1. #26461
    Quote Originally Posted by Kiria View Post
    lol I saw this thread and saw the one man army defending whether the Blood elf city will become neutral or not after the War Within, got news for you buddy you lost this one, it's blatantly obvious the city will be neutral just like the Night elven one in DF, why even bother denying it.

    I say this as someone who doesnt play the game anymore, I mostly hang out in Politics or the Video Game discussion part of the forum but seeing this level of denial made me chuckle.
    It's obvious in your delusions only. The nelf city isn't neutral, Horde can enter it but there are no services provided for them. The nelf city isn't a city, it's a settlement that was created recently, it's more of a base right now. How you people think that justifies taking an iconic Horde city and they'll make it neutral again, must come from your delusions.

  2. #26462
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiria View Post
    lol I saw this thread and saw the one man army defending whether the Blood elf city will become neutral or not after the War Within, got news for you buddy you lost this one, it's blatantly obvious the city will be neutral just like the Night elven one in DF, why even bother denying it.

    I say this as someone who doesnt play the game anymore, I mostly hang out in Politics or the Video Game discussion part of the forum but seeing this level of denial made me chuckle.
    Actually, this is rather funny because its the other way around. This thread is really bad at showcasing that, because its the same people shouting here, which are.. maybe two people. That is that one army you are talking about and those are no blood elf fans.

    I think its actually safe enough to say, most blood elf fans arent really that worried perse. Its mostly void/high elf fans looking for weird ways to make sure THEY can enter the city.
    Which shouldnt be the prio here at all.
    Last edited by Alanar; 2024-04-03 at 03:30 PM.

  3. #26463
    Brewmaster elbleuet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Evilfish View Post
    Entire iconic zone for the Horde. I think you are under the wrong idea that because you whined a lot for Alliance belfs and blizzard threw threw you a bone, you are entitled to everything and those Horde players you call Horde fanboys are 2nd class citizens. Let me put it simply for you. That is a Horde zone, it's a Horde zone where the belf race starts and establishes their identity and place in Warcraft. How you figured they are just gonna give that to you people, I'm sure I don't know, but they won't.
    Blizzard threw YOU a bone instead

    Remember when you Blood elves fanboys kept saying Alliance would never have blond haired and blue-eyed elves? Haha

    Or that Alleria would OBVIOUSLY be neutral by the time she returns ?

    Also, Dalaran was an iconic zone for the Alliance too. It didn't bother you to use it as a capital city as I recalled

    Here's what's really gonna happen. Silvermoon will get updated, so will Bloodmyst isle and the Exodar, eventually. They are not gonna rob the Horde of one of their cities, no matter how much you'd like that. The shared area will probably be the Sunwell isle, which was shared before.
    Yeah Of course it will happen like that

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Evilfish View Post
    It's obvious in your delusions only. The nelf city isn't neutral, Horde can enter it but there are no services provided for them. The nelf city isn't a city, it's a settlement that was created recently, it's more of a base right now. How you people think that justifies taking an iconic Horde city and they'll make it neutral again, must come from your delusions.

    "Gilneas yeah it's neutral for reasons and it's fair"
    "Bel'Ameth... Yeah we comitted Genocide on Night elves but here's the reason why it's neutral :"
    "Dalaran ? yeah it's neutral and it is normal for us to return after the Kirin Tor tried to emprison us"

    Double standards.
    "If you want to play alongside High and Void elves, the Alliance is waiting for you"

  4. #26464
    Quote Originally Posted by elbleuet View Post
    Blizzard threw YOU a bone instead

    Remember when you Blood elves fanboys kept saying Alliance would never have blond haired and blue-eyed elves? Haha

    Or that Alleria would OBVIOUSLY be neutral by the time she returns ?

    Also, Dalaran was an iconic zone for the Alliance too. It didn't bother you to use it as a capital city as I recalled

    Yeah Of course it will happen like that
    I remember saying a long time ago, I think thread I think, look it up, that you people, the ones who have a boner for robbing the Horde of belfs will never stop demanding crap. I said it before velfs. I said if you give them the model as they want it they'll ask for more and more, eventually they will ask for Silvermoon and after that demand the Horde be kicked out of it. And here we are, with you pretending they'll give you Silvermoon cause what was your logic? That a visual upgrade is too good for us Horde fanboys and obviously by this reply that you get everything you demand. But what you demand has become very unreasonable and because Blizzard gave you what you asked for in the past you imagine you get to demand anything.

