"If you want to play alongside High and Void elves, the Alliance is waiting for you"
1. Gameplay reasons only. We are talked that being mear shield is good, so we should fuck off. And we did. Expect this with Midnight too.
2. Last time i checked - Void elves are betrayers of their race and are direct threat to entire nation. So nope, after your betrayal - Quel'thalas is not your home anymore. People>land after all. Your home is that void rock right in a middle of nowhere. It was your birthplace, maybe. But not your home.
This is exactly how it works. You just pack up and leave, like all other situations.
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It is not anymore as I have explained to you now several times and honestly there should be no confusion about this. It's simply canon.
The elves who became Void elves are official traitors by leaving the horde and joining the alliance. They are also a danger to the Sunwell and Quel'thalas as a whole.
After the battle, Lor'themar dismissed Rommath's attempt to have Alleria seized as a saboteur, but banished her on the grounds that her presence posed a direct threat to Quel'Thalas.
Last edited by Alanar; 2024-04-04 at 08:38 PM.
Last time I checked Blood elves were welcomed back to an Alliance kingdom after they helped it.
I didn't see any Horde protests ? It's only the case when it concerns Horde cities ?
Also blood/void elves relations seems to have improved sinces Alleria was invited to Lor'Themar Theron's wedding as you generally don't invite someone you consider a traitor to your nation knowing how patriotic Lor'Themar is.
You will not avoid a neutral Silvermoon anyways. It will be a nice feature for both sides.
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Yea it is. It's the nation of High, blood and Void elves who sided with the Alliance.
"If you want to play alongside High and Void elves, the Alliance is waiting for you"
The situation is different from Gilneas in that the Void invasion in Quel'Thalas isn't a one-and-done like it was with the Scarlet squatters in Gilneas, but an expansion-spanning storyline. Fact of the matter is that both factions need a hub, and if the war against the Void will be a joint-operation there will be a common hub so that the leadership can strategize in one place. Meaning Silvermoon (or whatever the hub will be in case the whole city is initially lost to the Void) will host the Alliance for the duration of the expansion. And that's permanent from gameplay perspective, since the zones will be locked to 12.0 and patch content like Suramar is. In-lore Alliance might leave or settle with an embassy, but that's largely irrelevant imo.
If Blizz chooses to separate the factions then Exodar might make sense, but I see no reason why they wouldn't do a joint-operation now that Horde and Alliance aren't at each others' throats. Outside of faction war stories like in Cata, MoP and BFA, we've typically joined together under one roof (WoD being the only exception, which was right after Garrosh's war had ended). Bob in particular has been through introspection regarding animosity towards the Alliance, so it would be in his character to accept Alliance help against a universal enemy like the Void.
Now, we don't yet know what kind of story beats TWW will have. Could just as well happen that Xal'atath manages to scheme the factions back to war with each other. In that case Midnight wouldn't have a shared hub. Although.. considering Quel'Thalas is the expansion area, that would mean Alliance's presence there would be hostile encroachment. Any kind of talk about "elven unification" or making a stand against the Shadow with forces of the Light would be a weird sell in such situation, yet that's how Metzen phrased it.
Who are all traitors to the kingdom Bob is currently the regent of. Their claim to their homeland is sentimental rather than legitimate, though with the Void at the doorstep there is room for negotiation.
Last edited by Zuben; 2024-04-04 at 09:26 PM.
Now you see it. Now you don't.
But was where Dalaran?
You don't see cause you don't want to see. It wasn't just Horde but people in general annoyed with the neutrality crap. The Horde players feel like they have no justification to be in the elf or worgen cities and they are right.
Blood elf and void elf relations have not improved. They are the least welcome creatures in elf lands due to them being weird void bombs. You pulled that out of your rear. Second, Alleria isn't officially a traitor, unlike Umbric and his bunch who have deliberately defied the rules of the Belfs. So again, more ass pulling from you.
And whatever, cope as hard as you want. That city isn't gonna be neutral.
The wedding wasnt even in quel'thalas, nor is it of any importance or relevent. It was about you claiming quel'thalas is their home, which it isnt. It was about that and that is still the case and canon.
No, again, none of what you said about Silvermoon becoming neutral is confirmed. Its impossible to claim that right now with the info we have. Its also really not about avoding it lol, its simply not even close to be the case as in facts. So, truth of the matter is; no, Elbluet you need to stop spreading incorrect information.
