic events. (Like the Humans of Lordaeron mass-exodus during Third War, or Draenei mass-exodus from Argus, or Stormwindians mass-exodus in First War, and so on)

    In Metzen's Original story, the Blood Elves mass-exodus happened after Third War/during Garithos' occupation of Dalaran. 85% of Blood Elves living in Silvermoon somehow was a WoW Dev team's asspull/retcon, they clearly did not pay attention to WC3's story.

    The High Elves are not going to just suddenly decide "Oh I don't care about Quel'Thalas anymore, I want to live in Feralas!"... Unless something apocalyptic and catastrophic happens to Quel'Thalas. In which case, ALL Elves will have to move out.
    a civil war it is then?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Three Sisters moment captured by vindorei in Warcraft 3 Reforged (HD)

    Sylvanas (c) Blizzard Entertainment and LemonSky Studios
    Alleria (c) vindorei
    Vereesa (c) Ardenaso (me)
    The Alliance gets the Horde's most popular race. The Horde should get the Alliance's most popular race in return. Alteraci Humans for the Horde!

    I make Warcraft 3 Reforged HD custom models and I'm also an HD model reviewer.

  15. #26375
    @Ardenaso In Metzen's story, peoples relocate to other lands only after apocalyptic, doomsday event.

    - The Orcs of Draenor forcibly relocated to Azeroth after the Legion/Warlocks/Shadow Council ruined their homeworld with Fel.

    - The Humans of Stormwind relocated to Lordaeron after the Orcish Horde destroyed their kingdom in the First War.

    - The Humans of Lordaeron relocated to Theramore after the Undead Scourge and the Legion destroyed their kingdom in the Third War.

    - The High Elves relocated to Dalaran, and then Outland, after the Undead Scourge destroyed their kingdom in the Third War.

    - The Draenei of Argus relocated to Draenor after the Legion destroyed their homeworld long ago.

    As you can see, in Metzen's Story, peoples only relocate when their original homeland is truly, undeniably, and unmistakably lost.

    If the High Elves relocate to Feralas, they will do so with the Blood Elves after the Void has finished what Arthas started and completely and finally destroyed Quel'Thalas.

    Because that is how Metzen write his stories.

    "Oh we just decided one day to relocate to Feralas for literally no reason!" is how Danuser writes his stories.

  16. #26376
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    @Ardenaso In Metzen's story, peoples relocate to other lands only after apocalyptic, doomsday event.

    - The Orcs of Draenor forcibly relocated to Azeroth after the Legion/Warlocks/Shadow Council ruined their homeworld with Fel.

    - The Humans of Stormwind relocated to Lordaeron after the Orcish Horde destroyed their kingdom in the First War.

    - The Humans of Lordaeron relocated to Theramore after the Undead Scourge and the Legion destroyed their kingdom in the Third War.

    - The High Elves relocated to Dalaran, and then Outland, after the Undead Scourge destroyed their kingdom in the Third War.

    - The Draenei of Argus relocated to Draenor after the Legion destroyed their homeworld long ago.

    As you can see, in Metzen's Story, peoples only relocate when their original homeland is truly, undeniably, and unmistakably lost.

    If the High Elves relocate to Feralas, they will do so with the Blood Elves after the Void has finished what Arthas started and completely and finally destroyed Quel'Thalas.

    Because that is how Metzen write his stories.

    "Oh we just decided one day to relocate to Feralas for literally no reason!" is how Danuser writes his stories.
    no elves have any hisrotical connection to Feralas. It makes no sense. Also Blizzard is not doing perma destruction of homelands anymore considering the night elves just got a new world tree and the Forsaken are back at Tirisfal where they started.

  17. #26377
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    Quote Originally Posted by MyWholeLifeIsThunder View Post
    That's why reunification feels so unlikely to me. It's both because the anathema Void Elves are to the Sunwell, and how the political and ideological differences between Blood Elves and VE/HE just have kept on growing and solidifying through the years.

    They would need to overcome both issues for reunification to even be possible. The first one could be addressed by just getting rid of the Sunwell, the second by making all Thalassians neutral, but I don't think either or both of them are things the playerbase wants.

    I don't want elves to be neutral, I like that their ideologies have lead them to opposing factions, and as much as the faction conflict has been downplayed, the factions still exists, as well as the reasons why they align with them. At most I could see some of Quel'thalas becoming neutral and allowing elves to reside there regardless of political affiliation, but I don't think they can remove political ideology from either group at this point and pretend they are all the same.

    Completely pushing it, it could become a Dalaran like situation in Silvermoon, with a joint neutral council for all Thalassians, with factioned areas in the city. It could work, but I wouldn't personally love it. IMO Silvermoon should remain Horde.