    And again, Gilneas isn't a faction city no more than Kezan is. You want equal standards, fine, make Kezan a neutral zone. Oh wait, it's not even in the world. Also feel free to ask Blizzard to creat a new city for the Forsaken which on the subject of double standards, don't have a city or even a settlement like blahblahnefl and let the Alliance walk in it. Dalaran was also not an Alliance city. It was part of the Lordaeron Alliance which is long gone. Silvermoon is Horde, it has been Horde since the start of the game. So I have no idea what double standards you are talking about. It's those delusions again, I believe.
    Last edited by Evilfish; 2024-04-03 at 03:34 PM.

  5. #26465
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    Quote Originally Posted by elbleuet View Post
    Blizzard threw YOU a bone instead

    Remember when you Blood elves fanboys kept saying Alliance would never have blond haired and blue-eyed elves? Haha
    And this is the reason people dont like void elf fans.

    You should have seen the forums at the time when this happends. Its this exact jelly behaviour, which you show now here. The "ha ha" describes exactly what those fans were and are about. The funny part is that void elves will always be the secondhand high elves, so you still lost.

  6. #26466
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    And this is the reason people dont like void elf fans.

    You should have seen the forums at the time when this happends. Its this exact jelly behaviour, which you show now here. The "ha ha" describes exactly what those fans were and are about. The funny part is that void elves will always be the secondhand high elves, so you still lost.
    You were just proved wrong by Blizzard after all those years and that's it.
    "If you want to play alongside High and Void elves, the Alliance is waiting for you"

  7. #26467
    The redesigned Silvermoon will likely go the Suramar route in that most of it will be an adventuring area with hostile mobs. Maybe a portion of it will be cordoned to serve as a hub, neutral or otherwise, or we will evacuate the sin'dorei to a crapsack camp outside the city.

    As for what will happen to Silvermoon in-lore by the end of Midnight... That's really all up in the air. Maybe Horde will retake it. Maybe Alliance carves out a foothold of their own. Maybe the Void beats us and no one gets to have the cake. But I'm fairly confident that in-game the city will remain in an arrested state with patched-in features as they come, Suramar-style.

    The original zones aren't going anywhere, they'll be one Zidormi finger snap away if you want to visit them.
    Now you see it. Now you don't.

    But was where Dalaran?

  8. #26468
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    Quote Originally Posted by elbleuet View Post
    You were just proved wrong by Blizzard after all those years and that's it.
    You were proved? Not sure what you are saying, but its likely a no. Also because the actual real high elves in blood elves had exactly if not better the same costomization options. So still void elves lost in the end.

    basically you are admitting here how I described void/high elf fans. Which you are part of as it shows here. Disgusting.
    Last edited by Alanar; 2024-04-03 at 03:51 PM.

  9. #26469
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    Quote Originally Posted by Evilfish View Post
    I remember saying a long time ago, I think thread I think, look it up, that you people, the ones who have a boner for robbing the Horde of belfs will never stop demanding crap. I said it before velfs. I said if you give them the model as they want it they'll ask for more and more, eventually they will ask for Silvermoon and after that demand the Horde be kicked out of it. And here we are, with you pretending they'll give you Silvermoon cause what was your logic? That a visual upgrade is too good for us Horde fanboys and obviously by this reply that you get everything you demand. But what you demand has become very unreasonable and because Blizzard gave you what you asked for in the past you imagine you get to demand anything.

    And again, Gilneas isn't a faction city no more than Kezan is. You want equal standards, fine, make Kezan a neutral zone. Oh wait, it's not even in the world. Also feel free to ask Blizzard to creat a new city for the Forsaken which on the subject of double standards, don't have a city or even a settlement like blahblahnefl and let the Alliance walk in it. Dalaran was also not an Alliance city. It was part of the Lordaeron Alliance which is long gone. Silvermoon is Horde, it has been Horde since the start of the game. So I have no idea what double standards you are talking about. It's those delusions again, I believe.
    1) No one cares about Kezan (for real)
    2) High elves were always an Alliance race even if Silvermoon left by the time of the 2nd war. In Vanilla, they were in Theramore, Stormwind, the Hinterlands, the Plaguelands etc ... Long before Horde blood elves were a thing
    3) Dalaran returned to the Alliance in MoP.

    And of course, as an Alliance Thalassian elf, I can't wait to return to neutral Silvermoon because, lorewise, it is my homeland too and I can't wait to defend it.
    "If you want to play alongside High and Void elves, the Alliance is waiting for you"

  10. #26470
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zuben View Post
    The redesigned Silvermoon will likely go the Suramar route in that most of it will be an adventuring area with hostile mobs. Maybe a portion of it will be cordoned to serve as a hub, neutral or otherwise, or we will evacuate the sin'dorei to a crapsack camp outside the city.