Last edited by Alanar; 2024-04-05 at 11:00 AM.
Elbluet you are really clueless here and you are shouting random things. You dont read what I explained to you and you simply ignore canon lore. You dont know what you are talking about.
There is nothing on the table that is debatable right now.
You are simply speculating in the wildest form, which feels really pointless.
See what? Look, I know you are full of crap. You harp on about being a velf, cringe, but whatever, you are lying. You are the same type of Alliance helf wannabe, which isn't happening. You people are like a sickness in this game. You want to ruin two races.
Velfs were an asspull, by far, a compromise to the helfs that were never gonna happen. The belf customization options were another compromise, if you can call it such cause I didn't see the belfs getting much aside a beard. Now you want their city as well. So don't give me that velf crap. if you gave a toss about velfs you'd be begging Blizzard to develop them as an independent race, so they seem less of an asspull, you'd be asking Blizzard to build a city for them, for them to unveil their culture, instead you are trying to steal the belf city.
Two races have to be wrecked to please your types and that is unreasonable. So ok, let's just see if Blizzard loves you that much.
It would be interesting to see what kind of city void elves would create. Considering they are elves with heavy Void emphasis, there's a danger of overblowing it, much like how Forsaken buildings in Wrath were otherwise cool but a bit too Burton-esque to be taken seriously. Then again, are there even architects and construction workers among void elves? Each of them took on a great permanent burden when they sought out the Void, so it's always weird to see void elves who don't capitalize on that.
So I think the most credible ren'dorei city would actually be something that another sub-faction within the Alliance (high elves?) built for them. Or one they somehow conjured into existence with Void powers.
Now you see it. Now you don't.
But was where Dalaran?
I think its a good point.. there are barely any void elves to begin with, so who is building that?
High elves are pretty much a lost cause, because they are both in the horde and alliance. The void elves could try to go to dalaran to ask for some support, ( idk how the relation is with the silver covenant for example) but ye thats about it. Its hard to tell since void elves never really interacted with their allies and they are this race that clashses with other races in their faction. Lf dreanei and kaldorei to name a few.
I dont think there are many good lore options for them unless they get developed. For now they could simply add some more props on that void rock. The problem still is they are a asspull and that they are always leaning on to blood elves/high elf lore. Instead they need to have their own thing to push them forward if you ever want to make them interesting. Living in the shadow of the blood elves doesnt help them.
Last edited by Alanar; 2024-04-05 at 03:17 PM.
I have to ask why this thread still gets pushed when high elves are now actually playable.
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If they didn't make them change sides in MoP they won't do it now. No need to feed the delusions on here. I swear this comes up every year at least once. Also Gilneas is not neutral since Horde can't use the Hearthstone or vendors.
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No it won't. Blizzard literally never did this before.
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Void is even worse then Fel and Umbric's followers literally baptized in it.
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After liberating Orgrimmar the Alliance left. Same will happen in Midnight.
I think we have to face facts and accept that it's highly likely that Silvermoon will be going neutral in Midnight. I don't really like it, but at the same of it being neutral...it also means that it won't ever just be for the Alliance.
We also have to factor in a lot of Blood Elf stuff and what will happen on their side. I think people like Elbleuet secretly hope the Blood Elves are forgotten in Midnight and it's just a Void Elf/High Elf focus; but that won't happen. Scattered Elven Tribes doesn't just means those of the Alliance and anyone who thinks that is an idiot. We have the Scryers, Illidari, Dalaran Sunreavers, the Darkfallen (The Horde Darkfallen are more important and integral to the Undead narrative)...and the Illidari is something that the Alliance Thalassians don't have.
So, enough with the "It won't be shared." It's highly like that it will.
Also, enough with the mere thoughts that Blood Elves will be ignored. That will not happen...Midnight is going to be a centre stage for the Sin'dorei.
It's simply impossible to get to conclusions at this point. We have no further info on any of this Tanaria. It all falls under speculation.
We got to have to wait for TWW and any changes going behind the scenes going to into Midnight. We will have more context to discuss.
I mean, If it's the case eventually we all will and accept/ face the truth, but so far we have one line of info, which doesn't cover this specific topic.
Like you said, we have many elf like factions/subfactions that could all matter to this reunification. Right now it's vague at best.
Personally I rather not jump to anything yet, unless it's confirmed.
Last edited by Alanar; 2024-04-05 at 04:10 PM.