    As for the Sunwell exploding, well, I kinda like that idea better IMO. Then we can use Quel'Danas as the neutral place for all elves regardless of faction and we get rid of the crutch that has been hindering the BE narrative for so long. But that's not true reunification because each group with remain on their factions, there would just be a place were faction doesn't matter. That's why I personally would like that the best.
    I totally missed this post, my bad.

    I think we both want to preserve whats already there and Silvermoon is still the city of the blood elves. I had the same impression of blood elf fans, that no one really super excited about being neutral, probably because there is frankly no real reason for it.

    Yes, I also believe the Sunwell is blocking further progress in many ways. Mainly for blood elves, they have been flourishing ever since. They are to safe. I mean what further upgrades could a Sunwell possibly get? I think the only way is to break it down and start over. Its the only way to propel it forward. Whats interesting is the part of the "eternal spring" that holds up because of the magic of the Sunwell. If we lose the sunwell, will the area become gray or will seasons play a role from then on?

    As of the other elves and the unification again, I mean its so vague and its all speculation what this actually means, but I am open to the idea of Quel'Danas being a future place for elves in some way. Quel'danas becoming a place for elves could be an option, far enough from the city and could hold some kind of special meaning for all the elves who died at the void invasion. That will become the one place, they can learn and mourn together for example. That can only happen if the Sunwell is gone or something happends there. If not I dont see the blood elves being very happy with that.

    Right now tho.. I can only treat this as the usual horde and alliance coming together to fight the big bad again and it just happends to be on elf lands. If midnight is over, they could all just pack up and leave, like every other moment in the game like that. Who knows.
    Last edited by Alanar; 2024-01-29 at 12:11 PM.

  18. #26378
    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    I totally missed this post, my bad.

    I think we both want to preserve whats already there and Silvermoon is still the city of the blood elves. I had the same impression of blood elf fans, that no one really super excited about being neutral, probably because there is frankly no real reason for it.

    Yes, I also believe the Sunwell is blocking further progress in many ways. Mainly for blood elves, they have been flourishing ever since. They are to safe. I mean what further upgrades could a Sunwell possibly get? I think the only way is to break it down and start over. Its the only way to propel it forward. Whats interesting is the part of the "eternal spring" that holds up because of the magic of the Sunwell. If we lose the sunwell, will the area become gray or will seasons play a role from then on?

    As of the other elves and the unification again, I mean its so vague and its all speculation what this actually means, but I am open to the idea of Quel'Danas being a future place for elves in some way. Quel'danas becoming a place for elves could be an option, far enough from the city and could hold some kind of special meaning for all the elves who died at the void invasion. That will become the one place, they can learn and mourn together for example. That can only happen if the Sunwell is gone or something happends there. If not I dont see the blood elves being very happy with that.

    Right now tho.. I can only treat this as the usual horde and alliance coming together to fight the big bad again and it just happends to be on elf lands. If midnight is over, they could all just pack up and leave, like every other moment in the game like that. Who knows.
    Who could have guessed that turning the starting zone of a core race neutral could be met with spite and anger? Crazy right?

  19. #26379
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    Yeah, that post makes no sense. The Blood Elves "reunification" already happened at the end of TBC, when the remaining Sunfury/Kael'Thas' loyalists rejoined Theron's people.

    The root problem is that the poster in question believes only the Horde should get a storyline and a new capital. Do they even know that the Alliance exists?
    In fairness it's not like the opposite hasn't been true. I do plot beats with toons on both sides but I'm not going to pretend that the writing hasn't misunderstood the main complaints about split questing in BfA to largely push mostly alliance storylines on everyone.

    Which is also why Quel'thalas being divided would be a stupid move - it's already not traditional horde content (and even with Demon Hunters it remains that belves are a slight plurality of the horde's playerbase, they've never been a majority even at Legion release; iirc before Legion Forsaken were still even or slightly above), making it a fully neutral plotline will only get people who don't play both sides and don't play elves to stop bothering with the game. The sin'dorei are still hosting, in the end, whether this leads to a council of three bows or not.

    (also I unironically dread human RP in Silvermoon; I fully expect it to be Stormwind's dregs)
    Last edited by Doreidorei; 2024-02-03 at 01:01 AM.

  20. #26380
    Quote Originally Posted by elbleuet View Post
    We shall see. But I think you're gonna be disappointed if you expect Blizzard to update Silvermoon and the rest of Quel'Thalas just for the Horde.
    I could easily see Blizzard finally putting down a more permanent settlement for the various groups of Alliance-aligned High Elves, perhaps on the fringes of Quel'thalas, which would be killing like four birds with one stone.

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