    As for what will happen to Silvermoon in-lore by the end of Midnight... That's really all up in the air. Maybe Horde will retake it. Maybe Alliance carves out a foothold of their own. Maybe the Void beats us and no one gets to have the cake. But I'm fairly confident that in-game the city will remain in an arrested state with patched-in features as they come, Suramar-style.

    The original zones aren't going anywhere, they'll be one Zidormi finger snap away if you want to visit them.
    Its not even sure if we can say "retake" for as far as we know, nothing changes to the way the city works for the horde/blood elf. The outside skirts and areas are most likely turned into quests areas as you said. For the city itself idk.. maybe the sunwell gets blasted, but the majority of why there is conflict there, will most likely be on quel'danas and outskirts. There is no hint or anything that this will take place directly IN the city or what ever.

  11. #26471
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    Oh and just for clarification, I don't demand the Horde to be expelled from Quel'Thalas. It is their home too and it would make no sense. I just want my elf to be allowed to return to his homeland and by Midnight the dream will come true
    "If you want to play alongside High and Void elves, the Alliance is waiting for you"

  12. #26472
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    Quote Originally Posted by elbleuet View Post
    1) No one cares about Kezan (for real)
    2) High elves were always an Alliance race even if Silvermoon left by the time of the 2nd war. In Vanilla, they were in Theramore, Stormwind, the Hinterlands, the Plaguelands etc ... Long before Horde blood elves were a thing
    3) Dalaran returned to the Alliance in MoP.

    And of course, as an Alliance Thalassian elf, I can't wait to return to neutral Silvermoon because, lorewise, it is my homeland too and I can't wait to defend it.
    1: wrong, I know people who care, including myself.
    2: wrong, they only had a temporary truce, were never formally alliance. The actual high elves who renamed themselves are the one you play called blood elf.
    3: who the f cares? The ones who disnt rename themselves of their fallen bretheren are traitors lol, same as how void elf are traitors.

    So it comes down to, you rather defend fake high elves, then the actual real ones who still live there. I mean..thats a weird one.
    Last edited by Alanar; 2024-04-03 at 03:49 PM.

  13. #26473
    Quote Originally Posted by elbleuet View Post
    1) No one cares about Kezan (for real)
    2) High elves were always an Alliance race even if Silvermoon left by the time of the 2nd war. In Vanilla, they were in Theramore, Stormwind, the Hinterlands, the Plaguelands etc ... Long before Horde blood elves were a thing
    3) Dalaran returned to the Alliance in MoP.

    And of course, as an Alliance Thalassian elf, I can't wait to return to neutral Silvermoon because, lorewise, it is my homeland too and I can't wait to defend it.
    I know you don't. You care about ripping off the belfs piece by piece. But the fact is, if you want to make an argument based on fairness, you bring up Gilneas, you bring up Kezan automatically.

    And Blood Elves are Horde. They have been Horde since they were added. It's not anyone's problem that you can't deal with it. And the fact that you got cheeky after Blizzard decided to take pity on you and give you a belf knockoff they pulled out of their rears, speaks volumes about what kind of people we are dealing with.

    And I think you are gonna be very disappointed the closer we get to that expansion. The reasons you built your fantasy on are unreasonable.

  14. #26474
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    Quote Originally Posted by Evilfish View Post
    I know you don't. You care about ripping off the belfs piece by piece. But the fact is, if you want to make an argument based on fairness, you bring up Gilneas, you bring up Kezan automatically.

    And Blood Elves are Horde. They have been Horde since they were added. It's not anyone's problem that you can't deal with it. And the fact that you got cheeky after Blizzard decided to take pity on you and give you a belf knockoff they pulled out of their rears, speaks volumes about what kind of people we are dealing with.

    And I think you are gonna be very disappointed the closer we get to that expansion. The reasons you built your fantasy on are unreasonable.
    It does speak volume. He also has no idea what hes saying appearntly.

    I completely understand how the community looks down on void elf fans, who dont even want something unique for themselves, but rather take Silvermoon. Its very telling. Void elves will always be that asspull knockoff purely excisting cus of whiners who were jelly cus of the real high/blood elves.

  15. #26475
    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    Its not even sure if we can say "retake" for as far as we know, nothing changes to the way the city works for the horde/blood elf. The outside skirts and areas are most likely turned into quests areas as you said. For the city itself idk.. maybe the sunwell gets blasted, but the majority of why there is conflict there, will most likely be on quel'danas and outskirts. There is no hint or anything that this will take place directly IN the city or what ever.
    You're correct, I'm merely making assumptions based on how popular Suramar was. A sin'dorei version of that experience would be awesome.
    Now you see it. Now you don't.

