So I was in the official forums and saw a discussion about elves.
Do you agree? After all all agression usually came from high and void elves it is about time the blood elves get some slake after being the target of the traitors most of the time. Especially from Umbric and Vereesa.
What else did Totally-Not-You say?
Why no, people don't just like Sylvie for T&A:
They are Alliance faction, they can't be wrong. Its World of Alliance anyway.
Sending soldiers to the Void is a good thing, right?
Corrupting Sunwell too. Their don't need it anyway bc Alliance can't use it (they can, high elves are represented there from 2.4 patch onward, but average ally fan does not know that).
Massacre civilians? Justified bc Vereesa feels bad.
Killing any blood elf on sight? Jaina did nothing wrong, we just happy to help her to kill them. Isle of Thunder, if you remember that.
Double betrayal? If it for the sake of Alliance - its a good thing!
And so on and on.
Are you just posting your own forum screenshots on the website now?
Dude I know that you're Erevien. That is your post from the forums. You should probably not just be using a name people can very easily look up in multiple places and see that you also use Erevien alongside Grazrug.
You are now literally just cross-posting your bitching from the official forums onto here.
And if you want to continue to deny it, you speak EXACTLY the same as Erevein does on the official forums. Using the exact same phrasing when talking about Baine and Calia. Even more minor things that you've complained about only once or twice, you do so in the exact same way, such as in that thread you're posted a screenshot here where you're complaining about Aethas as well as weirdly continuing to pretend that Kael'thas was part of the Horde.
Last edited by Arlette; 2024-02-20 at 09:16 AM.
Oh I found the post I was looking for.
The one where Erevien calls Lor'themar "Bob," which nobody else has ever done besides you, 'Grazrug,' in probably a decade.
And because I am not convinced you wouldn't dishonestly go back and edit the post to remove the reference to Bob, I screenshotted the post as well:
You can stop lying at any point. In fact the more that I look at your post history on the official forums, the more its obvious you're just cross-posting your exact same threads and comments from there onto here, nothing but flamebait the entire time.
Last edited by Arlette; 2024-02-20 at 09:31 AM.
Actually, it's the Blood Elves who owe some apologies to Azeroth, for almost dooming Azeroth in TBC:
What the High Elves and Void Elves have done doesn't even begin to come close to the BS that the Blood Elves pulled in TBC, which almost resulted in the second coming of the War of the Ancients and the annihilation of all of Azeroth.
How thankful for Azeroth that an Alliance character, Prophet Velen, was there to purify the Sunwell and cleanse the corruption and filth caused by the Blood Elves.
Azeroth would truly be lost without the Alliance. Wtf would Azeroth do without the Alliance?
Oh boy
All my favorite muted users in one place
"This world don't give us nothing. It be our lot to suffer... and our duty to fight back." -Vol'jin
Elfposting is dangerous. Please consult your druid if you start making threads focusing on elves needing even more stuff
When I saw that user on the official forums I knew it was Grazrug.
Lol what. Alliance elves were hostile the moment they met the blood elves. Not being loyal to the alliance is for them deserving of Capital punishment which is a summary of silver covenant and Umbric. In return the Blood elves never initiated any bloodshed on the other thalassian elves.
Rest of the First post.
I thought everything high elves must be consolidated to the High Elf Megathread?
The Alliance gets the Horde's most popular race. The Horde should get the Alliance's most popular race in return. Alteraci Humans for the Horde!
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