    But was where Dalaran?

  16. #26476
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zuben View Post
    You're correct, I'm merely making assumptions based on how popular Suramar was. A sin'dorei version of that experience would be awesome.
    Yes, I agree that would be awesome to see. Suramar was wonderfully done and very lively imo. I am just expecting that Silvermoon will be like the nighthold, available for the horde, but not available for the alliance. All other areas will mostl likely be questing/phase areas. Thats my assumption.

    We have like one sentence of chris metzen were everything is based apon. My guess or your guess is as good as any one else in this case. I see some claim this and that will happen.. its kind of hilarious with the info we have.

    Best thing would be to leave this topic in the fridge untill we know more, because these discussion feel kinda pointless most of the time.
    Last edited by Alanar; 2024-04-03 at 04:24 PM.

  17. #26477
    Quote Originally Posted by elbleuet View Post
    Oh and just for clarification, I don't demand the Horde to be expelled from Quel'Thalas. It is their home too and it would make no sense. I just want my elf to be allowed to return to his homeland and by Midnight the dream will come true
    You people got the belf model, you demanded more, you got the belf customizations, now you are demanding the belf city be turned neutral. If you were gonna get your way, which you won't, that's the next thing you'll demand.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Zuben View Post
    You're correct, I'm merely making assumptions based on how popular Suramar was. A sin'dorei version of that experience would be awesome.
    Popular or not, that place is forgotten. It means nothing now. It's not a faction city, even if it should have been, but it's not. I'd rather they just update the traditional belf city and save some other city for the Suramar experience.

  18. #26478
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    Quote Originally Posted by Evilfish View Post
    You people got the belf model, you demanded more, you got the belf customizations, now you are demanding the belf city be turned neutral. If you were gonna get your way, which you won't, that's the next thing you'll demand.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Popular or not, that place is forgotten. It means nothing now. It's not a faction city, even if it should have been, but it's not. I'd rather they just update the traditional belf city and save some other city for the Suramar experience.
    That suramar take will work just fine. The city itself doesnt neeed to be fully part of it. Just like how the nighthold was mostly blocked off. The other areas arround it, could be used for that. And yes, it doesnt need to end like Suramar, but the whole campaign and the way it worked is not bad.

    The whole void threat, will most likely focus on the sunwell, which is not even part of the main city. Its literally on a other island.

  19. #26479
    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    That suramar take will work just fine. The city itself doesnt neeed to be fully part of it. Just like how the nighthold was mostly blocked off. The other areas arround it, could be used for that. And yes, it doesnt need to end like Suramar, but the whole campaign and the way it worked is not bad.

    The whole void threat, will most likely focus on the sunwell, which is not even part of the main city. Its literally on a other island.
    Yes, the same it was in TBC. Sunwell Isle was neutral. Why these people concluded Silvermoon was gonna become neutral is beyond me.

  20. #26480
    I think it's fair to say Bob would consider help from Alliance elves when Void is invading his domain. It wouldn't be limited to only Quel'danas, since Void is aware how dangerous Horde and Alliance can be. It's underlined in Xal'atath's Blizzcon description. So while corrupting the Sunwell is the primary objective, pushing the sin'dorei out of the adjacent zones makes sense too.

    But let's ignore that and say Horde got Silvermoon all to itself, as a hub city. What would be a proper equivalent for the Alliance? Exodar? Makes no sense to make use of draenei stuff from the other side of the globe. Their only link is TBC, otherwise there is no special bond between them. Zul'Aman? Would fit the Horde, but for the Alliance it would just be weird. Some crapsack settlement? Wouldn't be equivalent.

    Then for optics. Alliance has allowed Horde under their roof in the past when it's been against a common enemy. Vindicaar, Bel'ameth, Gilneas. These are campaign-tied examples. Temporarily neutral. That would fit Silvermoon as well.

    Though I have a feeling Alliance elves, having a personal connection to Quel'thalas, would require a bit more than a simple thanks & goodbye. As I said, what comes by the conclusion of Midnight is all up in the air. I don't think Alliance would be openly welcomed to sin'dorei's domain, but we'll see.

    I think a Suramar-esque expanded & overhauled Silvermoon is plausible and a sensible use of resources. In that scenario I would cordon a section of the city to serve as a hub for both factions. Provided that the expanded city is large enough, there could even be two cordoned off sections so that both factions get their own, but I feel neutral is the way to go here. I don't mind having to suffer Alliance heroes if I get to see my favorite zones realized closer to what they ought to be.
    Now you see it. Now you don't.

    But was where Dalaran?

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